Biographical Sketch of Landon C. Thompson, Agency Township, Buchanan County, MO Submitted by: David Tucker Biographical Sketch of Landon C. Thompson, Agency Township, Buchanan County, MO From "History of Buchanan County, Missouri, Published 1881, St. Joseph Steam Printing Company, Printers, Binders, Etc., St. Joseph, Missouri.
Landon C. Thompson, teamster and hotel keeper, Agency, was born in Carter County, Kentucky, June 27, 1839. He left Kentucky in 1852, and located in Platte County, Missouri, where he resided up to 1861, then changing residence to Buchanan County. April 4, 1861, he was married to Susan Oxshire, a native of Buchanan County. She was born September 24, 1840. They had two children: Mary E. and Maggie J., both married. He has four lots in Agency, two of which are improved. Mr. Thompson belonged to the Pawpaw Militia, but was not out of the state. His wife, Mrs. Oxshire, was first married to A. J. Carrington, and they had two children: Thomas, born October 11, 1857; and Robert, born May 6, 1860, died December 25, 1862. Mr. A. J. Carrington died May 27, 1860.