Transcription: Dower: Sarah CARTER
Spencer Co. Will Bk B, p 80, 81
In obedience to an order of the Spencer County Court issued at the November Term requiring the undersigned Commissioners to assign to Sarah CARTER her Dower in the lands & slaves of which her late husband died seized & possessed and do report that we did on the 8th day of January 1838 meet at the house of the late John CARTER Dec'd and after having been first duly sworn proceeded to allot & lay off to the aforesaid Sarah CARTER her Dower in said Lands Beginning at an elm on the S. side of Salt river, thence S 49 East 38 ½ poles to a Birch & dogwood on the north side of a ridge thence S 35 West 56 poles to a small cherry & ash at the south Corner of the orchard, thence ________ the orchard North 82 ½ West 40 poles to a sugartree on the south bank of Salt river thence up the river with its meanders to the Beginning containing 18 ½ acres & do hereby assign two negroes one girl by the name of HARRIETT the other girl by the name of RACHEL as her Dower in said slaves & further report tha
t there is over & above the Land & negroes assigning as the Dower there is due the Dower thirty six Dollars & seventy eight 2/3 cents all of which is respectfully submitted to the Court the day & date above written
Chas B. MEAY
Matthew WAKEFIELD Commissioners
January 8th 1838 This day George W. SNIDER Matthew WAKEFIELD & Charles MEAY appeared before me and was duly sworn to perform the duties assigned them on the within order. A. C. SKINNER J.P.S.C
At a County Court held for Spencer County on Monday the 5th day of March 1838. This assignment of the Dower of Sarah CARTER in the Lands & slaves of her late husband John CARTER Dec'd was this day returned and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon the same is established as the Dower of the said Sarah CARTER in the lands & slaves of her late husband John CARTER Deceased and it is ordered that the said Sarah hold the said Lands and Slaves to her assigned as aforesaid as and for her dower.
Attest Raphl LANCASTER C. S. C. C.
Transcribed by Patricia O'Connor