charles m. meacham
Educational History; Old-Time Teachers; The South Kentucky College;
Bethel Womans College; Ferrells High School; List of Students for Thirty Years; County Teachers; Hopkinsville Public Schools; Colored Schools.The old-time school teachers of Christian County played a noble part in its history for fifty years. Bartholomew T. Wood, who donated the site for a county seat, was illiterate. The original deed shows that he had to make his mark, being unable to write his name. But he appreciated the value of education and among his other benefactions, gave a lot to be used for school purposes. This lot was the one upon which the Louisville and Nashville Railroads freight depot now stands. How soon a school house was erected upon it is not definitely known, but as early as 1812 the school was being taught by an Irishman named Daniel Barry, who came from Nelson County. Among his pupils were James and Edward Rumsey. The first named was afterwards a noted teacher himself. Miss Lucretia Moore was one of the earliest lady teachers. She was in Hopkinsville in 1815. Other early teachers were Thomas Smith, Maj. Isaac Evans, William Murrell, Francis Hopkins, Rev. J. J. Johnson, Richard Gaines, a brother-in-law of Peter Cartwright; Rev. Wm. Lasley, Roger F. Kelley, Richard U. Buckner, an uncle of Maj. John P. Campbell; Martha Dallam, who married Rezin Davidge; Jas. H. Rice, son of David Rice, the first Presbyterian preacher in Kentucky, and James D. Rumsey. All of these are mentioned in Perrins History, upon information obtained from Col. Jas. F. Buckner.
According to Col. Buckner, who was one of Mr. Rumseys pupils, others of his pupils who afterwards became distinguished were Maj. John P. Campbell, Congressman; County Judge A. V. Long, T. P. Ware and M. W. Patton, both Attorneys-General of Mississippi; Judge Murrell, of Texas, Chief Justice P. M. Grant, of Mississippi, and others. Many of these pupils came from other states to attend his school as late as 1854. Along in the fifties, Rev. George P. Geddinge, Rev. George Beckett and several other ministers taught classes along with their other duties. Mrs. Sophia Lotspeich conducted a seminary for girls about 1850, when the demand for boarding schools for young ladies was met by the establishment of South Kentucky College in 1849, and Bethel Womans College in 1854. Fromthat time on the educational institutions in Hopkinsville have been a source of pride.
In the first half century of the countys history, all of the schools were not in Hopkinsville. Some of the very best ones were in the country districts. One of these was located in LaFayette. Who taught it is not known. but it was such a good school that Dr. Augustine Webber, a Hopkinsville physician, sent his son, Charles, a future author of many books, there to be educated.
Years later one of the best schools in the county was taught at Garrettsburg. In the same period, Thomas G. Woodward, a highly educated young man from a northern state, came to the county and was teaching here when the war came on and he cast his lot with the South and became a Confederate colonel.
People still living remember the fine schools taught after the war by Prof. Quint Tyler, Prof. Jas. H. Harding, Prof. Henry Durrett, all great teachers of boys, and by Prof. J. W. Rust, Rev. Enos Campbell and others who taught in the colleges.
In 1873 Maj. James 0. Ferrell, a Confederate veteran who had taught in the Kentucky Military Institute, came to Hopkinsville and opened a school for boys that ran for thirty years as one of the best schools of its kind in the South. A more detailed story of his life and death in Hopkinsville appears elsewhere.
Coming close upon the heels of the unlettered explorers and adventurous spirits who first visited Kentucky, came the sturdy Anglo-Saxons, who brought with them their ideas of education and religion. As early as 1775, a school was opened and in 1776, a preacher expounded the gospel at the settlement at Harrodsburg. The fine class of people who settled Kentucky and during the next twenty years pushed their way into Western Kentucky, brought schools and churches with them. It is true that there was no system of public education for many years, but there were scholars who were qualified to teach schools, for those who were able to send their children to school. Men and women of this type made their appearance in Christian County almost as soon as it was created. Judged by present standards, the schools were mere beginnings, but they served the purpose of supplying an educated classand as the number of schools increased, the educated class became more and more dominant until there were district schools available to all who cared to acquire at least the rudiments of an education. In the decade, beginning in 1840, the thirst for knowledge made the problem of more and better schools a vital one, and the public schools began to appear. By 1840, Christian County created an office called the School Commissioner. The first man to fill the office was Enoch A. Brown, who served from 1845 to 1856, by which time there were forty district schools in the county, most of them open only a few months in the year. The first district was near Crofton, and more than thirty of the districts were in the northern half of the county. The people in the
southern part of the county were of a wealthier class, and maintained private schools in Hopkinsville, LaFayette, Garrettsburg and other sections. The common school fund, at first, was only five cents of the tax dollar, and it was not increased until 1870. It served to employ competent teachers for only a few months, and many districts supplemented this fund with subscriptions to extend the terms.In 1856 John P. Ritter became School Commissioner. He did the best he could without funds, for five or six years. He was succeeded by James Moore, a fine old gentleman, well qualified but of advanced age, most of the able-bodied men being in the armies. He died in 1870. In October of that year, G. A. Champlin succeeded him, and became the father of the modern school system in the county. He found twenty-one hundred children of school age in the county, white children only being enumerated. His first work was to district the whole county, and to build school houses. Other children were enumerated and by 1872 there were five thousand. In twelve years the number had increased to six thousand, and there were eighty-four school districts. Hopkinsville was a mere school district until 1881, when it provided a public school system of its own. During this time two colleges for girls had been established and a military high school for boys was started in 1873. All of these private schools were prosperous, and the county soon became widely known as an educational center. These private schools will be given a more extended notice in another place. The growth of the public school system of the county has been steady, if not as rapid as in some states. Kentucky, as a state, was tardy, but this was due in a great measure to the fact that the colleges and universities supplied the need of good schools. The institutions that have made the story of education in Christian County a source of pride, will be discussed in more detail.
