On Sunday, May 2, 2010 6.5 inches of rain fell on Olive Hill in a 12 hour period. The Tygart crested its banks and engulfed the downtown business district. 
At its height, five feet of water flowed along Railroad Street, two-three feet along Main Street. Few businesses in the downtown district remain undamaged. 

The following is a partial listing of the damages:

Alma Sturgills Music Store had 4 feet of water and lost its entire inventory of Bluegrass CD's and tapes, 
as well as many priceless photos of the late Darvin Sturgill's lifetime in music. Alma does not believe that the store will be able to reopen.

The First National Bank had 4-5 feet of water throughout. Closed.

The Commercial Bank, closed

Tylers Pizza, all furnished ruined

Walker's Grill, 5 feet of water throughout. The owners say that it will not re-open.

Short's Signs and Conceal to Carry Licensing: 5 feet of water.

Fox's Clothing Store at Cross Street and Railroad St., 5 feet of water, most inventory damaged

James Hardware, 1-2 feet of water, some damage, closed

Olive Hill Library, many fixtures and some material damage. The Library will re-locate to the old Olive Hill High School building on the hill.

Marathon Service Station and Bluegrass Convenience Store, heavily damaged and closed

Railroad Street Barber Shop, heavily damage and closed.

Railroad Street Video Rentals, inventory ruined, closed

The new Senior Center on Railroad Street, 5 feet of water throughout, heavily damaged, closed

Our restored Train Depot and Trail Head, new floor and carpet ruined, extensive damage, closed

Jordan Dentistry, several feet of water, extensive damage

Hydrico Senior Housing had several feet of water in all ground floor units (again). Most furnishings and possessions ruined.

There is no land line telephone service in Olive Hill. Cellular service has been partially restored after being out for 2 days.

Our sincerest sympathy to the Olive Hill business owners and residents who experienced this catastrophe.

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