Hiawassee Trail
The Tennessee, Ohio and Great Lakes Trail (The Hiawassee Trail) Excerpted from "Prehistoric Trails of the Upper Cumberland River Basin" By Charles Mayer Dupier, Jr. "The Tennessee, Ohio and Great Lakes Trail began at the site of Chattanooga, Tennessee, went up the west side of the Tennessee River, past Hiawassee Island and followed the east flank of Wallen's Ridge to Rockwood, Tennessee. From there, it passed through the present site of Wartburg, Tennessee, on the Cumberland Plateau, northward through Oneida, Tennessee, and into Kentucky. In Kentucky, it followed the level land of the undissected plateau through the present locations of Pine Knot and Whitley City, in McCreary County, on to Burnside on the Cumberland River well below the Cumberland Falls" The Hiwassee Archeological Site
This Hiawassee Trail video has several issues. Much of the original satelite imagery is of poor quality. Also, the video rendering software has a lot of trouble following a twisting trail through hills. This results in "terraine crunch" where the camera runs into a hillside. Lastly, Tennessee doesn't look very appealing. I haven't spent time there in many years, but the area north of Chattanooga doesn't offer much in he way of unspoiled natural vistas. Perhaps you have to be there to fully appreciate it. At any rate, in the interests of completeness, here is the Hiawassee Trails aerial tour...