Passing mention will be made of some of the teachers of private schools who achieved success. J. W. Rust, at LaFayette and later in Hopkinsville; J. B. Fitzhugh, J. H. Harding, W. R. Fall (father of Senator Albert B. Fall), Henry Durrett, Thomas G. Woodward, Virgil A. Garnett and many others helped to make history for the county.
The first college established in the county was South Kentucky College, founded in 1849 by the church known at the time as the Disciples, but now called the Christian Church.SOUTH KENTUCKY COLLEGE
In 1849, the General Assembly authorized Henry J. Stites, Ben S. Campbell, John M. Barnes, John B. Knight, W. F. Bernard, Robt. L. Waddill, Jacob Torian, Isaac H. Caldwell and W. A. Edmunds to establish a school in Hopkinsville for the higher education of women. In the autumn of 1849, South Kentucky College was established, with John M. Barnes as president, but he died the following year and was succeeded by Rev. Enos Campbell. It grew to be a great school, and ran for more than sixty years. After the conditions were changed by the public schools it became for a while a co-educational college. It had one or two destructive fires, but rose from the ashes and continued its usefulness. During the latter years it received a bequest, and was rebuilt as McLean College, but after several years sold its plant to the city, and its long and honorable career was closed. The magnificent building, crowning the highest hill in the city, is now used by the city for the Belmont graded school. Beginning with 1850, when Enos Campbell succeeded John M. Barnes as president, the college had the following succession of presidents: Elder Enos Campbell, James C. Campbell, Prof. J. Goss, Elder T. A. Crenshaw, Elder Robert C. Cave, Elder B. C. DeWeese, Major Samuel R. Crumbaugh, Prof. James E. Scobey, Elder J. W. Hardy, Prof. Woolwine and Prof. A. C. Kuykendall. The last named is still teaching in Lexington, Ky. The original incorporators of the college were not all of one church, but in a short while the school became denominational and was controlled by the Christian Church. It flourished greatly during its palmy days, with a large class of graduates every year. It maintained a boarding department in the building, but many day pupils attended, and it did a great work in the higher education of both sexes.
The movement to establish a Baptist college for young women was started in 1851, and a charter was secured. There had been a Baptist school taught, with W. C. Van Meter, Dr. Ring and Miss Leach as teachers, and Prof. J. W. Rust was teaching a school at LaFayette, Ky. Bethel Association, made up of the Baptist churches of several counties, fostered the undertaking, and in 1854 a lot was purchased and the building started. John P. Campbell, Thomas M. Buck, John Buckner, Hiram A. Phelps, Dr. Augustine Webber, Joseph M. Cheaney, A. G. Slaughter, R. Dillard, and E. B. Richardson were the Board of Trustees at the start. The school was first called Bethel Baptist Institute. In 1858 it was rechartered as Bethel Female College, and in 1909 the name was changed to Bethel Womans College.
In 1855 the corner-stone was laid, and in 1857 was completed the splendid four-story building which, with its massive columns, still remains one of the most beautiful examples of Grecian architecture to be found in the State.
The first principal of the institution was W. F. Hill, elected in 1856. He was followed in 1857 by J. W. Rust, who resigned in August, 1863, when the school was closed for several months. Rev. T. G. Keen re-opened the school in March, 1864, and continued as principal until 1866. It was then quite prosperous. M. G. Alexander succeeded Dr. Keen, and resigned in 1868, to be succeeded by Rev. J. F. Dagg. In 1874 Mr. Dagg was succeeded by J. W. Rust, who remained with the college until his death in 1890. For about a year the office of president was vacant, but in January, 1891, T. S. McCall, of Liberty College, was elected to the position and remained with the school until 1896, when he was succeeded by Dr. Edmund Harrison. After a very successful administration of thirteen years, Dr. Harrison resigned in 1909, and H. G. Brownell was elected to fill the vacancy. In 1914 W. S. Peterson was chosen to succeed President Brownell, who was elected to the presidency of Bethel College, for men, at Russellville, Ky. In 1908 the college became a part of the system of the Baptist Education Society, and in 1916, under the administration of Mr. Peterson, it was decided to cease giving the A.B. degree, to make Bethel a standard junior college, and to omit the word Female from the name, substituting Womans. During all these years the policy of the Trustees had been to lease the building and grounds to the president, who conducted the institution as a private enterprise. For many reasons this was unsatisfactory; so in 1917, upon the resignation of President Peterson, a new policy was adopted. Under this policy the trustees elect all officers and teachers.
They likewise become responsible for and control all expenditures.Miss Clara Belle Thompson was chosen president and Mrs. B. F. Eager, vice-president. Under this administration the results were so satisfactory that the trustees decided to continue the new policy.
America.Upon Miss Thompsons resignation in the spring of 1919, Dr. J. W. Gaines was chosen president. During the first year of his administration the attendance increased threefold, and there has been an increase each succeeding year.
It is the generally received opinion among educators that the best college work is not always done in the early courses of the large colleges, where the classes are very large and where the teachers are assistant professors or instructors instead of heads of departments. For good, consistent work, under efficient teachers, the small college should be selected rather than the large one. High school graduates, as well as those preparing for college, may, therefore, pursue their education in such at less expense and under more favorable conditions than in those schools whose students are numbered by the hundreds.The object of the Christian men and women who established this school more than seventy-five years ago was to provide a place where the girls of the State could obtain an education in pleasant, homelike surroundings, under Christian influences. Through all the succeeding years, under every administration, this has been the constant aim of both student and faculty. Today, when there are so many influences seeking to draw our daughters away from our old ideals of modesty, refinement and real Christianity, such an ideal is more than ever important.
The stately old building is a beautiful sight, as it stands in the center of the large campus covered with bluegrass and shaded by magnificent trees.In 1919 it was found necessary to increase the accommodations, and a new residence hall was erected, forming a west wing to the old building. This building contains twenty-four bedrooms, equipped with stationary washstands, with hot and cold water. The ground floor contains a well-equipped science laboratory and a large study hail.
