An 1829 Adair County KY Militia Roll

(From a photocopy of an original document in the possession of a descendant of Drury Williams (mentioned below. This document photocopied, transcribed, and submitted with the permission of the possessor.)


Mr. Robert Mcclain, Sergeant you are hereby notified to attend the following musters for the present year armed & equipped as the law directs

company musters at Bengamin Powels on the 1 Saturday in Aprile & - Battalion the 11of may at John Bredings regmentals in Columbia on the __ of October court of ascesment in columbia on the last munday in October you will ishue your notes accordingly to the following men.


March the 22- 1829 /s/ Allan D. Patteson


[column 1]                                                         [column 1, continued]

Jessa Edwards                                                   John Powel                                      

Clatan Millar                                                      Squire Powel                                      

John McClain                                                     Blare Powel

William Edwards                                                         Be__ [?Been; appears to be the surname only]

George McDowel                                              John Booer                                               

Powel Hoatt [marked out]                              [column 2]

Thomas Hoatt                                                    ___ry Booer

Tompson Sanders                                     Charles* [marked out; no surname]                 

Julies Sanders                                                    Joel Sanders*                                              

John Sanders                                                     Wm. Williamson*                                          

Lewis Triplet                                                     Elius Powel*                                     

M.C. Roop                                                        John McDowell*

James Bayley*

*These names are in different handwriting. The last two are very, very faint on the photocopy.


An 1853 Muster Notification  

(Possession/permission as above)

Mr. Drury Williams sir you are hereby notified to attend musters for the present year viz Battalioun the 21st of May Regmental on the 6th of October each in Jamestown Company muster the 5th Saturday in April at John Lapsley court of assesment on the 3d Thursday in October in Jamestown you will attend each time and place by 10 o ck A M armed and equipped as the law directs April 6th 1853. /s/ Isaac N.

Williams SerJ


[Note: This Williams family lived in Russell County on present day Highway 92, very close to the Adair/Russell County line and the Montpelier general store and post office.]

********************************************************************************************A miscellaneous note

(Possession/permission as above)


Received of Mr. Aron Williams One Dollar in Cash in part for the tuition of one scholar.

/s/ A.R. Morehead July 27th 1822