Taylor County Tax List - selected individuals
Contributed by: Jeremy B Johnson
are all people from the northwestern section of the county. They are
in order as I found them on microfilm. This is only a very small portion
of the county.
- Edward H.
Arvin, 124 acres - Pitman Creek - $100, 1 white male over 21, 2
horses - $40, 5 cattle, 5 children between 5 and 16, total value
- $140.
- Robert M. Allen,
1 white male over 21, 1 cow.
- David Allen,
130 acres - Pitman Creek - $200, 1 white male over 21, 2 horses
- $40, 6 cattle, 2 children between 6 and 15, total value - $240.
- Isaiah Buley,
1 white male over 21, 1 cow, 2 children between 5 and 16.
- James B. Beams,
200 acres - Little Brush Creek - $600, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse
- $50, 2 mules - $85, 11 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $40,
2 children between 5 and 16, total value - $775.
- James Childers,
92 acres - Pitman Creek - $400, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse -
$20, 3 children between 5 and 16, total value - $420.
- Joshua Childers,
1 white male over 21, 3 cattle, 1 child between 5 and 16.
- Solomon Combs,
60 acres - Brush Creek - $300, 1 white male over 21, 4 horses -
$80, 4 cattle, 2 children between 5 and 16, total value - $380.
- Friend Carter,
50 acres - Big Brush Creek - $75, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse
- $20, 2 cattle, 2 children between 5 and 16, total value - $95.
- Lewis Coakley,
140 acres - Little Brush Creek - $300, 1 white male over 21, 1 slave
over 16, 3 slaves total - $600, 2 horses - $60, 10 cattle, 1 child
between 5 and 16, total value - $960.
- Aaron H. Dewitt,
1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $30, 5 cattle, 4 children between
5 and 16, total value - $30.
- John B. Dewitt
Sr., 97 acres - Pitman Creek - $485, 1 white male over 21, 3 cattle,
4 children between 5 and 16, total value - $485.
- John B. Dewitt
as agent for R. P. Sanders, 5 horses - $125, total value - $125.
- Elias Dezarn,
70 acres - Pitman Creek - $70, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $20,
2 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total value - $90.
Harriet Drewin, 2 cattle.
Johnson Drewin, 50 acres - Little Brush Creek - $150, 1 white male
over 21, 3 horses - $50, 1 cow, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $200.
Richard Dearen, 256 acres - Little Brush Creek - $1024, 1 white
male over 21, 1 slave over 16, 4 slaves total - $1050, 3 horses
- $80, 7 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total value - $2154.
Wm. M. Gaddie, 65 acres - Marion County - Salt Lick - $65, 1 white
male over 21, total value - $65.
George W. Gaddie, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $50, 5 cattle,
total value - $50.
Sarah Gaddie, 1 horse - $35, total value - $35.
Elijah Gaddie, 85 acres - Pitman Creek - $425, 1 white male over
21, 3 horses - $100, 14 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $20,
5 children between 5 and 16, total value - $545.
Benj. Gaddie, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $30, 3 cattle, 2 children
between 5 and 16, value under the equalization law - $150, total
value - $180.
Bat S. Gaddie, 228 acres - Pitman Creek - $912, 1 white male over
21, 2 slaves over 16, 4 slaves total - $1300, 7 horses - $315, 8
cattle, total value - $2527.
Walker Gill, 155 acres - Pitman Creek - $775, 1 white male over
21, 6 horses - $170, 15 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $25,
1 stud horse - $200, 3 children between 5 and 16, value under the
equalization law - $500, total value - $1470.
James S. Gaddie, 1 white male over 21, 1 slave over 16, 4 slaves
total - $1500, 3 horses - $100, 10 cattle, value of cattle over
$50 - $22, 1 child between 5 and 16, total value - $1622.
George Gaddie, 775 acres - Pitman Creek - $3100, 100 acres - Bacon
Creek (Hart County?) - $400, 241 acres - Pitman Creek - $241, 119
acres - Pitman Creek - $59, 240 acres - Pitman Creek - $840, 1 white
male over 21, 17 slaves over 21, 34 slaves total - $10,500, 15 horses
- $450, 50 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $175, value under
the equalization law - $1150, total value - $16,915.
