Spencer County Will Bk B, p 16-17
At a County Court held for Spencer County on Monday the 5th day of June 1857 This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Robert REYNOLDS Deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded.
Attest Ralph LANCASTER Cs C C
Robt. REYNOLDS A Bill of sale of the property of Robert REYNOLDS Deceased
List of sales sold at public sale this 18th day of September 1855
SusanREYNOLDS 1 small table $0.26
Do 1 clock $0.26
Do 1 square table $0.01
Do 1 cushioned chair $0.12
Do 1 bed and furniture $5.37
Do 1 straw bed & furniture $0.79
Do 4 chairs $0.53
Do 1 Bureau $4.39
H. CHEEK 1 log sled $0.07
E. HARRIS 1 tub & old iron $0.08 1/4
Jno COGHILL 1 iron tooth harrow $1.37
H. CHEEK 1 seg chain $3.20
S. M. BAILEY 1 cross cut saw $1.43
Wm SHELBURN 1 whip saw $3.12
do 1 cutting box $1.62
Vincent REDMAN 1 Bee Gum $1.56
Do 1 do $1.00
George SPARROW 1 do $0.56
Arial COOMBS 1 do $1.06
Vincent REDMAN 1 do $0.50
John ZIMERMAN 1 do $1.12
Susan REYNOLDS 1 do $2.00
do 1 do $2.00
Jas MORGAN 1 Rifle gun $8.00
E. HARRIS 1 pr traces $0.50
Wm MACKEY 1 pair so $2.81
R. REYNOLDS 1 old desk $0.06
Amount carried over $44.59 1/4
Susan REYNOLDS 1 fire shovel $0.05
Benjamin ELKINS 1 carey plow $2.00
Pat McALLISTER 1 sythe & cradle $1.18
Jacob SNIDER 1 old tub $0.01
Jno ZIMERMAN 1 small Bbl $0.02
Benjamin ELKINS 1 small hoe $0.57 ¼
Jno ZIMERMAN 1 old chest $0.02
B. REYNOLDS 1 bedsted $0.06
Gyer ? REYNOLDS 1 axe $0.65 ¾
Thurman SMITH 1 do $1.18 ¾
Susan REYNOLDS 5 hides in Tan $4.37 ½
Jno SNIDER 1 still $30.65
do 21 still tubs $9.06
Jas McALLISTER 1 crop cut saw $4.00
Joseph MULLINS 1 Brons axe $2.62
Andrew TATE 1 lot chircl Rugers fr $2.12
Do 1 new wagon wheel $1.00
J. TERRELL 1 clay bank filler $30.00
Jno LANKFORD 5 first choice sheep $8.00
Do 5 2nd choice do $6.56 ¼
Jas STEWART 5 3rd do do $6.18 ¼
H. McCARTY 5 4th do do $5.17 ½
Susan REYNOLDS 1 white cow $9.25
Jas STEWART 1 red steer $9.00
Thos STEWART 1 red heifer $6.06 1/4
B. REYNOLDS 1 calf $4.00
George SPARROW 1 B ---- $0.37 ½
Susan REYNOLDS 9 hogs $18.62 ½
Thurman SMITH 1 keg $0.40
Amount carried over $207.32 1/2
Susan REYNOLDS 1 field of corn $12.50
Do 1 do do $4.87 ½
Do 1 do do $13.06 ½
Isaac LANKFORD 1 do do $6.00
Susan REYNOLDS 30 geese $5.06 ¼
Do 1 gray filly $18.06 ¼
Do 1 stack of oats $4.37 1/2
Joseph NATION 3 waggon tires & other irons $10.30
Greenberry REYNOLDS 1 Rifle gun $10.25
Susan REYNOLDS 1 lot of tobacco $0.12 1/2
$294.63 1/4
At a County Court held for Spencer County on Monday the 3rd day of June 1837, This list of sales of the Estate of Robert REYNOLDS Deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded.
Attest Ralph LANCASTER Clk C C
Transcribed by Patricia O’Connor