LACEY, Aleeine, born 8 Nov 1917 to mother Stella Hampton.
LACH, Hazel M., born 1 May 1929 to mtoher Alma Ernst.
LACH, Paul L., born 26 Oct 1921 to mother Alma Ernst.
LACH, Raymond J., born 31 Mar 1923 to mother Alma Ernst.
LAFALLETH, Carlos I., born 29 Mar 1915 to mother Rosa Cummins.
LAFFERTY, male child of W., born 29 May 1917 to mother Mary Lerring.
LAFOLLETT, Mary B., born 27 Nov 1912 to mother Resa Cummins.
LAFOLLETTE, male child, born Aug 1910, parents Mr. &
Mrs. Charles Lafollette.
LAFOLLETTE, Charles C., born 14 Jun 1920 to mother Roise Cummins.
LAFOLLETTE, Christine, born 29 Jun 1914 to mother Cassie Frasier.
LAFOLLETTE, Eula M., born 11 Dec 1929 to mother Rose Cummins.
LAFOLLETTE, Hazel M., born 5 Dec 1919 to mother Julia Sharon.
LAFOLLETTE, Irine, born 29 Jun 1914 to mother Cassie Frasin.
LAFOLLETTE, Ivan H., born 18 Jan 1919 to mother Casie Frazier.
LAFOLLETTE, Melvin L., born 31 Jan 1926 to mother Resa Cummins.
LAFOLLETTE, Raymond L., born 8 May 1923 to mother Reiise Cummins.
LAFOLLETTE, Ruby F., born 18 Nov 1917 to mother Rosa Cummins.
LAFOLLETTE, Zelena, born 3 Jul 1922 to mother Julia Sharon.
LAKE, Grace E., born 27 Aug 1918 to mother Addie Emminger.
LAKE, Herbert E., born 21 Jul 1916 t omother Adaline Cmoninger.
LAKE, Lester L., born 6 Oct 1911 to mother Grace Wyatt.
LAKE, William, born 29 Mar 1914 to mother Adie Eminger.
LAMB, Irving M., born 20 Jul 1930 to mother Erma Britton.
LANCASTER, Bernice I., born 8 Mar 1925 to mother Gertrude Morts.
LANCASTER, Everett L., born 30 Oct 1916 to mother Gertrude Lancaster.
LANCASTER, Floyd E., born 27 Feb 1928 to mother Helen Hart.
LANCASTER, Ray H., born 23 May 1926 to mother Helen Hart.
LANCASTER, Ruth E., born 17 Jun 1918 to mother Gertrude Marks.
LANCASTER, Theodore H., born 21 Mar 1911 to mother Thuzo Cook.
LANCASTER, Warren H., born 23 Dec 1921 to mother Gertrude Marks.
LANDEN, Elmer E., born 21 Nov 1918 to mother Stella Fancher.
LANDIS, Thelma C., born 6 Aug 1912 t mother Sallie Edington.
LANDRUM, Charles O., born 9 Sep 1917 to mother Flora Ashcraft.
LANDRUM, Velma M., born 11 May 1917 to mother Ora Oliver.
LANLER, Charles T., born 22 Feb 1918 to other Idia Baley.
LANTER, Bert, born 24 Apr 1925 to mother Ida Bailey.
LANTER, Hollie M., born 22 Nov 1921 to mother Ida Bailey.
LANTER, Irma A., born 29 Dec 1917 to mother Ora Hightower.
LANTER, Lucreasie, born 29 Dec 1925 to mother Lucreasie Jones.
LANTER, Margaret, born 18 Dec 1919 to mtoher Idia Bailey.
LANTERN, Nauouri F., born 11 Jan 1924 tomother Ida Bailey.
LARKIN, Edna V., born 24 Jul 1915 to mother Alice Malloy.
LATIMER, Hollene, born 16 Mar 1916 to mother Lillie Hill.
LATIMER, Wilber E., born 27 Sep 1915 to mother Pearlie Hill.
