Annis Gillespie's 1981 Letter Concerning Descendants of Fleming Low Brown
Contributed by JC Porter
1 - 2da Effie m Allen Gullett
7 children - Will, Dallas, Haskel, Arville (d), Ray (d), Minnta
2 - John Thomas, Tommy m Lou King who was Lou King? Who was her dad?
2nd wife Vada Friend > children: Ella, Gladys (no kids), Hazel, Homer
Ella had 4 children (3 boys , 1 girl): Homer 2 (1 boy, 1 girl), Hazel (2 or 3) Will find out from her.
Ealls and Gladys married bros. Grundy and Herburt (Hub) Maynard
3 Benny m Annis Underwood no children. Benny died age 22 years.
4 Lilly m Balem Phillips children: Ida, Clyde, Euline (sp?) She had
another child, Mary Lu Annis died 3 mo. before her mother.
5. Belle m 1st Myron King. bro of George King
children: Lettucia, Lilly, Jim. Myron dissappeared, was declared
dead after 7 years. Belle m 2nd 2 believe first name Marion
Daughty > children: ora, Vigil, maybe Clyde, another boy
Ora married Will Gullett, Effie + Allen's boy (they were cousins).
Will had a (1) wife Sarah Maynard, sister to Grundy and Hube
They had 2 children 2 children: Edith & Blaine
Edith lives in Cal. and Blaine in Portsmouth, Ohio.
Ora had one girl, Barbara Loy (sp?). Will lives in Col., Oh.
Fleming Low's 2nd wife, Mary Mollie, b. Jan 20, 1864 Elliott Co., Ky.
d. April 28, 1936 Lucasville, Oh.
But before she married Fleming L. she had 2 children:
Addie Flannery m Bessie Duncan. They had several children:
m Bessie m a man by the name of Kethum, 2 children: Vera & Forest.
Bessie left 1st man, went with Wallace Kitchen
Kethum divorced Bessie & she married W. Kitchen. Had several
children by him. 1 of her girls, Cynnia Belle married Willard King,
who is or was son of George King & Ida King
Fleming L. & Molly's children:
1. William Holt, b. July 12, 1882
2. Norma
3. Naoma Grace 15 July
4. Chester Arthur 15 April
died April 8, 1952
W. H. B. m Emma Elizabeth Robertson, b April 1896, d. April 1925 Pike Co., Ky.
Norma m Ran Friend
Naoma Grace m Alvin DeWalltearse (Oma for short)
Chester Arthur m Beeda Brunington
W. H. Brown 5 children: Annis, Albion, Dorothy, Irene, Raymond
Wilford, James Alfred. (baby Laurence Edwin died 7 mo's was
between Raymond & Alfred.)
Norma had 2 children: Geneva died a baby & Clifford Friend
Chester Deitzel (d) McAlester. Nellie in Wis.
Dear J. C.
I hope some of this will help you, and my grand son took
a course in college on photography an he has done a
nice job so I'm enclosing you some of the copies. I'll mark
them some way so you'll know who is who. Back again (2-3-81)
after a couple of days, have been real busy helping my
daughter-in-law. She is a Tupperware manager.
This phone rings some times 30 to 40 times per day &
there are messages by the score to take down on note pads.
Sorry I've been so long getting back to you. My son flew
home to get me. We drove here in my car. Francis, my
d-in-law was in a bad car wreck, is why I'm here. She has
just laid down her crutch 3 wks ago, but can hardly walk
yet. Now for the pictures. I'm sending you some in hopes
you can use them. When I go home in the spring, I'll go
back to the court house & get more details on the Brown's.
Maybe if I'm lucky I'll find something on the Porters.
Now for who is in these pictures. First one is Fleming
Lowe sitting. Left to right: young boy Bennie b. Norma b.
Friend, Naoma Grace . De Walltearess, Chester Arthur (checked cap on),
little boy, Clifford Friend.
Fleming Lowe, William Holt (my dad) 4 yrs. old, Mary Mollie
Flannery, 2nd wife, holding Norma (2 yr), behind her
Aunt Lillie b. Phillips, Uncle Tommie b.Aunt Effie b.
Gullett. Picture taken 1896. Little picture Fleming L.
I believe about the time he married Sena Porter, or
a few yrs later. Dad told me he never saw his dad
but one time with out his mustach, so > must have
been when the picture was taken with 2 sisters & 2 bro's.
I can remember well what he looked like. How sweet
he was, so good natured. He always brought my sister
Dorothy & me fruit or cake he would save from his
lunch. Now J. C., I would like to know your full
name and about your family. Also, what kind of information
did Ella give you? Maybe if you can let me know
what the other generations were you wanted to know, I
can get help from Hazel, OK? I believe I have
helped you with a couple of people. Have you written
to Fred Brown Jr.? Well I want to send you some pictures
of my family. Probably next letter. I'll try not to be so
long in answer to you next time. Thanks so much
for your very nice letters. God bless you ad your's.
As ever, your cousin Annis. Please call me. Annis
My address here at my son's home:
6214 Fort Maddin
San Antonio, Texas, 78233
Many thanks for the stamped envolopes, but I have
plenty of stamps (boy I wish I could type).