Articles in The Bracken County News |
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Image | Article Title | Subject | Edition | Page |
quilts | Colorful Quilts Cover Courtroom | Quilts | 20241212 | 2 |
diary diarypg2 |
Augusta Girl's Civil War Diary Finds its Way Home | Local History | 20241121 | 1,2 |
hamilton | Volunteers Help Recover Hamilton Family Grave Markers | Cemeteries | 20241114 | 8 |
vets | Bracken County Remembers its Veterans | Local Heroes | 20241107 | 1 |
bchs1967 | BCHS Class of 1967 Holds Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20241017 | 5 |
stories | Telling the Stories of Bracken County | Local History | 20241010 | 2 |
classof1977 | Bracken High School Class of 1977 Meets | Class Reunions | 20240919 | 4 |
blast | Experience a "Blast From the Past" at Civil War Days | Local History | 20240919 | 1 |
bchs54 | BCHS Class of '54 Holds 70th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20240905 | 4 |
bchs57 | BCHS Class of '57 Gathers for Reunion | Class Reunions | 20240905 | 5 |
bchs1959 | BCHS Class of 1959 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20240929 | 4 |
bluelicks | Blue Licks State Park Battle Anniversary Observed Aug. 15-18 | Local History | 20240808 | 3 |
cabin | Demolition Crew Reveals Bones of a 19th Century Cabin in Brooksville | Local Landmarks | 20240704 | 3 |
bchs | Bracken House Historical Society Moves to the Haley House Museum | Bracken County News | 20240516 | 1 |
bcn | Belchers Announce Purchase of The Bracken County News | Bracken County News | 20240404 | 1 |
maylee | A Message from Maylee | Bracken County News | 20240229 | 1 |
bchs1967 | BCHS Class of 1967 Meets at Reunion | Class Reunions | 20231026 | 5 |
fields | Last WWII Veteran from Bracken County Passes | Local Heroes | 20231026 | 1 |
bchs1963 | BCHS Class of 1963 Holds 60th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20231005 | 1 |
cemetery | "Cemetery on the Hill" in August Gets New Flag | Cemeteries | 20230928 | 1 |
bchs56 | BCHS Class of 56 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20230928 | 5 |
bchs1964 | BCHS Class of 1964 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20230914 | 5 | bchs1954 | BCHS Class of 1954 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20230914 | 5 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20230831 | 5 |
ahs1973 | Augusta High School Class of 1973 Celebrates Their 50th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20230831 | 7 |
vetquilt | WWII Veteran Honored With a Patriotic Quilt | Local Heroes | 20230831 | 3 |
bchs59 | BCHS Class of 1959 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20230824 | 5 |
bchs58 | BCHS Class of '58 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20230824 | 5 |
quilt | Local Lady Wins Applique Quilt | Quilts | 20230810 | 1 |
remember | Remember When...[Appleman Brothers; Maryview Farms] | Local History | 20230622 | 2 |
clooney | Historic Movie Memorability Donated to the Rosemary Clooney Museum | Local History | 20230615 | 10 |
quilts | Quilters Offer Chance to Win Handmade Quilt | Quilts | 20230504 | 4 |
preserved | Preserved Records Help Families Find Information | Genealogy | 20230504 | 1 |
sign | Bracken County Historical Socient Places New Sign in Knights of Pythias Cemetery | Cemeteries | 20230420 | 1 |
segregated | Germantown's Segregated African-American Cemetery | Cemeteries | 20230309 | 3 |
rememberwhen | Remember When...[Ogdens of Milford] | Local Families | 20230309 | 3 |
stairlift | Bracken Co. Historical Society Installs Sharilift in Museum | BCHS Events | 20230125 | 3 |
honors | Bracken Historical Society Honors Members | BCHS Events | 20230126 | 5 |
brooksvillemem | Families Remember Loved Ones With Brooksville Memorial Christmas Trees | Local Families | 20221229 | 4 |
augustamem | Local Families Decorate Memorial Trees in Augusta | Local Families | 20221229 | 4 |
england | Marie England-"The Rest of the Story" | Local Families | 20221214 | 3 |
cleanup | Volunteers Clean Up Interior of Historic Church in Augusta | Historic Places | 20221201 | 3 |
bluelicks | Blue Licks Battlefield State Park Awarded Federal CAP Grant | Local History | 20221124 | 2 |
bchs1967 | BCHS Class of 1967 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20221027 | 5 |
bones | Mysterious Bones Found in Augusta Mark a Long-Ago Battle | Local History | 20221027 | 5 |
bchs1972 | BCHS Class of 1972 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20221027 | 5 |
bchs58 | BCHS Class of '58 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20221020 | 4 |
bchs56 | BCHS Class of '56 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20221006 | 4 |
civil | Augusta Civil War Days Recreates the Past | Local History | 20220929 | 7 |
battle | Augusta Celebrates the 160th Anniversary of Battle of Augusta | Local History | 20220929 | 2 |
bchs70 | BCHS Class of 1970 Turns 70 | Class Reunions | 20220929 | 5 |
bchs59 | BCHS Class of '60 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20220922 | 5 |
augusta | Augusta Settled 225 Years Ago | Local History | 20220922 | 3 |
civilwar | Recalling the Past During the "Civil War Historical Weekend" in Augusta | Local History | 20220922 | 2 |
bchs54 | BCHS Class of '54 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20220915 | 5 |
bchs1953 | BCHS Class of 1953 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20220908 | 5 |
sign | Help Historical Society Place Sign in Cemetery | Cemeteries | 20220908 | 3 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 Meets for Reunion | Class Reunions | 20220901 | 5 |
remember | Remember When...[Wilson Family Harvests Crops] | Bracken Countians | 20220901 | 3 |
bchs64 | BCHS Class of 64 Holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20220818 | 7 |
sign | Help Historical Society Place Sign in Cemetery | Historical Projects | 20220804 | 3 |
rememberwhen | Remember When [Germantown Fair] | Historic Places | 20220804 | 2 |
rememberwhen | Remember When [Mike Denham] | Bracken Countians | 20220728 | 3 |
gravestone | Genealogist Uncovers His Bracken County Ancestor's Missing Gravestone | Bracken County History | 20220721 | 3 |
rememberwhen | Brooksville Lumber Mill | Historic Places | 20220714 | 2 |
rememberwhen | Augusta's New Fire Engine | Local History | 20220707 | 3 |
renovated | Historic Methodist church to Be Renovated | Historic Places | 20220707 | 3 |
rememberwhen | Metcalfe's Landing | Historic Places | 20220623 | 5 |
rememberwhen | The Bracken Hotel | Historic Places | 20220616 | 3 |
fallenvets | VFW Post 9535 Honors Fallen Vets | Local Heroes | 20220602 | 2 |
coins | Coins on Headstones Show Respect to Vets | Local History | 20220526 | 12 |
remember | Photo: WWI Bracken County Veterans | Local Heroes | 20220526 | 3 |
remember | Photo: Burke's Sundries Store | Local History | 20220512 | 6 |
remember | Photo: 1948 Brooksville High School Pep Club | Local History | 20220505 | 4 |
rememberwhen | Photo: Logger and his team of mules, pre-1880 | Local History | 20220428 | 7 |
rememberwhen | Photo: Bracken County Infirmary est. 1885 | Local History | 20220414 | 7 |
remember | Photo: Thompson and Walton Store | Local History | 20220407 | 5 |
rememberwhen | Unidentified Farmers at the Milford Tobacco Warehouse | Local History | 20220331 | 6 |
rememberwhen | Can You Identify These Bracken Countians? | Local History | 20220324 | 3 |
quilts | Colorful "Quilters' Day Out" | Quilts | 20220324 | 10 |
rememberwhen | 1947 Brooksville baseball team | Local History | 20220317 | 7 |
soldier | A Young Bracken County Soldiers Sacrifice: Family Letters Tell His Story | Local Heroes | 20220310 | 4 |
rememberwhen | Bearded Lady | Local History | 20220310 | 5 |
rememberwhen | The USS Cyclops | Local History | 20220303 | 5 |
rememberwhen | Bracken County High Symphonic Band | Local History | 20220224 | 12 |
vets | Volunteers Lay Wreaths on Veterans Markers in Historic Payne Cemetery | Local Heroes | 20211230 | 1 |
wreaths | Wreaths For Veterans To Be Placed in Payne Cemetery | Local Heroes | 20211216 | 10 |
westernhills | Western Hills School History | Local History | 20211118 | 5 |
veterans | Local Veterans Honored at Ceremony | Local Heroes | 20211118 | 5 |
veterans | Kentucky Joins the Nation to Honor Military Veterans | Local Heroes | 20211111 | 1 |
veterans | Veterans Day ...Honoring Those Who Make Our Freedom Possible | Local Heroes | 20211111 | 2 |
quilts | Patriotic Quilts Warm Local Veterans | Quilts | 20211111 | 10 |
germantown | Germantown School History | Local History | 20211104 | 2 |
bchs1970 | BCHS Class of 1970 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20211014 | 5 |
