Pendleton County News

C O V I N G T O N  J O U R N A L

New Series--Vol. VII, No. 13         COVINGTON, KY., APRIL 25, 1874                Whole No. 324



        DROWNED, --- Mr. Albert Yeager is supposed to have been drowned on Tuesday night in Licking river at Wagoner’s ferry. Mr. Yeager was in town on Tuesdays evening, and left here late, going to Mr. Field’s where his wife was, which place he reached some time after dark. From there, he with his wife, started home, but getting lost in the woods it was about two o’clock when they reached the river. They called to Mrs. Taylor, his mother-in-law, to bring the boat to them. She started with a lantern in the boat, which blinded her, and the river being high, she was soon lost and went down stream at a rapid rate. They started to follow, but were soon stopped by briers and bushes, so he told his wife to go to Mr. Routt’s and get him to take his boat and look for Mrs. Taylor and he would go back up the river and call to Mr. Wiggins, who is a close neighbor, to send some one to stay with his children. It is supposed that when he went back near the house he heard his children crying and no one being with them, he tried to swim to them, and was drowned in the attempt. The next morning his clothes were found hanging on the fence near the river, and his tracks were seen where he went down into the water. His hat was found in the river several hundred yards below. Several men have been engaged in looking for his body, but have not found it yet. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss.



    BIRTHS – On the 18th inst., to the wife of Mr. M. Mullins, of this place, a son…. On the 18th inst., to the wife of O. P. Salmon, a daughter…. On the 16th inst., to the wife of J. C. Morris, a daughter.


    DIED – In this place, on the 21st inst., infant son of Matthew and Ann Mullins.


     MARRIED – On the 21st inst., at the residence of the bride’s father in Pendleton county, Mr. Wm. E. Barker to Miss Mahala J. Fossett.