EARLE, Anna E., born 22 Sep 1922 to mother Mary Arnold.
EARLE, John E., born 10 May 1925 to mother Mary Arnold.
EARLE, Pearly M., born 13 Jun 1923 to mother Minnie Woodwausie.
EARLES, Ralph E., born 8 Sep 1926 to mother Minnie Johnson.
EARLES, Russell, born 16 Jul 1921 to mother Minnie Woodmanson.
EARLES, William O., born 25 Mar 1916 to mother Laura Frakes.
EARLS, Helen, born 1 Jan 1919 to mother Minnie Johnson.
EARLS, Henry, born 10 Jan 1925 to mother Minnie Woodmenser.
EARLS, Herbert H., born 3 Oct 1928 to mother Minnie Johnson.
EARLS, John, born 4 Aug 1920 to mother Minnie Johnson.
EARLS, Kenneth E., born 11 Aug 1930 to mother Minnie Johnson.
EARNEST, Roy T., born 14 Sep 1920 to mother Flora Nicholson.

ECKARD, Elizabeth S., born 5 Nov 1924 to mother Lilian Doddridge.
ECKARD, Evelyn R., born 27 Sep 1923 to mother Lilian Dodridge.
ECKARD, Wilson D., born 8 Dec 1926 to mother Lilian Dodridge.
ECKERT, Edward M., born 14 Sep 1921 to mother Lillian Vater.
ECKERT, Ernest E., born 4 Jan 1916 to mother Myrtle Whitacre.
ECKERT, Gertrude E., born 29 Oct 1918 to mother Lucy Kwaak.
ECKERT, Harold J., born 13 Jul 1928 to mother Lillian Doddridge.
ECKERT, Mary E., born 31 Mar 1929 to mother Anna Hogle.
ECKERT, William L., born 29 Jun 1917 to mother Leona Wilson.
ECKESH, Gladys L., born 3 Feb 1927 to mother Anna Hogle.
ECKLAR, female child, born Nov 1910, parents Mr. & Mrs.
John Ecklar.
ECKLAR, Chisten E., born 22 Mar 1915 to mother Goldie Winkle.
ECKLAR, Grover, born 16 Jul 1917 to mother Minnie Johns.
ECKLER, Frances L., born 31 Aug 1916 to mother Emma Moore.
ECKLER, Milton E., born 2 Jul 1882.

EDWARDS, Albert N., born 30 Mar 1880.
EDWARDS, Carl W., born 15 Dec 1919 to mother Helen Tipton.
EDWARDS, Dora M., born 3 May 1918 to mother Helen Tipton.
EDWARDS, Harry W., born 31 Mar 1912 to mother Sarah Elliott.
EDWARDS, John A., born 11 May 1919 to mother Sarah Elliott.
EDWARDS, Lloyd N., born 27 Nov 1902 to mother Ida Price. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #203 48170.)
EDWARDS, Martha E., born 14 Jan 1916 to mother Sarah Elliott.
EDWARDS, Vernon S., born 22 May 1911 to mother Jeeeye Parnish.

EIBECK, Albert H., born 2 Oct 1926 to mother Ida Morris.
EIBECK, Julia, born 31 Jan 1910 to mother Julia Bradley. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #246 49903.)
EIBECK, Walter E., born 18 Dec 1924 to mother Ida Morris.
EIBECK, William, born 26 Jan 1916 to mother Julia Brodley.
EIBICK, Charles, born 14 Jun 1912 to mother Julia Bradley.