bchs | Bracken Co. Historical Society Preserves Records of the Past | Local History | 20211014 | 2 |
remember | Remember When [burley tobacco] | Local history | 20211007 | 3 |
bchs1956 | BCHS Class of 1956 Reunion | Class reunions | 20211007 | 5 |
payne payne, cont. |
Historic Payne Cemetery in Augusta Gets New Sign | Cemeteries | 20210923 | 1, 3 |
civilwar civilwar, cont. |
Travel Back to the Past at the "Civil War Historical Weekend" This Sat. and Sun. | Local history | 20210923 | 1, 2 |
bchs1954 | BCHS Class of 1954 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20210930 | 6 |
remember | Remember When [Knoedler Drug and Gift Store] | Local history | 20210916 | 3 |
civilwar | Explore the Past at the Civil War Historical Weekend, Sept. 25th-26th | Local history | 20210916 | 3 |
kenton | 45th Annual Simon Kenton Festival Coming September 18th and 19th | Local history | 20210916 | 3 |
trail | KY 8 in Bracken County is Part of the Lewis and Clark Trail | Local landmarks | 20210909 | 10 |
bchs1959 | BCHS Class of 1959 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20210909 | 2 |
newman | Les Newman Hoonored at Tribute | Local Heroes | 20210909 | 1 |
quilts | Quilters Attend Ohio Quilt Exhibit | Quilts | 20210909 | 7 |
remember | Remember When [W.C. Camp Building] | Local History | 20210902 | 6 |
bchs1959 | BCHS Class of 1959 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20210902 | 6 |
bchs1964 | Bracken County High School Class of 1964 Holds 57th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20210826 | 5 |
rememberwhen | Remember When [Bracken County Fair] | Local History | 20210819 | 10 |
showalter | Showalter Family Enjoys Reunion | Family Reunions | 20210819 | 4 |
soldier | "Adopt a Soldier" in Bracken Co. Cemeteries | Cemeteries | 20210701 | 10 |
hedgecock | Hedgecock Reunion Held on Willow Acres Cabin | Family Reunions | 20210624 | 5 |
lest | Lest We Forget | Cemeteries | 20210527 | 1 |
veterans | Honoring Veterans on Memorial Day | Local Heroes | 20210527 | 1 |
adopt | "Adopt a Soldier" in Bracken Co. Cemeteries | Cemeteries | 20210429 | 4 |
parkday | Park Day Volunteers Clear a Neglected Local Cemetery | Cemeteries | 20210429 | 4 |
willow | Church Volunteers Spruce Up Old Willow Cemetery | Cemeteries | 20210422 | 5 |
adopt | "Adopt a Soldier" in Bracken Co. Cemeteries | Cemeteries | 20210422 | 4 |
adopt | "Adopt a Soldier" in Bracken Co. Cemeteries | Cemeteries | 20210415 | 5 |
cemeteries | Volunteers Honored for Restoring Augusta Cemeteries | Bracken Countians | 20210211 | 1 |
gerhard | Five Generations Gather to Honor Patsy Gerhard's 95th Birthday | Family Reunions | 20210121 | 5 |
parade | Remember When...[Brooksville Christmas Parade] | Local History | 20201210 | 2 |
cline | Augusta Pilot Performed Amazing Feats in Combat | Local Heroes | 20201008 | 8 |
newspaper | Why Does Bracken County Need a Local Newspaper? | National Newspaper Week | 20201008 | 9 |
rememberwhen | Class of '46, Brooksville | Bracken Countians | 20201001 | 7 |
capito | Problem-Solving Skills Saved His Fellow Marines | Local Heroes | 20201006 | 6 |
wallin | Brooksville Native Saved Lives in Pacific During WWII | Local Heroes | 20200924 | 6 |
kelsch | Ian Kelsch Hired as New Brooksville Chief of Police | Bracken Countians | 20200827 | 1 |
hillside | Volunteers Restoring Augusta Hillside Cemetery | Historic Sites | 202008020 | 1 |
hause | Brooksville Police Chief Marty Hause Retires | Bracken Countians | 20200820 | 1 |
lytle | Bracken County Artist Known For Painting and Poetry | Bracken Countians | 20200806 | 5 |
fair | Memories of the 1956 Germantown Fair | Local History | 20200806 | 5 |
cooke | Cooke Remembered for Her Cakes and Preserving History | Bracken Countians | 20200709 | 5 |
newspapers | Where Were These Kentucky Newspapers for 58 Months? | Local History | 20200709 | 2 |
ww2 | Remembering Those Who Served the Country During World War II | Local Heroes | 20200702 | 7 |
vacation | Kentucky Offers Historical Vacation Destinations | Historical Sites | 20200618 | 5 |
19amendment | History of the 19th Amendment [by Hannah Arthur, Law Day Scholarship essay winner] | Bracken Countians | 20200618 | 7 |
bauer | Bauer Holds County Clerk Office for Over 50 Years | Bracken Countians | 20200618 | 5 |
conner | KET to Present Documentary of Kentucky WWII Veteran | Local Heroes | 20200521 | 4 |
widow | Bracken County Widow Was Confederate Supporter | Civil War History | 20200521 | 4 |
quilt | Susan Browning Wins Quilt from Bracken County Homemakers | Bracken Countians | 20200514 | 3 |
bonfield | Long-Time Secretary Preserved School Memories | Bracken Countians | 20200507 | 3 |
bradford | An Augusta Artist's Travels | Bracken Countians | 20200430 | 3 |
vfwmem | Soldiers Added to VFW Memorial | Local Heroes | 20200430 | 2 |
rememberwhen | Remember When...[St. Augustine Church] | Local History | 20200423 | 3 |
hanson | Germantown Nurse Served During WWI Pandemic | Local Heroes | 20200409 | 3 |
schools | Historical Society Asks for Pictures of County Schools | Local History | 20200409 | 2 |
bradford | An Augusta Artist's Wedding | Bracken Countians | 20200409 | 4 |
revvets | Revolutionary War Veterans-Where are They Buried? | Bracken Countians | 20200402 | 3 |
parker | Local Historian Responsible for Bracken Historical Markers | Bracken Countians | 20200402 | 3 |
fee | Bracken County Abolitionist | Bracken Countians | 20200326 | 4 |
asbury | 150 Years of Asbury Nurses | Bracken Countians | 20200319 | 3 |
bryant | Augusta Horsewoman Lived Life With Enthusiasm | Bracken Countians | 20200312 | 3 |
johnston | Bracken Co. Author Patented a Mosquito Killing Device | Bracken Countians | 20200305 | 5 |
leapyear | Why is this Sat., Feb. 29th a Leap Day? | Historical Origins | 20200227 | 1 |
quilt | Donate to the Bracken County Homemaker's 4-H Youth Fundraiser | Quilts | 20200220 | 1 |
crawley | A Bracken County Woman Invented a Better Milk Can | Local Heroes | 20200220 | 3 |
claysville | Memories of Claysville are Set on Canvas by Cynthiana Artist | Historic Places | 20200220 | 1 |
mayme | Seven Decades of Serving Bracken County's Citizens | Local Heroes | 20200213 | 3 |
midwife | The African American Nurse/Midwife From Germantown | Local Heroes | 20200206 | 5 |
unknown | Unknown Soldier Reinterred in Johnsville Cemetery | Local Heroes | 20200206 | 1 |
unknown | Augusta VFW Post 9535 Honors Reinterred Soldier | Local Heroes | 20200206 | 3 |
pioneers | Meet Kentucky Pioneers at Ft. Boonesborough Events | Local History | 20200206 | 10 |
ethel | The Brave Bracken County Woman Who Ran for Jailer | Bracken Countians | 20200130 | 3 |
escape | Pioneer Woman's Escape Route Inspires Highway Name | Local Landmarks | 20200123 | 3 |
lytle | Nurse Wilma Dale Lytle: A Captive in World War II | Local Heroes | 20200116 | 5 |
remembering | A New Year's Resolution: Remembering Our Local Cemeteries | Local Landmarks | 20200109 | 3 |
suffrage | Centennial of Women's Suffrage | Historic Moments | 20200109 | 2 |
quilts | Bracken County Quilters Donate Colorful Handiwork to HANDS | Quilts | 20200109 | 1 |
bchs1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 Celebrates 68th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20200102 | 5 |
cemetery | Abandoned Cemetery Stones Revealing the Past | Local Landmarks | 20191219 | 5 |
quilts | Bracken County Quilters Present Quilt to WW2 Vet | Quilts/Local Heroes | 20191205 | 3 |
stones | Augusta Men Literally Tackle the Stones in Historic Cemetery | Local Landmarks | 20191121 | 3 |
classof1969 | BCHS Class of 1969 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20191121 | 7 |
classof1968 | BCHS Class of 1968 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20191121 | 6 |
milford | Milford School Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20191107 | 5 |
classof56 | BCHS Class of '56 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20191017 | 5 |
mohrfield | Family and Community Gathered Saturday, Oct. 12th for Mohrfield Park Dedication | Bracken Countians | 20191017 | 1 |
classof70 | BC Class of '70 Holds Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20191003 | 5 |
blast | Reenactors Have a Blast | Historic Landmarks | 20191003 | 12 |
remembering | Remembering the Past [Reenactors] | Historic Landmarks | 20191003 | 3 |
bluelickspark | Upgrades Funded For Blue Licks Battlefield State Park | Historic Landmarks | 20191003 | 5 |
bchs1947 | BCHS Class of 1947 holds 72nd Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20190926 | 1 |
pawpaw | Fruit Found 'Way Down Yonder in the Pawpaw Patch' | Local History | 20190926 | 12 |
coburncem | Coburn Pioneer Cemetery Dedicated in Germantown | Local Landmarks | 20190919 | 1 |
