The Columbia High School Class of 1947 (Articles transcribed from various editions of the Adair County News.) Wednesday, December 12, 1945 (Society column)
marriages at the end of this
compilation are several of the classmates who married up thru 1949) Misses Alleyne Holladay, Martha Maupin, Montra Corbin and Catherine Marshall spent the weekend in Louisville. Wednesday, March 13, 1946 Junior Class Presents Annual Play March 21 On Thursday, March 21, at 7:45 p.m., the Junior Class of Columbia High School, will present its play, "Strawberry Kate." Here is a play brimful of excitement, uproarious comedy and the refreshing atmosphere of spring. Bob Crawford, a member of one of the State's best families and Charlie Granger, arrive in the little town of Cedar Grove on a visit, and are promptly captured by a belligerent little Miss known as "Strawberry Kate." She has been bothered by strawberry raiders and suspects Bob and Charlie of being the culprits. To conceal their identities, they accept jobs picking strawberries. The little town of Cedar Grove is all agog over the big social event of the year--The Spring Festival. Who will reign as Prince Charming and Princess Beautiful of the gala event? The cast is composed of the following juniors: Montra Corbin, Noema Akin, Jean Dohoney, Harold Baldwin, David Caldwell, Alleyne Holladay, Catherine Marshall, Billy Roy, Cecelia Rogers, Donald Pickett, Elizabeth Lowe and Albert Woodrum. Wednesday, May 8, 1946 C.H.S. Juniors Visit Cumberland Falls On Wednesday of last week the Junior Class from Columbia High School with their sponsor, Miss Willie Rosenbaum, chartered a bus and visited Cumberland Falls. They left Columbia at 8:00 a.m. and went by Somerset, London, and Corbin, and at 1:00 they were eating a picnic lunch outside the park. They visited all places of interest around the Falls and made the return trip by way of Burnside, crossing the ferry at that place. Wednesday, May 15, 1946 Junior-Senior Banquet Held Friday Evening A banquet given by the Junior Class, Columbia High School for the Senior Class on Friday evening in the school dining room was a very pleasant affair. The program theme for the banquet, "Moon Dreams," was pleasingly presented in decorations, favors, music and speeches. The speaker of the evening, Rev. V.P. Henry, spoke on the subject, "Second Only to the Sun." Impressive ideals were presented by Rev. Henry. Alleyne Holladay gave the introductory speech, Lewis Dunbar gave the response. Martha Maupin gave the concluding speech on "The Spirit of Columbia High." Songs were sung by the following girls of the class: Noema Akin, Montra Corbin, Martha Maupin, Elizabeth Lowe, Alleyne Holladay, Cecelia Rogers, Alleen Allison, Doris Morris, Georgia Hancock, Stella Grider. A full attendance of both classes, faculty and members of the board of education enjoyed the dinner, served by the Home Economics Department. Wednesday, August 28, 1946 Columbia Schools Open Tuesday, September 3 Columbia High School, and Jackman High will open on Tuesday, September 3, but students will be required to attend only the morning session, city school superintendent H.R. Kirk announced today... Wednesday, September 4, 1946 627 Enroll In City Schools The Columbia City Schools started the fall term yesterday with 627 students--one of the largest enrollments in the school's history, according to Superintendent H.R. Kirk. Wednesday, September 25, 1946 Births Mr. and Mrs. John Burr announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday morning, September 17. The young lady has been named Elizabeth Marlene. Wednesday, September 25, 1946 (front page headline) Dr. V. Henry Appointed Full-Time Head At LindseyWednesday, October 9, 1946 C.H.S. Seniors Practicing For Annual Play The Senior Class of the Columbia High School will present their annual play on Thursday evening, October 17. The cast is busy practicing "What Ails You?" which gives the promise of being an excellent production. Wednesday, October 16, 1946 C.H.S. Senior Class Will Present Play The senior class of Columbia High School will present a comedy, "What Ails You?" on Thursday evening, October 17, at 7:30 o'clock. This play is irresistibly merry, refreshingly clean and wholesome. As a boy, Marc Lit-tle suffered from more than his share of kid diseases, and the hoodoos of ill health fol-lowed him into his early twenties. Then to add to it all he falls in love. He doesn't tell "the girl" of his new affliction, but decides to go away for a year to write a novel; and to find perfect health. He does