The Grave of
a Forgotten Soldier
By Herman R. “Buck”
Seibert, Jr.
Alexandria, Ky
published in the Fall/Winter
edition of Northern Kentucky
Heritage Magazine)
In a
beautiful little out of the
way valley in Northern
Kentucky there lies a
forgotten soldier.
Surrounded by trees and
beside a lovely stream lies
the grave of William Monday.
Few persons visit his grave
other than a farmer herding
his cattle or an occasional
passing hunter or hiker.
Although other graves are
nearby, only his is marked
with a headstone. He was
most probably an ex slave
who served his country in
its most terrible war in the
company of friends and
relatives whose names and
stories are lost in time.
The cemetery
is located on a farm
adjoining my own in
Pendleton County, and after
some difficulty, the locally
fabled slave cemetery was
found. The cemetery is just
a series of piles of stones.
Some stones are neatly
stacked and other are helter
skelter. On the edge of the
cemetery nearest the stream,
behind a fallen tree, is the
resting place of William
Monday. His stone is aged
and moss covered and leaning
slightly to the side. The
inscription however is easy
to read:
W. M.
CO. D.
100 U. S. C. INF.
At first the
“U. S. C. INF.” inscription
was puzzling. Recalling the
segregated nature of the
military forces, it became
clear that “U.S.C. INF.”
Meant United States Colored
investigage Mr. Monday’s
story, his pension records
were requested from the
National Archives. After
studying these documents, it
appears that his last name
was misspelled when his
stone was engraved. The
records show (or at least it
is assumed) that the correct
spelling was Monday.
Monday was enlisted on May
23, 1864 by a Captain Berry
at Covington, Kentucky. He
next appears with the rank
of Private on the Muster and
Descriptive Roll of a
detachment of U. S. Colored
Recruits commanded by a
Captain Mussey at Nashville,
Tennessee, dated June 8,
1864, Louisville, Kentucky.
The record
says he was in Penington,
Kentucky (surely a corrupted
spelling of Pendleton, the
county in which the grave is
located). He was 20 years
old, occupation, farmer. He
enlisted for three years.
Height six feet, eyes, hair
and complexion – black. He
then appears on the records
of Company D, 100th
Regiment, US Colored
Infantry in Nashville from
September 1864 to December
1865.He next appears on the
Company’s Muster-out Roll
dated December 26, 1865. The
record shows he owed the U.
S. $1.44 for Ordinance in
September and October 1864
and that he was charged 65
cents for a canteen and 65
cents for a haversack in May
1865. No explanation was
given for these charges. The
muster-out record indicated
that he was last paid
through April 30, 1865 and
his clothing account was in
arrears by $62.06!
The only
mention of engagements
involving the 100 U. S.
Colored Infantry with the
enemy was at Murfreesboro,
Tennessee on September 3rd,
1864. Of course, there is no
way of knowing if William
Monday was involved.
Murfreesboro was the
location of numerous battles
and skirmishes, the most
important of which occurred
from December 31 1862 to
January 2, 1863 (Battle of
Stones River).
Pension Record shows that on
August 20th, 1887 he
appeared before the clerk of
Pendleton County Court and
applied for an Invalid
Pension. The declaration
states that he was 48 years
of age and a resident of
Falmouth, Kentucky. He
states the he is the same
William Monday who enrolled
on the 20th of May 1864 in
Company D of the 100th
Regiment commanded by
Captain Wright and was
honorably discharged at
Nashville, Tennessee
December 28th, 1865. His
personal description is
given as 6 feet, one inch,
complexion dark, hair black,
eyes brown.
following statement is
verbatim from his service
"..while a member of the
organization aforesaid, in
the service and in the line
of his duty at Nashville, in
the State of Tennissee (sic)
on or about the 15th
day of January, 1865, he had
his rite foot frozen causing
the flesh to rot under the
Toes of the rite foot
drawing leaders of his Toes
and the ends of his Toes to
Rot off and that he received
a baynett (sic) wound in his
left (leg) in the fight at
Nashville nad the he
contracted lung affection
(sic) of the rite (sic)
lung, is badly afflicted..
that he was never treated at
any hospital while in the
He went on
to state that since leaving
the service he had resided
in the town of Falmouth,
Kentucky and his occupation
had been that of a laborer.
That prior to his entry into
the service he was a man of
good sound physical health,
being enrolled a farmer.
That he was now half
disabled from obtaining his
subsitence by manual labor
by reason of his injuries,
above described, received in
the service of the United
States. He appointed William
I. Southgate of Falmouth,
Kentucky, his true and
lawful attorney to prosecute
his claim. The record does
not state if a pension was
On May 21,
1891, William Monday again
submitted a Declaration for
Invalid Pension under the
Act of June 27, 1890. In
this declaration he is again
listed as 48 years of age
and a resident of Falmouth.