Benjamin Gaddie, 372 acres - Pitman Creek - $100, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $22, 3 cattle, total value - $122.
Juda Gaddie, 75 acres - Pitman Creek - $150, 1 cow, total value
- $150.
Lewis Gaddie, 100 acres - Little Brush Creek - $300, 1 white male
over 21, 1 horse - $35, 2 cattle, total value - $335.
Johnson B. Gaddie, 245 acres - Little Brush Creek - $300, 1 white
male over 21, 3 horses - $60, 11 cattle, 5 children between 5 and
16, total value - $360.
Elias Gaddie, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $25, 1 cow, total
value - $25.
Jonathon Gaddie, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $40, total value
- $40.
Holland Hedgespeth, 200 acres - Pitman Creek - $600, 1 white male
over 21, 2 horses - $50, 1 mule - $10, 9 cattle, 4 children between
5 and 16, total value - $660.
Wm. A. Hedgespeth, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $30, total value
- $30.
Joel Hash, 1 white male over 21, 2 cattle, 4 children between 5
and 16.
William Hash, 63 acres - Pitman Creek - $315, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $70, 5 cattle, 3 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $385.
- Lemuel Hedgespeth,
1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $30, total value - $30.
- Hol S. Hedgespeth,
175 acres - Pitman Creek - $500, 1 white male over 21, 1 slave under
16 - $450, 5 horses - $175, 6 cattle, 1 child between 5 and 16,
value under the equalization law - $103, total value - $1228.
- Lewis Hedgespeth,
189 acres - Pitman Creek - $756, 1 white male over 21, 7 slaves
over 16, 8 slaves total - $4000, 3 horses - $110, 13 cattle, value
of cattle over $50 - $30, total value - $4896.
- Daniel Hill,
1 white male over 21, 2 horses - $90, 7 cattle, value under the
equalization law - $50, total value - $140.
- Matthew Hedgespeth,
83 acres - Pitman Creek - $100, 1 white male over 21, 2 cattle,
2 children between 5 and 16, total value - $100.
- Thomas Helton,
212 acres - Pitman Creek - $1272, 1 white male over 21, 5 horses
- $150, 10 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $30, value under the
equalization law - $250, total value - $1702.
- Mary Hash,
200 acres - Pitman Creek - $1000, 2 slaves over 16, 5 slaves total
- $1400, 7 horses - $175, 11 cattle - value of cattle over $50 -
$10, 1 child between 5 and 16, value under the equalization law
- $200, total value - $2785.
- John Hash,
1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $40, 3 cattle, 2 children between
5 and 16, total value - $40.
- James Hoover,
100 acres - Little Brush Creek - $200, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse
- $25, 3 cattle, total value - $225.
- Arnold Helton,
60 acres - Pitman Creek - $60, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $50,
5 cattle, total value - $110.
- Thomas Hash,
130 acres - Pitman Creek - $130, 1 white male over 21, 4 children
between 5 and 16, total value - $130.
- Mary Hedgespeth,
2 cattle.
- Nancy Harris,
2 cattle, 1 child between 5 and 16.
- Henry Jones,
100 acres - Pitman Creek - $150, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse -
$30, 5 cattle, total value - $180.
- Elijah Jones,
300 acres - Pitman Creek - $600, 1 white male over 21, 3 horses
- $90, 8 cattle, total value - $690.
- James Jones,
400 acres - Pitman Creek - $200, 1 white male over 21, 2 horses
- $60, 8 cattle, 3 children between 5 and 16, total value - $260.
- Lewis Jones,
190 acres - Little Brush Creek - $300, 1 white male over 21, 2 horses
- $65, 4 cattle, 5 children between 6 and 16, total value - $365.
- Elijah Johnson,
1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $25, 4 cattle, 2 children between
5 and 16, total value - $25.
- Jeremiah Johnson,
1 white male over 21.
Phebe Johnson Sr., 74 acres - Big Brush Creek - $74, 1 horse - $35,
4 cattle, 1 child between 5 and 16, total value - $109.