In 1920 an east wing was added, which contains thirty bedrooms, a well-equipped infirmary, four large music studios, twelve practice rooms, and a gymnasium. A swimming pool has also been added, and the interior of the old building remodeled and renovated, making it the most attractive portion of the college plant.A building containing the dining room and auditorium was completed in 1924. Many visitors remark: This is the prettiest college dining room I have ever seen. The auditorium, with a seating capacity of 750, pleases all who see it. This addition gives Bethel a complete college plant, all under one roof.
One of the great teachers of early Hopkinsville, in the days of private schools, was James D. Rumsey, who taught for a period of about thirty years, from 1824 to 1854. He taught, at first, boys only, but the last few years he taught a girls school. The patronage of both schools was from outside of the county as well as local. His girls school was the forerunner of the two colleges that came later. Following him, in the teaching of boys, came James H. Harding and Henry Durrett. Prof. Harding taught at the old Seminary, where the L. & N. freight depot now stands.
There is located on the Illinois Central and Louisville and Nashville Railroads at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, one of the oldest colleges for women in America. This is Bethel Womans College, founded in 1854. From its classical halls have gone hundreds of the Souths leading women.The College is located in a pretty grove in one of the best residence sections of Hopkinsville. Its main building is one of the best specimens of colonial architecture in all Kentucky. One instantly senses that behind its massive columns there dwell old-time culture and hospitality. The visitor would more than ever be convinced of this could he glance into the spacious parlors on the right and left as he enters, a few days after the opening of the College in September, and see the men and women and youth of Hopkinsville and vicinity greeting the teachers and students in the annual alumnie reception.
In addition to the usual college courses, Bethel maintains a strong music school, under the direction of a graduate of the Royal Conservatory, Leipsig, Germany. The faculty, quartet, glee club, and orchestra furnish many of the programs for the Kiwanis, Rotary, and Athenieum Club, besides frequently broadcasting from WFIW, Hopkinsvilles well-known broadcasting station.
On the well-kept grounds of Bethel the visitor sees attractive girls from many States and some foreign countries, engaged in various sports, such as swimming, tennis, archery, and basket ball and when the railroad came, in 1868, this lot was sold and re-invested at the foot of Thirteenth Street. After a few years, Maj. James 0. Ferrell came to take charge of this school, and ran it for thirty years. Starting in 1873, he had one assistant, but by the next year built another room, and had two assistants. In 1874 the high school became a military school, and flourished for years as such, having usually fifty or sixty pupils, many of whom came from other states. Maj. Ferrell had taught in the Kentucky Military Institute for several years. He was a Confederate veteran, from Virginia. His first assistant was Malcolm H. Crump, a young man from the Virginia Military Institute, who remained several years. Later he located, at Bowling Green, Ky., and became a Colonel of Kentucky State Guards. After two years, Frank D. Glasgow came as a teacher of languages. He was succeeded by Charles C. Thatch, of Alabama. Glasgow returned to Virginia and became an eminent lawyer and judge. Thatch returned to Alabama and became equally eminent as a teacher. Capt. Crump, as he was called while instructor of cadets, was succeeded by Francis D. Peabody, of Georgia, who was the last Captain of Cadets. He returned to Georgia and practiced law. After the public schools opened in Hopkinsville, in 1881, Major Ferrells school was changed into a select school for boys, and ran for more than twenty years, with usually twenty to forty young men, many of whom boarded with him. His school attracted patronage from far and near, and was prosperous as a business enterprise.
Charles Adams, 99-00; Luther Adams, 01-02; Dr. J. Sneed Adkerson, 82-83; Dr. Lawrence B. Alexander, 91-96; Thomas Alexander, 90-91; Dr. David A. Moss, 85-76; Edgar Kent Ashby, 87-90; Robt. L. Armstrong, '93-'98 Edward A. Arnold, 85-86. Frank M. Baker, 93-94; Christian Baker, 74-78; William Ballard, 91-92; Jack Bassett, 92-93; Dr. John P. Bell, 74-76; Frank Bell, 81-84; John P. Barbee, 75-76; Dennis E. Barbee, 75-77; L. Stuart Birk, 0O-02; Ernest Bishop, 83-84; Harvey Bigham, 88-89; Plomer Blane, 94-95; Robert B. Blakemore, 78-79; Archie Boales, 85-88; Ewell Boales, 96-99; Sam A. Boales, 97-98; William S. Boales, 73-77; Ashton Boyd, 81-89; Edward Boyd, 74-75; James Boyd, 73-74; Richard G. Boyd, 89-90; Richard W. Boyd, OO-Ol; R. Henry Boyd, 84-85; Wallace F. Boyd, 83-84; Elbridge Bradshaw, 73-76; Dr. Edgar B. Bradshaw, 86-87; George B. Bradshaw, 85-86; Claude S. Bradshaw, 87-88; Chris B. Brandon, 99-00; John W. Breathitt, Jr., 76-77; Webber Breathitt, 91-92; Frank Browne, 92-98; Robert H. Brown, 88-89; Langston Browne, 92-00; Chapman Brown, 88-90; J. Ed. Bronaugh, 89-95; Elliott Buckner, 80-82; Frank W. Buckner, 75-78; Jos. C. Buckner, 75-80; Lemuel Buckner, 01-02; Robert H. Buckner, 84-88; Sherwood Buckner, 80-83; Thomas W. Buckner, 75-77; Upshur Buckner, 74-77; Sam Buquo, 88-89; Thomas B. Burbridge, 75-77; Charles T. Burbridge, 77-79; Clarence E. Burbridge, 80-82; Howard Bush, 99-00; Frank Byars, 89-99.
