Will of Daniel McClease Book 5 Page 322
All of which s respectfully reported. John Seaton October 13, 1859 Commissioner State of Kentucky Greenup County Set I Wm Coun, Clerk of the Couty Court for the County of and the State foresaid, do certify that at a Count Court held(?) for said County on the 6th day of October 1862, the following(?) settlement with Martin McLease as A....(?) afterlaying over one term for exceptions and none being filed thereto, was approved by ..(?) Court and ordered to br recorded; wherefore the same and this certificate hath(?) been duly recorded in my office. Wm. Coun C.G.C.C. State of Kentucky Greenup County As Commissioner to state(?) and settle the accounts of fiduciaciaries, I this day October 22nd 1859 met in my office in Greenupsburgh with Samuel Ratcliff to state and settle his accounts as Executor of William Ratcliff deceased, persuant to notice herewith filed. It appeared from the report and offerwill(?) of said Executor that theersonal property of William Ratcliff was devised by him to his wife Mary Ratcliff during her lifetime estate (see the William Ratcliff deceased) and was never appraised and sold till after her death and was then appraised and sold as the property f the deceased (see the appaisment and sale blls dated Aug. & Oct. 1841) and that she had no property except what she derived from said will. therefore I will state and his accounts both as Executor of William Ratcliff deceased and as Administrator of Mary Ratcliff deceased, the same persons being being interested in both estates being heirs eqaully of both, and further that there was no personal property cause(?) to the hands of Samuel Ratcliff as Executor of his father's till after his mother's death and there appears to be nothing to charge to him except what is shown by the appaisal and sale bill if Mary Ratcliff deceased see his report. There are eight heirs as shown by his report and the notes herewith filed, He produces the recipts of all of them except Letitia & John Meanis (Mennix?), which are excepted in full and are herewith filed. Said Executor & Administrator In account with said estates The current sale bill Oct. 2 - 1841 (carrier over) $124.79 To the following items in Appraisement Bill not included in the sale, to wit:
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