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Nathaniel Henry Lucas, died November 9, 1908

Franklin Favorite November 12, 1908

"GOOD CITIZEN PASSED AWAY" Monday morning at 3:15 one of Warren County's oldest and best known citizens departed from this earth in the of Mr. Nathaniel Henry Lucas at his home in the Sunnyside vicinity, of causes incident to old age, being 90 years old. Mr. Lucas was born March 2, 1818 in this county, and had lived here all of his life. He has been a prosperous farmer and was a good citizen in his community and wherever he was known, looking to the interest of his vicinity. The deceases since early manhood has been a Christian and an earnest member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Mt. Olivet and was one of its best members. The many friends will learn with the keenest regret of his death and extend to each member of the family their heartfelt sympathy in their sad hour of bereavement--Park City Daily News

Mr. Lucas was the father of Mr. Joe B. Lucas of the Franklin Hardware Company and the many friends of the most excellent gentleman will be pained to hear of his fathers death.

Park City Daily News

"N.H.LUCAS DIES TO-DAY" Nathaniel Henry Lucas one of the county's oldest, most substantial and best loved citizens died at his home near Sunnyside at 3:15 o'clock this morning of causes incident to old age. The funeral services will occur from the residence to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock and be conducted by Dr. J.S. Grider and Rev. S.H. Eshman. The interment will occur at the Odd Fellows' cemetery at Smith's Grove. The deceased was born in this county, where he had spent his entire life, in 1818, being 90 years of age. He was married April 5th, 1853 to Miss Mary B. Maury, of this county. She preceded him to the grave just a little over a year ago, having died July 24th, 1907. He leaves surviving him to mourn their loss four sons, Chas. W., J.Henry, N.Lee and Joe B. and four daughters, Mrs. Jas.W.Helm, Mrs. Jno Cowles, and Misses Mary and Clyde Lucas. The deceased professed religion in early manhood and connected himself with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, being a member of the Mt. Olivet congregation and died in the hope of a Christian's reward. No better known or more popular man ever lived in this county than was Mr. Lucas. He was a man who lived his religion in his everyday life, and his name stood for all that is noble and good in every phase of life. He had amassed a goodly share of this world's goods, but used much of his means in administering to suffering humanity and aiding in every public enterprise that was for the general weal. His life was a benediction to the county and he leaves a noble and splendid lot of children who are a monument to his sterling worth and exemplary life.


This is the photograph of Nathaniel Henry Lucas family who lived near Bristow Station in Warren county.

From left to right: Nathaniel Henry Lucas Jt. (with horse), Nathaniel Henry Lucas Sr., Clyde Lucas (young girl), Lee Lucas, Virginia Lucas, Mary Barton (Maury) Lucas, Clara Lucas, Mattie Lucas, Joe B. Lucas

Virginia and Clara are the two girls that married James Wilson Helm. The original of this photograph is at the Kentucky Building Library, Western Kentucky University.



Submitted by: Bob Law Registry #0000876

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