Carter County Deed Grantee Name Index

This is a supplimentary index to aid in searching through the deed Grantee index images.

The left column contains the deed page image name root (eg. carter_deed_index_a02.jpg).
The file names can be found below the deed thumbnail images.

The right column contains a name which is on that page image.

a02 Abrams
a10 Allen
a20 Ash
a30 Advance
a40 Abbott
a50 Adkins
a60 Armstrong
a70 Adams
a80 Alexander

b002 Back
b010 Banfield
b020 Barnhill
b030 Bellomy
b040 Biggsbey
b050 Blizzard
b060 Bradford
b070 Bradley
b080 Bryant
b090 Burley
b100 Burks
b110 Belfont
b120 Bank
b130 Board
b140 Bagby
b150 Bond
b160 Biggs
b170 Burton
b180 Brown
b190 Boggs
b200 Barker
b210 Botts
b220 Bailey
b230 Blankenship
b240 Blevins
b250 Bays
b260 Burchett
b270 Buck
b280 Bowling

c002 Cain
c010 Campbell
c020 Carper
c030 Chapman
c040 Chapman
c050 Cisco
c060 Cohen
c070 Compton
c080 Cowans
c090 Culbertson
c100 Chesapeake
c110 Church
c120 Commonwealth
c130 Carroll
c140 Clark
c150 Counts
c160 Crawford
c170 Conley
c180 Clay
c190 Cooper
c200 Conn
c210 Cartee
c220 Carpenter

d003 Dailey
d010 Danner
d020 Deal
d030 Dickinson
d040 Downing
d050 Duvall
d060 Davis
d070 Davis
d080 Davis
d090 Ducan
d100 Dean

e002 Easom
e010 Ellison
e020 Emmons
e030 Eastern
e040 Everman
e050 Everman
e060 Erwin
e070 Evans
e080 Eifort

f002 Fanning
f010 Ferguson
f020 Fisher
f030 Foster
f040 Frizell
f050 Federal
f060 Fults
f070 Fults
f080 Fraley
f090 Fields

g002 Gallion
g010 Geffken
g020 Glancy
g030 Goble
g040 Gose
g050 Grubb
g060 Grubb
gf070 Garvin
g080 Gee
g090 Gearheart
g100 Gilbert
g110 Gilliam
g120 Greenhill

h002 Hackney
h010 Ham
h020 Haney
h030 Hardy
h040 Heaberlin
h050 Hern
h060 Hillman
h070 Hood
h080 Howard
h090 Huffman
h100 Huseman
h110 Harbison
h120 Holbrook
h130 Hall
h140 Hall
h150 Harris
h160 Henderson
h170 Hicks
h180 Huff

i002 Ingold
i010 Ironton
i020 Isaac

j002 Jacobs
j010 Jarrell
j020 Johnson
j030 Johnson
j040 Justice
j050 Jones
j060 Jones
j070 Jordan
j080 James
j090 James
j100 Jarvis

k002 Karr
k010 Keffer
k020 Kendrick
k030 Kibbey
k040 Kouns
k050 Kentucky
k060 Kentucky
k070 Kiser
k080 Kiser
k090 Kitchen
k100 King
k110 King

l002 Lampton
l010 Lansdown
l020 Leedy
l030 Leonard
l040 Littleton
l050 Loomis
l060 Lucas
l070 Lexington
l080 Lowe
l090 Lewis

m002 Mack
m010 Maddix
m020 Maggard
m030 Mannin
m040 Martin
m050 Mauk
m060 McCormack
m070 McDavid
m080 McDavid
m090 McGill
m100 McMahan
m110 Meenach
m120 Middleton
m130 Minter
m140 Mobley
m150 Moreland
m160 Mullins
m170 McGlone
m180 McGlone

misc002 Rolling
misc010 Popular

n002 Napier
n010 Newell
n020 Nickell
n030 Nethercutt

o002 Offill
o010 Oliphant
o020 O'Roark
o030 Olive
o040 Osenton

p046 Padget
p050 Patterson
p060 Peck
p070 Peterson
p080 Pitts
p090 Powell
p100 Portsmouth
p110 Parker
p120 Pelfrey
p130 Porter
p140 Prichard
p150 Prichard

q02 Queen
q10 Qualls

r002 Ragland
r010 Reed
r020 Reynolds
r030 Riggs
r040 Rivers
r050 Reynolds
r060 Roma
r070 Russell
r080 Reeves
r090 Rose
r100 Ramey
r110 Ross
r120 Rice
r130 Rice

s002 Salmons
s010 St Clair
s020 Sammons
s030 Schrope
s040 Sexton
s050 Shelton
s060 Simmons
s070 Sparger
s080 Stanley
s090 Stifords
s100 Stone
s110 Swint
s120 State
s130 Stamper
s140 Stamper
s150 Scott
s160 Scott
s170 Shivel
s180 Strother
s190 Shivel
s200 Smith
s210 Smith
s220 Stephens
s230 Stewart

t002 Tarlton
t010 Theobald
t020 Tolliver
t030 Turley
t040 Triplett
t050 Tomas
t060 Tabor
t070 Thompson
t080 Tackett

u002 Ulitz
u010 Underwood

v002 Varian
v010 Virgin
v020 Vincent

w002 Waddell
w010 Waldenor
w020 Warnock
w030 Waugh
w040 Webb
w050 West
w060 Wilhoit
w070 Wilcox
w080 Woodrow
w090 Wright
w100 Walker
w110 Ward
w120 Williams
w130 Wilburn
w140 Whitt
w150 Whitt
w160 Wilson

y002 Young
y010 Yates