such a good job that the doctors rate him 100%. He pro-poses to Thelma by mail and is accepted. But his troubles only then begin. He soon becomes embroiled in round after round of mysterious and hilarious happenings. The cast consists of the following seniors: Jean Dohoney, Montra Corbin, Harold Baldwin, Cecelia Rogers, Alleyne Holladay, Billy Roy, Elizabeth Lowe, Catherine Marshall, Martha Maupin, and Albert Woodrum. Wednesday, October 23, 1946 C.H.S. Senior Play Proves Great Success The annual senior play of the Columbia High School, "What Ails You," was presented before a large and appreciative audience. Everyone reports that it was one of the best plays ever given in the Columbia High School. Each member played his part well. The cast included [same names as above.] The ushers were Noema Akin, Margaret Wilson, Allene Marshall, Lois Petty, Rebecca Reed, Georgia Hancock, Christine Matthews, Geneva Triplett, Margie Burton, Edgar Ballou, John Rigney and Eddie Rigney. The play was directed by Miss Willie Rosenbaum, senior sponsor. All the seniors worked faithfully to make the play a success and to sell tickets. The total proceeds were $251.10, which is the largest amount ever made on a play by any class in the history of the school. Wednesday, October 30, 1946 School Carnival Thursday Night _______ Carnival Queen Will Be Crowned As Feature Event of the Evening. The annual Carnival sponsored by the Columbia P.-T.A. and Columbia City School will be given on Thursday evening, October 31. The theme will be based on the Hallowe'en idea. Costume prizes will be awarded in six classes--pre-school, grades 1-4, grades 5-8, high school, college, and out-of-school people. The Queen of the Carnival will be crowned at the conclusion of the programs for the evening. Special feature shows will consist of a Negro Minstrel put on by the parents and friends of the school, a high school Radio Revue, a style show by upper grades, a fish pond a cake walk, a picture show of local school children, and fortune teller... Wednesday, November 6, 1946 C.H.S. Redhounds To Open Season Columbia high School opens their 1946-47 basketball season Friday night at Burkesville. The Redhounds have been practicing for the past four weeks and the boys are in good condition. This year's squad has the best spirit of any Columbia team for the past several years... The following boys will probably make up the first squad: Billy Roy, Harold Baldwin, Albert Woodrum, Charles Marshal, Sammy Wilson, Buck Baldwin and Clyde Bryant. Paul Webb, who just returned from Germany and Austria where he served in the Army of Occupation, will probably make one of the starting five work hard for their positions after he rounds into shape. Carl Hughes and Ralph Reece have been working hard and will see action with the first team. The following boys will make up the second team: Billy Keys, Victor Henry, T. Matthews, T. Stephenson, Hollis Watson, Charles Antle, Reed Combest and Lenden Burton... Wednesday, November 6, 1946 Hallowe'en Carnival Draws Large Crowd The annual Carnival...was held on Hallowe'en night... One of the best shows of the evening was the "Negro Minstrel," presented by a number of local men. Miss Mary Snow Daughtery, freshman representative, was chosen to be queen of the Carnival and Billy Sandusky, the chosen escort for the freshman class, served as King of the Carnival. Attendants to the queen were Jeanie Keltner and Kenneth Scott, Hortense Rogers and Billy Roy, and Beatrice Montgomery and Austin Finn. Ray Hutchinson was crown bearer...A floor show was presented for the queen's court. Wednesday, January 15, 1947 Columbia Netters Win Two Games Friday The C.H.S. Red Hounds journeyed to Ferguson last Friday and came home with two victories. The score of the second team was 22 to 21, while the first team won 41 to 36 in two well played games, The game was "nip and tuck" all the way through with Columbia getting its 5 point margin in the last few minutes. B. Baldwin, Wilson and Capt. Roy led the Columbia scorers, while H. Baldwin, Bryant and Webb did some beautiful passing. The most heartening thing of the whole game was the fine spirit shown by the team. Coach John Burr can be justly proud of the spirit of this year's team...February 5, 1947 C.H.S. Students Give $75 To March of Dimes Students at the Columbia Graded and High School have donated the sum of $75 to the March of Dimes. This money as well as all other sums raised during the drive will be used to aid infantile paralysis sufferers. Wednesday, February 5, 1947 Adair County Boy