ELAM, Anna F., born 19 Jun 1915 to mother Sarah Williams.
ELAM, Clinton, born 21 Oct 1928 to mother Ida Owens.
ELAM, Irene, born 1 Jan 1927 to mother Ida Owens.
ELATER, Stanley R., born 1 Apr 1911 to mother Lucy Ashcraft.
ELBERT, Agnes M., born 19 Aug 1913 to mother Marie Junewelds.
ELDER, Jas V., born 11 Feb 1927 to mother Beatrice Elder.
ELICK, Mark G., born 27 Sep 1912 to mother Sarva Obraceuth.
ELLERY, Paul E., born 12 Sep 1929 to mother Viola Elliott.
ELLIOSN, Esehes E., born 13 Jul 1923 to mother Carrie Nolan.
ELLIOT, Helen R., born 19 Dec 1927 to mother Audrey Mann.
ELLIOTT, male child of J., born 3 May 1921 to mother Dessie England.
ELLIOTT, Alvin R., born 8 Nov 1915 to mother Annie Hightower.
ELLIOTT, Anna M., born 9 May 1904 to mother Lucy King. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #220 48852.)
ELLIOTT, Boyd Foster, born 21 May 1899.
ELLIOTT, Carl, born 9 Jul 1911 to mother Caroline Wilson.
ELLIOTT, Carry D., born 15 Dec 1921 to mother Marry Willoughby.
ELLIOTT, Charles B., born 15 Dec 1913 to mother Clara Massey,
father Seymore Elliott.
ELLIOTT, Early K. born 8 Feb 1909 to mother Martha Cummins. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #235 49478.)
ELLIOTT, Elizabeth R., born 29 Sep 1916 to mother Mollie Rainey.
ELLIOTT, Ernest, born 6 Jun 1916 to mother Dissie England.
ELLIOTT, Ernest C., born 16 Aug 1919 to mother Dessie England.
ELLIOTT, Frances E., born 1 May 1914 to mother Callie Wilson.
ELLIOTT, Geneva C., born 10 Jun 1922 to mother Mollie Rainey.
ELLIOTT, George J., born 3 Apr 1911 to mother Dessie England.
ELLIOTT, Grace F., born 24 Dec 1916 to mother Anna Hightower.
ELLIOTT, Howard M., born 4 Dec 1914 to mother Dessie England.
ELLIOTT, Imogene, born 22 May 1910 to mother Martha
Glenn. (Delayed Birth Certificate #172 46920.)
ELLIOTT, James A., born 17 Dec 1912 to mother Bessie England.
ELLIOTT, Juanita Marie, born 6 Jun 1929 to mother Hildreth England.
ELLIOTT, Juanita R., born 22 Jan 1920 to mother Leora Gardner.
ELLIOTT, Kenneth L., born 7 Mar 1924 to mother Shirley Brown.
ELLIOTT, Lloyd A., born 13 Mar 1928 to mother Sherlie Brown.
ELLIOTT, Matthew F., born 7 Oct 1911 to mother Clara Massey.
ELLIOTT, Ralph, born 7 Feb 1930 to mother Jessie Cookendoffes.
ELLIOTT, Richard L., born 22 Nov 1923 to mother Jessie Pookworfer.
ELLIOTT, Robert B., born 30 Jun 1911 to mother Rosa Frazier.
ELLIOTT, Robert R., born 14 Jan 1930 to mother Audrey Mann.
ELLIOTT, Russell L., born 18 Jun 1907 to mother Martha
Cummins. (Delayed Birth Certificate #235 49478.)
ELLIOTT, Walter, born 26 Aug 1925 to mother jessie Cookendorfer.
ELLIOTT, Walter l., born 6 Jan 1919 to mother Anna Hightower.
ELLIOTT, Winfred E., born 14 Sep 1914 to mother Anna Hightower.
ELLIS, female child of E., born 16 Sep 1914 to mother Mary Rich.
ELLIS, male child of Nicholas, born 10 Mar 1911 to mother Mary Rich.
ELLIS, Ausburn Marion, born 7 Apr 1875.
ELLIS, Marvin R., born 7 Oct 1923 to mother Nellie Johnson.
ELLIS, Sallie E., born 4 Sep 1912 to mother Mary Rich.
ELLISON, Emery E., born 12 Mar 1928 to mother Emma Simpson.
ELMINGER, female child of H., born 27 Feb 1919 to mother Ruth Hightown.
ELROD, Alton E., born 19 Aug 1928 to unknown Pugh.
ELROD, Genevera A., born 6 Mar 1912 to mother Emma Johnson.
ELROD, Paul E., born 11 Apr 1916 to mother Emma Johnson.
ELROD, Thelma D., born 15 Apr 1914 to mother Emma Johnson.

EMERICH, Carrie M., born 16 May 1917 to mother Sarah Hopper.
EMERICK, Buddy, born 22 Oct 1919 to mother Sarah Hopper.
EMERICK, Lawrence W., born 5 May 1921 to mother Sarah Hopper.
EMINGER, Margaret F., born 27 Jan 1920 to mother Marie Heisel.
EMMGER, Irene C., born 9 Nov 1914 to mother Mary Stoll.
EMMINGER, male child of William, born 9 Nov 1912 to mother Mary Stoll.
EMMINGER, Augustus Charles, born 13 Sep 1893.
EMMINGER, Bertha A., born 21 Feb 1927 to mother Catherine Dittelberger.
EMMINGER, Charles W., born 28 Jul 1922 to mother Katie Dettleberger.
EMMINGER, Donna J., born 9 Nov 1930 to mother Marguerite Heisel.
EMMINGER, Geo. A., born 9 Jan 1917 to mother Mary Stoll.*
EMMINGER, Mary C., born 1 Nov 1925 to mother Catherine Diddleberger.
EMMINGER, Norma L., born 29 Mar 1921 to mother Margaret Heisel.
EMMINGER, Rose A., born 2 Jan 1921 to mother Katherine Emminger.
EMMINGER, Wilma L., born 30 Jan 1927 to mother Girtie Bower.