Edward T. Campbell, 73-74; Dr. George N. Campbell, 73-74; John E. Campbell, 73-78; James B. Campbell, 75-80; Ben TJ. Campbell, 76-80; Dr. Alex P. Campbell, 77-78; Gabe L. Campbell, 81-84; Charles Campbell, 81-83; John P. Campbell, 81-84; Ernest Campbell, 82-83; I. Fletcher Campbell, 90-91; Hugh Campbell, 84-92; Flavius Campbell, 95-96; Harris Cargile, 97-00; E. L. Cary, 88-00; Thomas H. Carloss, Jr., 82-86; Ben F. Carloss, 83-86; James H. Carloss, 85-86 Sam H. Carter, 85-89; Byrd Carter, 85-89; Henry Catlett, 74-75; Forest Catlett, 74-78; Clifton Cave, 78-79; James Cayce, 75-77; Frank Caudle, OO-Ol; Rev. John Chastain, 73-74; J.oe S. Chastain, 73-79; Green H. Champlin, 76-81; Rev. James Cheaney, 78-79; Dr. Joe Cheatham, 96-96; Ward Claggett, 85-90; J. Dan Claggett, 85-90; Harry Claggett, 85-90; Ben Clark, 73-80; Jacob H. Cohn, 74-76; Joel Cohen, 74-76; Chas. R. Collins, 91-92; Fairleigh Collins, 91-93; William Collins, 93-94; Edward Coffman, 98-99; Walter C. Cook, 73-75; Edward R. Cook, Jr., 73-97; Robert A. Cook, 94-95; William Cowan, Jr., 81-89; Harry Cowan, 91-93; William T. Cooper, 77-78; James E. Cooper, 78-80; Thomas H. Cooper, 84-85; Homer Coleman, 82-83; Jeff Coombs, 84-85; Rufus N. Crabtree, 81-82; G. Wharton Crabb, 84-85; Robert G. Crosby, 76-78; Thomas M. Cross, 73-76; Kanston P. Cross, 92-93; Jacob E. Crider, 94-95; Joseph Crute, 84-85; Logan Cummins, 89-90. Curtis Dabney, 99-00; Thomas G. Dade, 85-86; Lucian Dade, 92-94; James A. Dade, 98-99; George D. Dalton, 82-83; Garner E. Dalton, 93-94; Hilliard M. Dalton, 92-93; J. Horsley Dagg, 73-74; John C. Davis, 74-75; Edward Davis, 85-86; William S. Davison, 73-75; M. Duke Dennes, 77-78; Frank De Graffenreid, 90-93; Nick B. Dicken, 88-90; Herbert Dickinson, 86-87; William Daniel, 95-96; John Daniel; 95-96; Green Dawson, 02-03; Jos. G. Donaldson, 86-90; Thomas A. Duke, 97-98; Walter J. Dulin, 79-80; Walter M. Dudley, 74-76.
Hawes B. Eagles, 83-85; William B. Eagles, 87-89; Charles T. Ed mundson, 79-80; Jesse L. Edmundson, 79-80; Moses L. Elb, 73-76; E. Lee Ellis, 73-77; Dr. Clifton D. Ellis, 73-79; Richard B. Ellis, 74-76; Louis Ellis, 93-94; Thomas H. Elliott, 74-76; John Elliott, 74-76; Sam Elliott, 82-83; Eugene Ellison, 83-85; Jesse Elgin, 98-99; Jesse E. Evans, 76-78; John T. Evans, 73-77; Joseph Kent Exall, 91-93.
Thomas B. Fairleigh, 77-84; Robert M. Fairleigh, 96-98; Dr. Pope Farrington, 89-90; William S. Feland, 73-80; John Feland, 73-80; Gen. Logan Feland, 78-82; Sam Feland, 83-88; Chiles M. Ferrill, 74-
77; Chiles Clifton Ferrell, 74-85; Lawson B. Flack, 97-01; Lawrence Fleming, 80-84; Walter Fleming, 89-90; Robert Fletcher, 86-98; Jas. M. Forbes, 98-01; William G. Fox, 75-76; Peter T. Fox, 87-88; David M. Frankel, 74-76; Will Franklin, 81-82; Herbert Fruit, 94-96; C. B. Fuqua, 76-77; J. A. Fuqua, 96-97; Edgar Fuqua, OO-Ol. James R. Gaines, 80-82; Felix Gaither, 81-83; Duncan Gaibreath, 76-80; Joseph K. Gant, 73-75; James T. Gant, 73-77; Ben J. Garnett, 73-76; John W. Garnett, 85-87; J. Thomas Garnett, 75-76; John W. Garnett, 85-87; Thomas W. Garnett, 85-88; Roy Garnett, 97-99; Jeff J. Garrott, 76-78; R. J. Garrott, 87-88; Harry L. Garner, 78-82; John B. Garth, 83-87; Dudley Garth, 92-95; Robert C. Gary, 76-78; George E. Gary, 75-79; William H. Gary, 75-78; Richard Gary, 78-84; Robert S. Gary, Jr., 93-94; Dr. William E. Gary, 96-99; James M. Gary, 80-84; Clinton Glover, 01-02; Will J. Glover, 93-94; Harry Girard, 93-96; J. Forest Giles, 02-03; William A. Glass, 73-78; Lawrence A. Gold, 77-78; Clarence 0. Gold, 77-78; Fred Gordon, 74-75; Thomas P. Goldthwaite, 02-03; Fred Golay, 76-78; H. H. Golay, 82-83; Paul Goldsmith, 85-86; Rev. James Gooch, 91-92; W. A. Goodwin, 77-78; Urey Goodwin, 98-99; Mervyn Gosnell, William E. Graves, 73-78; R. T. Graves, 82-83; Palmer Graves, 73-78; Rev. William E. Gray, 92-93; G. Bukey Greathouse, 83-84; Wilbur Gresham, 84-85; Clarence Grinter, 83-86; Eugene Gregory, 99-00; Rev. Hugh Gregory, 99-00; Robert S. Green, 73-78; Nelson D. Green, 74-79; Thomas Green, Jr., 78-81; Dade Green, 87-88; Hunter Green, 92-93; Lewis P. Guthrie, 85-86; William Guthrie, 82-83. C. B. Hall, 90-91; George Hall, 94-95; Walter H. Hammond, 93-94; W. 0. Hanbery, 89-90; G. Harris, 74-75; Edgar Harris, 87-91; George Harris, 02-03; Forest Harned, 00-03; W. C. Harrell, 95-96; James Harrison, 98-00; Dan Harkelroad, 89-91; George Hart, 84-89; Addison Hardwick, 80-81; W. Adams Hawes, 82-83; Alex W. Henderson, 73-79; William L. Hickman, 73-74; R. Baylor Hickman, 77-79; Clyde M. Hill, 94-96; Willie Higgins, 84-85; Dan Hillman, 78-80; James Hillman, 78-80; Gentry Hillman, 78-80; Louis Hillman, 81-83; T. Mann Herndon, 96-OO; Edmund Herndon, 95-96; Henry Herndon, 93-96; Tom Holeman, 85-86; Fox Holloway, 88-89; Frank P. Holloway, 88-90; L. Holloway, 74-75; W. M. Hoke, 81-86; Charles F. Hoke, 86-91; Victor M. Houston, 84-85; John Hopson, 02-03; J. Bryan Hopper, 73-74; Walter E. Howe, 93-95; W. W. Hunt, 88-89; E. H. (Jake) Hunt, 92-94; Richard Hunt, 99-00; Lannes H. Huggins, 83-84; Fielding Hurst, 93-94.
