Carter County News Articles
Compiled by Glen Haney
11/22/1917 OLIVE HILL William Gearhart, Representative in the state Legislature from the one hundredth district, comprising Carter and Elliot Counties, was instantly killed by a falling beam at a barn raising near his home. Gearhart was a farmer and a Republican. A special election will be held to select his successor. 5/22/1917 GRAYSON Lafayette Kitchen, a farmer age 21, was shot in the back and instantly killed while on his way home from church Sunday night. Two men stopped him and his little nephew, when he was near the Deer Creek schoolhouse. After a few words with the men Kitchen started toward home and three shots were fired, one striking him in the back causing instant death. Jason Leadingham, Asa Leadingham, Morton Leadingham, John Pennington, Jessee Pennington, Charles Dorner and Samuel Justice today were arrested and placed in jail here charged with complicity in the killing. Kitchen was the son of Riley Kitchen and a brother of Charles Kitchen of Ashland, Ky. He is survived by a wife. 11/16/1950 GRAYSON Miles Monroe Stewart who with his brother may have been the oldest twins in the nation died to day at 97. He is survived by his twin George W. Stewart of Ashland, Ky. Stewart leaves, besides his brother, 5 daughters, 2 sons, 44 grandchildren, 102 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great grandchildren. 7/27/1953 UPPER SANDUSKY, OHIO Funeral services were held for James Kelly, 76 here. A retired farmer he had resided here for 11 years. Born in Pactolus, Ky. Jan. 5, 1877 to Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly he was united in marriage with Rachel Patton, October 5, 1906 in Greenup, Ky. 1/09/1909 A peculiar freak of nature has shown up in Kentucky. Wells that have been dry for weeks, springs that have long ceased to flow, have burst forth says the Grayson, Ky. Bugle Herald, and some of the small creeks that were dry as a powder keg are now having running streams -all this without rain. 8/10/1895 PORTSMOUTH OHIO Miss Lizzie Stamper was arrested in this city by United States Marshall Pritchard of Grayson, Ky. She was taken across the river without requisition papers and will be tried for selling moonshine whisky in Lewis County. She carried a trunk full of quart bottles and sold large quantities of fairly good whiskey at forty cents a quart, traveling regularly here on a branch of the C & O railroad. Her source of supply has not been discovered. 3/5/1918 Mrs. Ida Kyle of near Adkins, Ky. true to the traditions of the Kentucky Mountains is running the farm while her husband is away at some productive department to help Uncle Sam. She bought from Jacobs Bros. last Saturday $50 worth of grass seed to be sown on the farm this spring. The thing was to surprise Mr. Jacobs, as he had not been used to seeing the women folks purchase the grass seed. 3/24/1944 GRAYSON Judge George McClave yesterday levied $10 fines and costs, against six parents in Carter County Court on charges of failing to have their children attend school. Those fined were Dan Hall, Rube Wilburn, Sam Kiser, and Lon Sturgill all of Grahn and Daniel Duncan of Olive Hill. 2/23/1926 GRAYSON Harry Stedman, 72 year old farmer was formerly charged with the death of his 61 year old wife, Nancy, a bride of four months, who was clubbed to death at their home a mile from here. The warrant for Stedman's arrest was sworn out by the son's of Mrs. Stedman. From his cell, the aged farmer reiterated his story that Mrs. Stedman received her fatal injuries resulting from robbers. The same men, he said, tied him up before attacking Mrs. Stedman. Authorities claim they have found several discrepancies in Stedmans story. Bloodhounds brought to the scene they said, refused to leave the farm and continually circled around the farmer. Trousers worn by Stedman were splattered with blood, but Stedman told the authorities the stains were made when he went to his wifes side after he had loosed the ropes with which he had been tied. He exhibited several scratches on the back of his hand, which he said was inflected when his hands were being tied. 8/10/1943 MANSFIELD OHIO Ernest Mauk sought the help of police today in locating two companions who robbed him of $150 and his shoes following a round of north end taverns last night. Mauk, who said he came two days ago from Olive Hill, Ky. to get a war job, told officers he met two young men early last night and had some drinks with them at two or three taverns on North Main street. When he revived several hours later he was in the back of a truck in an isolated lot off North Main Street and his money and a new pair of shoes was missing. 12/8/1938 OLIVE HILL Attracted by screams, family members rescued Mrs. Rufus Stegal [Steagall, Stigall ?] from a 30 foot well yesterday. Mrs. Stegal said she fell into the well while drawing water and was able to stand in the five feet of water until help arrived. 11/30/1932 OLIVE HILL Rev. McCager S. Gee, 88, who died here Tuesday, is to be buried in a casket which he made for himself 10 years ago. The casket is the second made by the minister, the first being too small. 5/03/1906 FARMER, KY The boiler in the sawmill of Thomas Razor, three miles from here blew up this morning. Walter Scott was instantly killed and Robert Jones was seriously injured. A shortage of water is the supposed cause. The mill is a total wreck. 7/29/1958 A masked bandit robber Carrol's service station of at least $150, took about $3 each from two service attendants then forced them to drive them to Olive Hill. When they arrived he paid them for their15 mile trip. Russell Lucas 25, and Phillip Holbrook, 17, said the bandit gave them back their personal funds and said, "here's two dollars for your gasoline." 8/2/1917 The store of Jesse Hunter of Willard was destroyed by fire Monday morning at 2 O'clock as was a barn in the rear of the store. In the barn were two mules and a horse, which were burned to death. The loss is estimated at $16,000. 7/14/1943 OLIVE HILL Nine persons charged with banding to destroy public property during the Olive Hill riot early Sunday morning are under $500 bond today, awaiting the August term of the Carter County grand jury. Commonwealth attorney John De Hart identified the nine as; Ray Waggonner, Charles Stevens, L.H. Mills, John Ison, Ray Ellis, Alfred Ellis, Eugene Haney, Henry Tomlin and Paul Henderson. Charges against 18 juveniles were dismissed and that all were placed under $100 bond to appear as witnesses before the grand jury. Charges against the one female arrested, Enid Stafford were also dismissed. Police Chief Luther LeMaster testified that the trouble began when he and another officer attempted to quiet a crowd who was setting off a barrage of firecrackers. He said that the group refused to break up and that Mills and Waggonner bared the way when he attempted to enter the theatre from which he believed the firecrackers were being thrown. After that he said the crowd grew and became more disorderly until about 1:00 Sunday morning a mob of more than 100 rushed the city building, broke windows, smashed furniture, and burned police records and mattresses from the jail in a huge bonfire before the building and the shot out street lights. Police say authorities attribute the outbreak to resentment over measures to curb juvenile delinquency. 