From the Cynthiana
Thursday, 17 Mar 1910
Annie Williams LeCompte, sister of Editor
J.R. Williams of the Pendletonian died in
Shelby Co. 4 March after a short illness
of pneumonia.
Henry S.
Marshall assessor of Pendlton dropped dead
Wednesday morning.
He was a Confederate Veteran.
Thos. Hampton
died, age 47.
Mrs. Martha McKinney died
rather suddenly on Monday at her home on
the East
End. She was 79 years of age being born
20 January 1831 in Pendleton Co.

the Cynthiana Democrat,
Thursday, 24 March 1910
Woolery, aged 14 years on 9 April last,
son of G.E. Woolery and nephew of James
Davis Woolery, of this county, died at
the home of his parents in Covington on
Saturday last of pneumonia and measles.
Margaret Record age 84, widow of Luther
Record died.
George W. Armstrong age 56, died.
Pierce Jones age 5
of Newell P. Jones died.

the Cynthiana Democrat,
Thursday, 31 March 1910
Mrs. Aulick,
wife of Clark Aulick, formerly of this place,
but now of Felicity, OH, committed suicide
Saturday night last. Aulick claims that he
awoke Sunday morning and found his wife dead
in bed with a bullet hole through her head
and a pistol loosely clutched in her hand.
He gave the alarm to neighbors Sunday morning
and said he did not hear the shot. At the
Coroner's inquest, that official ordered
the arrest of Aulick until investigation.
The large
barn of J.W. Whalen near McKinneysburg, containing
5,000 pounds of tobacco, a lot of farming
implements and vehicles, burned to the ground
last Thursday afternoon about 4 o'clock.
Clayton, aged 70 years, met with a tragic
death by drowning at his home near McKinneysburg last Thursday. Mr. Clayton
and little grandson went to a large spring
near his home for a bucket of water and
in stooping over to fill the vessel, it is
that he became dizzy and fell head first
in the spring, which is several feet deep.
The old gentleman was very feeble and could
not get out. His little grandson was too
small to render assistance but ran to a
neighbor's. When help arrived it was too
Alda Anderson,
aged about 20 years, son of Mr. & Mrs. George
Anderson, died Wednesday night at his home
near Antioch Mills, of pneumonia, after an
illness of nine days.
B.M. Mullins,
aged about 58, after a long illness, died
Wednesday at Demossville, Mr. Mullins was
a retired tobacco merchant, and had been
living an easy life on his farm in recent
years. Deceased leaves a widow and six children
to mourn his loss.
C.W. Hathaway,
aged 59 years, died Saturday at his home
in Covington, after a two years illness of
TB. He was born and raised in Pendleton Co.
He moved to Covington in 1902.
Mrs. M.A.
Coleman, aged 65 years, died Sunday at her
home at Sine's Crossing of diabetes.
Ducker, one of Pendleton's oldest and most
highly respected business men and farmers
died Saturday at his home in Butler. The
cause of death was heart disease.
Miss Viola
Berlew, aged about 40 years, died at the Berlew homestead, now occupied by her brother,
J.P. Berlew, near Boston Station on Tuesday.

the Cynthiana Democrat,
Thursday, 7 April 1910
Mrs. Ella
Blackburn Childs, the young wife of Mr. Ashland
Childs, of Oregonia, OR died at the home
of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Blackburn,
33 East Pike St. Covington on last Saturday,
in her 23nd years. Deceased was the granddaughter
of Nicholas Scheitz, and spent the greater
portion of her life in this county. She is
survived by her husband, little babe of two
months, her parents and one brother.
Mrs. Nancy
Huffman, widow of Isaac Huffman, who departed
this life two years ago last February, died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Enoch Sorrell
near Mt. Walker, Monday of pneumonia aged
73 years. She was born in Lewis Co. but has
been a resident of Pendleton Co. for nearly
50 years. She is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. Sorrell and Mrs. Mary Stewart of California,
also one sister, Mrs. Amanda Stewart of Lincoln
Cosella aged 72 years died at the home of
his brother-in-law, J.P. Dougherty, in Falmouth.
W.E. Piercefield,
aged 22 years, son of Barton Piercefield,
died at his home near Knoxville.

the Cynthiana Democrat,
Thursday, 14 April 1910
Brandt, aged 65, died.
Ora Sharp,
age 16, died.

the Cynthiana Democrat,
Thursday, 21 April 1910
Simpson, aged about 25 died at his home near
Antioch Mills. He leaves a widow. Burial
at Antioch.
An unusually
pretty home wedding took place at the country
home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. William
Cummins, when the lives of William Bentle
and Miss Cora Lee Cummins were linked in
the holy bonds of wedlock. Rev. McGarvey
Lenox officiated.

the Cynthiana Democrat,
Thursday, 28 April 1910
The sad
news reached Falmouth Monday that
John Barnard,
son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barnard of near Peach
Grove had been run over by an automobile
in Oklahoma City on Monday and died several
hours later. He was about 25 years of age
and had been in that city about one yer.
He was employed by the Kingman-Moore Implement