LATINER, Dorothy M., born 31 Oct 1919 to mother Letha McClair.
LAUBER, Lelah M., born 9 Jan 1912 to mother Stella Ammerman.
LAUGENFEELS, Mildred, born 26 Aug 1912 to mother Lizzie Embrick.
LAUGH, Garnett L., born 22 May 1920 to mother Annebelle Craig.
LAUGH, William T., born 26 Oct 1918 to mother Annabell Crigg.
LAW, Willena, born 16 Dec 1911 to mother Myttie King.
LAWER, Esther F., born 1 Oct 1915 to mother Minnie Courtney.
LAWERENCE, Eva, born 6 Oct 1912 to mother Agnes Stone.
LAWRENCE, Willa M., born 22 Jan 1912 to mother Margaret Booker.
LAWRENCE, WIlliam A., born 25 Apr 1928 to mother Fay Rouse.
LAWRENCE, William B., born 27 Jul 1919 to mother Margarett Booher.
LAWSON, male child of John, born 3 May 1917 to mother Laura Hilge.
LAWSON, Carl L., born 8 Jul 1924 to mother Rosa Hess.
LAWSON, Christine A., born 14 Oct 1919 to mother Emma Lawson.
LAWSON, Donald L., born 16 Aug 1924 to mother Emma Lawson.
LAWSON, Earle, born 12 Jun 1926 to mother Rosa Hess.
LAWSON, Edwin E., born 26 Mar 1912 to mother Annie Belew.
LAWSON, Elmer A., born 2 Mar 1915 to mother Laura Hilge.
LAWSON, Fanny, born 12 Feb 1919 to mtoher Laura Hilgn.
LAWSON, Geneva M., born 24 Aug 1930 to mother Ruth Hess.
LAWSON, Helen G., born 1 Dec 1922 to mother Mary Conley.
LAWSON, Henry C., born 15 Mar 1911 to mother Annie Belleins.
LAWSON, John E., born 28 May 1915 to mother Mary Conley.
LAWSON, John W., born 15 Jul 1920 to mother Rosa Hess.
LAWSON, Joseph F., born 12 Sep 1920 to mother Annie Belew.
LAWSON, Kenneth W., born 5 Jun 1930 to mother Golda Blackburn.
LAWSON, Leonard R., born 17 Mar 1915 to mother Annie Belew.
LAWSON, Lewis E., born 15 Oct 1913 to mother Annie Belew.
LAWSON, Mable L., born 15 Dec 1920 to mother Mary Conley.
LAWSON, Margaret H., born 18 Jan 1922 to mother Rosa Hess.
LAWSON, Margrette F., born 22 Oct 1919 to mother Lucy Lawson.
LAWSON, Maxwell H., born 15 Dec 1920 to mother Mary Conley.
LAWSON, Orvil L., born 9 Oct 1917 to mother Mary Conley.
LAWSON, Peter A., born 27 Feb 1926 to mother Anna Belew.
LAWSON, Robert L., born 2 Dec 1912 to mother Emma Lawson.
LAWSON, Roy E., born 14 Jul 1928 to mother Rosy Hess.
LAWSON, Velma E., born 15 Oct 1921 to mother Emma Lawson.
LAWSON, Wilma I., born 19 Nov 1930 to mother Susan Bruman.*
LAWSON, Wilma I., born 19 Nov 1930 to mother Susan Bruner.*

LEA, Addie J., born 4 Apr 1923 to mother Lydie Morris.
LEA, Alvin M., born 10 Apr 1925 to mother
Nancy Morris.
LEA, Anna J., born 1 Jun 1921 to mother Ethel Milner.
LEA, Ashel T., born 9 Mar 1927 to mother Susie Morris.
LEA, Carl M., born 20 Mar 1929 to mother Nancy Morris.
LEA, Carlis M., born 21 Aug 1911 to mother Sarah Stevison.
LEA, Elmer F., born 28 Oct 1917 to mother Grace McClanahan.