Rollie A. Jackson, 96-97; Charles Jarrett, 83-84; Thomas D. Jameson, 74-77; Barker Jesup, 89-91; Robert E. Johnston, 98-99; David Lee Johnson, 80-81; Moss Johnson, 94-96; C. E. Jones, 84-87; Lucian Jones, 00-03; Henry Jonnard, 80-81.George Keach, 01-02; Wallace Kelly, 90-92; Rev. William B. Kendall, 89-90; Robert B. Knight, 97-98; C. R. Knowles, 87. W. Lackey, 91-92; Charles W. Lacy, 82-83; Coleman Lacy, 99-01; Jesse Lacy, 92-93; Walter Ladd, 82-83; Robert Ladd, 85-86; Albert W. Lander, 75-77; Ernest Lander, 78-87; Robt. S. Lander, 73-74; Sylvester, R. Layne, 75-76; James A. Lee, 81-82; Edwin Lee, 99-03; J. S. Ledford, 84-85; H. A. Ledford, 93-94; E. Grey Lewis, 76-77; M. E. Lewis, 77-78; Robert Lewis, 77-79; Arthur Lewis, 78-79; J. E. Linden, 74-76; Edward B. Lindsay, 82-84; Charles W. Lindsay, 82-84; Charles A. Lipstine, 78-82; Harry Lipstine, 84-85; Isaac Lipstine, 77-80; John Long, 82-83; Ben Long, 88-91; Lucian Long, 91-93; Thornton Lowry, 84-85; R. H. Lovier, 73-74; Isaac N. Locke, 99-01; Dr. Hart F. Litchfield, 02-03; Roy Loewenthal, 79-98; Joe Lozier, 98-99. Posey McClendon, 96-97; Charles G. McDaniel, 76-78; R. Sam McGehee, 84-85; Edward F. McGehee, 87-90; Denzil McGehee, 99-00; James A. McKenzie, Jr., 91-94; A. R. McKinney, 81-88; James M. Mc-Knight, 85-86; William A. McKnight, 85-86; J. E. McPherson, 71-73; Joel D. McPherson, 73-76; H. L. McPherson, 76-79; John W. McPherson, 76-79; Robert McRae, 90-96; Matt S. Major, 73-74; Edgar H. Major, 77-78; Alfred H. Major, 77-78; John H. Majtr, 91-93; Madison Major, 93-98; Edmund Major, 93-98; Isaac Major, 93-99; Charles Major, 98-99; Hugh Major, 98-99; T. Hendricks Major, 02-03; James Martin, 80-81; Charles Marshall, 80-81; Merriwether A. Mason, 96-98; Charles M. Meacham, 76-78; William F. Meacharn, 77-79; J. P. Meacham, 83-85; Lander Meacham, 91-92; Rodman Meacham, OO-Ol; Byron Meador, 98-99; Harry L. Means, 82-85; Prentiss Mercer, 77-78; Sam C. Mercer, Jr., 77-83; Joseph Meyer, 78-79; Jacob Meyer, 80-81; Charles Meyer, 81-82; Pope Miller, 83-85; William H. Miller, 89-90; Boyd Miller, OO-OI; Roger Quarles Mills, Jr., 83-84; Robert Mills, 74-76; C. W. Metcalfe, 74-76; George W. Metcalfe, 74-76; Thomas L. Metcalfe, 85-86; James Montgomery, 73-75; Max J. Moayon, 83-87; Thomas L. Morrow, 91-99; Edgar Morrow, 97-99; Rodman Morris, 94-95; Sam Morris, 94-95; Otho S. Mullen, 92-93. William D. Nabb, 95-96; Burr Nall, 88-89; J. B. Nance, 76-77; Charles H. Nash, Jr., 91-98; William B. Neeley, 86-94; Clinton Nelson, 78-81; B. Gordon Nelson, 81-82; M. H. Nelson, Jr., 90-93; George W.
Newman, 84-85; Charles Nolen, 91-92; Charles Norman, 95-97; Rev. Charles L. Nourse, 88-90.