John Johnson, 1 white male over 21.
Cyntha Johnson, 60 acres - Big Brush Creek - $120, 1 horse - $30,
2 cattle, total value - $150.
Phebe Johnson Jr., 1 child between 5 and 16.
Henry Johnson, 120 acres - Pitman Creek - $500, 1 white male over
21, 2 horses - $100, 7 cattle, 5 children between 5 and 16, value
under the equalization law - $200, total value - $800.
William Linville, 345 acres - Little Brush Creek - $584, 1 white
male over 21, 2 horses - $80, 4 cattle, 3 children between 5 and
16, total value - $664.
William Lee, 87 acres - Big Brush Creek - $174, 1 white male over
21, 3 horses - $105, 7 cattle, 5 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $279.
Preston Linville, 185 acres - Big Brush Creek - $250, 1 white male
over 21, 1 horse - $40, 3 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $279.
Jeremiah Morris, 1 white male ove 21, 1 horse - $20, 3 cattle, total
value - $20.
Jesse Morris, 300 acres - Pitman Creek - $900, 1 white male over
21, 3 horses - $100, 9 cattle, 2 children between 5 and 16, value
under the equalization law - $50, total value - $1050.
William Morris, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $40, total value
- $40.
Jesse Morris Jr., 200 acres - Pitman Creek - $1000, 1 white male
over 21, 5 horses - $150, 10 cattle, 5 children between 5 and 16,
value under the equalization law - $250, total value - $1500.
Holliday Morris, 126 acres - Pitman Creek - $882, 1 white male over
21, 4 horses - $170, 8 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $5, 2
children between 5 and 16, value under the equalization law - $400,
total value - $1457.
Henry Morris, 1 white male over 21, 2 horses - $50, total value
- $50.
Luther Morris, 150 acres - Pitman Creek - $150, 1 white male over
21, 3 horses - $75, 5 cattle, total value - $225.
James Morris, 220 acres - Pitman Creek - $500, 1 white male over
21, 2 horses - $55, 2 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $555.
Thomas Mears, 1 white male over 21.
Phillip Murphy, 175 acres - Pitman Creek - $500, 1 white male over
21, 2 horses - $40, 3 cattle, total value - $540.
Henry D. Murphy, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $30, 4 cattle,
total value - $30.
William M. Murphy, 1 white male over 21,1 horse - $30, 1 cow, total
value - $30.
Phillip T. Murhpy, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $30, 3 cattle,
total value - $30.
Hartwell Martin, 1 white male over 21, 5 children between 5 and
John Morris, 36 acres - Pitman Creek - $150, 1 white male over 21,
1 horse - $15, 3 cattle, total value - $165.
Cornelius H. Morris, 80 acres - Pitman Creek - $500, 1 white male
over 21, 1 slave over 16, 3 slaves total - $700, 1 horse - $40,
11 cattle, 2 children between 5 and 16, total value - $1240.
Wm. H. Morris, 1 white male over 21, 2 horses - $60, 1 cow, total
value - $60.
Josiah Morris, 1 white male over 21.
Moses Mears, 100 acres - Big Brush Creek - $150, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $50, 3 cattle, 1 child between 5 and 16, total value
- $200.
James Morrison, 114 acres - Little Brush Creek - $342, 1 white male
over 21, 2 horses - $100, 1 cow, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $442.
Wm. McDaniel Sr., 100 acres - Black Snake - $100, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $20, 4 cattle, total value - $120.
Loyd McDaniel, 1 white male over 21.
Nelly McCume, 25 acres - Brush Creek - $25.
Simeon Morris, 133 acres - Pitman Creek - $100, 1 white male over
21, 2 horses - $40, 5 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $140.
James H. Nelson, 12 acres - Pitman Creek - $25, 1 white male over
21, 5 horses - $160, 1 cow, value under the equalization law - $100,
total value - $285.
J. T. B. Nelson, 135 acres - $945, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse
- $65, total value - $1010.
Jacob R. Oaks, 57 acres - Pitman Creek - $200, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $40, 5 cattle, 6 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $245.
