Located in Estill County, about 5 miles from Irvine.
Tradition tells that about 70 years ago (before 1923) Elders J.J. Edwards and Joe Ambrose began preaching in this locality, first in the nomes of the people and when the weather permitted under a large chestnut tree and that the church was later organized under this old tree, hence the name Chestnut Stand Church.
Tradition also tells that some of the preachers who were pastors of the old congregation were Elders J.J. Edwards, Joe Ambrose, George McIntosh and A.J. Rawlins. Bro. Edwards who was instrumental in gathering this congregation served longer than any of the others, and after his death the members lost all interest in the church and apparently it ceased to exist until the reorganization in 1908.
The church was reorganized on the 4th Sunday in July 1908. Bro. T.P. Edwards of Waco Baptist Church and Bro. Henry Tipton were on the advisory council. Rev. J.P. Edwards moderator pro tem; Isaac Henry Clerk pro tem. Bro. Louis Neal received as deacon; Bro. Isaac Henry licensed minister. Bro. Edwards was called as pastor; Sister Lou Rollins elected clerk. Bro. Tommie Henry and Isaac Henry appointed committee to see old members.
In Aug. 1908 Thos. Henry, Isaac henry and Simps Horn were appointed Trustees. Bro. Joe King ordained deacon.
In Sept. 1908 Bro. Dan Rollins, Simps Horn and Marcus Shearer were ordained as deacons.
In Aug. 1911 the church called for a letter of dismissal from Land Mark Assn. and was received into Boone's Creek Assn. in 1911 with 83 members.
In Aug. 1912 the church voted to request Boone's Creek Assn. for assistance in paying the pastor. Wm. Neal was elected clerk.
Aug 1920 Bro. T.P. Edwards again called as pastor and decided to request Executive Board of Boone's Creek Assn. to aid in paying the pastro's salary.
In Nov. 1921 Bro. Art. Campbell elected clerk.
In May 1921 there were 7 additions; 8 more in June 1921.
In July 1922 Rev. W.S. Shearer held a series of meetings, resulting in 33 additions by baptism and 6 by restoration.
They erected a new house in 1923. |