There was a Baptist church there as early as 1859. The Irvine Church was one of 7 churches that met with Downing Creek Church in Madison Co. on the 3rd Saturday in Oct 1859 and constituted in the Irvine Association. At this meeting Irvine Church reported 17 members and their messengers were Rev. Smith V. Potts and Boles Harris.
In 1800 the irvine Church entertained the Irvine Assn.
The First Church of Irvine was constituted in the spring of 1900 with Bro. W.G. Potts as pastor and F.R. Davidson a deacon prepared a short account of this congregation on May 15, 1921; Bro. F.R. Davisdon was one of the constituent members. He moved to Irvine in Dec. 1899; he could not find a Baptist in the town. In the spring of 1900 Bro. Thompson came to Irvine and began a meeting at Bro. Davidson's house. Bro. S.E. Whipley , State Evangelist came and preached. Bro. Whipley organized the church with 10 members: F.R. Davidson, Mrs. F.R. Davidson, Mrs. Bettie Davidson, Misses Minnie and Alice Davidson, James Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Marlow, Elisha Reed and E.F. Edwards.
Joined Boone's Creek Assn.
Bro. Thompson preached several months; then Bro. Geo. W.Shepherd for one year and several others.
In 1907 Bro. J.G. Parsons called, remaining until 1911.
Bro. H.R. McLendon was the next pastor, he served for one year.
The church was organized in the Methodist Church house. It also met in the court house, the Christian Church and the school house.
The Church's building was completed in 1914.
In 1911 Bro. J. Amerson held several days meetings and receive da number of additions.
In July 1911 Elder J.G. Parsons was chosen pastor and served until Feb. 1912.
Elder h.R. McLendon in 1912 for 1 year.
In Sept 1912, Mrs. M.F. Wilson was elected clerk.
In July 1913 Rev. W.A.M. Woods was chosen pastor.
Rev. E.C. Nall became under-shepherd in the spring of 1915; served 5 years.
In Oct 1915 Dr. R.L. Motley assisted at a series of meetings.
In Dec. 1915 Bro. F.R. Davisdon, H.G. Priest and h.S. Hills were ordained as deacons.
in March 1920 Mrs. J.W. Walker was elected church treasurer.
In Sept. 1920 Rev. W.G. Potts was called as pastor; he is the present pastor (1923).
In Nov 1920 Charles Quiggins, W.C. Robins and Sherman Land were elected deacons.
In Feb 1921 J.W. Waters was elected deacon.
On Aug. 31, 1921 the 19 members of West Irvine (Calvary) Church, who were baptized into the fellowship of this church, were dismissed by letter.
In Nov. 1922, the church notes the death of deacon E.G. Land. The church voted that all the officers and teachers of the Sunday School shall be orthodox concerning the 18 articles of faith, as published in Pendleton's Church Manual; also all officers and teachers shall abstain from dancing and playing cards.
In Dec. 1922 the budget for the church expenditures was $2005.
First Baptist Church of Irvine was admitted into Boone's Creek Assn. in 1900.
It entertained Boone's Creek Assn. in 1911.
A new church house was dedicated in 1914.
Another church in West Irvine erected in 1921 named Calvary Church.
First Baptist Church has a parsonage; 217 members [in 1923]. |