GOBEL (GOBLE, GOEBEL) CEMETERY Cemetery located on property of Jack Suttles between I-64 westbound rest area at Grayson on the south and the Walter Campbell farm on the north ridge. 189 steps from north edge of cemetery uphill to north ridge line As of Friday, March 10, 2006
Dimensions: Approximately 30 feet wide by 84 feet long running directly north to south lengthwise by compass. Actual measurements taken 10 steps wide by 28 steps long. Ronald Lee Everman 01-21-1937 06-01-1995 Joseph Gobel 10-12-1881 01-13-1923 G.H. Goble 08-17-1895 07-09-1926 Hannah Goble 09-23-1851 03-12-1927 W.A. Goble 09-14-1840 12-11-1911 Anna S. Goebel 09-18-1886 10-31-1939 Ephren Green Goebel 06-27-1912 10-21-1914 Ruth Goebel 09-06-1904 01-13-1906 Steven Douglas Hutcheson 11-14-1962 01-25-1995 Helen F. Kouns 1946 1947 Roy D. Kouns 1932 1932 Sylvia Louise Kouns 1945 1966 John Pellam 05-19-1876 10-06-1946