Taylor County
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- Court Records
The Taylor County Courthouse has Marriage, Land, Probate and Court records
from 1848. The address is 203 N. Court St., Campbellsville, KY 42718-9600,
Phone number (207) 465-6677.
- Birth &
Vital Statistics Office has on file
Certificates and
Certificates from 1911 to present. The office has no records of
births occurring prior to the above date except delayed records of births
for persons born before 1911 which have been established by affidavits
and documentary evidence. The
Historical Society has collected and filed some
birth and death records that were gathered in various counties of Kentucky
under an act of the General Assembly of 1850. These records cover a
period from 1851 to 1862, when registration under this Act was discontinued.
The law was re-enacted in the mid 1870's, with many counties not participating
or dropping the program after a few years.
- Marriage
and Divorce
Vital Statistics Office has on file marriage and divorce
certificates from June 1958 to present. Copies of marriage certificates
prior to this date may be obtained from the Taylor County Clerk and
divorce certificates can be obtained from the Taylor County Circuit

Projects relating to Taylor County at the USGenWeb Site
Researchers for Taylor County
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researcher or service. Hire at your own risk)
If you have or know
of any online resources pertaining to Taylor County, please consider
sharing it with others by submitting it to be posted to this site. We
depend on the kindness of volunteers to help make this site work.