7/14/1930 Clay Perry, 37, of Grayson, Ky. was killed and his grandmother, Mary Rice 81, of Huntington was injured when a truck load of furniture overturned here today. The furniture, owned by Perry's sister-in-law Mrs. Elizabeth Peyton, was being moved to Huntington. 10/3/1951 UPPER SANDUSKY OHIO Chette E. Rhoden passed away Monday at 2:PM at his home after a years illness. Mr. Rhodes was born April 21, 1891 in Grayson, Ky. the son of James and Minnie Stamper Rhoden. His wife, the former Minnie Alice Sizemore, to whom he was married Nov. 2, 1918 in Grayson, survives with three children, Edgar, Ollie and Elwood, all of this area. The following brothers and sisters also survive; Mrs. Ollie Pitt of Amelia, Oh., Mrs. Mary Travis of Credo, W.Va., Mrs. Martin Oney of Upper Sandusky, Oh., Mrs. Katherine Hamm of Worthington, O and Hager, Stephen and Ernest Rhoden of Upper Sandusky. 8/3/1895 LEON Thursday night at Vincent schoolhouse during a revival, John Parsons and Frank McGuire had some words over a trifling affair. Parsons, in drawing his pistol, discharged it accidentally, the ball taking effect in the fleshy part of the leg below the knee. The meeting was not disturbed but proceeded with several conversations. 6/23/1893 ENTERPRISE Floyd Fox, a working man at the Tackett Brothers saw mill, fell against a saw and was horribly mangled. He died a few hours afterward. 10/24/1892 A strange home of a strange man has been discovered over on the headwaters of the Kinniconick, near the Carter-Lewis County border. The house is a cave and the carpet, bed coverings and many other articles are made from the skins of rattlesnakes of which the region abounds. The eccentric mountaineer gives his name as Smith and says he has worn rattlesnake clothing for ten years. His only companions are his rifle and his dogs. 5/20/1938 GRAYSON Fifteen year old Nadine Mullins, daughter of Jailer William Mullins, drowned while wading in Little Sandy River yesterday. Junior Barton 15, saved her sister Sherline but was unable to reach Nadine. 01/09/1884 A train was thrown from the track today at Olive Hill. H.M. Cunningham was killed and Charles Backman was seriously injured. 3/5/1900 BEECH GROVE At the home of Grant Mullins, a coal miner, a serious accident occurred Saturday. Mullins had filled a coffee boiler with powder and placed it near the door preparatory to going to the mine. A 2 year old child took up the powder pouring some on the hearth near the fire. A flash followed and the husband, wife and three children were badly burned. Mrs. Mullins is dead and it is thought the baby will die. Mullins and the other 2 children will recover. 2/24/1938 "Exposure" was the explanation of Coroner Clarence Henderson, for the death of 75 year old Mary Kiser, wealthy widow whose body was found under a tree 12 miles from Grayson yesterday, six days after she set out for her daughter's home in Grayson on one of her frequent walking tours to visit relatives in Carter County. Henderson said she had been dead about four days. 6/8/1946 OLIVE HILL A week before the eastern Kentucky conference staged its first baseball tournament, Olive Hill high school organized a team with 18 year old Harold Tackett as the pitcher. Tackett pitched three games in two days, batted .460 and hit a four-run homer to win the tourney. In the district event, Tackett pitched two games in one day, made six hits and batted in the winning run in the title game. His streak was finally stopped in the regional tourney, although he pitched four hit ball and fanned 11, when Ashland's Chuck Dickerson tossed a no-hitter at him and won 2-1. 1/22/1927 GRAYSON Mrs. Mary Wilburn age 37, widow was shot and killed in the railroad station at Hitchins, five miles south of here, while a group of the residents of the town, at the station to take the morning train to Ashland, scurried to places of safety. Shortly after the shooting, Mrs. Will James, 40, mother of two children, was arrested and charged with the slaying. She was placed under guard at her home in Hitchins and will be brought here, it is said. Jealousy was the motive for the shooting, according to residents of the town. In supporting this they cited the fact that a few months ago Mrs. James charged her husband with non-support and, during the investigation of the case, declared he and Mrs. Wilburn were intimate. Witnesses of the shooting said Mrs. Wilburn who was going to Ashland for the day, was seated in the railway station, when Mrs. James accompanied by her young son, walked in. Mrs. James drew a pistol from her pocket and fired once. Mrs. Wilburn leaped from her seat and grappled with the woman, struggling to escape through the station door. She was shot as she swung the door open and toppled outside the station door. Mrs. James was arrested shortly afterward and taken to her home, where she was guarded. No charges have been placed against her as of yet. Mrs. Wilburn is survived by one child. 7/21/1902 At 1:30 this morning fire broke out in an ice cream parlor at Olive Hill and spread rapidly. Eight buildings were burned including the post office, long distance telephone exchange and several stores. Had it not been for the rain the whole town would have burned. 6/24/1941 HATTIESBURG, MS Both shot through the left hand by a single bullet from a rifle, two Olive Hill, Ky. soldiers were undergoing treatment today at Camp Shelby base hospital. They were Privates Wade McDowell and Leonard Romines, 14th Infantry, 38th Div. Captain Kehoe, regimental adjutant, said it appears both men had their left hands over the end of the gun barrel when the weapon discharged. 