Francis Shields Will 
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Spencer County, Kentucky Will Book A, p. 5 In the name of God Amen. I Francis Shields of the County of Spencer and State of Kentucky being of Sound mind and memory do make and ordain and constitute this my last will and testament in form following (to wit) It is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid. I then will and bequeath to my Beloved wife Nancy all my estate real and personal during her life and widowhood, But it is my will and desire that she make the following advances to wit, One hundred and eighty dollars to each of my following children (to wit) Thomas, Joseph, Mahlan, Vincent, Susanna, Nancy and Elizabeth as they become of age my son John and my daughter Sarah the wife of John Hill having in my estimation received from me to that amount in advance and the above advancements to be made in such property as my said wife can most conveniently spare at its special value. The object of which is to make her children equal in advancement. Having Intered a quarter Section of Land in the State of Indiana on Andersons River for which I have received from my son John Eight dollars in payment therefor and should he not secure said land or so much thereof as will renumberate to him the aforesaid eighty dollars it is my desire that he may be paid out of my estate the eighty dollars in Specia and on a final distribution of my estate to do equal right and justice to all my will and desires that it shall be equally divided between all my children (to wit) John, Sarah, Thomas, Joseph, Mahlon, Vincent, Susanna, Francis & Elizabeth with the following proviso that is younger child & daughter Elizabeth being at this time afflicted should she not be again restored to health and soundness that she may in the last and final distribution of my estate have an additional share alloted to her in addition to the first. And lastly I nominate constitute & appoint by Beloved wife Nancy and my son Thomas executrix & executor to this my last will and testament revoking all other wills by me made. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 22nd day of January 1824. Francis Shields SEAL Acknowledged before us Vincent Davis, Jon Davis At a County Court held for Spencer County on the 11th day of October 1824 the writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Francis Shields decd was produced in Court and having been proven by the oaths of Vincent Davis and Jonathan Davis the subscribing witnesses thereto is ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Nancy Shields and Thomas Shields the Executrix and Executor therein named who came and took upon themselves the ... of the executors of Last will and having taken the oath required by Law & entered into Bond with John W. Smith and John Hill and Bailey Dawson their Securities in the penality of $1500 conditioned as the Law orders a certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof under form of Law. Atest. Ralph Lancaster C.S.C.C.
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