woodwardcem | Historical Society Donates Sign for Old Brooksville Woodward Cemetery | Local Landmarks | 20190919 | 1 |
bchs1962 | Bracken County Class of 1962 Holds 57th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20190905 | 7 |
moffordperkins | Mofford-Perkins Families Hold Reunion in Brooksville | Family Reunions | 20190905 | 5 |
marker | Historical Marker Dedicated on Site of Ancient Village | Bracken County History | 20190905 | 2 |
bchs1959 | Bracken County Class of 1959 Holds 60th Annual Reunion | Class Reunions | 20190829 | 7 |
thomas | Civil War Soldier Reburied in Johnsville Cemetery | Local Heroes | 20190822 | 1 |
marker | Augusta Heritage Days Opens with Dedication of Historic Marker | Local Landmarks | 20190822 | 1 |
bchs1964 | BCHS Class of 1964 holds 55th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20190822 | 10 |
hillside | Volunteers Restore Historical Augusta Hillside Cemetery | Local Landmarks | 20190725 | 3 |
americanqueen | A Royal Visitor in Augusta | Living History | 20190718 | 5 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 holds 62nd Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20190718 | 5 |
mill | Additional Brooksville Mill History Shared by Others | Local Landmarks | 20190718 | 2 |
thomas | Grave of Union Soldier to be Relocated | Local Heroes | 20190711 | 1 |
midway | Midway Heritage Day to be held Sat., July 27th | Local Events | 20190711 | 5 |
bchs1955 | BCHS Class of 1955 holds 64th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20190711 | 5 |
bcmill | Bracken County Mill and Warehouse Dismantled | Local Landmarks | 20190711 | 1 |
medalofhonor | Kentucky descendants of National Medal of Honor Recipient are sought | Local Heroes | 20190704 | 3 |
bchs1958 | BCHS Class of 1958 holds 61st class reunion | Family Reunions | 20190704 | 7 |
ahs1969 | AHS Class of 1969 holds 50th year class reunion | Family Reunions | 20190606 | 7 |
metzger | Metzger Family reunion | Family Reunions | 20190516 | 5 |
bcbooks | BC Historical Society issues new book and schedules museum tours | Local History Books | 20190425 | 9 |
battleofaugusta | Battle of Augusta tours and exhibits bring the past to life | Local History | 20190418 | 6 |
bakerbird | Historic Baker-Bird Winery hosts Baker Family Reunion | Family Reunions | 20190411 | 5 |
quilt | Donate for a chance to win Bracken Co. Homemakers 4-H youth fundraiser | Quilts | 20190411 | 1 |
books | BC Historical Society issues new book, plans for spring visiting hours | Local History | 20190314 | 10 |
trees | Bracken County memorial trees reused for fish habitat | Local History | 20190117 | 1 |
classof1963 | Bracken County Class of 1963 Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20181129 | 5 |
plaque | Bracken County Historical Society Test Log Age | Local History | 20181115 | 9 |
log | Fort Ancient Native Americans Plaque Unveiled | Local History | 20181115 | 9 |
vetsburial | Bracken County Veterans Buried in Woodward-Old Brooksville Cemetery | Local Heroes | 20181108 | 3 |
classof1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20181108 | 8 |
classof1953 | Bracken County High School Class of 1953 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20181018 | 7 |
classof1956 | Bracken County High School Class of 1956 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20181004 | 8 |
classof1954 | Bracken County High School Class of 1954 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20181004 | 5 |
bchs1962 | BCHS Class of 1962 holds 56th annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20180913 | 5 |
ww1vets | Memorial Service Honoring WWI Veterans; addition of Summers name to VFW Monument held | Local Heroes | 20180906 | 1 |
vfwww1 | "Remembering WWI: 100th Anniversary" Exhibit at VFW | Local Heroes | 20180906 | 12 |
moffordperkins | Mofford-Perkins families hold reunion in Brooksville | Family Reunions | 20180906 | 5 |
classof1959 | Bracken County Class of 1959 holds annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20180830 | 5 |
classof1964 | BCHS Class of 1964 gathers at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20180823 | 9 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 holds 61st class reunion | Class Reunions | 20180816 | 5 |
ww1 | Remembering WWI: 100th Anniversary | Local History | 20180816 | 2 |
history | "Shining Light on our History" | Historic Places | 20180802 | 5 |
markers | Locations of bronze Highway Markers In Bracken County | Historic Places | 20180719 | 3 |
lincoln | Rememberings of an American President: Abraham Lincoln | Historic People | 20180719 | 7 |
echo | Echo Hall toured before second renovaiton phase begins | Historic Places | 20180712 | 7 |
classof1955 | Bracken Co. High Schoold Class of 1955 celebrates class reunion | Class Reunions | 20180712 | 5 |
register | Do You Know? Where are the National Register of Historic Places in Bracken County? | Historic Places | 20180712 | 2 |
bchs1958 | BCHS Class of 1958 holds 60th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20180628 | 7 |
paintings | Paintings of Early Schools and Boarding Houses in Augusta | Bracken County History | 20180104 | 1 |
bcnchanges | Changes coming to The Bracken County News in 2018 | Announcements | 20171207 | 3 |
bchs1951 | Bracken County High School Class of 1951 holds 66th reunion | Class Reunions | 20171116 | 6 |
bchs1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 celebrates 66th anniversary at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20171019 | 8 |
bchs1956 | Bracken County Class of 1956 celebrates 61st Anniversary | Class Reunions | 20171005 | 5 |
bchs1954 | BCHS Class of 1954 celebrates 63rd class reunion at de'Shas | Class Reunions | 20170914 | 5 |
bchs1964 | BCHS Class of 1964 holds annual class reunion | Class Reunions | 20170907 | 7 |
bchs1955 | BCHS Class of '55 holds Reunion | Class Reunions | 20170831 | 7 |
bchs1959 | BCHS Class of 1959 holds 58th Class Reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20170831 | 7 |
nativeam | Exploring Augusta's Native American Heritage Sat., Sept. 2nd | Bracken County History | 20170824 | 14 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 celebrates 60th Reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20170817 | 8 |
bchs58 | Bracken County High School Class of '58 meets at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20170713 | 5 |
cemeteries | Historical Society, Steve Free working on local cemeteries | Bracken Countians | 20170706 | 1 |
artifact | Kentucky Battlefield Scores Major Artifact Acquisition | Kentucky Landmarks | 20170615 | 11 |
cemsigns | Historical Society looking to place needed signs at local cemeteries | Kentucky Landmarks | 20170615 | 7 |
bridgetour | Homemakers and friends take Fleming Co. covered bridge tour | Kentucky Landmarks | 20170615 | 5 |
tombstone | Historical Society members unearth tombstone, add to cemetery book | Kentucky History | 20170608 | 3 |
statehood | June 1, 2017: Celebrating Kentucky's 225 Years of Statehood | Kentucky History | 20170601 | 1 |
preservation | May is Historic Preservation Month | Bracken County History | 20170511 | 2 |
ffa | Bracken County FFA cookout and raffle drawing to be held Saturday, April 22nd | Quilts | 20170413 | 9 |
1937 Flood | 1937 Flood was Disastrous to Augusta | Bracken County History | 20170223 | 2 |
trees | Bracken Historical Society displays Memorial Trees in Augusta & Brooksville | Local Heroes | 20161229 | 1 |
serving, cont'd |
Kentuckians share a long history of serving our nation | Local Heroes | 20161110 | 1 14 |
bchs1961 | Bracken County High School Class of 1961 holds 55th reunion | Class Reunions | 20161020 | 7 |
bchs1954 | BCHS Class of 1954 celebrates 62nd anniversary at de'Shas | Class Reunions | 20161020 | 5 |
milford 24 | Milford School holds 24th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20161013 | 5 |
bchs1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 celebrates 65th Reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20161013 | 8 |
bchs1956 | BCHS Class of 1956 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20161006 | 5 |
bchs1962 | BCHS Class of 1962 holds 54th reunion in Brooksville | Class Reunions | 20160915 | 7 |
bchs1947 | Bracken County High School Class of 1947 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20160915 | 6 |
mofford-perkins | Mofford-Perkin Reunion held at Watson Community Building | Family Reunions | 20160901 | 5 |
vietnam | Viet Nam-The Journey Back 2016 | Bracken County Heroes | 20160825 | 6 |
bchs1964 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1964 gathers at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20160825 | 6 |
