Pendleton County News

The Ticket – Covington, KY, May 7, 1877
To the Editor of the Ticket:
Boston, May 5.
The Boston sawyers took in about a
thousand fine logs by the rise on the 4th
inst. They have now in the boom at that place
about twelve thousand logs, with several more at
the Steer creek boom, about one mile south of
Boston; in all, enough to keep the machinery in
motion about three months.
The Butler folks are anxious to have
the new Accommodation Train run to their town,
as they have a round-house, turning-table,
wood-shed, switches, &c., at that point. Let
them petition Messrs. Ransom, Ledyard & Co., and
try their luck.
The Catawba folks are again in the
lead in tobacco buying. Isaac N. Walker, of
Walker & Sengstak, has stationed one of his
agents at this important point, the active
Captain Beggs.
Good roads is the great want in the
“hoop-pole” county. It would be poetic justice
for the great reform meeting on Monday to touch
‘em up on roads. Save the Kentucky Central,
there isn’t a thoroughfare that deserves to be
called such in all hoop-poledom. Even the street
of Falmouth will not occur to the reader’s mind
in the description of the New Jereusalem’s paths
of pleasantness.
The Ticket’s suggestion of sending
Pendleton County’s biggest public pilferer to
the penitentiary, and see the rest scatter, is
favorably received, and there is great
solicitude to ascertain what his lordly name is.
But stealing ten thousand dollars from the
public crib is not considered so heinous a crime
as detaching one equine from a private crib.
The Ticket – Covington, KY, May 7, 1877
It was determined, yesterday, to
postpone the Pendleton County Teacher’s Institue
until the third Monday in August.
The Democratic County Convention
yesterday was unanimous for A. R. Clarke for
Representative. A resolution was adopted
indorsing Tate for State Treasurer.
Sneak thieves carried off about forty
dollars worth of underwear left to soak in a tub
in Mr. Herold’s yard, on Pike street, last
night; also a half dozen chickens.
The Sheriff is busily at work on the
delinquent list of tax-payers, to be posted at
the Court House door for sale of property.
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These records have not been copied by either of this site's coordinators from other sites, as has been implied by some. Sources have included records from the E.E. Barton research files, military records, newspapers, microfilm and/or compiled lists that were provided by family members and other researchers. The majority of the additions to the marrriage index pages on 17 and 30 Jun 2007 were transcribed from FHC microfilm #973027.
If you have records that you'd like to see added to this site, please contact either Sherri or Suzanne and we'll be glad to add them to this collection.
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