George L. Oates, 87-88; Haden Ogden, 97-99; Clarence Ogden, 98- 00; Lee Orme, 89-91; A. C. Overshiner, 89-92; John M. Orr, 73-75; Joe T. Owen, 73-77; R. Lee Owen, 78-79; Ralph Owen, 79-80; Mateau Owen, 02-03; Robert Owsley, 78-79; John Y. Owsley, 83-89; Hans Owsley, 81-82. Joshua Pardo, 73-74; C. B. Parrish, 75-76; Thomas Parker, 79-85; Will Parker, 83-85; E. R. Perry, 85-87; George W. Parker, 02-03; Will Perry, 85-87; John H. Pendleton, 85-86; Clarence Perkins, 96-99; Mack
Perkins, 85-86; Thom as N. Petree, 76-80; Luther H. Petrie, 76-81; Hayes Petrie, 88-89; Paul Petrie, 93-94; Virgil C. Pettie, 94-96; Porter K. Peyton, 75-76; Hiram A. Phelps, 73-78; Hugh R. Phelps, 80-81;
George W. Phelps, 86-88; C. W. Phipps, 73-75; William H. Phipps, 81- 85; J. H. Pierce, 81-85; W. S. Pierce, 84-85; R. H. Pritchett, 98-99; E. Y. Pool, 94-95; David L. Pool, 91-92; Leslie PPool, 90-92; Charles 0. Prowse, 90-93; John P. Prowse, Jr., 95-01; Will Prowse, 93-94; Roscoe Puryear, 98-99; Edward C. Pyle, 89-92; Edgar Pyle, 01-03. Leonard Quarles, OO-Ol. McElroy Radford, 75-76; Dr. William B. Radford, 75-77; James A. Radford, 86-87; Edgar C. Radford, 87-88; William E. Ragsdale, 85-86; Clark Ragsdale, 91-92; Roy C. Ragsdale, 87-91; Frank Ragsdale, 85-86; Thomas Ragsdale, 01-03; Howell Ragsdale, 99-00; Robert Rawley, 98-99; J. R. Renshaw, 00-02; Pitts Reese, 86-87; Charles Rice, 86-87; F. B. Richardson, 74-77; Ed. T. Ritter, 73-75; George P. Rives, 91-92; John T. Ricketts, 95-96; Ashland Richards, 77-78; A. Thurman Richards, 99-00; E. C. Roach, 93-96; R. C. Roach, 80-81; C. J. Roach, 93-95; Dr. P. B. Roach, 96-99; T. Keen Roach, 95-00; Wallace Roberts. 79-81; Walter Roberts, 79-81; Phil T. Roberts, 80-82; H. F. Robertson. 94-97; Finley Robinson, 98-99; Thomas Rodman, 73-78; A. D. Rodgers, 73-75; It. C. Rogers, 73-75; S. D. Rogers, 73-75; Ros.s A. Rogers, 76-80; John B. Russell, 89-90; James D. Russell, Jr., 89-91; R. B. Rutherford, 73-75; P. Ryan, 75-76.
Ernest Sallee, 82-84; George D. Savage, 85-86; John T. Savage, 85-86; J. A. Schmidt, 98-99; James Segenfelter, 98-99; Dawson Sidwell, 95-96; E. J. Sisk, 75-77; Harry Sively, 86-87; Herbert Shanklin, 87-91; L. G. Shanklin, 91-92; Frank Shaw, 00-03; Joe Shelton, OO-Ol; Thomas W. Smith, 75-77; Marion Smith, 75-81; Wallace Smith, 84-85; Ira L. Smith, 80-81; Roscoe Smith, 01-02; T. Beale Smith, 01-02; C. C. Slaughter, 76-82; David Solomon, 80-86; W. A. Southall, 1903; W. H. Southall, 96-97; Rev. L. L. Spurlin, 85-87; One Stith, 96-97; Thomas Stites, 91-93; John Stites, Jr., 93-96; Ed. A. Starling, 73-74; Mike L. Stoner, 73-76; Will L. Stoner, 88-87; Ed. E. Steger, 76-77; J. W. Stowe,
95-97; Harry Stowe, 95-97; Joel D. Sugg, 98-99; L. A. Summers, 88-90. Ed. R. Tandy, 83-84; Dr. C. H. Tandy, 86-87; Clarence Tandy, 94-98; Hardin Taylor, 83-84; Charles C. Terry, 93-97; Thomas Terry, 96-98; Jack W. Terry, 96-97; Charles Thacker, 73-74; E. R. W. Thomas, Jr., 74-75; Edgar Thomas, 80-81; Dr. F. P. Thomas, 86-87; Jerry Tobin, 88-89; J. L. Tobin, 91-92; Dudley Tonian, 79-80; George H. Townes, 93-94; Fred Trathen, 01-03; Joe Tribble, 81-82; C. E. Trice, 73-79; William W. Tnice, 85-92; S. E. Trice, Jr., 87-92; Frank D. Tnice, 89-95; Rollin Tnice, 92-93; Luther H. Tunks, 73-74; Dr. John H. Twyman, 73-76; Morris Twyman, 00-02; Richard K. Tyler, 88-90.Thomas N. Wadlington, 74-75; W. Tandy Wadlington, 76-78; W. Milton Wadlington, 82-83; M. G. Wadlington, 89-90; Henry D. Wallace, 73-77; Dr. Howe H. Wallace, 73-77; Henry D. Wallace, Jr., 02-03; Louis A. Waller, 90-91; John T. Waller, 92-93; Will L. Waller, 99-01; P. E. Warfield, 88-89; James E. Waugh, 89-90; James H. Ware, 79-80; Lee Watkins, 80-83; Will B. Wash, 95-97; Louis Weber, 74-76; Robert S. Weakley, 73-75; Lewis Western, 82-83; Levi Westfall, 83-84; George T. Wharton, 82-86; George S. Wharton, 82-86; Walter Wharton, 01-'03; John J. Wharton, 84-85; Charles K. Wheeler, 74-78; Joel Wheeler, 74-75; James West, 78-80; P. Edgar West, 78-80; Browne Whitlow, 99-00; Ira E. White, 95-97; Ellis White, 01-03; Gilbert White, 82-83; Cecil White, 01-03; Matt Wilkerson, 96-97; Charles Wilkerson, 97-98; Carr Wilkins, 01-03; J. W. Wilkins, 95-97; J. Spurlin Williams, 73-76; James Williams, 94-96; J. W. Fraser Williams, 96-97; V. M. Williamson, 91-92; James A. Williamson, 98-00; Will E. Williamson, 95-98; A. L. Wilson (Dixie), 73-76; Harry Wilson, 80-81; Wilbur Wilson, 78-81; Leslie Wilson, 99-00; Thomas Wilson, 83-87; Walter A. Wilson, 86-87; Ben. J. Wilson, 86-87; Harry L. Wilson, 88-89; W. Parks Wilson, 88-89; William S. Withers, 80-84; William P. Winfree, Jr., 89-90; J. W. Winfree, 94-95; John Witty, 76-77; Luther Wolfe, 83-84; W. R. Woolfe, 78-79; Alfred I. Wood, 74-76; A. Walker Wood, 80-82; W. R. Wood, 85-86; Ural Wood, 88-89; Jesse Wood, 91-92; Hunter Wood, Jr., 91-95; Arthur Wood, 93-95; Hugh N. Wood, 96-99; Winfield Wood, 93-94; George M. Wood, 02-03; Bowling S. Wood, 00-01; Owen Wood, 02-03; F. B. Wooldridge, 73-77; R. M. Wooldridge, 73-77; T. M. Wooldridge, 81-89; Upshur Wooldridge, 89-92; Lucian Wootton, 87-92; James M. Wootton, 92-94; Mack Wright, 75-76; W. H. Wright, 85-86.
Elza Yancey, 92-94; Charles W. Young, 98-00.