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
5 May 1910
(From the Falmouth Outlook)
Miss Eva Cummins, daughter of Henry Clay Cummins
found a watch Tuesday on the place of Mrs.
Sarah Aulick, near Hightower. She found the
watch hanging by a fob in a white oak bush.
The watch was lost by Welburn Guy, of Fort
Thomas, Thanksgiving day 1907, while he was
out hunting. At the time a search was made
for it, but in vain. The fob caught in the
bushes and it was lifted from his vest pocket.
The watch was wound up and it started off running
like a new time piece, after standing the weather
for more than 2 1/2 years. Mr. Guy had offered
a reward for the watch, but about one year
ago he died. The watch will be sent to his
B. Wicks, aged 40 years, died Wednesday at
the home of his mother, Mrs. Jeanette Wicks
in Falmouth after one year of TB.
R.C. Dilts
last week removed the bodies of the Robbins
family from the graveyard on the place now
owned by E.S. Clarke to Riverside Cem. This
as the burying ground of the family of the
late Augustus Robbins and was used for the
purpose for upwards to 75 years. Some of
the bodies were buried in metallic coffins
more than 60 years ago and were still in
good state of preservation.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
12 May 1910
Miss Lula
Ring, aged 24 years, died Wednesday at her
home in Butler of TB of the brain. She was
the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. A. Ring and is
also survived by four brothers and three
Widow Gray,
aged about 65, a sister of Mr. Alex Caldwell,
who made her home with her brother-in-law,
Mr. John Lukes, below butler, committed suicide
by drowning in Licking River.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
26 May 1910
McCarty, aged about 45 years, a highly respected
citizen of the Mt. Vernon neighborhood, died
Monday of pneumonia. He leaves a widow and
several children.
Mrs. Milo
Mills aged about 40 years, died Wednesday
at her home in Gardnersville.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
2 June 1910
Guy Wood Chipman, son of Dr. N.B. Chipman,
will receive his diploma from the United
States Military Academy at West Point, on
June 10th.
Samuel Fossitt, aged
70 years, died in the northern part of
the county.
Born to the wife of
Sol Goldberg in Falmouth, a daughter. This
is the fourth heir.
Born to the wife of
Dr. J. Risk Meek in Covington, on Saturday,
21 May, a son. This is the second heir
and the old stork brought a boy to rule
the roost.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
9 June 1910
to the wife of John W. Peoples, at Butler,
a fine 8 pound daughter.
Mrs. Isabelle Hobday, age 81.
Martha J. Jackson, age 74.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
16 June 1910
of William Hall, colored, was accidentally
shot by a gunshot fired by her husband.
She died Sunday.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
23 June 1910
sheriff T. S. Yelton got home Friday from
his western trip. He spent several days
with his brother, Dora Yelton, near Harper,
Kansas, and stopped five days in Oklahoma
City, which he declared to be the greatest
of all towns he visited.
to wife of Frank Houchen, a ten pound daughter,
Mildred Clark.
Charles Gillespie, aged 19, died in Falmouth
of consumption. She is survived by her
husband and two small children, the youngest
a babe of six weeks. Her remains were interred
in the Benson Cem. in Harrison Co.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
30 June 1910
Thomas, son of the general merchant at Havilandsville,
and Miss Ella Langley, daughter of Clay Langley,
eloped Wednesday to Cincinnati and were married.
They have returned and are stopping with
the groom's brother-in-law, Raymond Wright,
near McKinneysburg.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
7 July 1910
Owens, 15, son of Marshall Owens, formerly
of Pendleton, was struck by lightening and
killed while loading hay with his father
near Harrison, OH.
Louisiana Davis, age 79 years.
Born to
the wife of Jason Shoemaker, a son.
Born to
Mrs. Henry E. McKinley, nee Barney Lillian
Loomis, a son.
Born to
Mrs. J.N. Yelton, a daughter.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
14 July 1910
A.J. Neaves,
formerly of Pendleton, died at Johnson City,
NT, age 69.
The stork
made a duel visit to the Fair Grounds on
Friday night last, July 1st, and brought
joy and gladness to two families. With Mr.
& Mrs. E.E. Loomis, this messenger of glad
tiding left a lovely little daughter and
with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pfanstiel a fine son.
The dads are very happy and the mothers and
babes are doing nicely. - - Pendletonian

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
21 July 1910
Born to
wife of Hort Caldwell, near Greenwood, a
Born to
the wife of Joe Ritter Jr, a 10-lb boy. First
Mrs. Nancy
Tucker, formerly of Butler, died at Bellefontaine,
OH aged 61.
Rausch, 71, died July 9th.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
28 July 1910
Born to
wife of Frank Clary, at Butler, a daughter.
Born to
wife of George Wolfe, a daughter.
Born to
wife of John Ritter, near Emery, a son.
Born to
wife of Hub Smith, in Falmouth, a daughter.
Born to
wife of Clarnece Fryer, on Monday a fine
10-lb daughter.
Loomis, aged about 70, Gumlick vicinity,
died Tuesday.
Perry F.
Bonar, lawyer of Falmouth, died in his 88th

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
4 August 1910
Fred Shelfer,
formerly of Falmouth, died at Winchester.
Newton J. Fields died aged 72.
Mrs. S.B.
Fowler, of near Sunrise, bought the E. Curtis
farm containing 118 1/2 acres situated near
Lenoxburg. Price $22 acre.
Born to
wife of Thomas Blades, a daughter.
Born to
wife of John Schutter, a fine 10-lb son.
Born to
wife of John A. Woodhead in Falmouth, twin
sons, weighing 8 pounds each.
E.J. Race,
formerly of Falmouth, died at Covington.
Died at
the home of her son, William,
Mrs. Martin,
age 70.

the Cynthiana Democrat, Thursday,
11 August 1910
Born to
wife of Charles Lafollette, a son.
J.A. Aulick,
aged 68 years, died at his home near Hightower.
Fletcher and wife, aged 78 and 80 years,
residing near Gardnersville, died Monday,
the former at 2:45 and the latter at 6:05
o'clock. They had been ill for several weeks
with complication of diseases incident to
advanced age and their deaths were not unexpected.
Mrs. Sallie
Casey Cummins, aged about 30 years, wife
of C.W. Cummins, died at her home near Neave,
after a long illness of consumption.