4/21/1953 GRAYSON The family of a Kentucky soldier gave quiet thanks here today for his return to the American lines in a POW exchange at Panmunjorn. The returned soldier is PFC John L. Robinson of Willard, Ky. His aunt D.V. Kibbe of Grayson said he was captured in 1950. When informed of her nephew's return last night Mrs. Kibbe said, I'm going to call all of the boy's Carter County relatives and tell them the good news. Robinson's father, Buell Robinson, a former resident of Willard, is now working in Ohio, she said. An uncle, George L. Robinson, is president of the Grayson First National Bank. 7/23/1950 About 16 years this side of 1800, a man was found dead on a lonely country road near the old court house in Russell County, Va. He had been shot to death. The finger of suspicion pointed straight to his neighbor, John Elliott with whom the deceased had been having trouble for years. Nevertheless, Elliott was, according to tradition and records preserved, a public-spirited citizen who had a hand of every progressive movement of the community. This very habit of progressiveness gained for him the enmity of many of his neighbors and even the bespoken wrath of Judge Peter Johnston who had accused Elliott of meddling in some cases of his court. To the secret satisfaction of a number of citizens, he was arrested, charged, indicted for murder and brought to trial. Only one hanging had occurred in Russell County, and folks were expecting another. The wonder is why Elliott's counsel did not seek a change of venue, considering the enmity of Judge Johnston. But the trial got under way after considerable difficulty in impaneling a jury. Witnesses were paraded to the stand, all agreeing of the hard feelings between the defendant and the deceased. Dispute between the two, long forgotten, were resurrected, recalled and pictured word for word and many a gesture for the jury's effect. The commonwealth rested with nothing more than a strong chain of circumstantial evidence. Elliott had no witnesses but himself and those faithful friends who recounted his many good deeds of the past. Elliott took the stand and declared the dead man was a victim of a grudge held against both the victim and himself and swore he was home with his family when the man was killed. The death penalty was asked for. Eleven men were of a mind to return a verdict of death by hanging for the accused. The 12th juryman disagreed - old Abner Vance. Vance was a mighty hunter and Baptist preacher from far up the Clinch river. He was unconvinced Elliott had shot his neighbor down in cold blood as the Commonwealth contended. Maybe he was; maybe he was not, Vance reasoned. Anyway, he could not, he told the others, lie down with a peaceful sleep with a verdict gnawing at his soul. A verdict of guilty with nine years in the penitentiary was agreed upon, and that was the verdict returned. Judge Johnston was shocked when the clerk of courts read the outcome of the deliberation of the jury. The records show he was so incensed that he wrote that "half of this time shall be served in solitary confinement and on a diet of bread and water." John Elliott served his time but whether half of it in the torture prescribed by the presiding judge is not known. When he again was a free man he sold out his lands and property in Russell County and moved to Carter County, Ky. In Kentucky, it seems, he picked up a new life from the interruption in Russell County, Va. He had been there only a few years when he was elected to the state legislature and served several terms. During his office, he succeeded in having the county divided and a new county formed. The new subdivision was named Elliott County in his honor. So, a man but for the unyielding doubt of Elder Abner Vance, might have swung by his neck in Virginia, became so prominent and beloved for his good deeds in his adopted home that he became elected to an important office of trust and honor and to have a county named for him. [G. Haney postscript: Most sources credit the son of the foregoing John Elliott, whose name was John Milton Elliott as being the namesake of Elliott County. After the civil war there was strong sentiment to slice away from Republican controlled Carter County, a county that was pro democrat. Elliott County is what we regard today as a "spinoff". By the way,a Google search for Judge Peter Johnson and Abner Vance reveals that those two men also led eventful lives.] 10/27/1910 GRAYSON, COURT CASES Frank Dannery, a local N. & W. bridge carpenter, was awarded a $2000. Judgment Wednesday against Foster & Frazier public works contractors of Carter City. Dannery had brought suit for that amount for injuries sustained in falling over a 57 foot cliff while quarrying stone for the above firm a year ago. Both of his arms and one leg were fractured. The suit of Mrs. J.S. Jarvis against the C & O railway for damages for the killing of her husband was also called up for trial Wednesday. She asks $20,000. Jarvis, it will be recalled, was run down by a train while taking some photographic views along the road at Carter City a year ago. The case of J. F. Fultz for $1,000 damages against the C.& O., growing out of a big fill constructed at Olive Hill, resulted in a mistrial, but is expected to be tried again along with similar cases that have been continued to the February term of court. 12/23/1911 Thomas J. Saulsberry, who was killed in a poker game near Vanceburg, Tuesday night, was a resident of Carter County. He was the son of William Saulsberry and was born at Aden, Ky. 7/24/1896 PORTSMOUTH OHIO MARRIAGE LICENSE Thomas Carver, age 21, Carter City, Ky., Mina Richardson, Age 18, Carter City, Ky. 5/2/1949 HUNTINGTON A 13-year old Carter County, Ky., girl won the Huntington Herald-Dispatch first annual spelling bee over 18 other finalists. Jennie Adams, of nearby Hitchins, Ky. won by spelling the word assuage. Shell represent the immediate tri-state area at the National spelling bee in Washington, Champions from cities and towns in 12 West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio were competing in the finals. 12/2/1937 GRAYSON Funeral services for John J. Phillips who died Tuesday morning were held in the residence at 2:PM Wednesday with Rev. Arthur Jarvis officiating. Burial followed in the family cemetery. Mr. Phillips was born in Luray Va. in 1849, and was engaged in the blacksmith business there for several years. In 1878 he located in Grayson were he conducted a mercantile business until five years ago when poor health forced in to retire. He is survived by his wife Rebecca, three sons, J.L. Phillips, New Boston, Ohio. J.S. and W.S. Phillips of Grayson, and five grandchildren, Ralph Lewis Phillips of Ohio University, George Nethercutt Phillips, Billy Watts Phillips, Edna Catherine Phillips and Jimmy Phillips all of Grayson. 