No. School Teacher Address
1. Cone Gertrude Compton Dawson Springs
2. McKnight Mrs. Annie J. Hayes St. Charles, R. No. 1
3. Castleberry Mary Fern Majors Crofton, R. No. 1
4. Empire Ruth McKnight Crof ton
5. Adams Mrs. Lucille H. Gladdish Crofton, R. No. 1
6. Lantrip Clifton Cook Crofton, H. No. 1
7. W. Macedonia Lucy Hamby Dawson Springs, Star R.
8. Woods Chapel Eunice Cornelius Cerulean Springs, R. No. 2
9. Moreland Lura Bell Wade Cerulean Springs, H.
10. Mt. Carmel Elmer Roberts Cerulean Springs
11. Consolation Cecil Dalton Crofton, R. No. 1
Elizabeth Vaughn Crofton, H. No. 1
Laura Pool Crofton, R. No. 1
12. Boyd Edna Marquess Crofton, H, No. 3
13. Palestine Cecyl Johnson Crofton, H. No. 3
14. Eli Maud Hudson St. Charles
15. Mannington Mrs. Norris Hayes W. 15th St., Hopkinsville
Ernestine Meacham Mannington
16. Atkinson Gennie Putman White Plains
17. Orange Grove Edna Manire White Plains
18. Bald Knob Mrs. Myrtle S. Combs White Plains, R. No. 2
19. No. 5 Mrs. S. T. Langley White Plains, H. No. 2
20. McKinney Flora Hamby Dawson Springs
21. Pleasant Valley . . . . Modra Sights White Plains, R. No. 2
22. E. Macedonia Lola May Summers Crofton, H. No. 2
23. Pleasant Grove . . . . Gwendolyn Kestner Crofton
24. West Vernell Dollins Crofton, R. No. 2
25. Fruit Hill Sarah Yancey Crofton, R. No. 2
Hazel Lackey Crofton, R. No. 2
26. Poplar Grove Jane Bell Manire White Plains, H. 2
27. Grapevine Gertie Maddux Croftori
29. Judge Maggie Sharber White Plains, R. No. 2
30. Gum Grove Mrs. J. M. Davis Hopkinsville, R. No. 7
31. Bluff Springs Elizabeth Harrison Hopkinsville, R. No. 7
32. Carl Winifred A. Smith Hopkinsville, R. No. 7
33. Dogwood Evelyn Rogers Hopkinsville, R. No. 9
34. Cavanab Anne Cavanah Crofton, R. No. 2
35. Iron Hill Mrs. I. W. Mayes Hopkinsville, R. No. 6
36. Concord Ennis Bates Hopkinsville, R. No. 6
37. Ralston Mrs. Lucy D. Fisher Hopkinsville
38. Honey Grove Lennie Overton Hopkinsville, R. No. 8
39. Perry Maggie Davis Hopkinsville, H. No. 8
40. Laytonsville Lois Eaton Pembroke, R.
41. New Idea Eloise McRae Hopkinsville. H. No. 7
42. Shiloh Elizabeth Withers Hopkinsville, R. No. 9
43. Walker Ruby Poindexter Hopkinsville, R. No. 9
44. Haddock Ruby Underwood Hopkinsville, H. No. 9
45. Cannon Stella Lile Hopkinsville, R. No. 8
46. Kelly . Morton Brashears . Kelly
47. Mt. Zoar Laura Wood Hopkinsville, R. No. 6
48. Wayside Ruth Caldwell Howell
49. Hamby Ruth Maloney Cerulean Springs, R. No. 1
50. Mitchell Louise Turner Cerulean Springs
51. Cox Mrs. Minor Gardner Cerulean Springs
52. Sinking Fork H. W. Hunt Hopkinsville, R. No. 5
Mrs. H. W. Hunt Hopkinsville, R. No. 5
Mrs. W. T. Turner Hopkinsville, R. No. 5
Katie C. Wright Hopkinsville, R. No. 5
Louise Pool Hopkinsville, R. No. 5
53. Pleasant Green N. G. Owen Hopkinsville
54. Newstead Louise Combs Hopkinsville, H. No. 4
Mrs. Margaret Baker Hopkinsville, H. No. 4
Elizabeth Nance Hopkinsville, R. No. 4
55. Church Hill H. Y. Hooks Hopkinsville, R. No. 3
Mrs. H. Y. Hooks Hopkinsville, R. No. 3
56. Bennettstown Mrs. Geo. Rogers LaFayette
Gertha Robinson Herndon, H. No. 1
57. Gee Mrs. Lillian Burks Herndon, R. No. 2
58. Walnut Grove Grace McReynolds Hopkinsville, H. No. 4
59. Juniel Mildred Morrison Gracey, R. No. 3
60. West Brook Alice Cayce Hopkinsville, R. No. 3
61. Howell R. C. Green Howell
Ruth K. Mobley Howell
Bernice Walton Howell
Mrs. Mabel Jameson Howell
62. Herndon Clara Pace Herndon
63. Bell Station Katye Mae Henderson Oak Grove, H. No. 1
