
Boone's Creek Baptist Association

Ephesus Church - 1848

Transcribed by Sherri from images donated by Joy Fisher from FHL Film #358487.


In Clark Co. was constituted May 24, 1848. At that time there were no Baptist churches in this vicinity, the nearest being Goshen (Primitive or Old Baptist Church), 4 miles north and the two congregations that worshipped at the Baptist meeting house on Dry Fork of Upper Howard's Creek at Ruckerville, the Primitive Baptist and the Missionary Baptist. The letter affiliating with Boone's Creek Assn. and it was from this congregation that came most of the members who consituted the Ephesus Church and after its organization, the Upper Howard's Creek Missionary Baptist Church was never heard of again.

Among those who were instrumental in the organization were: Gordon Hunt, Wills and Ecton families. Members from 4 churches were present to assist in the constitution: Upper Howard's Creek, Providence, Mt. Olive and Lulbegrud.

Elder Edward H. Darnsby was moderator; James H.G. Bush and James French clerks of the presbytery. There were 27 white and 6 colored members who constituted the new organization. They met at a house on the farm of Bro. Richard R. Gordon, about 1 1/2 miles from the present location of the church, which is on a pretty knoll on Stoner Creek 1/2 mile below where the Red River Iron Works pike crosses Stoner Creek.

Rev. Ambrose D. Rash was then pastor in 1875 when the writer joined Ephesus Church.

On May 24 1848 at the organization of Ephesus, Bro. Ambrose Bush, moderator of Boone's Creek Assn. and there was singing and prayer, then proceeded to business. Covenent of the church, 10 articles. The 10th article contained the Rules of Decorum.

On the day the church was constituted Elders Thornton I. Wills and Smith V. Potts served as pastors and Jesse E. Gordon was elected clerk.

Horatio Ecton, Richard R. Gordon and John Tipton were ordained the first deacons. A building (frame) was erected on a lot given by one of her members, Bro. James Hunt.

Ephesus was admitted into Boone's Creek Assn. in 1848 when convened at Cow Creek Church in Estill Co. and she has been a member of that Assn. three quarters of a century.

In Nov. 1849 the church ordained Bro. John C. Hunton one of its members to the ministry.

In April 1841 Elder Smith V. Potts supplied the church.

In Sept. 1851 Elders Wills and Potts were again called as pastors and they served until March 1853, when Bro. Wills resigned but Bro. Potts served until 1856, when the church again called Bro. Thornton I. Wills, who served as pastor until 1861.

In Oct 1861 Bro. James Hunt was appointed to take charge of Sunday School books.

In 1853 the church held weekly prayer meetings.

In Dec. 1858 the church ordained Bro. Nathan Edmonson, one of its members, to the ministry. He was clerk of Boone''s Creek Assn. for 7 years.

In 1862 the church had 170 members.

Elder Geo. W. Broaddus declined a call as pastor and Bro. Thornton I. Wills became their under shepherd until May 1864, when Elder Edmonson accepted the call until July 1865 when Elder Thornton I. Wills again accepted and remained until Oct. 1866.

in Oct 1865 Cyrus w. Boone was requested to act as Sunday School Supt.

In 1865 Jesse E. Gordon served as church clerk, but resigned.

In 1865 W.D. Strode chosen clerk. He is still living in 1923 at age of 85. He was also clerk of Boone's Creek Assn. for 21 years.

In Dec. 1866 Dr. Ryland T. Dillard became under-shepherd, until Aug. 1868.

In Dec. 1868 Elder W.B. Arvin accepted pastorate; served until March 1871, then resigned.

In June 1871 Bro. Thornton I. Wills became pastor until 1872.

In Sept. 1869 we members received by baptism.

In May 1870 a committee was appointed to assist in organization of a church at Kiddville.

In Dec. 1871 a committee was appointed to assist in organization of a church on the waters of Upper Howard's Creek. The church was called Corinth.

In Oct. 1872 Dr. thomas J. Stevenson accepted care of the church; until June 1874.

