In the January 30, 1918 edition of the Adair County News:

Miss Julia Eubank has purchased the Millinery business of Mrs. L.W. Atkins in the Butler Building. Miss Eubank had gone to Louisville, Cincinnati and Nashville this week to purchase a complete stock of the latest styles in all lines of millinery goods, and will endeavor to have her stock in for an early spring opening. Her stock of spring hats and millinery goods will include the latest fashions and styles from the best markets. Watch for her announcement next week. 
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In the March 13, 1918 edition of the Adair County News:

Miss Julia Eubank will have on display, Thursday, March 14th, all the latest styles in Millinery purchased from three different markets. You will want to see U.S. San Sailor, the bustle hat, Castle Bonnet, Bancock Dragon Fly, Unit, etc. Hats made of all the latest novelties in catepillar and honeycomb braid, Lesire, Satins and crepe de chine. All the new shades in the new Blues and Greys, Artillery Red, etc.
Ladies you will be wonderfully pleased when you view this line.