Missing Norman Aaron, 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aaron, of Glensfork, and a member of the Junior Class at the Columbia High School, disappeared on Thursday of last week and no word of his whereabouts has been received as yet by any member of the family or friends... Wednesday, February 12, 1947 Missing Youth Found In Northern Illinois Adair County officers were notified Thursday that Norman Aaron, Columbia High School junior, who had been missing for ten days, had been located in Waukegan, Ill., a town north of Chicago... Wednesday, February 19, 1947 Theatre Opening Draws Crowds Movie Starlet, Miss Doris Doan, Among Out-of-Town Guests Here For Occasion. The new Columbian Theatre opened Thursday [February 20th] as planned and in spite of very bad weather Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marshall, managers, said they were pleased with the large crowds attending each of the four performances. "Gilda," the opening attraction, starring Rita Hayworth, proved good entertainment. Those attending were generous in their praise of the new theatre's up-to-date appointments which include an attractive foyer, spacious auditorium and balcony fitted with comfortable seats and excellent sound system. Preceding the 7:30 show County Attorney O.A. Durham made a brief talk from the stage in praise of the theatre saying, "it is an asset to the community and something of which the citizens of Columbia may be justly proud." February 26, 1947 Columbia Bakery Open For Business The Columbia Bakery, owned and operated by L.J. and L.C. Willis, opened today in a new building located next door to the Columbian Theatre on the Public Square... They will specialize in everything an up-to-date bakery could have to offer and accept special orders for all kinds of fancy cakes. Wednesday, April 2, 1947 New Restaurant Opens Thursday Meadow Hill Inn, the elaborate new restaurant and confectionery, which William L. Walker has built three blocks from the Public Square, will open tomorrow... Wednesday, May 14, 1947 C.H.S. Seniors Entertained At Meadow Hill Inn One of the most pleasing school events in the history of Columbia High School was the banquet given at the Meadow Hill Inn on Friday evening by the Junior Class for the Senior class, faculty and members of the school board. The impressive new dining room was attractively arranged with a variety of bright colored spring flowers and rainbow colors were shown in program booklets. After a delicious dinner which was served to more than one hundred people, an inter-esting program was given by the host class. The theme for the meeting was placed in "Holiday Inn" with Carl Hughes as toast master. He introduced the program with a discussion of Happy Holiday. Geren Bybee spoke on "Swing It," in a welcome address. Lois Petty responded, using the subject, "Rehearsal." A number of junior girls sang a chorus and Marie Dunbar and Mary Ruth Page continued the theme. Mildred Dillingham and Ruby Hutchison sang, "The River of Roses" as a duet and Mrs. Joe Hutchison, speaking on the sub-ject, "The Downbeat," compared the direct-or's signal in an orchestra to a commence-ment occasion. The "Goodbye" was led by Gladys Combest and sung by Edwin R. Cundiff, Ralph Reece, Frank Paxton and Carl Hughes. Wednesday, May 14, 1947 Commencement Plans At C.H.S. _______ Twenty-Eight Graduates Will Receive Diplomas May 22. Public Invited To Attend. The thirty-fifth annual commencement program of Columbia High School will begin with the Baccalaureate service to be held in the school auditorium on Sunday evening, May 18, at 7;30 o'clock. On Tuesday evening of the same week, class night program will be given by members of the class of 1947. On Thursday evening, May 22, twenty-eight graduates will be presented diplomas when the final exercises are held. According to custom of the school, one of the local ministers will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon and Rev. L.R. Fugit, minister Columbia Christian Church, will be the speaker this year. Dr. A.M. Stickles, head of the History Department Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green, will deliver the commencement address. The public is cordially invited to attend the following exercises: May16--Piano recital, by pupils of Miss Marguerite Stansbury, at 7:30 p.m. May 18--Baccalaureate service, sermon by Rev. Lawrence R. Fugit, pastor, Columbia Christian Church, 7:30 p.m. May 20--Class night program by pupils of the graduating class, 7:30 p.m. May 22--Commencement exercises for graduating class, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 21, 1947 C.H.S. School Year Draws To Close Commencement exercises at the Columbia High School began on Sunday evening with the Baccalaureate service held in the school auditorium. Rev. Lawrence R. Fugit, pastor of the Columbia Christian Church, deliver-ed the sermon, taking for his subject, "Life Is What We Make It." In an effective man-ner he pointed out the importance of decis-ions in the lives of people, especially young people. Other ministers who had a part on the program were, Dr. W.H. Moody, Rev. John W. Lewis and Rev. Robert Altman. The exercises continue through the week and on Tuesday evening a class night program was presented by the Senior Class, directed by Miss Willie Rosenbaum, sponsor... School will close on Friday, May 23, when the pupils will gather in the auditorium at 9:00 a.m. at which time attendance and individual awards will be presented to the Junior and Senior High School pupils. Wednesday, May 21, 1947 Win Scholastic Awards At C.H.S. The highest scholastic standing of any senior class to be graduated from Columbia High School on Thursday evening, May 22, was achieved by Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Wilson, Columbia. The second highest standing was made by Miss Alleyne Holladay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Holladay, Montpelier. The difference between the average grades of these young ladies was less than one number. Both have been pupils in Columbia High School for the past four years and have been thoroughly dependable and cooperative in school activities as well as in scholastic achievements. These young ladies, who are to receive high school diplomas on Thursday evening, are to be congratulated on their meritous achievements. Wednesday, May 21, 1947 C.H.S. Seniors Visit Blue Grass Section The Columbia High School senior class enjoyed an all-day outing Thursday, May 8, when they visited Frankfort, Lexington and other points of interest in Central Kentucky. The group left here early in the morning on a chartered bus. After stopping for a picnic lunch at noon they went to Frankfort for a tour of the old and new State Capitol buildings. Upon the return trip they visited :Lexington. Miss Willie Rosenbaum, class sponsor, and Mrs. Demaree Richards accompanied the class. Wednesday, May 28, 1947 (in the Society column) C.H.S. Graduates Entertained On Wednesday Special teachers of the Columbia High School entertained members of the graduating class with a tea at the home of Miss Mary Lucy Lowe, principal of the school, on Wednesday afternoon from five to six o'clock. Tea was served from an attractively arranged table decorated with spring flowers, at which Miss Willie Rosenbaum presided. Members of the high school faculty as well as the graduating class, were guests. Those assisting Miss Lowe were: Miss Rosenbaum, Mrs. Demaree Richards, and Mrs. Richard Cheatham. Wednesday, May 28, 1947 28 Graduate At Columbia High Dr. A.M. Stickles, Speaking On "The Successful Life," Pointed Opportunities Of Today Diplomas were issued to twenty-eight seniors who were graduated from Columbia High School at the commencement on Thursday evening. Dr. A.M. Stickles, head of the History Department, Western Kentucky Teachers College, Bowling Green, addressed the graduates. He spoke on "The Successful Life." In a scholarly and effective manner Dr. Stickles pointed out the opportunities for success that present themselves to the youth of today. Local ministers taking part on the program were: Rev. R.E. Reeves, who gave the invocation, and Dr. V.P. Henry, who gave the benediction. "The Green Cathedral" by Hahn, was sung by the school chorus, which had been trained by Miss Marguerite Stansbury. Miss Willie Rosenbaum, senior sponsor, introduced Dr. Henry, who presented the Lindsey Wilson Valedictory award to Miss Margaret Wilson. Miss Elva Goodhue, regent Jane Lampton Chapter D.A.R., presented the Good Citizenship award to Miss Jean Dohoney, senior girl who had been chosen, and the History award to Miss Kathleen Dohoney, who won the history contest. Miss Mary Lucy Lowe, high school principal, presented the class to Mr. H.R. Kirk, superintendent, who awarded diplomas to the following seniors [names appear below.] Miss Lowe also announced that on January 31, diplomas were awarded to a group of veterans who has met the requirements for graduation in one of the manners prescribed by the Armed Forces Institute and approved by the State Department of Education. They are [names appear below.]