misslily | Trolley Tours by Miss Lily on Sat., Sept. 3td at Heritage Days | Local History | 20160825 | 1 |
bluelicks | Battle of Blue Licks Re-enactment Set For Aug. 20-21 | Local History | 20160818 | 2 |
bluelicks | Battle of Blue Licks Re-enactment Set For Aug. 20-21 | Local History | 20160811 | 3 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 holds 59th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20160804 | 5 |
haley | Haley House Museum showcases new ramp accessibility at annual potluck picnic on Tues., July 26th | Local History | 20160721 | 3 |
album | Historical Society Instrumental in Recovering Photo Album | Local History | 20160721 | 3 |
quilts_local history | Quilts used as silent communication with escaping slaves seeking freedom | Local Crafts_ Local History | 20160707 | 5 |
pattie | Pattie descendants visit Augusta in search of ancestor's home and land | Bracken Countians | 20160623 | 1 |
raffle | Raffle items announced for St. James Ice Cream Social | Local Crafts | 20160623 | 4 |
bchs1958 | BCHS Class of 1958 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20160609 | 6 |
haleyhouse | Historical Society honors Veterans at Musical Tribute and Haley House display | Events | 20160602 | 8 |
young | 50 mile bike ride planned by descendants of Col. Charles Young | Bracken Countians | 20160602 | 2 |
kemp | Upcoming Event Honors Fallen Special Agent Cleveland Kemp | Bracken Countians | 20160602 | 3 |
lineofduty | Remembering the four law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in Bracken County | Local Heroes | 20160526 | 16 |
haley | Haley House Museum to open this Saturday in Brooksville | Events | 20160526 | 1 |
bridge | Covered wooden bridge trail legislation signed by Governor | Historic Places | 20160519 | 5 |
quilts | Local quilters donate Quilt to auction at Augusta Vol. Fire Dept. Fish Fry this Friday | Quilters | 20160505 | 1 |
poage | Former Publisher, Owner of The Bracken County News, Bobby Poage passes at age 90 | Bracken Countians | 20160331 | 1 |
bridges | Denham hopes to create covered wooden bridge trail | Bracken County History | 20160324 | 14 |
bell | Where were you when the Courthouse "Bell Tolled" | Bracken County History | 20160204 | 2 |
trees | Bracken Historical Society displays Memorial Trees in Augusta & Brooksville | Bracken History | 20151231 | 4 |
berry | Four generations celebrating | Bracken County Families | 20151217 | 6 |
frontier | 49th Annual Frontier Christmas set for Sat., Dec. 5th & Sun., Dec 6th | Bracken County History | 20151126 | 7 |
bchs1951 | BCHS class of 1951 celebrates 64th class reunion at Caproni's | Class Reunions | 20151119 | 6 |
ornament | Courthouse Centennial Commemorative ornaments available for Christomas gifts | Bracken County History | 20151119 | 6 |
hargett | Stanley Hargett, Jr. Family srved a total of 60 years in the US Military | Bracken County Families | 20151112 | 2 |
bchs1985 | BCHS Class of 1985 holds 30th reunion | Class Reunions | 20151105 | 8 |
honorflight | Clouser on all female Honor Flight | Bracken County Heroes | 20151105 | 1 |
vets | When Americans Proved Their Worth | Bracken County Heroes | 20151105 | 1 |
color | Fall tree color in Kentucky | Local History | 20151022 | 3 |
bchs1980 | BCHS Class of 1980 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20151015 | 8 |
bchs1958 | BCHS Class of 1958 holds reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20151015 | |
revfee | Historical figure Rev. Fee to speak Sunday in Augusta City Park | Bracken Couny History | 20151015 | 10 |
riverhouse | Riverhouse tour offered during 2015 Community Day | Bracken History | 20151015 | 6 |
bchs1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 celebrates 65th Reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20151015 | 8 |
bchs1956 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1956 holds Annual Reunion | Class Reunions | 20151008 | 10 |
brooksville1943 | Brooksville High School Class of 1943 turns 90 | Class Reunions | 20151008 | 6 |
bchs1953 | BCHS Class of 1953 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20151008 | 11 |
bchs1970 | BCHS Class of 1970 holds 45 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20151001 | 7 |
insko | Insko Family holds annual reunion | Family Reunions | 20151001 | 2 |
bchs1975 | BCHS Class of 1975 holds 40th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20150917 | 7 |
revfee | Augusta's Underground Railroad at Heritage Days | Bracken County History | 20150903 | 8 |
bchs1959 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1959 celebrates class reunion | Class Reunions | 20150903 | 9 |
bell | Childhood memories of the Bracken Co. Courthouse Bell | Bracken County History | 20150827 | 3 |
bchs1964 | BCHS Class of 1964 holds annual gathering at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20150820 | 8 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 celebrates 58th reunion | Class Reunions | 20150813 | 5 |
ornament | Commemorative Courthouse Ornaments available | Bracken History | 20150723 | 2 |
fruitstand | Bobby Kalb Fruit Stand part of Willow Acres Log Cabins Tour | Bracken History | 20150716 | 3 |
bchs1955 | BCHS Class of '55 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20150702 | 8 |
mcmillen | Civil War Ended in 1865…Bracken County's Involvement | Bracken History | 20150625 | 3 |
courthouse | Historical Society holds 100th Anniversary Celebration for Bracken Co. Courthouse | Bracken History | 20150618 | 1 |
fite | Like Father, Like Son | Local Heroes | 20150618 | 1 |
towncenter | Town Center Government tour offered during Community Day | Bracken History | 20150618 | 7 |
cedarhill | The Farms of Cedar Hill new to Community Day tours | Bracken History | 20150618 | 6 |
1courthouse100 2courthouse100 3courthouse100 4courthouse100 |
1915-Bracken County Courthouse Celebrates 100th Anniversary-2015; A Touch of Brass; Haley House Even Courthouses Have a Past David Brooks; Time Demands Courthouse Facelift; Our County Courthouse; Courthouse Festivities in 1915 Programme; Sponsors |
Bracken History Special Insert |
20150611 | Pg. 1 Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 |
riverhouse | Riverhouse tour offered during 2015 Community Day | Bracken History | 20150611 | 6 |
courthouse | Courthouse Centennial Celebration this Saturday | Bracken History | 20150611 | 1 |
chapel | Chapel by the River new addition to Community Day tours | Bracken History | 20150611 | 3 |
basketball | Basketball anyone | Bracken Countians | 20150611 | 11 |
willow | Willow Acres Cabins added to 2015 Community Day tours | Bracken History | 20150604 | 7 |
industrialpark | Community Day offers tours of the Industrial Park Trail | Bracken History | 20150604 | 6 |
capsule | Time capsule added after renovations to courtroom of 100 year old courthouse | Bracken History | 20150409 | 2 |
littleton | Ninety-eight Years of Change; One Man's view on how to survive them | Bracken Countians | 20150326 | 5 |
flood | You can't get there from here | Weather Events | 20150319 | 2 |
find | Court room remodel reveals 100 year old historical find | Local History | 20150305 | 2 |
augusta | Memories Of Augusta | Local History | 20141127 | 6 |
bchs47 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1947 holds 67th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20141120 | 6 |
insko | Annual family reunion held [Insko Family] | Family Reunions | 20141106 | 5 |
bchs1956 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1956 holds annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20141023 | 5 |
bchs1958 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1958 holds reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20141009 | 11 |
bchs1961 | BCHS Class of 1961 gathers | Class Reunions | 20141002 | 8 |
jett | Five generations of Jetts gather | Family Reunions | 20141002 | 5 |
bchs1994 | BCHS Class of 1994 celebrathes 20-year class reunion | Class Reunions | 20141002 | 9 |
ahs1949 | AHS Class of 1949 holds 65th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20140925 | 10 |
bchs1954 | BCHS Class of 1954 holds reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20140918 | 6 |
bchs1964 | BCHS Class of 1964 holds 50th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20140828 | 7 |
bchs1959 | BCHS Class of 1959 holds annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20140821 | np |
rrmuseum | Augusta Welcome Center & Rotary Railroad Museum gets new facelift | Local History | 20140814 | 1 |
bchs57 | BCHS Class of 1957 celebrates 57 years | Class Reunions | 20140807 | 7 |
bchs1948 | BCHS Class of 1948 celebrates sixty-sixth anniversary | Class Reunions | 20140724 | 2 |
