Warren County Will Book C

from Sandi Gorin, SCKY Mailing List, with permission to post

With the cooperation of the Western Kentucky Library in Bowling Green, I was able to transcribe Will Book C of Warren Co from the old WPA typed book which contained many errors. This covers wills and inventories starting from the July Term 1823
through the January term of 1827. This is the last book I have transcribed - Unlike previous books, I have listed all the names
shown of purchasers, etc.  These are taken from "Ancestral Graves in Warren County, KY by the late O. L. Thomas, which book I now publish by permission of the family - Sandi Gorin

C Chisester Curtis - inv & sale
William Whittington - inv & sale
Joseph Boxley - inv & sale
John M Craig - inv & sale
Harden Turner -a ccounts
Abner Hanney - inv
Chesterfield Jackson - sale
Samuel Stephenson - inv
Thomas Madison - inv
Moses Philips - inv & sale
William S M'Dowell - addition to inv
Nathaniel R Bacon - will
John H Clark - will
Cornelius Campbell - inv & sale
Thomas Coleman - inv & receipts
Jason L Isbell - inv
Thomas Meek - inv
William Renick - inv
Hardy Manner - inv & sale
Samuel Cherry - inv & sale
Robert Reese - commissioner's report
Jason Isbell - inv
David Campbell - will
Nancy Mannan - Dower
Jane Sears (formerly Jason L Isbell - widow) Dower
Pleasant C Pollard - will & inv
John Anderson - inv
Robert Middleton - inv & sale
Samuel Cherry - inv & sale
Joseph B Lapsley - will
Thomas Coleman - sale
William Renick - additions
John Wheeler - appropriations
Jason Isbell - further returns
Thomas W Taylor - sale
Abner Dyers Sr - sale
Robert Harreld - inv & sale
David Ayres - receipts
Vincent Williams - sett
Thomas Meek - additional appraisement & sale
Henry Hines - debts
Samuel Stephenson - monies due
William Shackelford - inv & sales
George Harris - will
Ruben Moss - inv & sale
Patrick Gilmore - inv & sale
William Hayes - inv & sale
Josiah Wells - inv & sale
Thomas W Taylor - accounts & inv
Joseph Richardson - will
Daniel Farmer - inv
Jordan Brown - inv
John H Doke - balance of estate
John Ennis - inv & sale
Samuel Reynolds - inv & sale
Polly Smith - will
William Perkins - will
William Maxey - will
David Reed - will
This takes us up to the Oct Term 1824