The Class of '47
Noema Akin, Harold B. Baldwin, James Edgar Ballou, David Lewis Caldwell, Montra O'Neil Corbin, Jean Taylor Dohoney, Joy Dunbar, Stella Frances Grider, Georgia Frances Hancock, Mary Effie Hancock, Alleyne Holladay, Sallie Elizabeth Lowe, Alleen Marshall, Ida Catherine Marshall, Christine Matthews, Martha Irene Maupin, Doris Jean Morris, Lyla Geneva Pyles, Margie Burton Rigney, Cecelia Rene Rogers, Sibyle Hortense Rogers, William Douglas Roy, Buford Smith, Geneva Elizabeth Triplett, Stanley Paul Webb, Frances Lucille Willis, Margaret Ethelyn Wilson, & Albert Lewis Woodrum.
Ex-Servicemen Receiving Diplomas
Hugh Acree, Kenneth Neil Ballou, Samuel Dee Bennett, Harry Neal Breeding, James T. Breeding, Edwin Everett Burton, William Travis Collins, Marshall Lee Cundiff, David Allen Dohoney, Joe Allen Dudley, Harlan Hindman Floyd, Henry E. Giles, Norman Grant Vernon Ray Grant, John Davidson Henson, Carl Russell Hill, Wallace Thurston Hughes, Phillip Oliver Keltner, Arvin Marshall, Richard Morgan, Joseph Morris, Jr., Earl Willis Morrison, Warren Harding Perkins, James Robert Phelps, Edward Rigney, John Rigney, Thomas Sharp, Louis Wheat Shepherd, William Preston Sinclair, Chester Adrian Sublett James A. Sublett, & Bertis Oliver White. * * * * * * * The following marriage announcements for members of the Class of '47 are those found in the Adair County News through 1949. Wednesday, January 22, 1947 Burton - Rigney On Sunday evening, January 12, at 2:00 p.m., Miss Margie Lois Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Finis Burton, of Garlin, became the bride of Mr. William F. Rigney, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rigney, of Christine, formerly of Jacksonville, Ill. The wedding took place in the Beulah Chapel Brethren in Christ Church, near Garlin, in the presence of a large group of friends of the families, relatives and friends. Rev. H.M. Woglemuth officiated. The church was beautifully decorated... Mrs. Milton Stephens, sister of the bride, and Miss Doris Morris were her only attendants... Mr. Eddie Rigney, brother of the groom, was the best man. Usher were: Messrs. Fred Morris, Milton Stephens and John E. Burton, Jr... Mrs. Rigney will be graduated from Columbia High School in May. She is a former employee of Triangle Food Store. Mr. Rigney attended Ashland High School, Ashland, Ill. He served in the U.S. Army three years and 29 months of this time was overseas in the E.T.O. The young couple will make their home with his parents for the present. Mrs. Rigney is a granddaughter of Mr. C.H. Cravens, of Russell Springs, and the late Mr. J.E. Burton, of Garlin. Wednesday, March 12, 1947 Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Hancock, of Cane Valley, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary E. Hancock, to Mr. Billie Houston Gist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Gist, of Bliss, Ky. Wednesday, June 11, 1947 Triplett-Loy The wedding of Miss Geneva Elizabeth Triplett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Triplett, of Columbia, to Orvin E. Loy, son of Mr. and Mrs. V.W. Loy, of Jamestown, was solemnized Friday, May 30, in Columbia by Rev. Robert Altman... Mrs. Loy is a graduate of the Columbia High School and Mr. Loy is a veteran of World War II. He served 21 months in the Army, almost 16 months of that time being spent in the Pacific. At present he is engaged in farming. Immediately after the wedding the young couple left for a brief honeymoon to Cumberland Falls. September 3, 1947 Mathews - Greenman The wedding of Miss Christine Mathews to Mr. Charles Greenman, Jr., of Louisville, was solemnized Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Columbia Methodist Church, with Rev. John W. Lewis, pastor, officiating. Miss Mathews was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Jesse Mathews, and her only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Louise White, of Campbellsville. Mr. Charles Greenman, Sr., of Louisville, was his son's best man. The altar was beautifully decorated with ferns , bowers of smilax baskets of white hydrangeas, crepe myrtle and tube roses. Fall white candelabra were lighted on each side. Mrs. V.P. Henry presided at the organ and Mrs. T.P. Stephenson sang "I love you truly" preceding the ceremony. Ushers were Messrs. Tommy Mathews, Victor Henry and Jimmy Callison. Mrs. Greenman is the daughter of Mrs. Annabelle Greenman, of this city, and was a recent graduate of the Columbia High School. Mr. Greenman is a student at Lindsey Junior College and plans to return for his second year. He served two years in