steamboat | Yes sir there's trouble right here in river city | Local Color | 20140710 | 2 |
bchs2004 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 2004 holds 10 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20140703 | 7 |
rememberwhen | Remember When [Germantown Fairgrounds 1964 Dairy Show] | Local History | 20140619 | 3 |
vets | Honoring Our Veterans | Local Heroes | 20140529 | 12 |
quilts | Quilt a visual remembrance of the gift of love and memories | Quilts | 20140515 | 5 |
barnquilts | Barn Quilts on Main exhibit begins Friday through June 5th | Local Color | 20140501 | 1 |
stories | Pictures tell stories [Hargett and Weatherington] | Bracken County Families | 20140417 | 3 |
redistricting1 redistricting2 |
Redistricting of Magisterial Districts begins with May Primary, affecting voters polling locations | Bracken County Government | 20140410 | 16 |
rememberwhen | Remember When [Milford School] | Local History | 20140403 | 2 |
vets |
Veterans honored as grand Marshals of "Light Up Brooksville" parade | Local Heroes | 20131212 | 1 |
bchvets |
Bracken County Homemakers participate in Veteran's project | Bracken Countians | 20131114 | 15 |
bchsbooks |
Bracken County Historical Society announces upcoming book releases | Local History | 20131114 | 5 |
sorghum |
Elmo McKinney recognized as original sorghum maker | Bracken Countians | 20131114 | 3 |
judctr2> |
Bracken Co. Judicial Center dedication held Judicial Center dedication ceremony well attended |
Local Landmarks | 20131107 | 1 & 3 |
heroes | Hometown Heroes honored at Bracken Co. Nursing &Rehabs Hall of Fame Cafe | Local Heroes | 20131107 | 1 |
bchs51 | BCHS Class of 1951 holds class reunion at Parkview Inn | Class Reunions | 20131031 | 7 |
judctr1 |
New Judicial Center in Brooksville to be dedicated on Thursday, October 31st | Local Landmarks | 20131024 | 1 |
bchs56 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1956 holds annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20131010 | 13 |
bchs1958 | Bracken County High School Class of 1958 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20131003 | 8 |
bchs1953 | Bracken County High School Class of 1953 holds 60th reunion | Class Reunions | 20130926 | 8 |
bchs1954 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1954 holds annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20130919 | 5 |
bchs1964 | Bracken County High School Class of 1964 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20130912 | 6 |
oldnew | The old taking care of the new | Local History | 20130912 | 1 |
bchs1959 | BCHS Class of 1959 holds 54th reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20130905 | 7 |
artguild | Art Guild to host Folk Art Exhibit August 30th-September 16th | Local History | 20130829 | 1 |
ahd | History-a Feature of Augusta Heritage Days this weekend | Local History | 20130829 | 1 |
bchsbook | The Secret Rescue available at Bracken County Historical Society | Local History | 20130822 | n/a |
bchs1962 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1962 holds 51st Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20130822 | 6 |
artguild | Art Guild to host Folk Art Exhibit August 30th-September 16th | Local History | 20130822 | 5 |
dossbenefit |
A community says goodbye Large turnout for Doss Family Cruise-in and Benefit |
Bracken County Families | 20130822 | 3 |
rath | Rath family holds annual Smoke on the Ridge Cruise-In | Bracken County Families | 20130816 | 16 |
blue | Free Admission Battle of Blue Licks Re-enactment Aug. 17-18 | Local History | 20130815 | 1 |
bchs1957 | BCHS Class of 1957 holds 56th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20130808 | 7 |
deming | Old Deming High School destroyed by a suspicious late evening fire | Local Landmarks | 20130725 | 13 |
communityday | Bracken County Community Day Highlights | Local History | 20130718 | 15 |
holton | First fallen officer remembered at memorial service 168 years later | Local Heroes | 20130627 | 1 |
widowsmite | The Widow's Mite | Bible | 20130606 | 3 |
historian | Students learn of Bracken Co. history from local historian | Local History | 20130530 | 1 |
tornado | Tornados destructive force remembered forty-five years later | Local History | 20130425 | 12 |
burton | Burton's celebrate three generations | Bracken County Families | 20130425 | 5 |
mccane | Five generations gather at Christmas | Bracken County Families | 20130110 | 5 |
quilters | Quilters pass out scarves at "Light Up Brooksville" parade | Local Crafts | 20121220 | 15 |
pearl | Remembering Those Who Gave All at Pearl Harbor | Local Heroes | 20121206 | 14 |
byar | Tom Byar newest veteran to take "Honor Flight" to Washington | Local Heroes | 20121206 | 14 |
bchs1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 holds luncheon | Class Reunions | 20121122 | 9 |
estep | PFC Eugene Estep Awarded Distinguished Service Cross | Local Heroes | 20121108 | 16 |
summers | Highway dedicated to service and sacrifice of Sgt. Jeremy Summers | Local Heroes | 20121108 | 1 |
bchs1947 | Bracken County High School Class of 1947 Holds 65th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20121025 | 7 |
bchs1961 | BCHS Class of 1961 holds 51st class reunion | Class Reunions | 20121025 | 9 |
bchs57 | BCHS Class of 1957 holds 55th reunion | Class Reunions | 20121018 | 5 |
bchs1956 | Bracken Co. High Schools Class of 1956 holds 56th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20121011 | 9 |
skills | Homemakers demonstrate life skills from civil war era | Civil War History | 20121004 | 7 |
ceremony | Ceremony honors Brooksville's contribution to the Civil War | Civil War History | 20121004 | 4 |
Battle of Augusta augusta150_1 augusta150_2 augusta150_3 augusta150_4 augusta150_5 augusta150_6 augusta150_7 augusta150_8 |
Battle of Augusta Commemoration 150 Special Supplement Masthead Meet the Opposing Colonels Report of Judge Doniphan Report of Judge Doniphan, map Saga of the Gunboats Film Presentation Civil War Panel Discussion Historic Baker-Bird Winery to host Civil War Ball Historian Bill Baker speaks on weekend |
Civil War History | 20120927 | Special |
insko2012 | Insko-Lytle-Pangburn families hold annual September reunion | Family Reunions | 20120927 | 7 |
bchs48 | Bracken Co. High Schools Class of 1948 holds 64th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20120927 | 6 |
ninapinta | Nina and Pinta Dock in Augusta | Historical Reenactments | 20120920 | 3 |
deming1962 | Deming Class of '62 holds 50th reunion | Class Reunions | 20120920 | 7 |
tollesboro1967 | Tollesboro Class of 1967 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20120920 | 7 |
guild | Augusta Art Guild celebrates the Battle of Augusta | Civil War History | 20120920 | 18 |
BCHS Class of 1954 | Bracken Class of 1954 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20120913 | 9 |
bchs1997 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1997 holds 15 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20120913 | 5 |
capsule | Judicial Center time capsule | Local Landmarks | 20120913 | 2 |
bchs1964 | BCHS Class of '64 holds gathering | Class Reunions | 20120906 | 9 |
bourbon | New Bourbon Distilleries crop up around Kentucky | Local Color | 20120906 | np |
bchs59 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1959 holds annual reunion | Class Reunion | 20120823 | 1 |
Flagpoles | Cemeteries to receive flagpoles to honor deceased veterans | Local Heroes | 20120816 | 3 |
soldier | Soldier buried on Gerhard Farm? | Local Landmarks | 20120809 | 13 |
Blue Licks | Battle of Blue Licks Re-enactment Weekend Set for August 18-19 | Local History | 20120809 | 1 |
Flooding | Torrential rainfall brings flooding to parts of Foster | Natural Disasters | 20120809 | |
tavern | Former Powersville tavern and home dismantled for move | Local Landmarks | 20120712 | 16 |
Tellman | Tara Tellman returns from archeological dig in Jordan | Bracken Countians | 20120712 | 16 |
storm | Tree damages experienced from pop-up storms over weekend | Local Landmarks | 20120705 | 2 |
Quilts | Carol Dee chosed Bracken County Quilt Club Winner | Quilts/Awards & Honors | 20120614 | 14 |
judicial | Judicial Center taking shape | Local History | 20120517 | 3 |
Parkview | Parkview Country Inn selected as Top B&B for Best Restaurant in Kentucky | Awards & Honors | 20120503 | 5 |
Quilt | St. Augustine/St. James Relay For Life Team to give away quilt | Quilts | 20120426 | 6 |
Reed | Four generations of Reed Family gather on Salem Ridge | Bracken County Families | 20120405 | 6 |
jennyann | The "Jenny Ann" sets new time for last nightly trip from Augusta | Local History | 20120126 | 1 |