8/28/1874 BOONE FURNACE Since my last writing a serious accident has occurred in this vicinity. A young lady named Haney was shot through the head and killed. A man named Rice, who had just married a young wife and taken her to Haney's residence to pass their honeymoon, was repairing a revolver which was loaded, and accidentally discharged it, the ball passing through the lady's head, killing her instantly. She was a young lady of good character and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. The times still continue hard here; the people are living on green corn and potatoes, as all the bacon that the farmers had to sell in this vicinity has been bought and eaten up and the supply exhausted. We looked for the contractors who are building the railroad last Sunday but they did not come. There were two Germans who become alarmed and thought that they would never receive anything for their work so they gave a boy $20 on the company, for a skiff, Went into the store at Boone Landing and got 8 pairs of buckskin gloves, 80 boxes of paper collars, 1 dozen men's caps and 50 pounds of smoking tobacco, and left for Cincinnati. They had been gone only about one hour when a very hard rain came on, and it rained in torrents for about one hour on the poor fellows who were out on the River in an open skiff with caps, smoking tobacco, gloves and paper collars, with no shelter over them save the broad canopy of heaven. I believe that Findlayson & Childs would pay the men who have worked so faithfully for them if they had the means to pay with but it seems that Mr. Hazard was to furnish the money to build the railroad and he has failed to come up to his promise. The people who are here are still looking for work elsewhere but the farmers seem to have a supply of hands and it is very difficult to get employment. Some of the men have succeeded in getting work such as wood chopping and ore digging while others have gone home without getting anything to do. I am told that Iron Hill furnace will soon change hands and that will probably start up sometime this fall. I hope she will as it will be a great help to the laboring class of this neighborhood. If men can get something to eat and wear for themselves and families for their labor, it is all they ask. 5/23/1894 At Olive Hill James Scott shot and instantly killed his father Calvin Scott at 9 oclock Tuesday morning. It seems that Mr. Scott was drinking, and after a few words drew his gun and fired at his son whereupon the son shot with the above results. 8/18/1914 Elmer Adkins of Carter City was run down by a C& O train a half mile east of Fullerton Tuesday afternoon. 4/30/1941 The largest moonshine still ever discovered in Carter County was found last night in the basement of the home of Ora Kelley, 30, sheriffs deputies Jess Fultz, Ben Burton and John Dickerson reported today. The officers seized the 300 gallon still and 100 gallons of whiskey and arrested Kelly on a distilling charge. His home is located on Griffey Branch, a mile from Olive Hill. 2/9/1907 PORTSMOUTH OHIO To be pronounced dead by the attending physician, have his casket brought by an undertaker, the time fixed for burial and all the sorrowing scenes enacted by the bereaved relatives and friends, and then to suddenly come to life is the lot that befell Jas. K. Hayes who was supposed to have died Sunday afternoon at Aden, a small hamlet near Grayson, of consumption. Hayes has been suffering from the great white plague for some time. He was employed at the Selby shoe factory and on the advice of the attending physician, was ordered to seek a different climate. He went to Aden Ky., where he has relatives, but the change seemed to work no good in his case. Sunday he apparently died and a telegram was received from his mother who was with him notifying an undertaker at Portsmouth of her son's death. The undertaker left Monday morning with a casket, but on arrival at Aden was informed that the young man had come to life and his services would not be needed. The casket was stored in the depot awaiting the "second death" of Hayes who is not expected to survive much longer. The undertaker took the first train for Portsmouth but was loath to talk. He said however, that the young man apparently died on Sunday, his body becoming rigid and cold. Word from Aden is to the effect that Hayes has shown great improvement since he awoke from the death-like trance and the devoted mother his quite hopeful of her son's ultimate recovery. According to word received young Hayes was conscious a part of the time he was in a trance and knew what was going on around him but was unable to move or speak. He suffered untold agony through fear of being buried alive and his true condition not being discovered. 3/9/1907 PORTSMOUTH OHIO James K. Hayes will be brought to this city by his brother Albert, Friday, from Aden, Ky. He will not come in a casket that was ordered for him several weeks ago, but will ride in the coach the same as any ordinary mortal. It will be remembered that Hayes is the young man who was pronounced dead by a physician and his funeral arrangements all made. He remained "dead" for 28 hours, when he suddenly came to life and has been growing better ever since, and stands a chance to again take his place at the Selby Shoe factory. In a letter received by his brother, Monday, Hayes joked about his supposed death. He claims he overheard all the funeral arrangements, heard the weeping of relatives, but was powerless to utter a word or move a muscle. He also says the horror of being buried alive was awful to contemplate, and when he "came to life" as he explains, he was so overjoyed that he determined to get well at all hazards. August 17, 1934 THE PORTSMOUTH TIMES, CONTRIBUTED BY A. P. HAIGHT The cloudburst of Friday Aug, 10, which hit a portion of eastern Kentucky and seemed to center about Olive Hill, Carter City, touching Lewis, Carter, Rowan and part of Elliot counties, when viewed after the water has gone seems to have been one of worst calamities to have befallen that part of the country within the memory of it's oldest citizens. In fact, no one seems to recall such a time at yet, it is rather unusual, that so far as can be learned only two lives were lost. Two small children, living in a cottage between Grayson and Carter City, about three miles west of Grayson, children of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Damron, were drowned. They awakened about five a.m. and Mr. Damron went out to release some hogs from their pen so they might escape the water. When he returned to the house he aroused the wife and before they could get the two children awake and escape, the house left its foundation and carried the family down stream. Nearly a quarter of a mile away the parents escaped, but the two children were lost. One of the bodies was found soon but the other has not been located. Farther up Everman Creek all movable material near the stream was carried away. The Breckenridge school building was torn from its foundation and lodged against a barn. Roads were torn up and filled with drift, making them all but impassable. The ravines were dug deeper. Huge stones were torn from their bed, where they had been resting for hundreds of years, and were rolled to new locations. Logs, trees, and