Elder Geo. Hunt served as pastor from July 1874 until April 1875.

Aug 1875 Bro. Ambrose D. Rash accepted pastorate; served 4 years.

Aug 1879 Elder J. Pike Powell became pastor.

June 1880 Rev. J. Dallas Simmons became under-shepherd until Oct 1887. and served 4 years

In Feb 1888 Bro. J. Pike Powell became the pastor - served until Jan. 1890.

Bro. French was licensed to preach in March 1890 by the First Baptist Church of Winchester of which he was a member. In April 1890 he accepted a call from Ephesus Church as pastor. He was ordained to the ministry in Aug 1890 by his own church.

Bro. French served as pastor of Ephesus Church until Nov. 1913.

May 6, 1914 Mrs. Richard French wrote a letter to Ephesus Church expressing her appreciation of the affections shown her late husband and her esteem for that church.

In Dec. 1890 the church records the death of Bro. Richard R. Gordon, the oldest member, one of the members who constituted the church.

In Sept. 1903 the church entertained Boone's Creek Assn.

Elder W.S. Taylor became under-shepherd in Jan. 1914 for 5 years. He was succeeded by Rev. F.B. Pierson from Jan 1919 to Jan 1923.

In 1921 Bro. Pierson held a series of meetings assisted by Rev. W.W. Adams - 41 additions by experience and baptism and 13 by letter.

Bro. Pierson resigned on account of the Southern Baptist Convention having appointed Brother and Sister Pierson as missionaries to Jerusalem. Dr. J.F. Love, Secretary of the Foreign Missionary Board.

In Feb. 1921 Jesse Bruen was elected clerk.

Present membership of Ephesus Church 141 (in 1921). Ephesus Church has entertained 8 annual sessions of Boone's Creek Assn. in the years 1849, 1857, 1866, 1875, 1884, 1893, 1903 and 1915.


During the 75 years of existence of Ephesus Church has had 13 pastors. Year indicates the first year of service.

Name Year   Name Year
Thornton I. Wills 1848 Thomas J. Stevenson 1872
1851 George Hunt 1874
1861 Ambrose D. Rash 1875
1865 J. Pike Powell 1879
1871 1888
Smith V. Potts 1848 J. Dallas Simmons 1880
1851 Richard French 1890
Nathan Edmonson 1864 W.S. Taylor 1914
Ryland T. Dillard 1866 F.B. Pierson 1919
W.B. Arvin 1868


Year is the year ordained.

Name Year   Name Year
Horatio Ecton 1848 Nelson Strode 1866
Richard R. Gordon 1848 Thomas Ecton 1866
John Tipton 1848 W. Thos. Gordon 1894
John E. Gordon 1853 Simeon M. Boone 1894
Dudley Flynn 1853 Allen Rupard 1906
Austin B. Wills 1853 E. Roy Scott 1913
James Edmonson 1860 Ellis Brandenburg 1913
Thomas Duckworth 1860


Jesse E. Gordon Served 17 years, from 1848 to 1865
W.D. Strode Served 55 years, from 1865 to 1920
Jesse Bruen Elected in 1920 (present clerk in 1923)







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NOTE: These records have been transcribed from several different sources, either by us or by other researchers and provided as a starting point to assist you in your research; we've verified as many as we could, but be aware that there may be errors (either mis-spellings on the original records, almost illegible writing on the records, and/or typing errors on my part), so make sure to double check them prior to assuming they're "the gospel truth". We will never deliberately include erroneous information in any part of this site.

These records have not been copied by either of this site's coordinators from other sites, as has been implied by some. Sources have included records from the E. E. Barton research files, military records, newspapers, microfilm and/or compiled lists that were provided by family members and other researchers. The majority of the additions to the marriage index pages on 17 and 30 Jun 2007 were transcribed from FHC microfilm #973027.

If you have records that you'd like to see added to this site, please contact either Sherri or Suzanne and we'll be glad to add them to this collection.

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