Thomas | Four Generations Celebrated | Bracken County Families | 20111110 | 7 |
Hunt | Five generations gather in Maysville for Thanksgiving | Bracken County Families | 20111215 | 5 |
BCHS Class of 1965 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1965 holds annual get together | Class Reunions | 20111201 | 7 |
BCHS Class of 1961 | BCHS Class of '61 holds 50th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20111117 | 7 |
Vet Speakers | Two Local Veterans speak to Mr. Persinger's Class | Local Heroes | 20111117 | 7 |
Veterans | Bracken County veterans still serving our country by serving our community | Local Heroes | 20111110 | 18 |
bchs1947 | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1947 holds annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20111110 | 7 |
Vets Honored | Veterans still being honored by bricks on the courthouse lawn | Local Heroes | 20111110 | 3 |
BCHS Class of 1959 | BCHS Class of 1959 holds reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20110929 20111027 |
5 10 |
BCHS Class of 1954 | BCHS Class of 1954 holds reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20110922 20111011 |
6 10 |
BCHS Class of 1956 | BCHS Class of '56 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20111013 | 6 |
BCHS Class of 1953 | BCHS Class of 1953 holds reunion at Parkview Inn | Class Reunions | 20111006 | 7 |
Battle of Augusta | The Battle of Augusta key to containing advancement of Civil War to Northern soil | Local History | 20110922 | 1 |
AHS Class of 1956 | Augusta High School Class of 1956 holds 55 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20110915 | 7 |
BCHS Class of 1964 | Annual class gathering held by Bracken Co. Class of 1964 | Class Reunions | 20110915 | 7 |
Hay Farm Barn | Hidden treasure emerges as old Hay family farm barn is dismantled | Local Landmarks | 20110811 | 3 |
Sgt_Summers 1
Sgt_Summers 2 |
Flags, memorials placed in Brooksville in honor of SGT Jeremy Summers SGT. Summers returns home... |
Local Heroes | 20110721 20110728 |
1 1 |
Porter Morgan's Barn | Landmark aids in rescue of tractor entrapment accident | Local Landmarks | 20110714 | 14 |
LCpl Murphy | LCPL Murphy to be honored with Welcome Home Celebration | Local Heroes | 20110714 | 7 |
Veterans | "Veterans of Bracken County" Yearbook now available | County History | 20110707 | 1 |
Grapevine | New Historical Society book, "Grapevine Dispatch" released | County History | 20110707 | 1 |
BCHS Class of 1955 | BCHS Class of 1955 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20110707 | 6 |
Reed | Five generations gather for the day | Bracken County Families | 20110630 | 11 |
Myers | Myers family commemorates service to Lenoxburg community | Bracken County Families | 20110630 | 11 |
Sticklen | Quarters a fitting memorial at officer's funeral | Local Heroes | 20110602 | 3 |
Corvette | Corvette newest addition to Rosemary Clooney House | County History | 20110616 | 9 |
Underground RR | Underground Railroad Experience Weekend offered in Maysville | County History | 20110616 | 11 |
Founding | Baker discusses the founding of Augusta with AIS students | County History | 20110526 | 14 |
1862 | 1862 Civil War in Bracken County Community Day tour | County History | 20110526 | 1 |
Quilt | Sew N Sews provide honor and comfort with Quilt of Valor | Commemorative Quilts | 20110526 | 1 |
Remember When | Augusta Public School Band 1940s | Vintage Photos | 20110526 | 13 |
AHS Class of 2001 | Augusta High School Class of 2001 holds 10 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20110519 | 7 |
Germantown | Bracken, Mason County Sheriffs join forced in City of Germantown | Boundaries & Jurisdictions | 20110421 | 1 |
Quilt | Relay For Life Quilt honors the late Father Saner | Commemorative Quilts | 20110407 | 1 |
Sesquicentennial | Kentucky set to celebrate Civil War Sesquicentennial | Civil War History | 20110407 | 1 |
Marker | High winds topple grave marker | Cemeteries | 20110331 | 3 |
Augusta Rowhouses | Augusta Historic rowhouses featured in Best Old House Neighborhoods 2011 article | Historic Buildings | 20110317 | 16 |
Remember When | Remember When [Wilbur Cummins Pulling horses at the Germantown Fair] | Vintage Photos | 20110317 | 12 |
Sticklen | County mourns loss of native son, Jim Sticklen | Local Heroes | 20110310 | 1 |
Remember When | Remember When [old photo of Mssrs. Wallin, Poage, Hargett, Byners] | Vintage Photos | 20110120 | 9 |
images | Images of Bracken County available | Local History | 20110120 | |
Class of 1980 | BCHS Class of 1980 holds 30 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20110113 | 5 |
isuvisit1 isuvisit2 |
Illinois State University Civil Rights Movement Group visits the Payne Bradford House in Augusta [photo] Illinois State University [caption] |
Historic Places | 20110113 | 14 |
Remember When | Remember When [Milford Cardinals] | Vintage Photos | 20110113 | 9 |
Class of 1975 | BCHS Class of 1975 holds 35 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20110106 | 7 |
Remember When | Remember When [Polar Bears] | Vintage Photos | 20101126 | 13 |
Book Announcement | Bracken County reveals history through pictures in new book | Bracken County History | 20101125 | 18 |
BCHS Class of 1985 | BCHS Class of 1985 celebrates 25th reunion | Class Reunions | 20101118 | 6 |
BCHS Class of 1965 | BCHS Class of 1965 holds 45th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20101111 | 9 |
veterans | Honoring Our Veterans | Local Heroes | 20101111 | np |
Remember When | Remember When [Figgins Cummins kids] | Vintage Photos | 20101104 | 13 |
BCHS Class of 1960 | BCHS Class of 1960 holds 50th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20101104 | 8 |
Quilt | Cancer Care Club to give away handmade quilt | Commemorative Quilts | 20101028 | 1 |
BCHS Class of 1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20101028 | 10 |
DAR | Daughters of the American Revolution Meet in Augusta | Historical Societies | 20101028 | 9 |
planck | Three generations of Planck men gather | Bracken County Families | 20101028 | 6 |
BCHS Class of 1954 | BCHS Class of 1954 celebrates at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20101021 | 7 |
Book | Newest Historical Society book to be released in December | Local History | 20101014 | 5 |
BCHS Class of 1956 | Bracken County High School Class of 1956 holds 54th Reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20101014 | 9 |
Insko-Lytle-Pangburn | Annual Insko-Lytle-Pangburn Reunion held in September | Family Reunions | 20101007 | 7 |
BCHS Class of 1948 | BCHS Class of 1948 celebrates 62nd reunion at Parkview Inn | Class Reunions | 20101007 | 8 |
BCHS Class of 1950 | Bracken County High School Class of 1950 celebrates 60th reunion | Class Reunions | 20100930 | 5 |
BCHS Class of 1964 | BCHS Class of 1964 celebrates 46th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20100923 | 8 |
Bluelicks | Blue Licks Battlefield State Park holds annual re-enactment | Local History | 20100820 | 1 |
Newspapers | Support for Newspapers | Commentary | 20100805 | 12 |
Trolley | City of Augusta receives trolley | Objects of Local History | 20100722 | 8 |
quilt | Quilt Extravaganza to be held in Berea | Quilts | 20100722 | 9 |
Remember When | Remember When [Rotary Duck Race] | Vintage Photos | 20100715 | 8 |
Honoring Troops | Honoring those who have fought for our Independence | Local Heroes | 20100701 | 1 |
Libertybelle | Pickrell Brothers follow in father's, uncle's footsteps | Local Heroes | 20100624 | 3 |
BHS_Class_of_1942 | BHS Class of 1942 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20100610 | 7 |
Dietrich | Dietrich Family Reunion | Family Reunions | 20100610 | 3 |
Quilts | Sabbath Song Farm & Brackenridge Berry Farm to host 2nd Annual Blueberry Festival | Commemorative Quilts | 20100610 | 3 |
McMillan | article cont'd | Civil War Hero honored on National Medal of Honor Day | Local Heroes | 20100401 | 1 |
Classof1989 | BCHS Class of 1989 celebrating 20 year Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20100225 | 12 |
Classof1951 | BCHS Class of 1951 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20100121 | 6 |
Classof1994 | Class of 1994 holds 15 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20100121 | 9 |
Remember When | Photo, 1949-1950 Second Grade, Germantown School | Vintage Photos | 20091217 | 11 |
jett | Pie Jett Memorial Bench placed in courthouse lobby | Memorials | 20091112 | 3 |
BCHS Class of 1947 | Bracken County High School Class of 1947 holds annual reunion | Class Reunions | 20091112 | 6 |
Brooksville Baptist | Brooksville Baptist Church is 160 Years Old and Still Growing | County History | 20091105 | 4 |