refuse of various kinds changed its place. Tobacco and corn in the bottoms was laid flat and covered with mud. Hill land that was being cultivated suffered much from the water and wind. The highway at Iron Hill was so torn up that mail had to be transferred from that point on horseback. Wednesday saw the first car make the trip after the flood. From Grayson to Carter City is a scene of destruction. In Carter most of the business houses and homes that were near Smith Branch were washed away or moved from their foundation. The school and some of the homes on higher ground were not reached by water. It was reported that after danger had passed and the inventory taken but three sacks of flour cold be found in Carter City, this making up the total supply of food for the population. The Red Cross however was soon on the job and food was supplied. At Gesling, where Virgil Ramey operated a store and post office, the junction of Buffalo and Moore's branch was a sorry sight. Mr. Ramey and Earn Haney were in the store trying to arrange the stock so the water would not damage it, when they heard cries of Mr. Ramey's wife. About the same time they felt the current of water move the building and they were trapped. A mile or more down the stream they escaped the store and managed to save themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramey, who lived across the road from the store and Virgil Ramey's wife and children, were rescued through the roof of their homes. Virtually all crops in the Buffalo bottoms were entirely wiped out. The Cooper store between Gesling and Carter was washed away. George Hike and his family were asleep in an upper room of the home and felt the building wobble and move away. It lodged against a tree not far away. The entire Buffalo creek valley seems to have been stripped of all crops and gardens and all buildings washed away damaged. At Olive Hill mud covered homes and places of business. Store stocks were ruined. The entire business section was under water. Food, clothing and all sorts of merchandise was soaked and much of it ruined. The state guard company, which was in training at Camp Knox found all its dress uniforms soaked with water and mud. The militiamen also lost 2500 rounds of ammunition. The brick plant had a number of kilns in operation. Water rushing into them caused an explosion which resulted in much loss. It is a distressing sight to see folks drying out furniture, scrubbing the silt from floors and walls, splendid gardens and crops wiped out. The road up cave branch leading to the old Carter Caves has been in splendid condition but the deluge cut part of it away, making it rough and narrow in many places. It is passable up to the caves however. No estimate can be placed on the loss that would be anything like accurate. In dollars and cents it will run high and has been placed anywhere from one to five million covering the entire stricken district. Perhaps even half of that would cover the actual market value of the crops, livestock but there are so many homes, so much of the land, so much that would not rank high in the market that was invaluable to those who owned them. And the soil that has washed from the hills and little bottoms cannot be replaced. It would be impossible to present the picture in detail and to estimate with any degree of accuracy the loss, and it is hard to understand the extent of the destruction even after visiting the territory and looking over the ground. Everman's creek, which suffered heavily, was hit by a hail storm in July of last year when the crops were looking very promising and corn and tobacco crops in many places were completely lost. Added to the destruction of this year, it makes the farmer in that area rather disconsolate.Photos courtesy of George Wollford's book, CARTER COUNTY, a pictorial history. ("Earn, short for Earnest, was my grandfather's brother. At the time he lived a mile or so from the Gesling store." - Glen) 8/22/1934 GRAYSON Drowned during the morning of August 10th when the waters of Everman Creek near here washed away his home, the body of Harold Dameron, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dameron was found Tuesday by Leonard Grammel near the residence of Andrew Womack. The body was buried partly in a sandbank near the creek, Grammel said. He was attracted to the scene by dogs who made the discovery and were digging sand around the body. The Dameron family was asleep on the morning of August 10 when the cloudburst first struck. First warning of the flood's danger was when their barn was washed with a crash into their house knocking it from it's foundation. Mr. and Mrs. Dameron and their three children attempted to escape but Harold and his brother Marvin Lafayette, 4, were drowned. The body of the younger child was found some 300 feet away from the home after the flood waters subsided the next day. 12/10/1953 OAKLAND CA TRIBUNE A man sought 18 years for the murder of a Kentucky constable was picked up today in a San Francisco hotel. Asked if he knew why he was wanted, Virgil Mauck, 52, a logger, told homicide Inspectors, "Yes, I killed a constable back in Kentucky." For the last 12 years he has lived in California, the major portion of the time in Sacramento under the name Fred Rose. His apprehension today stemmed from an arrest November 16 for drunk driving in Sonora. Next day he was freed after he paid $350 fine. But Sonora Police Chief Randolph Campbell sent his finger prints to the FBI who notified him the man was wanted for shooting Constable J. F. parsons in [Grahn] Kentucky in 1935. Campbell notified San Francisco that Mauck has a girl friend living on Third Street. Yesterday they traced her to a hotel at 176 Third Street. Today they picked Mauck up there. He told officers he was with a companion carrying a bottle of illegal whisky when the constable approached them. His companion fled but he shot the constable twice, according to the officers. He is a two time loser serving a federal sentence for postal robbery in 1926 and a year later for car theft in 1934. He said he remained in the Midwest until 1940 or 1941, when he went to Californias High Sierra and worked as a logger under the name of Fred Rose from February to October each year and came down to Sonora, Sacramento and San Francisco in the winters. Mauck said he was arrested once in Wisconsin and even visited friends in Kentucky in 1942. "The first two years was the hardest. After that I got more confidence," the fugitive was quoted. [G.H. Postscript: Mauck, real name Mauk, received a 10 year prison sentence.] A List Carter County Officials in 1912 County Judge, R.A. Carpenter of Limestone Clerk of Court, J. E. McDavid of Grayson County Clerk, Jesse Reynolds of Counts X Roads Justices of the Peace: A.J. Womack of Grayson Jesse E. Kelly of Rooney Frank Tyree of Olive Hill Thomas Cline of Lawton P.S. Sammons of Counts X Roads W.T. Mobley of Bruin Ross Jones of Denton Frank Carr of Charlotte County Commissioners: A.J. Womack W.R. Burchett C.W. Armstrong 8/31/1907 Reports that young Cecil Worthington had shot and killed a playmate named Guy Gilkerson at Carter City were confirmed by the former's father, John Worthington. The two boys were playing robbers in the store conducted by the victim's father, John Gilkerson. Several Hamilton 22-calibre rifles were standing in a rack and these were to be used as weapons. Guy was to enact the role of robber and then was to be shot down in his tracks by the other. Guy, as he entered snapped the rifle in Cecil's face then turned as if to tap the cash register, when Cecil pulled the trigger. Guy fell with a cry of pain and investigation revealed showed he had been shot through the bowels. The accident occurred on Thursday evening and the injured lad lived until Saturday night. Just before he expired he asked his parents not to blame Cecil as he was himself at fault for proposing the game. The victim was 12 years old while his slayer is one year older. Young Gilkerson was accidentally shot through the foot while out hunting a year ago and the Worthington boy carried him on his back for a mile. Since then the two boys were inseparable companions. 3/18/1949 GRAYSON Virgil Johnson and his wife and 10 children were made homeless yesterday by a fire which destroyed their four room house on the Sandy Hook road. No one was injured. 12/20/1943 Matt Isaacs 8, of Hitchins, died yesterday of a skull fracture suffered when he was struck Saturday by a truck near his home. 4/30/1890 Yesterday at New Foundland, in Carter County, [actually Elliot County G.H.] Cecil Fanning, aged 4, while in is father's barn, accidentally fired the building and perished in the flames. A little playmate of his named Barcom Ward, who is missing, is supposed to have been incinerated with him. 3/25/1912 The new $10,000 jail at Grayson erected in place of the dilapidated affair which was destroyed by fire last year, has been completed, and was occupied Thursday for the first time. The new jail is one of the most substantial in this part of the state. 3/7/1896 PORTSMOUTH OHIO Among the visitors in the city Wednesday was Frank McGlone of Grayson who came here with Mrs. W.P. McGlone. Mr. McGlone was on his way to Western Texas where he was going in search of his brother Silas McGlone. With Mr. McGlone's trip quite a story is connected. It seems that Silas McGlone went to Texas about 10 years ago and obtained work as a herder on a big cattle ranch. His wife and two children remained at Grayson, and from time to time McGlone returned to visit them. About five years ago when he made one of his periodical trips home he found that things had gone wrong in his absence. His wife had contracted a friendship for a neighbor named Flynn Jordan and gave McGlone a very cool reception. The latter, who was said to have about $1,500 with him, hung around some time and then suddenly disappeared and nothing has been heard of him until lately. Jordan and Mrs. McGlone continued their relationship openly. A short time ago, however, the remains of a human body were found under a brush heap, near Mrs. McGlones' residence, and in some way the impression got out that it was the body of Silas McGlone and that Mrs. McGlone and Jordan were the murderers. They were arrested and are now confined in the Grayson jail awaiting trial. They stoutly maintain their innocence, however. A few weeks ago a letter was received by the Grayson authorities purporting to be from Silas McGlone. He said he was alive and working on a cattle ranch in western Texas. There is some doubt as to the genuineness of the letter, and Frank McGlone is is being sent to Texas to interview the writer and see if it really is his brother. Circumstantial evidence points strongly to Jordan and the McGlone woman as being guilty, if murder was committed. A little daughter of the McGlone's testified that the last time she saw her father, her mother and Jordan chased him out of the house, Jordan having an axe, and that she heard them fighting in the yard. The result of Frank McGlone's mission will be awaited with interest. 3/14/1896 PORTSMOUTH TIMES The following special in Sundays [Cincinnati] Commerical-Gazatte furnishes the sequel to a story published in the Times last week. The Times stated however, that McGlone was on his way south to look up his brother when he evidently was on his way home. The story goes to show how little dependence can be placed on circumstantial evidence. Had it not been for the accidental discovery of Silas McGlone his wife and neighbor would undoubtedly have been found guilty and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment: "Silas McGlone was not murdered. Five years ago he disappeared from his home on Buffalo Creek, Carter County. His wife said he returned to his work in Alabama. Some bones, supposed to be those of a human being, were found in the neighborhood in January last, and were supposed to be those of McGlone. His wife, Fleming Jordan and others were arrested and had an examining trial at Grayson, but were released for want of proof. Jordan and Mrs. McGlone were rearrested a few weeks ago on new evidence. Frank McGlone was sent by the commonwealth to Alabama to look up Silas. He returned today and reported to the court that he had found Silas in a small town in Lawrence County, Alabama; that he had remarried. The prisoners were thereupon released." 8/1/1906 OLIVE HILL Monday night burglars entered the store of A.J. Stamper here. Robert Blankenship one of the partners in business together with his brother, were sleeping in the store. Evidently the burglars saw them, but undeterred, they proceeded to fill up some large bags with choice groceries, shoes and dry goods. The two brothers awakened while the burglars were yet in the store and immediately opened fire on them and they returned shot after shot. A regular fusillade was the result as the robbers as the robbers retreated towards the rear of the building, where they had affected an entrance, leaving their well filled bags of merchandise behind them. Robert Blankenship received a bullet through the thigh passing close to the artery. One or more of the robbers were struck, as a well defined trail of blood bears ample evidence. In answer to a telegraphic request from A.J. Stamper, policeman Woods and Savage, of Ashland arrived here Tuesday with bloodhounds, and the trail was immediately taken up leading in the direction of Elliott County and the posse with the hounds are traveling rapidly in that direction. In the meantime another telegram was sent to Mr. Vincent on Little Sandy to come with his famous bloodhound which has made a fine record of tracking criminals in the past. He has just arrived with his hound and another posse is starting to join those at the front. Excitement is rife and it looks at this hour as if the burglars cannot escape. As evidence of the fierceness of the battle in the store, the furniture and some of the merchandise is riddled with bullets. 