James Overstreet, 212 acres - Pitman Creek - $500, 1 white male
over 21, 3 horses - $75, 4 cattle, total value - $575.
Isaac Oaks, 79 acres - Pitman Creek - $237, 1 horse - $40, 2 cattle,
5 children between 5 and 16, total value - $277.
John Oaks, 119 acres - Pitman Creek - $238, 1 white male over 21,
2 horses - $57, 5 cattle, total value - $295.
Daniel Oaks, 1 white male over 21.
Jacob Shofner, 191 acres - Pitman Creek - $425, 1 white male over
21, 4 horses - $175, 6 cattle, total value - $600.
John T. Shofner, 1 white male over 21.
Robert Shofner Jr., 1 white male over 21, 2 horses - $75, total
value - $75.
Bailey C. Shofner, 59 acres - Pitman Creek - $200, 1 white male
over 21, 3 horses - $100, 9 cattle, 3 children between 5 and 16,
value under the equalization law - $200, total value - $500.
Solomon Skaggs, 550 acres - Phelps Fork - $800, 1 white male over
21, 4 horses - $100, 14 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $48,
2 children between 5 and 16, total value - $948.
Wm. S. Skaggs, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $25, 4 cattle, total
value - $25.
John Skaggs, 230 acres - Pitman Creek - $350, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $30, 6 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $380.
Moses Sprowles, 187 acres - Pitman Creek - $561, 1 white male over
21, 3 horses - $120, 9 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $21, 4
children between 5 and 16, total value - $702.
Wm. Sprowles, NO white male over 21, 1 horse - $65, total value
- $65.
William Skaggs Sr., 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $20, total value
- $20.
Richard Skaggs, 498 acres - Pitman Creek - $1982, 1 white male over
21, 7 horses - $245, 9 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, value
under the equalization law - $925, total value - $3152.
James C. Sympson, 278 acres - Pitman Creek - $1606, 1 white male
over 21, 5 horses - $250, 14 cattle - value of cattle over $50 -
$94, 3 children between 5 and 16, value under the equalization law
- $100, total value - $2050.
James S. Skaggs, 36 acres - Pitman Creek - $100, 1 white male over
21, total value - $100.
Thomas S. Shofner, 49 acres - Pitman Creek - $50, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $40, 4 cattle, 3 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $90.
John C. Skaggs, 175 acres - Pitman Creek - $700, 1 white male over
21, 5 horses - $125, 13 cattle, value of cattle over $50 - $38,
1 child between 5 and 16, value under the equalization law - $300,
total value - $1163.
John C. Skaggs as agent for Margaret Cannon, 27 acres - Pitman Creek
- $150, 2 cattle, value under the equalization law - $75, total
value - $225.
Elias Skaggs, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $25, total value -
Virginia Skaggs, 2 cattle.
Edward G. Scott, 120 acres - Brush Creek - $250, 1 white male over
21, 2 horses - $45, 3 cattle, total value - $295.
Wm. T. Skaggs, 219 acres - Pitman Creek - $657, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $30, 3 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $687.
Robert P. Shofner, 38 acres - Little Brush Creek - $152, 1 white
male over 21, 1 horse - $30, 3 cattle, 4 children between 5 and
16, total value - $182.
Isaac Salsman, 180 acres - Pitman Creek - $270, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $35, 7 cattle, 3 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $305.
Daniel Stinnett, 1 white male over 21, 1 cow.
Henry Sympson, 400 acres - Pitman Creek - $3700, 22 acres - Green
River - $110, 1 white male over 21, 4 slaves over 16, 10 slaves
total - $4000, 10 horses - $300, 7 mules - $210, 1 jennie - $15,
35 cattle - value of cattle over $50 - $125, 1 stud horse - $450,
6 children between 5 and 16, value under the eqalization law - $1000,
total value - $9560.
Robert Shofner Sr., 3 town lots - Saloma - $175, 1 white male over
21, 1 horse - $50, 1 cow, total value - $225.
Richard Skaggs Jr. 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $25, total value
- $25.
Gabriel Thompson, 1 white male over 21.
