"Carol Malone Parker shared this article with me recently thinking the
champion, David Littleton, was my husband. Not so, sorry to say, but I
found the participants very interesting. Laura Steele, Superintendent,
was my aunt. She served from 1932-1934. Even though the article is
undated it would place it in this time period."

Mrs. Herman Horton, Colleen Collins, Mrs. Dewey Bond, T. M. Burgess, Mrs. G. Waggoner, Alice Ellenberg,
Merle Cassity, Vivian Fite, Flora Cox, Loreda Stevens, Pauline King, Christine Ramey, Elizabeth Hereford,
Madge Burchette, Dolly Carroll, Mabel Roberts, Mary F. Johnson, Fern McCormick, Marjorie McGlone, Lucille Bush,
Mary Criswell, Cathleen Maggard, William Marcus Cay, Harlan Hamilton, Carl Logan, Med Rayburn, Joe Masters, Bert Sammons,
Howard Littleton, Harold Evans, Clyde Bates, Freeman Burton, Garrett Cook, Kathleen Womack, Alene Rose, Sara Oppenheimer,
Shirley Rucker, Isabel Riff, Viola Hearne and Blanche Hockley are also mentioned.

Submitted by: Mary Martha Littleton

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