8/23/1937 GRAYSON An argument, Police Chief Clyde Womack described as a "drunken row", resulted in the death of Cecil Rupert, 38, from ax wounds and arrest of his tenant Ed Wilburn 32, on a murder charge. The killing occurred at Wilburn's, the chief said. Apparently there were no witnesses. Coroner Clarence Henderson said Rupert virtually was decapitated from "seven or eight" blows on the head. Chief Womack quoted Wilburn as saying he struck Rupert in self-defense after he threatened him and grabbed him around the legs Wilburn said Rupert came to his house about 1 a.m. and ordered him to leave. Both men had been drinking the police chief and were seen together Saturday evening. The coroner said after the fatal controversy, Wilburn went to the home of Ed Brammel, a neighbor, and told him about the incident and expressed fear that he had hit Rupert too hard. Two small children of Rupert found their father lying in Wilburn's yard and brought him to the hospital but he was dead upon admittance. Brammel was quoted as saying he declined to sell Wilburn some shotgun shells Saturday afternoon after Wilburn threatened to get even with Rupert before night. Chief Womack said that when he arrested Wilburn at his home, the latter declared he was "ready to go". Rupert is survived by his widow and six children. 12/16/1912 HITCHINS A whistle blew in the East Kentucky hills where it never blew before, inaugurating, it is said, the largest and most modern fire brick plant in the world. For sixteen months 200 men have been at work erecting buildings, constructing a railroad and opening up the company's property. The plant is located 25 miles from Ashland, where the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad crosses the Eastern Kentucky railroad, heretofore known as E.K. Junction, but which is know called Hitchins. It receives its name from Colonel E.S. Hitchins, the general manager of the company, recent candidate for congress on the Bull Moose ticket. The Colonel took down his telephone receiver at his office at Olive Hill, 15 miles away, where he lives and listened to the whistle as it reverberated through the Carter county hills. The capacity of the plant is 100,000 fire brick per day; it will be run day and night, 200 men being employed under the direction of Clayton S. Hitchins superintendent. Electricity, supplied by the company's own plant will furnish the power for every machine, the only one so supplied in the entire country. It covers 75,000 square feet of floor space and consumed 5000 barrels of cement and 2,000,000 pounds of steel in construction work. ["My dad told me that when he and his folks moved Smiths Creek to the Portsmouth vicinity around 1930, they walked, milk cow and all, the entire distance, roughly twenty five miles. Looks like these boys went a might further":] Glen 8/8/1931 STEVENS POINT WI. . M. Manning and Albert Tate and his son passed through Waupaca going by mule team from Globe, Ky. to White Lake, Wis., where they had purchased land and were going to settle. 5/17/1894 While passing through the cave at Carter City one day last week Mr. James Brown captured a large rattlesnake. He succeeded in bring it about 20 miles, to a blacksmith shop and there, with the help of some gentlemen, he extracted his teeth (the snakes teeth we mean). James says he is a fine pet. 5/12/1902 Bob Hicks, aged 35 and Bill Smith, aged 38, both married, went to the residence of Thomas Packett, near Olive Hill and called Packett to the doorway. When Packett put in his appearance the two men grabbed him and dragged him to the roadway. They were armed with knives and began to make use of them on the defenseless man in true butcher fashion, when Packetts son alarmed by his parent's cry ran to his assistance. William Packett, the son, took in the situation at a glance, and then fired one shot at Hicks with a Winchester rifle. Hicks fell dead, his heart perforated by a bullet from the heroic lad's weapon. In the meantime the elder Packett was grappling with Smith for possession of the knife with which the unarmed man had already been slashed a number of times about the face and neck. William Packett fired one shot at Smith as he was clinching with his father, and the bullet hit Smith in the forehead. Smith continued to stab Thomas Packett despite his wound and in the fear of slaying his father in the darkness the son cast his Winchester aside and pitched into the fray with a knife, which he used with a most telling effect. Smith soon loosened his hold on the elder Packett and stumbled away weak from the loss of blood and tired by the struggle in which at first the odds were all on his side. Aside from the numerous stab wounds inflicted on him by young Packett, Smith suffered the bullet wound in the forehead. The ball evidently only caused a scalp wound, as the man continued to fight desperately after the shot was fired. Despite the fact that his son came to the rescue within less than a minute after the two men landed on his father, the elder Packett is horribly injured. He substained 15 stab wounds in all some of them measuring a foot in length. One of his arms is all but severed from his body. Most of his wounds are on the back, shoulders and neck, and, while the blades in some instances penetrated deeply, it is not believed that the father is fatally injured. He had a close call for life, as he lost a great deal of blood before a physician could be summoned. Packett the son, was cut in a number of places and sustained dangerous injuries but it is believed he will recover. Smith has not been captured although officers are on his trail. It is believed that he is so badly cut that he cannot long elude capture. The differences between the men that resulted in the tragedy had their origin some time ago. Hicks and Smith were visitors at the Packett residence, and were picking the banjo when they got into an altercation with William Packett and James Spurlock. Hicks and Smith both used knives on that occasion, it is said, and the Packetts were witnesses against them at their trial. Their testimony is said to have been so damaging that both men that both men swore to have their revenge, and it is said they sought that when they called Thomas Packett to his door and began to slash him. Packett enjoying the reputation of a law abiding citizen and peaceable man, while