Kentucky: A History of the State. Perrin, Battle & Kniffin, 6th d.,1887, Spencer Co. MRS. THERESSA E. STONE was born in the town of Cambridge, Geurnsey [sic] Co., Ohio, February 3, 1823. Her father removed to Mount Vernon, Ind., in 1831. She was married to T.B. Holt, attorney at law, of Spencer County, in 1845. There were five children born to this marriage: Kate M., Sarah A., Theressa E., Mary E. and Tommie. Only two are now living. T.B. Holt died in September, 1855, of yellow fever. Dr. F. F. Dusouchet, father of T.E. Stone, was born in the city of Angouleme, France, in 1778. He was a soldier under the first Napoleon, and volunteered to go with Gen. LeClerc to the West Indies to quell the negro insurrection at Hayti [sic]. After eighteen months of great hardships, and the death of LeClerc from yellow fever, they were compelled to capitulate to the English and return to France, and, after the defeat of his beloved emperor at Waterloo, he came to America. He went straight to Chillicothe, where he heard there was a chance for war with the Indians. He immediately volunteered to go with Gen. Brush to the assistance of Hull, who was threatened at Detroit. Before they were ready they heard of the surrender of Hull. Mitchell Dusouchet, father of F.F. Dusouchet, was born in the city of Paris, and lived through the horrors of the reign of Robespierre. He was the father of twenty-two children - nineteen girls and three boys. F.F. Dusouchet was the twenty-first child. None of the name are now in existence, save the few in America. We next find Dr. Dusouchet on Gen. Harrison's staff, with whom he continued to serve until the close of the war. He went in company of Harrison to Cincinnati, and in 1815 was married to Miss Catherine Sarchet, in the presence of Gen. Harrison, Finly, and all the notables of Cincinnati. Miss Betsey Harrison was one of the bridesmaids. Catherine Sarchet was born in the island of Guernsey, town of St. Peter's Port, in 1790. Her father immigrated to America in 1806, and settled in Cincinnati. She died in Spencer County, Ky, February 21, 1881. Pierre Sarchet, father of Catherine, was born on the island of Guernsey about the year 1765, of Huguenot parents. He became a Methodist minister of the old school, and endured all the persecutions of that much persecuted people. His wife, Elizabeth De La Parelle, was also a native of the island, and a devout Methodist. They both died in Cambridge, Ohio, about the year 1828, their deaths being near together. Pierre Sarchet, Sr., was born in France about the year 1700, and was a Huguenot. He fled, with thousands of other devout and holy men, for the sake of his faith. They went to Switzerland, and from there to the Island of Guernsey, where they found protection and peace. In the city of Neufchatel, Switzerland, he purchased a Bible which he carried with him to England in 1724. That Bible is now in the hands of his great-granddaughter, Mrs. T.E. Stone, and is in a good state of preservation, although one hundred and sixty-three years old. B.W. Stone was born in Spencer County in the year 1803, September 25, and was married to Mrs. T.E. Holt (being his third wife) April 14, 1861. To this union were born three children, only two of whom are now living: John A. and Louise. He died June 25, 1875, in the seventy-third year of his age. William Stone and Rebecca Erskine, parents of B.W. Stone, were born in Virginia, and immigrated to Kentucky in an early day in her history. W. Stone died at the age of eighty; his wife died at the age of ninety years. John A. was born November 24, 1863 and is the head of the family, looking after their three large farms and caring for his mother's business affairs. Though a young man, he is of more than ordinary worth and ability, and of splendid character and integrity. Stone Holt Dusouchet Harrison Sarchet De_La_Parelle Erskine = Cambridge-Guernsey-OH IN France West_Indies Haiti OH Channel_Islands-United_Kingdom Switzerland VA