Transcription: TERRELL guardianship
Spencer County Will Bk B, pp 281, 282
[NOTE: there is no Voucher No 5 in this]
Henry H. TERRELL Guardian for Charlotte TERRELL Decd widow of Micajah TERRELL Deceased
To Cash rec from the Exr of M. TERRELL Decd Specific
Devise and Distributable share of Decedents Estate $586.00
" Do recd her distributable share in sale of land 286.71
" Interest on $586 from 4th Jany 1837 to 12th October 1840 132.70
" Do on $286.71 up to the 12th October 1838 $1057.75
To Balance due from guardian 869.25 ¼
By cash pd S. S. KEEN & Co as per voucher No 1 12.62
" do do Geo W. SHAPR as per do No 2 5.62 ½
" do do Eleanor WHITE as per do No 3 5.00
" do do Stephen M. FOSTER as per do No 4 6.31
" do do Charlotte TERRELL Senr as per do No 6 35.00
" do do same as per do No 7 5.00
" do do Wilson FIDLER as per do No 8 6.06 ¼
" do do Geo SCARBOROUGH as per do No 9 4.19
" do do Same as per do No 10 5.18
" do do Charlotte TERRELL as per do No 12 5.68
" do do E. BAMBERGER as per do No 13 15.05
" do do Stephen M. FOSTER as per do No 14 1.75
" do do Henry W. SCOTT as per do No 15 6.00
" do do Heady & BEARD as per do No 16 9.00
" do do R. LANCASTER as per do No 17 .95
" do do Charlotte TERRELL Senr as per do No 18 19.13 ¼
Allowance for Interest on the above ___ amounts 15.37
do to guardian for his services 21.81 1/3
do to Comms for making this settlement 3.00
do to clk for recording do do 3.50
Balance due from guardian 869.25 ¼
We the undersigned standing Commissioners for the settlement of Executors Administrators and guardian accounts in and for Spencer County being called upon by Henry H. TERRELL Guardian of Charlotte TERRELL Deceased who was Devisee of Micajah TERRELL Deceased to state and settle his accounts as guardian of said orphans Estates, do report that we have performed that duty and submit the foregoing as the settlement made by us by which it will appear that there is in the hands of said guardian belonging to his Deceased ward and subject to distribution among her heirs at Law the sum of Eight hundred and sixty nine Dollars 25 ½ cents Charlotte TERRELL Oliver C. TERRELL and William M. FOSTER the heirs of said Charlotte TERRELL Decd residing in Spencer County were present at this settlement all of which we respectfully report to the Spence County Court Given under our hands this 12th day of October 1840
At a County Court held for Spencer County on Monday the 2nd day of November 1840 This Settlement of the accounts of Henry H. TERRELL guardian of Charlotte TERRELL Deceased Devisee of Micajah TERRELL Deceased was this day returned by the Commissioners and it is ordered that the same be continued until the next Court for exceptions.
At a County Court held for Spencer County on Monday the 7th day of December 1840 This settlement of the accounts of Henry H. TERRELL guardian of Charlotte TERRELL Deceased Devisee of Micajah TERRELL Deceased which was returned by the Commissioners at the last Court was this day taken up and no exceptions having been taken to or filed against said settlement by any persons interested in said Estate nor by the Guardian and the same having been examined and approved of by the Court is ordered to be recorded.
Transcribed by Patricia O'Connor