ENEMERGER, George F., born 20 Oct 1923 to mother Kate Dittleberger.*
ENGLAND, Charles E., born 1 May 1926 to mother Elizabeth Goldsberry.
ENGLAND, Donald W., born 22 Jul 1923 to mother Viola Teegarden.
ENGLAND, George, born 26 Feb 1918 to mother Cora Neal.
ENGLAND, Gladys E., born 17 Jun 1924 to mother Florence Neal.
ENGLAND, James L., born 4 Sep 1921 to mother Carrie Neal.
ENGLAND, Shelby L., born 15 Feb 1926 to mother Cora Neal.
ENGLISH, Robert H., born 14 Dec 1927 to mother Anne Strout.
ENGLISH, Rosella, born 25 Aug 1918 to mother Rachel Miller.
ENGLISH, Rosella E., born 13 Aug 1930 t omother Anna Stanford.

ERVIN, Harold W., born 19 Oct 1917 to mother Erma Caldwell.
ERVIN, Harry B., born 20 Aug 1915 to mother Erma Caldwell.
ERVIN, John R., born 13 Aug 1922 to mother Erma Caldwell.
ERVIN, Letta I., born 19 May 1920 to mother Erma Caldwell.
ERVIN, Loretta L., born 16 Apr 1913 to mother Erma Caldwell.

ESBMAN, Viola M., born 29 Dec 1924 to mother Agness Klasing.
ESHMAN, Augustus Edward, born 9 Jun 1894.
ESHMAN, Beulah E., born 25 Nov 1922 to mother Agnes Klasing.
ESHMAN, Ruby M., born 8 May 1929 to mother Agnes Klasing.
ESHMAN, Virginia L., born 30 May 1928 to mother Hysel Pangburn.
ESHMAN, William E., born 25 Feb 1919 to mother Salina Williams.
ESLEMAN, Edith R., born 17 Apr 1920 to mother Agness Klasing.
ESLMAN, George H., born 1 Mar 1927 to mother Agnes Klasing.
ESLMAN, Yvelta M., born 22 Jul 1920 to mother Hysel Pangburn.
ESTRIDGE, Andrew, born 5 Mar 1896.
ESTRIDGE, Beulah, born 28 Nov 1915 to mother Sudie Hammon.
ESTRIDGE, Bige, born 20 Oct 1888.
ESTRIDGE, Calvin L., born 7 Nov 1920 to mother Rosa Tinch.
ESTRIDGE, Golda M., born 24 Sep 1918 to mother Edna Fowler.
ESTRIDGE, Helen V., born 5 May 1922 to mother Mattie Holcomb.
ESTRIDGE, Lena M., born 5 Apr 1919 to mother Mattie Halcomb.
ESTRIDGE, Luther, born 15 Jun 1920 to mother Edna Halcomb.
ESTRIDGE, Nellie M., born 10 Mar 1920 to mtoehr Edna Fowler.
ESTRIDGES, Robert L., born 1 May 1919 to mother Susie Hammond.

EUBANKS, Edna E., born 4 May 1914 to mother Ethel Shaw.
EURMINGER, Alma L., born 8 Mar 1927 to mother Margurite Helah.

EVANS, Charles R., born 22 Nov 1928 to mother Bertie Clemons.
EVANS, Elizabeth, born 15 Jul 1917 to mother Reba Jones.
EVANS, Esther R., born 14 Jul 1917 to mother Mary Robinson.
EVANS, Floyd M., born 6 Dec 1930 to mother Bertie Clemons.
EVANS, Grant, born 19 Jul 1927 to mother Alice Bowling.
EVANS, Mary E., born 20 Jul 1927 to mother Bertie Clemons.
EVERISINGER, Carl W., born 22 Dec 1924 to mother Sarah Bonar.

EWING, Ailene F., born 23 Sep 1912 to mother Adin Gulick.
EWING, Charles H., born 12 Jan 1916 to mother Iris Ewing.
EWING, Edgar M., born 20 Sep 1910 to mother Jennie Garrett. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #165 46657.)
EWING, Emma Mildred, born 17 Apr 1912 to mother Iris Cornelius.
EWING, Mary E., born 24 Jul 1909 to mother Mamie Harris. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #256 50311.)
EWING, Norma J., born 1 Nov 1914 to mother Mamie Harris.
EWIS, Biaian L., born 27 Nov 1921 to mother Mary Scully.**
EWIS, Binian L., born 27 Nov 1921 to mother Mary Scully.**
EWIS, Bivian L., born 27 Nov 1921 to mother Mary Scully.**

*There were two entries in the birth index and two birth certificates issued - one is a correction to the original, erroneous record.
**There were three entries in the birth index and three birth certificates issued - two were a correction to the original, erroneous record.