LEA, Ensia K., born 22 Sep 1915 to mother Grace McClanahan.
LEA, Faustina B., born 13 Apr 1920 tomother Elthel Millner.
LEA, Florence, born 14 Oct 1914 to mother Tinsa Collier.
LEA, Floyd, born 14 Oct 1914 to mother Tinsa Collier.
LEA, Georgia R., born 9 Mar 1921 to mother Mary Swann.
LEA, Jwel R., born 31 May 1930 to mother Nancy Mooris.
LEA, Mary K., born 7 Aug 1918 to mother Ethel Millner.
LEA, Opal I., born 21 Oct 1923 to mother Ethel Milner.
LEA, Shelby, born 19 Apr 1911 to mother Tinsie Collier.
LEA, William K., born 5 Sep 1917 to mother Ida Clark.
LEA, Woodrow W., born 20 NNov 1912 to mother Bietie Huffman.
LEACH, female child of Tobin, born 9 Feb 1911 to mother Bertha Haler.
LEACH, male child of Stanley, born 18 Oct 1930 to mother Lucille Farris.
LEDFORD, Jesse W., born 3 Dec 1911 to mother Lucy Shelton.
LEE, Beulah, born 1 Sep 1916 to mother Ida McArthur.
LEE, Gladdis, born 25 May 1914 to mother Anitta Alums.
LEE, Mary T., born 19 Feb 1907 to mother Sallie Collier. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #215 48650.)
LEIGH, Clearence M., born 4 Apr 1914 to other Ida Clark.
LEMMING, Eleanor, born 6 Aug 1925 to mother Elizabeth Nogel.
LEMMING, Margaret K., born 7 Jun 1921 to mother Elizabeth Nagel.
LEMMING, Marion O., born 11 Dec 1916 to mother Elizabeth Nagel.
LEMMING, Mary M, born 10 Feb 1918 to mother Elizabeth Nagel.
LEMMING, William L., born 27 Jun 1919 to mother Elizabeth Nagel.
LEMMON, Betty L., born 20 Sep 1923 to mother Flora Conley.
LEMMON, Charles R., born 12 Apr 1919 to mother Flora Conley.
LEMMON, Harry I., born 20 Mar 1916 to mother Mayme Lemmon.
LEMMON, Joseph, born 12 Aug 1925 to mother Flora Conley.
LEMON, Donald E., born 16 Mar 1927 to mother Flora Conley.
LEWIS, James A., born 15 Oct 1919 to mother Hester Bastin.
LEWIS, Maggie, born 22 Jan 1928 to mother Mary Scully.
LEWIS, Patterson, born 22 Jan 1928 to mother Mary Scully.
LEWIS, Roy E., born 12 Oct 1928 to mother Rosy Couch.

LIFORD, Bertie M., born 7 May 1930 to mother Mary Owens.
LIFORD, Willie J., born 4 Dec 1927 to mother Jane Owens.
LIGHT, Carl E., born 27 Oct 1929 to mother Melissa Barlow.
LIGHT, Melvin W., born 29 Jun 1922 to mother Mae Wilson.
LIGHTNER, Bernard W., born 28 Dec 1918 to mother Grace Austin.
LIGON, Viveon E., born 29 Dec 1911 to mother Ruby McCullen.
LILLARD, Hary K., born 26 Nov 1917 to mother Ella Hightowe.
LINDER, Charles E., born 17 Sep 1913 t omother Kate Perkins.
LINDER, Ray E., born 22 Jun 1925 to mother Katie Perkins.
LINDER, William F., born 11 Aug 1916 to mother Kate Perkins.

LOFOLLETTE, Helen, born 25 Jul 1927 to mother Julia Sharon.
LOGAN, Donald E., born 5 Jul 1928 to mother Anna McKinney.
LOGAN, Theodore E., born 16 May 1922 to mother Chloe Bishop.
LOGAN, Virga I., born 27 Dec 1922 to mother Virga Logan.
