After the book on McGlones was readied for printing, it was my privilege to visit Ireland. Very little research was done there, but I did find that the McGlone name is certainly in the minority , at least in the phone books. There are about 10 names listed in the books of the Republic of Ireland and about 16 listed in Northern Ireland. Through the kindness of Cecil O'Brien of Galloway, I had the opportunity to visit Mr. Frank L. McGlone of Limerick and he has promised us some information on his family. To meet our printing deadline, I am afraid we cannot include it here. I am listing the names of McGlones of Ireland so that in some future time, they may be contacted and perhaps may shed some light on our Irish "family."

Andrew C. McGlone..............Sligo County
Charles McGlone...................
Frank L. McGlone.................Limerick
Annie McGlone.....................
Ballybay C.M. McGlone......................
Francis A. McGlone..............Sligo County
John McGlone ......................Sligo County
Patrick McGlone...................
Clones Peter McGlone......................Monaghan County
Daniel McGlone....................Dublin County
James A. McGlone................Dublin County
Valerie McGlone...................Wicklow County
Alphonsus McGlone..............County Down

It has been a pleasure working on this book. My brother Bob has spent 15 years in research work and on this beautiful July day, 1980, we are "rushing" to finalize it so that all of you may read it, may enjoy the information, and in case you wish to add information, to disagree with us, or just to comment on our work, please contact us at:

McGlone and Associates, Inc. 1411 N. Woodward Avenue, Suite 201 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013

Thank you, Tom

This concludes the information we have at the present time. We have compiled much more but our goal was to learn, and relate to you, what we could about the McGlones before 1900. This you have in the book. When trying to summarize or "end" a work like the above I can't help but recall how it was naively started in the middle 1960's. At that time I thought I could talk to a few "old-timers", check some records, write a few letters and visit a cemetery or two. And after that put everything together for a history of the family. What happened was that a simple gathering of facts turned into a puzzle that became more and more complex. Many of the pieces were missing (many still are) which required more and more searching at more and more places. My family sacrificed many vacations so I could visit libraries, court houses, cemeteries, people, etc., looking for the missing link. It never really was found. Also, secretly, I don't think the family minded this activity since they were an enormous help and an encouragement. Interest on my part began to wane but then Tom became interested and enthusiasm was rekindled. We, fortunately, have been able to work closely together for almost a decade so now it's impossible to separate what "he did" or what "I did". The book is a combination of our work with an awfully lot of help from our friends. Research of a family is not easy or fast but it does have its rewards. We traveled a lot; from coast to coast. Glamour places like Boston, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, to name a few, as well as less known places which were just as interesting and sometimes more helpful like Grayson, Kentucky, Watrousville, Michigan, and Bear Creek, Wisconsin, again to name a few. There was also travel to foreign countries like Ireland, England, Canada... that was exciting. We were able to correspond with people from around the world, but we agree the best part of the whole venture was to meet people, relatives and friends, young and old, who willingly shared their knowledge with us. Our goal was, and still is, to link the McGlones together. We still maintain the theory that McGlones come from the same origin. The small size of the family (world-wide) and its Irish background supports this idea. Yet, with this theory, as with any, it must be proven before it becomes fact. We will continue our research. We decided, however, that what we have done so far should be shared. Several people we know have collected much information but have not made it available in a form like this. We also know that much information has been lost with the passage of time and people. The publication of this book is an insurance that what we have will not be lost by either of the above. Errors probably exist and people who are important are missing, but this is what we have to share with you. We consider this the beginning of a series that, hopefully, will become extensive and more accurate. If we do not continue perhaps someone else will. That is our desire. Our major goal is to stimulate your interest in the McGLONES.

Thanks Bob,