Shared by Jackie Walker Burton (unless otherwise specified) ...

Ed and Charlene Herald Allen
Ed is grandson of Wyatt Allen . Charlene is the d/o
Roger and Hallie Turner Herald.
Picture shared by Lora Allen Lohr
Abner C and Isabella 'Ibby' Mayes Baker
 Abner C Baker; born Feb 24, 1880; died Jan 22, 1958;
also s/o Andrew Jackson and Betty Amis Baker;
and brother of Will Baker.
His first wife was Isabella 'Ibby' Mayes;
d/o William 'Bangor'
and Elizabeth Sebastian Mayes.

Alfred and Elizabeth Bowling Baker
He is s/o James M 'Todd Fox' Baker and Eliza Ann Abner.
She is d/o James 'Jim' Bowling and Mary Annn Baker
Picture shared by Geneva Baker Frost (Don)

Elbert Baker and wife,
Emma Gabbard Baker
Hannah Fields Baker and unidentified
young man; possibly grandson.
Hannah was the w/o Daniel Boone Baker;
from Buffalo in
Owsley County, Ky
Hense Baker and wife;
from Buffalo of
Owsley County, Ky

Baker James M 'Todd Fox' and Abner Eliza
Picture shared from the Geneva Baker Frost Collection
Jim and Della Baker
From the
Mary Rose Baker Sanford Collection

Mary Alice Baker
and a first cousin,
Robert 'Rob Fox' Baker
William and Mary Jane Baker Baker

James 'Hammerhead Jim' and Rhoda Carmack Bishop.
James is the s/o William 'Old Billy' Bishop and
Susan Barrett. 'Old Billy' Bishop was s/o Sam Bishop
and Polly Abner. Susan Barrett was d/o
Jesse Barrett and Polly Asher.
Hammerhead Jim Bishop and Rhoda Carmack
had ten children:
Wedding picture of Perry Bishop and Vicey Baker of Clay County, Ky
Vicey Baker; d/o of Robert 'Boston Bob' Baker and his first wife,
Sarah 'Ibby' Rogers.


1 23 05 .. From Dotti Baker ... ... Grandpa Elisha Bowling
and his first wife, Dorothy; whom I was named after.

Greenberry and
Martha Baker Burton
Taken about 1938 at Rose Hill Cemetery, Butler County, Ohio
at a son's funeral.
James and Evoline Deaton Burton
James is s/o Robert 'Robin'
and Mary Jane Deaton Burton
Arthur and Ethel Turner Caudill
Shared by Tony Whitaker

Allen and Ameridith Combs Easter
Meredith (Merides) Combs, (1821/5 - 1908)
Ester 'Easter' Allen Combs (1832 - 1909); parents of Lee Combs; and the
great grandparents of former
Govenor 'Bert' T Combs,
were married in October, 1868.
Robert 'Black Bob' and Jane Brewer Combs 

Wayne Combs and Juda Dobson
Jackie's great grandparents ...
Elisha and Mary Peters Gabbard; Buffalo, Owsley Co

Henry Gabbard and wife, Mike and Maryann Gabbard; Owsley Co  

Albert Hall and Sarah 'Sallie' Herald
Parents of Linda Hall (married to Ned Herald)
Alexander 'Coon Man'
and Aggie Hall Herald
Jackie's maternal grandparents.
They lived on left hand hollow
of Turner's Creek
Alexander 'Coon Man' and Aggie Herald
These are Jackie's grandparents on her mother's side.

Allen Herald and wife, ___
 Allen is a brother of Alexander 'Coon Man' and Jim Herald.
Sons of Thomas 'Pap' Herald and Malinda 'Mother' Deaton Herald.
Big 'Ballard Jim' and wife,
Elizabeth 'Betty' Turner Herald
Lived on Pipe Mud Hollow of Turner's Creek,
Breathitt County, Ky. Jim is a brother
to Thomas 'Pap' Herald.