LOMBLIN, Lenord L., born 20 Sep 1919 to mother Lena Miller.
LOMLIN, Orpha E., born 7 Mar 1917 to mother Golda Johns.
LONAKER, Alford R., born 22 Jun 1914 to mother Minnie Brewer.
LONAKER, Alma K., born 16 Jun 1914 to mother Maude Coghill.
LONAKER, Beulah K., born 4 May 1924 to mother Steella Smith.
LONAKER, Chester, born 15 Mar 1917 to mother Kate Smith.
LONAKER, Elberta j., born 30 Aug 1930 to mother Naomi Redmon.
LONAKER, Everitt N., born 11 Mar 1923 to mother Winnie Bruner.
LONAKER, Floyd E., born 2 Aug 1910 to mother Maude Coghill. (Delayed
Birth Certificate #248 49965.)
LONAKER, Kenzie P., born 28 Oct 1927 to mother Della Wolfe.
LONAKER, Leslie M., born 16 Aug 1928 to mother Winnie Bruner.
LONAKER, Ola L., born 14 Mar 1930 to mother Della Wolfe.
LONAKER, Oleda I., born 31 Mar 1919 to mother Maude Coghill.
LONAKER, Paul E., born 6 Jul 1922 to mother Stella Smith.
LONAKER, Roscoe W., born 13 May 1917 to mother Bertha Bailey.
LONAKER, Shirley L., born 5 Mar 1917 to mother Maude Coghill.
LONAKER, Violet E., born 14 Oct 1923 to mother Maud Winkle.
LONAKER, Virgil L., born 22 Aug 1915 to mother Jennie Miller.
LONAKER, William E., born 28 Jun 1930 to mother Winnie Bruner.
LONG, Helen E., born 27 Oct 1919 to mother Lula Sellers.
LONG, Richard A., born 4 Apr 1922 to mother Lula Sellan.
LOOMIS, female child, born 1 Jul 1910, parents Mr. &
Mrs. E.E. Loomis.
LOOMIS, Chester L., born 9 Sep 1927 to mother Barbara Hess.
LOOMIS, Claud B., born 4 Jul 1919 to mother Anna Dougherty.
LOOMIS, Donn A., born 2 Jan 1928 to mother Anna Daugherty.
LOOMIS, Emma R., born 11 Jul 1914 to mother Mabel Caldwell.
LOOMIS, John V., born 1 Apr 1916 to mother Mable Caldwell.
LOOMIS, Leland R., born 8 Nov 1917 to mother Anna Daugherty.
LOOMIS, Louise E., born 1 Jul 1910 to mother Musetta
Cram. (Delayed Birth Certificate #214 48618.)
LOOMIS, Morcella F., born 4 May 1921 to mother Barbara Hess.
LOUACKER, Flora, born 2 Aug 1911 to mother Maud Coghill.
LOUAKER, Carrie L., born 29 Nov 1926 to mother Minnie Bruner.
LOUGH, Carl L., born 12 Oct 1908 to mother Annabelle
Craig. (Delayed Birth Certificate #234 49416.)
LOUGH, Clarence E., born 5 Mar 1911 to mother Annabell Cugg.
LOVELACE, female child of B., born 6 Dec 1915 to mother Velma Sorrell.
LOVELACE, male child of Nick, born 24 Mar 1912 to mother Loula Oldham.
LOVELACE, Alice F., born 28 Jun 1930 to mother Clara Ashcraft.
LOVELACE, Carl W., born 25 Dec 1917 to mother Lula Oldham.
LOVELACE, Clarence A., born 12 Jan 1911 to mother Lula McClare.
LOVELACE, Clarence T., born 20 Jun 1930 to mother Ethel (last name unknown).
LOVELACE, Cora H., born 25 Jun 1921 to mother Lulu Oldham.
LOVELACE, Curtis F., born 10 May 1920 to mother Velma Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Delbert O., born 16 Dec 1919 to mother Ethel Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Dola B., born 12 Jan 1912 to mother Catharine Hiss.
