A friend, Bill Sartaine, has this posted on Facebook and it is the best photo that I have ever seen of the whistle stop that
President Truman made in Olive Hill. He was with Ora DuVall on his right and I think that it is a congressional candidate on his left.
This is a great photo and has a lot of historical siginifance to it. Bill's grandfather Jack Waggoner took the photo.

Something that is also cool is that you can listen to the audio of his speech that he made that day in Olive Hill by going to this link:

President Harry S. Truman, train rear platform remarks in Olive Hill, KY - 6 minutes 21 seconds.

Submitted by: Mike Barker

"I'm trying to place the location of these photos. The train was headed east toward Grayson, so that hill on the right of the photo
is probably Tick Ridge. Perhaps the engine stopped at the depot and people gathered at President Truman's coach a short distance west of the depot.

If those assumptions are correct, then the buildings in the photo are in the old "Bull Pen" area of Olive Hill (now mostly vacant land along the northern bank of Tygart creek)."

John W. Grace

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