the U.S. Navy. during World War II. They plan to live on campus. January 7, 1948 Pyles - Willis Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Pyles are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Lyla Pyles, to Mr. Hudson Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Willis, on New Year's Day at Glasgow. The wedding was solemnized at the Glasgow Methodist Church with Rev. J.W. Rayburn officiating, at two o'clock in the afternoon. The bride was attired in a gray suit with navy blue accessories and her corsage was of red roses. January 26, 1949 Grider - Cross The wedding of Miss Stella Frances Grider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Grider, of Columbia, was solemnized Saturday, December 18, at the home of the officiating minister, Dr. P.L. Ramsey, pastor of the First Baptist Church, in Somerset. The double ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a dress of light grey crepe with black accessories and a corsage of red rose buds. Mrs. Lois Davises and Mrs. P.L. Ramsey, of Somerset, were her only attendants. Mrs. Cross graduated from the Columbia High School in 1947 and holds a position with the Goodall Co., at Somerset. The groom is graduate of Somerset High School. He is employed by the Southern Railroad at Somerset. After a wedding trip to North the young couple are making their home at 303 North Maple, Somerset, Ky. November 2, 1949 Corbin - Wethington The marriage of Miss Montra O'Neal Corbin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Corbin, and Mr. Richard Lee Wethington, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.L Wethington, was solemnized at 9:00 o'clock Saturday morning in the Columbia Baptist Church. The Rev. Francis R Tallant officiated, using the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a moonstone blue suit with matching hat and brown accessories. Her corsage was a large white purple-throated orchid. Miss Alleyne Holladay was the bride's only attendant, wearing a brown tweed suit and shoulder bouquet of gardenias. Mr. David Caldwell served as best man. Immediately following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Wethington left on a wedding trip to Canada. After November 6th, they will be at their home on Greensburg St. November 9, 1949 Dohoney - Antle Miss Jean Taylor Dohoney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Dohoney, and William B. Antle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Antle, were united in marriage at the Presbyterian Church, on Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Rev. A.C. Wyckoff, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony, and Mrs. Robert White played the nuptial music. The only guests were close relatives and intimate friends of the couple. The bride was attired in a brown suit, but blue accessories and wore an orchid on her shoulder. Mrs. Charles W. Reeves, of Georgetown, sister of the bride, was her only attendant. Her costume was a blue suit and black accessories, with gardenias as her flowers. Mr. Shelby Winfrey, of Berea, Ky., served as best man for the groom. Both Mr. and Mrs. Antle are graduates of Lindsey Wilson Junior College and during World War II, he served in the U.S. Army. Mr. Antle is now employed by Overstreet and Rice, and Mrs. Antle is a teacher in the Adair County schools. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left for a short wedding trip, motoring through the Great Smoky Mountains, after which they will be located in their newly furnished home off Jamestown Street. November 30, 1949 Pelley - Ballou In the presence of a small number of friends and relatives Miss Wilma Allene Pelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Pelley, Columbia, and Mr. James Edgar Ballou, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Ballou, also of Columbia, were united in marriage Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the First Christian Church in Campbellsville, Ky. Rev. Rev. E.P. Gast officiated, using the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a cocoa brown gaberdine suit with dark brown accessories. Her corsage was of orchids. Mrs. James Baise, Columbia, matron of honor, wore a grey wool suit with brown accessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. Harold Britt, Bowling Green, served as best man. Mrs. Ballou is a graduate of the Columbia High School and has been employed by Hill Service Company, Glasgow, for the past year. Mr. Ballou is a graduate of Columbia High School and Lindsey Wilson Junior College and is now employed at Handy's Manufacturing Company at Anderson, Ind. * * * * * * * |