LOVELACE, Edna I., born 12 Dec 1925 to mother Clara Ashcraft.
LOVELACE, Elmer F., born 10 Jun 1913 to mother Carrie Sargent.
LOVELACE, Elmer K., born 10 May 1913 to mother Lula McClane.
LOVELACE, Elsie L., born 27 Dec 1925 to mother Ethel Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Emery A., born 20 Nov 1923 to mother Ethel Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Ernest W., born 26 Oct 1925 to mother Clara Chapman.
LOVELACE, Ethel L., born 11 Mar 1918 to mtoher Ethel Sorrell.
LOVELACE, George D., born 21 Feb 1928 to mother Dola Ravenscraft.
LOVELACE, Hazel B., born 29 Dec 1916 to mother Annie Kerndoff.
LOVELACE, James E., born 23 Jan 1922 to mother Ethel Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Julius P., born 11 Nov 1915 to mother Carrie Sargeant.
LOVELACE, Lavonna B., born 27 May 1927 to mtoher Velma Tarrell.
LOVELACE, Lida, born 9 Jun 1913 to mother Lula Oldham.
LOVELACE, Louise L., born 28 Mar 1915 to mother Isabell Lovelace.
LOVELACE, Lucille E., born 15 Feb 1916 to mother Ida McGrow.
LOVELACE, Margaret L., born 2 Feb 1924 to mother Lula Oldham.
LOVELACE, Mary E., born 14 Sep 1915 to mother Lulu McClure.
LOVELACE, Mary E., born 28 Oct 1916 to mother Ethel Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Mary E., born 27 Jan 1927 to mother Clara Ashcraft.
LOVELACE, Maurice E., born 16 Mar 1918 to mother Ida McGraw.
LOVELACE, Melvin R., born 26 Jun 1917 to mother Velma Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Myrtle A., born 18 Aug 1923 to mother Velma Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Phillis L., born 26 Oct 1925 to mother Clara Chapman.
LOVELACE, Robert M., born 14 Jun 1912 to mother Jennie Belle.
LOVELACE, Terrell R., born 14 Jan 1911 to mother Caroline Sargent.
LOVELACE, Vida M., born 25 Oct 1914 to mother Zelma Sorrell.
LOVELACE, Wanda L., born 17 Dec 1930 to mother Anna Ravenscraft.
LOVELACE, Willis E., born 4 Jul 1925 to mother Velma Sorrell.
LOWE, Carrie L., born 25 Jan 1916 to mother Mattie King.
LOWE, Charles T., born 8 Sep 1911 to mother Mary Hanson.,/p>
LOWE, Ernest C., born 2 May 1913 to mother Maud Dance.
LOWE, Floyd F., born 6 Jan 1918 to mother Maud Dance.
LOWE, Helen F., born 4 Mar 1921 to mother Mattie King.
LOWE, Ruby L., born 24 May 1915 to mother Maud Dance.
LOWE, Willena P., born 16 Dec 1911 to mother Mattie King.
LOWER, Arthur W., born 28 Oct 1912 to mother Minnie Courtney.
LOZIE, Barbary A., born 12 Nov 1918 to mother Eva Lozier.
LOZIER, Benjamin, born 8 Aug 1917 to mother Eva Lozier.

LUCKES, Mary K. born 1 Jun 1924 to mother Hossie Noget.
LUSTICS, Chester A., born 17 Feb 1917 to mother Emmie Brantt.

LYON, Radolph M., born 16 Dec 1923 to mother Mabel Nelson.
LYON, Wendell, born 4 Jan 1913 to other Eva Wall.
LYTLE, Wilma D., born 8 Dec 1911 to mother Carrie Cummins.
LYTTLE, Marcus R., born 4 May 1914 to mother Callie Estridge.
LYTTLE, William E., born 8 Jan 1918 to mother Calli Estridge.

*There were two entries in the birth index and two birth certificates issued - one is a correction to the original, erroneous record.