Warren Thompson, 1 white male over 21, 5 horses - $180, 3 cattle,
1 child between 5 and 16, value under the equalization law - $200,
total value - $380.
Drewry Thompson, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $20, 3 cattle,
total value - $20.
Charles Thompson, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $35, 3 cattle,
4 children between 5 and 16, total value - $35.
Lucy Thompson, 92 acres - Pitman Creek - $368, 1 slave over 16,
3 slaves total - $700, 1 horse - $60, 2 cattle, value under the
equalization law - $230, total value - $1338.
John Thompson, 1 white male over 21.
Louisa Thompson, 1 child between 5 and 16.
Greenberry Underwood, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $35, 3 cattle,
3 children between 5 and 16, total value - $35.
Joshua Underwood, 1 white male over 21, 1 cow.
Thomas Underwood, 137 acres - Pitman Creek - $500, 1 white male
over 21, 3 horses - $125, 5 cattle, 1 store - $900, 6 children between
5 and 16, total value - $1525.
Anderson Underwood, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $10, 3 children
between 5 and 16.
Abraham Underwood, 72 acres - Pitman Creek - $216, 1 white male
over 21, 2 horses - $60, 6 cattle, 5 children between 5 and 16,
total value - $276.
Hiram Underwood, 117 acres - Brush Creek - $351, 1 white male over
21, 5 horses - $150, 7 cattle, 1 child between 5 and 16, total value
- $501.
Calloway Underwood, 152 1/2 acres - Brush Creek - $160, 1 white
male over 21, 3 horses - $75, 5 cattle, 6 children between 5 and
16, total value - $235.
L. (?) Underwood, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $20, total value
- $20.
Wm. Underwood, 1 white male over 21, 2 horses - $45, 4 cattle, 5
children between 5 and 16, total value - $45.
Younger Underwood, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $25, 3 cattle,
5 children between 5 and 16, total value - $25.
James Underwood, 40 acres - Brush Creek - $100, 1 white male over
21, 2 horses - $60, 5 cattle, total value - $160.
Caleb Underwood, 1 white male over 21.
Avary Warren, 245 acres - Little Brush Creek - $290, 1 white male
over 21, 2 horses - $100, 7 cattle, total value - $390.
John C. Warren, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse - $50, 2 cattle, total
value - $50.
Felix G. Warren, 1 white male over 21, 2 cattle, 2 children between
5 and 16.
Berry Walker, 110 acres - Little Brush Creek - $330, 1 white male
over 21, 2 horses - $60, 6 cattle, total value - $390.
David Workman, 100 acres - Pitman Creek - $200, 1 white male over
21, 2 horses - $50, 6 cattle, 4 children between 5 and 16, total
value - $250.
- Mary Warren,
107 acres - Little Brush Creek - $80, 1 horse - $30, 3 children
between 5 and 16, total value - $110.
- William Warren
Jr., 100 acres - Little Brush Creek - $150, 1 white male over 21,
2 horses - $50, 7 cattle, 1 child between 5 and 16, total value
- $200.
- James White,
1 white male over 21, 2 cattle, 3 children between 5 and 16.
- Roydon Wood,
100 acres - Big Brush Creek - $200, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse
- $20, 2 cattle, total value - $220.
- C-----? Warren,
1 white male over 21.
- Elijah Warren,
50 acres - Little Brush Creek - $50, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse
- $15, 1 cow, 4 children between 5 and 16, total value - $65. (Elijah
Warren appears twice on the taxlist, both times with the exact same
list of property)
- J. M. Young,
220 acres - Pitman Creek - $770, 1 white male over 21, 1 slave under
16 - $350, 3 horses - $120, 4 cattle, value under the equalization
law - $360, total value - $1600.
- Catherine Young,
3 slaves over 16, 11 slaves total - $3150, 1 horse - $50, 6 cattle,
value under the equalizaton law - $600, total value - $3800.
A. J. Young, 250 acres - Pitman Creek - $800, 1 white male over
21, 1 slave under 16 - $300, 2 horses - $80, 6 cattle, 6 children
between 5 and 16, total value - $1180.