Cemeteries **Directions for some of these cemeteries has been
taken from the Rockcastle County, Kentucky, Cemetery Records book by Jeanne Snodgrass Bonham
& Patricia Heylmann Hiatt, which was published in 1986. (Be aware that some of these
directions may not be accurate since this book was published over 25 years ago!! These
directions have been included to give you an idea of the area where the cemetery is
located.)Some of these cemeteries contains links to photos or
notes. Click on the icon after the name to view the photo or note.
Photo Note
Skaggs Creek Cemetery **Note: Wendell Hensley submitted this
text based Cemetery listing for Skaggs Creek to the Rootsweb Cemetery
Project. This listing shows the relationships of people as they are learned.
He has photos of all the stones in Skaggs if they are needed by anyone.
The following files were submitted by Jennifer Fish and are
located on her cemetery website. These photos were a combined effort with
her sister, Sheila Kidwell.
(Links will open in a new window) These are not complete
listings for these cemeteries!!