"Friends of School Day, 1947, Carter Caves"
Jewel Horton is pinning a name tag on Norbeth Colemen Behind Jewel are Fay (Greenhill) Cox, Dorothy Menix and Marge E. Horton
"Friends of School Day, 1948, Carter Caves" Mrs. Arta Capps, President of the Olive Hill P.T.A. is speaking.
"Friends of School Day, 1948, Carter Caves" Robert Martin, State Supt. of Schools Harry Davis, State Senator, Carter County Mrs. Arta Capps, President of the Olive Hill P.T.A. is speaking.
"Friends of School Day, 1948, Carter Caves" On the bottom left hand corner of the photo is printed: "A group of 93 famous 'School Dads' of Carter County" Front Row: R. S. Yeater (Aden) Howard Menix (Sutton) William Kretzer (McDavid) R. T. Kennard (Tick Ridge) D. F. Gearhart (Buckeye) Mark Jarvis (Fairview) C. E. Wiley (Denton) Arnold Wilburn (Sulphur Springs) Second Row: Carl Littleton (Gregoryville) Guerney Hutchinson (Gramel Lick) Jay Hawthorne (Lawton) Roscoe Littleton (Fultz) Ersel Bush (Plummer) W. S. Phillips L. W. Ison J. R. Duncan Claude Cook (Josh's Run) W. H. Rae (Leatherwood) James Chapel (unk) David Criswell (Shell Rock) Harry Davis (McGlone Creek) Clarence Burge (Boone) Frank Easterling (Breckenridge) S. V. Pratt (Lower Stinson) Back Row: D. V. Kibbey (Grayson) Floyd Wilson (Gregoryville) Lloyd Stamper (Lost Creek) Russell Haney (Lower Grassy) R. H. King (Iron Hill)
"This picture was given to me by one of my cousins.
She got it after my Aunt Norbeth Coleman died."
Submitted by Andrea Dudley