Hicks and Smith, it is alleged, have figured in affrays that have caused them to be feared by many. April 7, 1881 In Deer Creek Precinct, Carter County on the day of presidential election, Reese D. Horton, a democrat, and J.S. Jones, Greenback Elector for that district, were terribly beaten, and only saved from death by Horton shooting one of the assailants. Thomas Horton and George W. Simonds, a Democratic stump-speaker were threatened with hanging. About two weeks ago Jones was attacked by a mob but drove them off. On March 28, a meeting of several citizens of Deer Creek Precinct occurred at Kitchen's store, on Cracker-neck in Elliott County. The party becoming intoxicated, the quarrel broke out afresh, and developed into a fight in which the weapons used were rocks and hunting knives. Three men were slightly hurt. A hearing of the affray was had on Saturday and Horton was the only one against whom sufficient evidence was adduced to hold. He was bound over, and the rest were discharged. After the trial all bands left the magistrate's house and rode down Bruin's creek together. When near the house of Dick Farley the quarrel was renewed and a terrible fight with pistols and knives ensued, lasting half an hour. Dave Williams had his skull above the right eye split open by a sharp rock or knife and was stabbed twice. Dick Williams, his brother, was shot in the thigh and right hand and stabbed in the right arm. Last night these wounded men were alive but were expected to die in a few hours. The affray inflames our already excited community and leads to grave apprehensions of bloodshed on a large scale. Nov. 4, 1912 OLIVE HILL The body of Francis Tierney, 25 years old, single, was found in a pool of water here Sunday afternoon. It is not known how he met his death. June 29, 1921 On Friday, June 24, the Eastern Kentucky Railway, leading out from Riverton, had been in operation for fifty years. We happened upon a crowd of the older citizens of the town the other day who were deep in the discussion of what at that time was an epoch making event for Greenup County. R. W. Robb, W. M. Stevens and R. W. Womack and others, young in business and in years at that time, enjoyed the first train ride into the new country embracing the first twenty-three miles of new steel and rustic beauty between Riverton and Grayson and incidentally enjoyed the thrills of riding them or clambering over its several hand-made tunnels. At that time the C. & O. had only reached the blue print stage and freight and passenger traffic came into our little county seat only by such large side-wheel steamers as the Bostonia, Fleetwood, Victory No. 3 and others, or by overland wagons. Mr. Womack, at that time a boy of 17 years, with his other brothers was extensively engaged in farming at Oldtown. W. M. Stevens was a member of the firm of Pratt, Stevens and Co., in Greenup and Mr. Robb was deputy postmaster in the county seat. These men, now mellowed with the passage of years look back at the yesteryears of their lives with many pleasant thoughts of the crudeness of things in that day and of the hardships encountered, while we of this generation can draw only from fancy a mind of it all in that day. Nov 11, 1923 Over in Carter City last night, Kid Lewis knocked out George Lorin in the second round of a scheduled six-round bout, Lewis winning all the way. Shifty Dando was to have fought Red Haney of Olive Hill on the card scheduled for Grayson, but refused to fight because no purse was guaranteed. Joe Everett of Olive Hill fought Kid Neff of Grayson to a draw. Kid Colling of Smith Creek won the decision over Kid Ramey of Three Forks. John McGlone of Ashland knocked out Young Blankenship of Ironton in three rounds. 11/3/1898 PORTSMOUTH OHIO The body of Jacob Walker, who dropped dead last night, will be taken to Mt. Savage, Ky., tomorrow noon on the C. & O. train for interment. 6/26/1897 Nowadays it is almost impossible for one to pick up a weekly or monthly Journal without having attention drawn to the alluring advertisement of this or that whisky cure. There areas many systems used in the reclamation of drunken men as there are drinks employed for intoxicating purposes. It was not so once. Fifteen or twenty years ago the only known method of making a man quit drinking was to lure, him to a church temperance lecture and there put him under the faucet and-let people weep upon him and crave him to sign the pledge. The old-time temperance lecture was highly successful in the lesser towns where little came in the form of entertainment, and it did a great deal of good, too. For instance, in Reedville, Ky., the people had bothered for several months because they did not know just whom to tar and feather for the offense of burning William Ruggles' barn. But when the temperance lecturer came to town and William Ruggles rose and declared that be wasn't going to drink any more, and that it was he himself who had set fire to the stable, why, it was perfectly easy. They took Ruggles out and tarred him with glad hearts and a particularly sticky kind of tar. 8/12/1911 Rufus Adkin, a farmer at Globe, Ky., brought his ten year old son, William, into Squire Brickey this morning to show the Squire the welts alleged to have been raised on the youngsters' back by the school teacher, Miss Emma Harwood, and to press charges against her. The youngster had seven welts across his back, which he claims were inflicted by the young lady teacher when he spit on the floor. The boy says that she dismissed the other pupils and gave him a good thrashing for his disobedience. Squire Brickley told Mr. Adkins to report the matter to the superintendent of schools. 6/21/1936 OLIVE HILL Boss Dyre, [sic] 68, is expected to die, his son, Ern Dyre, 30 is wounded critically, Ellis Lawson, 52 is wounded slightly and two men are facing serious charges as a result of a spectacular knife and gun battle on the streets of Olive Hill this afternoon. The elder Dyre, shot four times in the stomach, once in the arm and his skull crushed by a rock, was too critical to move to a hospital. The younger Dyre, was shot once in the head and his head laid open from the eye to the base of the skull by a knife. Lawson has a knife wound in the back. Young Dyre was taken to Grayson to hospital. Charges of shooting with intent to kill have been placed against Matt Wilson, 30, and Buck Lawson, 27, Ellis Lawson's son, the only two combatants not hurt. Lawson furnished bond of $500 for his release and Wilson is in jail here. The trouble began this morning at a store owned by Lawson when Ern Dyre was cut during an altercation. He returned with his father and Wilson this afternoon and a general fight involving the five men followed. [G. Haney note: spelling of last name should be Dyer.]