St. Augustine | St. Augustine clebrates 150th anniversary | County History | 20091015 | 5 |
Insko | Insko Family holds annual reunion | Family Reunions | 20091008 | 9 |
AHS Class of 1949 | AHS Class of 1949 celebrates 60th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20091008 | 9 |
AHS Class of 1954 | Augusta High School Class of 1954 holds 55th year Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20091001 | 8 |
BCHS Class of 1954 | Bracken County High School Class of 1954 holds 55th year class reunion | Class Reunions | 20090924 | 12 |
BCHS Class of 1964 | Bracken County High School Class of 1964 holds annual get together | Class Reunions | 20090917 | 8 |
BCHS Class of 1959 | Fifty year class reunion enjoyed by BCHS Class of 1959 members | Class Reunions | 20090910 | 8 |
Riley | SSGT Michael Riley receives Purple Heart Medal | Local Heroes | 20090723 | 1 |
hunt | Five generations gathered for 83rd birthday celebration | Bracken County Families | 20090723 | 5 |
Western School | Remember When...[Western School 1973 basketball teams] | Vintage Photos | 20090723 | 12 |
Brooksville Class of 1942 | Brooksville High School Class of 1942 celebrates 67th reunion | Class Reunions | 20090709 | 15 |
Salem Ridge | Volunteers clean up cemetery on Salem Ridge Road | Bracken Countians | 20090702 | 15 |
Bay | Remember When [Bay family] | Vintage Photos | 20090618 | 15 |
Chiefs Chiefs, page 2 |
Remembering Brooksville Police Chiefs during Law Enforcement Memorial Month | Local Heroes | 20090528 | 1 |
Vets | Augusta VFW Post 9535 honors those who served and gave their all | Local Heroes | 20090528 | 18 |
Dragon1 Dragon2 |
Task Force Dragon Warrior prepares for June deployment to Iraq | Local Heroes | 20090521 | 1 |
bhs_1943 | Brooksville Class of 1943 gathers at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20090521 | 11 |
Quilts |
Raffle of Barn Quilts at 'Art in the Garden' | Commemorative Quilts | 20090521 | 24 |
Augusta Chiefs_1 Augusta Chiefs_2 |
Augusta Police Ciefs remembered during Law Enforcement Memorial Month | Bracken County History | 20090514 | 1 |
bc_sheriff1.jpg bc_sheriff2.jpg |
Remembering the past and the present Bracken County Sheriff's Department | Bracken County History | 20090507 | 1 |
burkitt_clean.jpg | Cemetery Chapel group shows respect with debris cleanup [Ed.note: Photo of the cleaned cemetery also provided by participant Suzan Taylor] | Bracken County History | 20090416 | 5 |
parker_obit.jpg | Historical Society remembers contributions of Elizabeth Parker | Bracken Countians | 20090423 | 2 |
coxbros.jpg | Remember When [Curtis Cox and Chanis Cox] | Vintage Photos | 20090416 | 13 |
l_wood.jpg | Remember When [Larry Wood] | Vintage Photos | 20090312 | 13 |
bchsclassof1993.jpg | BCHS Class of 1993 celebrates 15 year reunion at Augusta Pub | Class Reunion | 20090108 | 8 |
bchs_88.jpg | Bracken County High School class of 1988 celebrates 20 year reunion | Class Reunion | 20081225 | 11 |
bchs_63.jpg | BCHS Class of 1963 hold 45th reunion | Class Reunion | 20081204 | 9 |
65classbchs.jpg | BCHS Class of 1965 holds reunion | Class Reunion | 20081113 | 10 |
hayfarm.jpg | Recent sale by auction next step in long history of Robert & Pauline Hay Farm | Historic Places | 20081023 | 11 |
1947bchs.jpg | Bracken County High School Class of 1947 celebrates 61st Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20081023 | 7 |
1956bchs.jpg | 52nd Class Reunion celebrated by Bracken County High School Class of 1956 | Class Reunions | 20081023 | 7 |
bville1944.jpg | Brooksville High School Class of 1944 celebrates together at Parkview Inn |
Class Reunions | 20081016 | 9 |
1953bchs.jpg | BCHS Class of 1953 holds 55 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20081016 | 8 |
inskolytlepangburn.jpg | Insko-Lytle-Pangburn family reunion | Family Reunions | 20081009 | 8 |
bbteam.jpg | Remember When? [Unidentified Germantown Basketball Team] | Vintage Photos | 20081002 | 15 |
class64bchs.jpg | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1964 holds 44th Class Reunion | Class Reunions | 20080918 | 11 |
class1958bchs.jpg | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1958 celebrated 50th Reunion at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20080911 | 10 |
minerva58.jpg | Minerva Class of 1858 celebrates 50th reunion at deSha's | Class Reunions | 20080904 | 11 |
unknown-school.jpg | Remember When? [BC Historical Society seeks identity of school photo] | Vintage Photos | 20080904 | 6 |
classof42-3.jpg | Class of 1942 celebrates 66th reunion | Class Reunions | 20080821 | 5 |
classof55-2.jpg | BCHS Class of 1955 holds 53rd reunion | Class Reunions | 20080821 | 6 |
taylor02.jpg | 'Taylor Traditions' title for new cookbook, annual reunion gathering | Family Reunions | 20080821 | 5 |
classof48-3.jpg | Class of 1948 holds 60th reunion | Class Reunions | 20080817 | 10 |
saintjames.jpg | Remember When [Saint James School Agriculture Class, 1950 | Vintage Photos | 20080703 | 15 |
class43.jpg | Class of 1943 gathers at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20080529 | 6 |
warren.jpg | Five generations gather together [Warren-Tucker-McRoberts] | Bracken Countians | 20080505 | 6 |
bchsclassof1987.jpg | BCHS Class of 1987 holds 20 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20080424 | 22 |
20071115_3_stories.jpg | Stories of WWII remembered | Local Heroes | 20071115 | 3 |
coffinhouse.jpg | Former coffin house displays Milford quilt block | Historic Places | 20071025 | 22 |
bchsclassof47.jpg | BCHS Class of '47 celebrates 60 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20071011 | 7 |
bvclassof45.jpg | Brooksville High School Class of 1945 holds 62nd year reunion | Class Reunions | 200771025 | 5 |
classof67.jpg | Article | Class of 1967 Celebrates 40 years | Class Reunions | 20070726 | 6 |
brooksville42.jpg | Brooksville High School Class of 1942 holds 65th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20070705 | 9 |
bhsclassof43.jpg | BHS Class of 1943 celebrates 53rd reunion | Class Reunions | 20070614 | 13 |
hanson_home.jpg | Remember When...[William Henry Hanson Kentucky Landmark Home] | Vintage Photos | 20070510 | 6 |
bruinbd.jpg | Remember When...[A 9th birthday party for Pam (Monson) Bruin in 1957] | Vintage Photos | 20070308 | 6 |
neaveres.jpg | 5 Generations of Neave residents gather | Bracken Countians | 20070301 | 7 |
bball.jpg | Remember When...[1957 Brooksville Gym Basketball] | Vintage Photos | 20070301 | 14 |
hedgecockstore.jpg | 100+ year old Berlin landmark destroyed by fire | Historic Places | 20070208 | 10 |
1937flood.jpg | Remember When...[1937 Flood] | Vintage Photos | 20070201 | 5 |
classof1961.jpg | BCHS Class of 1961 holds 45th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20070201 | 7 |
classof1991.jpg | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1991 celebrates 15 year Class reunion | Class Reunions | 20061130 | 12 |
classof1966.jpg | BCHS Class of 1966 celebrates 40th reunion | Class Reunions | 20061102 | 12 |
classof56.jpg | BCHS Class of 1956 celebrates 50th | Class Reunions | 20061026 | 14 |
classof81.jpg | BCHS Class of 1981 holds 25th reunion | Class Reunions | 20061012 | 11 |
ahsclassof56.jpg | AHS Class of 1956 celebrates 50th reunion | Class Reunions | 20060914 | 9 |
1945westerntobchs.jpg | 1945 Western School Freshman class joins Bracken Co. High School | Class Reunions | 20060824 | 9 |
classof48.jpg | BCHS Class of 1948 celebrates 58th class reunion | Class Reunions | 20060817 | 11 |
taylor01.jpg | 2006 Taylor Family Reunion | Bracken County Families | 20060731 | 8 |
egnew01.jpg | Egnew Family Enjoys Reunion | Bracken County Families | 20060713 | 7 |
homehotel.jpg | Remember When...[Mlles Brooking and Bosau at Home Hotel] | Vintage Photos | 200600713 | 8 |
classof1986.jpg | BCHS Class of 1986 holds 20 year reunion | Class Reunions | 200600713 | 10 |
bcarchives.jpg | Historical Society Views Archive Records | Bracken County Research | 20060601 | 10 |
bradford_wm.jpg | William and Mae Bradford | Bracken County Families | 20060601 | 7 |
veterans01.jpg | Local Veterans recognized during program at Bracken County High School |
Local Heroes | 20051117 | 18 |
veterans02.jpg | Hometown Heroes honored at 'Hall of Fame Cafe' | Local Heroes | 20051110 | 1 |
classof1985.jpg | BCHS Class of 1985 holds 20 year Reunion | Class Reunions | 20051013 | 11 |
classof1964.jpg | BCHS Class of 1964 has get together at Blue Licks | Class Reunions | 20051006 | 12 |
classof1958.jpg | Class of 1958 meets at Renfro Valley | Class Reunions | 20051006 | 12 |
bbaker.jpg | Bill Baker is Speaker at the Bracken County Historical Society Meeting | County History | 20051006 | 12 |
