Will of Thomas L. Thurman 
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Will of Thomas L. Thurman
In the name of God Amen, I Thomas L. Thurman of Spencer County and State of Kentucky being low and sick but in perfect cences, I make my last will and testament. I wish as much of my property sold as it may take to pay off all my just debts. I bequeath to my oldest daughter Elizabeth Thurman the sum of twenty five dollars to be paid to her when she becomes twenty one years of age. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Lucy Ann Thurman my entire estate (after all my just debts is paid) during her widowhood. If she should marry she is then to have one third part of my estate, the remainder of my estate I give and bequeath to my three children – Sarah Catharine Thurman, James William Thurman and Mary Amanda Thurman to be equally divided amond them. It is my wish that Reuben Collings shall be my executor having no other bequests to make. I come to a close by here unto sitting my hand and seal in presence of:
Attest T L Thurman
George Le Page October 19, 1838
R.S. Harrison
J. E. Thurman
At a county court held for Spencer County on Monday the 5th day of November 1838 this writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Thomas L. Thurman dec’d was proved according to law by the oaths of George LePage, John E. Thurman witnesses there to and is ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Reuben Collings the Executor therein named who made oath thereto and together with Miller(misters?) Easley Edington Collings and George LePage his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $4000 conditioned as the law directs. Certificate is granted the said Reuben Collings for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form. Attest Ralph Lancaster CSCC
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