He stated that he was
enrolled on the 21st day of
May, 1864 in Company D, 100th
Regiment of United States
Colord(sic) Infantry
Volunteers. Discharged on
26th day of December, 1865
at Nashville, he was now
two-thirds unable to earn a
support by manual labor by
reason of “Disease of his
feet the result of being
frozen whil (sic) in service
and baynett (sic) wound of
his left leg.>Rhumatism and
disease of Breast and
General Debilitation.” His
application for pension was
given No.l 620713.
A letter
appears in the record from
the Commissioner of S. E.
Division, Department of the
Interior to the Adjutant
General, U. S. Army. It
requests a full military and
medical history of William
Monday stating that the
report from the Adjutant’s
office dated July 24, 1888
with other papers having
been lost, it became
necessary to build the case
up de novo. The letter goes
on to state that on that
account, the case is to be
considered special.
Two general
afficavits appear in the
record to support William
Monday’s request for a
pension. One is from
Peter Euwell, aged 47, a
citizen of Cynthiana,
Kentucky : “I was personally
well acquainted with William
Monday the Claim (Claimant)
was a member of the same
company. I was standing near
the Claimant in the fight
near Nashville, Tennessee in
December 1864. I saw the
wound in his leg and saw the
blood running freely. I also
saw the Claimant in January
when his feet was frozen.
One of his feet especially
was very badly frozen. I
think it was his right foot.
He complained of misery in
his breast and coughed
violently at said times. I
have known the Claimant from
boyhood. He was a stout
ablebodyed (sic) man when he
entered the Service. I was
present and know the facts
from personal knowledge..”
The second
affidavit is from Aaron
Bradford, aged 54, a citizen
of Falmouth, Kentucky: “
This Afficant Aaron Bradford
states that he has known
Willaim Monday at least 40
years. And he and William
Monday enlisted together in
the same Company. And when
he enlisted he was sound
able bodyed man. When in the
Fight at Nashville,
Tennessee he received a
baynett (sic) Wound in on
(sic) of his legs. I am not
certain not but to the best
of my recollection it was
his left leg. He also had
his feet frozen while in the
Service and line of his
duty. My means of knowing
this fact is I was a private
in the same company and know
these facts from personal
knowledge., I have also
known him every (sic) since
our discharge from the army
and that he complained of
the baynett wound and also
his frozen feet. He is often
laid up and unable to work
on account of his Injuries
ever since his Discharge
from the Army..”
further declared that
affadavit was written in his
presence and from his oral
statement and in making the
same he did not use and was
not aided by written or
printed statement or recital
prepared or dictated by any
other person or persons.
form was submitted to the
Department of the Interior
dated December 1st 1897. It
stated that William Monday
is married – his wife was
Susan Monday, maiden name
Susan Ramey. They were
married August 11th, 1886 by
Rev. John Henderson at
Falmouth, Kentucky. William
stated that he was never
previously married and had
no children and never did
have any.
Monday died on August 12,
1899. Susan filed a claim
for Widow’s Pension. She
stated therein that William
died of apoplexy, paralysis
and general debilitation.
She stated that neither she
nor William owned any real
or personal property except
for a few household goods or
furniture worth not more
than fifteen or tweny
dollars. She was destitute
or without means of support
except for her own manual
labor. Her rent was $4 a
month. She had no prior
marriages and had no
children. Apparently Susan
was granted a pension of $8
a month. She was removed
from the pension roll on
April 20, 1901 because of
death. The pension record
does not state the date of
her death. A shallow
depression in the ground
near the headstone of
William Monday no doubt
marks the resting place of
Susan Monday. She has no
stone to mark her grave.
History has
not recorded any great or
brave deed attributable to
this man. He did indeed
serve his country when the
need arose and he no doubt
spent his remaining years in
lingering pain as a result
of that service. No children
or grandchildren remained to
celebrate his memory or
mourn his passing. He now
rest peacefully in the
beautiful, quiet little
valley with the small creek
running through it in the
hills of Pendleton County.
{end of publication]
New notes as
of 3 Sept 2002. GPS
coordinates are 38 degrees
38.04 North and 84 degrees
21.54 West for the grave. I
found at least 23 other
unmarked field stones
standing on end within 100
feet of the Munday grave.
Many depressions in the
earth and many flat field
stones that appear to have
been knocked over. Cattle
are now using the area and
stones are being pushed
over. In one area the
animals have actually used
the area around two of the
stones as a dust wallow.