insko2.jpg | Insko, Lytle and Pangburn annual reunion | Bracken County Families | 20051006 | 8 |
ahs55.jpg | AHS Class of 1955 celebrates 50 Year Anniversary | Class Reunions | 20050929 | 12 |
bradford-arnold.jpg | Bradford and Arnold Family Reunion A Success | Bracken County Families | 20050922 | 6 |
bbcbridge.jpg | Public Notice: Historic Bridge Offered for Relocation | Historic Places | 20050901 | 16 |
bradford.jpg | Bradford Family to hold first reunion | Bracken County Families | 20050825 | 5 |
bccgrant.jpg | Bracken County Clerk receives Local Records grant | Historical Records | 20050818 | 3 |
classof45.jpg | Brooksville Class of 1945 holds 60th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20050811 | 5 |
classof55.jpg | Bracken County High School Class of 1955 celebrates 50 year class reunion | Class Reunions | 20050804 | 13 |
bhs43.jpg | Brooksville High School Class of 1943 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20050609 | 16 |
mcmillen01.jpg | Bracken County's Francis M. McMillen Received Medal of Honor | Civil War | 20050526 | 7 |
tongret01.jpg | A Prisoner Of War Remembers | Heroes of WWII | 20050526 | 1 |
lineofduty4.jpg | Campbell is final officer killed in Bracken County [1938] | Line of Duty Deaths | 20050526 | 1 |
lineofduty3.jpg | Town Marshall Nimrod Showalter third officer killed in line of duty [1915] | Line of Duty Deaths | 20050519 | 1 |
lineofduty2.jpg | Town Marshall Lane first officer killed in Augusta [1882] | Line of Duty Deaths | 20050512 | 1 |
lineofduty1.jpg | Memorial plaque placed at grave site of first officer slain in Bracken County [1845] | Line of Duty Deaths | 20050505 | 1 |
classof58.jpg | Bracken County High School Class of 1958 holds get together at General Butler State Park |
Class Reunions | 20041202 | 9 |
clooney03.jpg | Henrys To Purchase Rosemary Clooney Home and Open It to The Public | Rosemary Clooney | 20041103 | 1 |
hamilton01.jpg | Remember When...[Mrs. Hamilton at WWII Memorial] | Vintage Photos | 20041111 | 9 |
asbury-ward.jpg | Asbury / Ward Family Gathers for Reunion on Labor Day Weekend | Bracken County Families | 20041118 | 5 |
elementary40.jpg | Remember When...[elementary school class + 40] | Vintage Photos | 20041028 | 6 |
bigwindy.jpg | "Big Windy" Finds A New Home | Historic Train | 20040930 | 7 |
whistle.jpg | "Big Windy" Whistle to be Presented to City of Brooksville and Bracken County | Historic Train | 20040923 | 1 |
classof59.jpg | Bracken County High School Class of 1959 Celebrates 45th Reunion | Class Reunions | 20040909 | 7 |
ahs74.jpg | AHS Class of 1974 Celebrates 30 Year Reunion | Class Reunions | 20040902 | 13 |
chorus.jpg | Remember When...[1954 Farm Bureau Chorus] | Vintage Photos | 20040819 | 11 |
whitehall.jpg | White Hall accepted as Site on The Network to Freedom | Arthur Thome Home | 20040729 | 1 |
bv1944.jpg | Brooksville High School Class of 1944 | Class Reunions | 20040715 | 11 |
classof1942.jpg | Brooksville Class of 1942 held 62nd reunion | Class Reunions | 20040708 | 13 |
kiskaden.jpg | Kiskaden family reunion | Bracken County Families | 20040708 | 7 |
classof1943.jpg | Brooksville High School Class of 1943 | Class Reunions | 20040624 | 13 |
endicott01.jpg | Revolutionary War Patriot to be honored in Cynthiana | Moses Endicott | 20040527 | 11 |
powersvillecc.jpg | Remember when..[Powersville Christian Church, new members] | Vintage Photos | 20040421 | 8 |
fryman01.jpg | Five Generations...[Fryman family] | Bracken County Families | 20040101 | 2 |
burden1.jpg | Letter to the Editor: [Rev. Pioneer James Burden, Condition of Family Gravesite] | Bracken County Families | 20031016 | 9 |
classof73.jpg | BCHS Class of 1973 has reunion at Buckhanan's | Class Reunions | 20031016 | 14 |
class63.jpg | Deming Class of 1963 has reunion | Class Reunions | 20031016 | 15 |
classof63.jpg | BCHS Class of '63 holds 40 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20031009 | 15 |
insko1.jpg | Insko-Lytle-Pangburn families hold reunion | Bracken County Families | 20031009 | 5 |
classof53.jpg | BCHS Class of 1953 has 50th Class Reunions | Class Reunions | 20031002 | 9 |
cline01.jpg | Cline family reunion held July 13th | Bracken County Families | 20030904 | 5 |
bchs1949.jpg | Remember when...[Bracken County High School 1949 Journalism Class] | Vintage Photos | 20030828 | 9 |
cheer.jpg | Remember when...[Junior High Cheerleaders] | Vintage Photos | 20030828 | 9 |
chalfant.jpg | Preserving our history one structure at a time | Chalfant Rock House | 20030731 | 1 |
classof48.jpg | Bracken Co. High Class of 1948 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20030724 | 7 |
4bcmen.jpg | Remember when...[Help identify these four Bracken County Men] | Vintage Photos | 20030703 | 3 |
classof50.jpg | Bracken Co. High School Class of 1950 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20030703 | 10 |
classof43.jpg | Bracken Co. Class of '43 has 60 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20030619 | 6 |
docfilm.jpg | Documentary film to include scenes of Germantown | Slavery/Abolitionism | 20030619 | 8 |
thome01.jpg | James Armstrong Thome is one of the builders of White Hall | Bracken County Families | 20030515 | 7 |
lang01.jpg | Isaac Lang, Jr. is featured in a story in the New York Times | Slavery/Abolitionism | 20030515 | 1 |
srgirl45.jpg | Remember When...[BHS Senior Girl Reserve, 1945-46] | Vintage Photos | 20030424 | 12 |
baseball.jpg | Remember When...[Bracken County baseball youth] | Vintage Photos | 20030424 | 15 |
bhs46ffa.jpg | Remember When...[FFA Brooksville Chapter 1946] | Vintage Photos | 20030417 | 16 |
brooksvillepto | Remember When [Brooksville PTO 1920s] | Local History | 20030313 | 7 |
historyday | Northern Kentucky History Day is Saturday, March 15th at NKU | Local History | 20030306 | np |
bchistory.jpg | History of Bracken County Bicentennial Edition, second printing is now available | History Publications | 20021205 | 1 |
augusta52.jpg | AHS Class of '52 hold reunion | Class Reunions | 20021121 | 9 |
reunion | Linville, Poe, Merrill & White Reunion Held | Family Reunions | 20021107 | 13 |
classof57.jpg | BCHS Class of '57 celebrates 45th reunion | Class Reunions | 20021024 | 1 |
foster.jpg | Remember when... [old Foster School photo] | Vintage Photos | 20021024 | 9 |
welte.jpg | Welte family enjoys reunion | Bracken County Families | 20021010 | 7 |
collins.jpg | Mrs. Katherine Collins honored in 90th birthday | Bracken County Families | 20021010 | 8 |
habermehl.jpg | Habermehl family enjoys reunion at President's Park | Bracken County Families | 20020926 | 7 |
appelman | Appelmans take a ride on the Chattanooga Choo-Choo | Family Reunions | 20020919 | 8 |
classof47.jpg | Bracken County High School Class of 1947 holds 60 year reunion | Class Reunions | 20020919 | 6 |
classof44.jpg | Brooksville Class of 1944 holds reunion | Class Reunions | 20020919 | 11 |
thornsbury.jpg | Thornsburys hold family reunion in Augusta | Bracken County Families | 20020912 | 6 |
warner.jpg | Five generations... [Warner Family] | Bracken County Families | 20020912 | 7 |
hargett.jpg | Hargett Family Reunion Held | Bracken County Families | 20020912 | 7 |
jail.jpg | Ribbon cutting held at Augusta jail | Local Landmarks | 20020905 | np |
moffordperkins | Mofford and Perkins Family Reunion held in Brooksville | Family Reunions | 20020829 | 5 |
insko | Insko family gather in Atlanta | Family Reunions | 20020822 | 6 |
kiskaden | Kiskaden family reunion held recently | Family Reunions | 20020808 | 5 |
bcjail.jpg | Restoration process continues at historic Augusta Jail | 1811 Augusta Jail | 20020808 | 16 |
knoedler.jpg | Refurbished 'portico' provides warm welcome to visitors at Knoedler Library | Knoedler Library | 20020815 | 1 |
reenactment.jpg | Civil War Living History Weekend Is August 10 & 11 | Commemorative Event | 20020725 | 16 |
rosemary01.jpg | Flowers and notes of love for Rosemary... | Rosemary Clooney | 20020704 | 1 |
silvey01.jpg | A Family That Served.... | Silvey Family | 20020704 | 9 |
marker.jpg | Historical marker honors former slave and white abolitionist | Slavery/Abolitionism | 20020627 | 1 |
classof42.jpg | Brooksville Class of 1942 Reunion | Class Reunions | 20020620 | 1 |
monument.jpg | War Monument erected in Brooksville, dedication ceremony to take place Saturday, May 18th | 20th C. War Veterans | 20020516 | 1 |
monumentpic.jpg | War Monument erected in Brooksville, dedication ceremony to take place Saturday, May 18th | Photo of Monument | 20020516 | 1 |
blackerby.jpg | A historic landmark becomes a distant memory | Blackerby Home | 20020214 | 1 |
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