Jim Herald and Lizzie Deaton
James 'Constable Jim' Herald and Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Deaton Sizemore.
James was b Dec 20, 1887 - d Dec 8, 1963.
Elizabeth was b April 27, 1886 - d Mar 28, 1980.
Elizabeth was the d/o James 'Tony' Deaton.
Ned and Linda Hall Herald
Ned was s/o Elliott Herald and
'Big Polly' Combs Herald. Linda was
d/o Albert and Sally Herald Hall.
Ophir and Hazel Turner Herald
Breathitt County. Ophir died 1988;
and is buried at Buck Herald Cemetery.
Hazel, d/o James 'Cann' Turner
and Rachel Herald. Hazel lives in Jackson
... (2006)

Roger Herald and Hallie Turner
Roger was the s/o Thomas and
Malinda Deaton Herald. Hallie was
the d/o Greenberry and Nancy Watts Turner. Picture was taken ca 1920 / Turner's Creek.
Thomas and Melinda Deaton Herald

William 'Buck' Herald and Rachel Turner
 William (Mar 10, 1859 - Sept 14, 1934); Rachel (July 20, 1850 - Mar 9, 1933)
Rachel d/o Thomas 'Humpy' Turner and Mary Johnson.

Lee and Lucy Baker Marcum Albert McIntosh and Myrtle Baker
 Albert was killed in the 1938 'election day' shootout.
Albert and Kelly Mosley were killed.

George and Rachel Baker Noble
 Rebecca Sandlin, born 1888 was the illegitimate
d/o James 'Todd Fox' Baker
and Rachel Sandlin. Rachel is the d/o
James 'Old Jim Grey' Sandlin and Zilpha Baker. Rebecca was Todd Fox's
only daughter. All other children were sons.

Shadrack 'Shade' and Polly Amis Fox
Shadrack s/o Isaac Fox;
Polly Amis d/o John & Sarah Amis
Shared by Lewis Baker
John A and Minnie Skene
Minnie Walker was the widow of
Mr Walker;from Perry and Carter Cos;
then married John A Skene
________ ______ and Malinda Turner 

Alexander Turner and second wife, Alice Baker
Alexander was b Jan 1851 - d Nov 1920 ___
Alice died August 22, 1928
Charlie and Marg Baker Turner
Shared by Karen McGraw of Owsley County, Ky

Greenberry Turner and 2nd wife, Mary Polly 'Pop' Turner
Greenberry was the s/o Alexander 'Big Bud' and 1st wife,
Cordelia Deaton Turner. __ Mary was the 2nd wife of Greenberry.
Greenberry's first wife was Nancy Watts.
She had two children and died; buried in the Sam Watts Cemetery
Breathitt County.
Henry and Elizabeth Turner
 Parents of William 'Big Berry' Turner in Breathitt County, KY.

James 'Cann' Turner and Rachel Herald
Breathitt County, Ky ...
parents of Martha Turner and Hazel Herald
of Jackson, Breathitt County, Ky.
'Tabby' John Turner and wife,
Sarah 'Mammy Sallie' Herald Turner of
Turner's Creek, Breathitt County, Ky,
d/o Wm and Polly Turner Herald.
John was s/o Samuel 'Saul' Turner and
Sarah 'Sallie Herald. Sarah 'Sallie' was the
d/o (old) Alexander Herald
Wilburn and Burnetta Tompkins Turner
 Wilburn was s/o Thomas 'Humpy' Turner and
Mary 'Polly' Johnston. Wilburn was a brother
to Elliott Turner, md Sarah Helton Turner.

Wilburn and Burnetta Tompkins Turner
Wilburn was s/o Thomas 'Humpy' Turner and
Mary 'Polly' Johnston
Wilburn was a brother to Elliott Turner,
md Sarah Helton Turner.
'Laboring John' John Walker and wife, _
 s/o Jeremiah 'Pete' and Elvira (__) Walker
of Perry County, Kentucky
Sam and Cordelia 'Cordia' Bowling Turner
Sam was s/o Henderson and Susan Sebastian Turner
Cordia was d/o Ewen and Elizabeth 'Betts' Noble Bowling
They lived across the creek from my
grandparents, Pearl and Lydia Stamper
Shared by Golden Combs Ferguson