64. Beverly Mary Margaret Steger Beverly
65. Lunderman Christine Burke Oak Grove
66. Elmo Mrs. S. S. Jameson Pembroke
ILula M. Cooke Pembroke
Mrs. Pat McShane Pembroke
67. Longview Martha H. Gregory 310 E. 18th St., Hopkinsville
68. Oak Grove Josephine Burke Oak Grove
69. West Fork Janie Stevenson Pembroke, H. No. 1
70. Highlands Chapel .Mrs. Murphey Davis Hopkinsville, H. No. 2
71. Edwards Mill Margaret Combs Hopkinsville, H. No. 2
72. Casky Stacye Lile Casky
73. Rosetown Mary Hose Hopkinsville, H. No. 2
74. Little River Lucille Fleming Herndon, R. No. 1
75. Gracey Frances Wilson Gracey
Mrs. Sam Torian GraceyCOLORED
C Chopped Hickory. . Bernice Evans 902 E. 1st, Hopkinsville
D New Zion Zelia Slaughter W. S. H., Hopkinsville
E Beech Grove Emma Whitesides Hopkinsville, R. No. 6
G Pleasant Hill Fannie Fenwick Hopkinsville, R. No. 9
H Kelly Rosa Boyd 113 Clay, Hopkinsville
Salem Millie A. Bell R. F. D. No. 1, Cerulean
J Forks of Road . . . . Lucile L. Mallory 102 Vine, Hopkinsville
K West Union . Annabel Glass . Hopkinsville, H. No. 5
L Gracey Bobbie Moore Gracey
Minnie Watkins Gracey
M Pleasant Green . . . . Corn Taylor Hopkinsville, H. No. 5, Box 10
N McClains Chapel . . Thelma Green 115 Campbell, Hopkinsville
0 Pleasant Grove ... . Luther Buckner 721 E. 1st, Hopkinsville
P Julien losa James Gracey, H. No. 3
Q White Oak Grove. . Ora Bell Payne Hopkinsville, H. No. 3
H Zion Hope Elizabeth Young Herndon, H. No. 1
S Blue Springs Corrine Snorton Heradon, R. No. 1
T Dyers Chapel Mary Lizzie Larker Hopkinsville, R. No. 2
U Gee Mattie Gee Hopkinsville, H. No. 6
W Brent Shop Rosa Leavell Hopkinsville
X Pee Dee Annabel Brown Hopkinsville, R. No. 4
Y Fostons Chapel .. .Margaret Coleman 112 Liberty, Flopkinsville
Z Herndon Louise Glass HerndonAA Garrettsburg ..,. Ora Lee Leaven 706 Hayes, Hopkinsville
Mary Ella Buckner Vine St., Hopkinsville
EB Reeves Chapel Clara Mimnis Oak Grove, H. No. 1
CC Mt. Herman Mary Bell Braxton Oak Grove, H. No. 2
DD Spring Hill Hattie Mae Glass Herndon, H. No. 3
EE Cedar Bluff Lillian Moody Pembroke, R. No. 1
FF Edgefield Hazel Mae Henry 346 Edmunds, Hopkinsville
GG Mt. Vernon Willie Bronaugh Canton Heights, Hopkinsville
HH Center Point Pearl Hale 128 N. Liberty, Hopkinsville
II Oak Grove Fanny Hopkins Oak Grove
JJ Barkers Mill Arlena Lindsey 824 2nd, Hopkinsville
KK Hensleytown Otis Evans Hopkinsville
LL Gainesville Paul Hooser 109 Campbell, Hopkinsville
Idella Buckner 167 Vine, Hopkinsville
MM Durretts Ave Emma Quarles 400 E 17th, Hopkinsville
Candis Mimms 948 Younglove, Hopkinsville
NN Massies Chapel . . . Birdie Bradley Hopkinsville, R. No. 3
00 Casky Annabel Buckner 167 Vine, Hopkinsville
PP Walnut Grove Emma Lisenby 621 2nd, Hopkinsville
TT Canton Heights . . . Lottie F. Stewart 2004 High, Hopkinsville
Ruth Brame 2004 High, Hopkinsville
UU Elmo Estelline Garrett 726 Hayes, Hopkinsville
Crofton Rozelle Leavell 914 1st, Hopkinsville
Hazel Carlisle 308 Thompson, Hopkinsville
Pembroke Z. R. Brown Pembroke
Hazel Jones Pembroke
Lucile Smith Pembroke
Willie Tyler Stewart Pembroke
LaFayette Nina Anglin LaFayette
Supervisor Dora C. Williams 618 1st, HopkinsvilleHOPKINSVILLE COLORED SCHOOLS
BY C. W. MERRIWEATHERA true history of the earliest efforts of the Negro to acquire even the rudiments of an education in Hopkinsville, Ky., with all the facts connected with the birth and development of the educational idea, among a people
but a few years removed from bondage, may never be written. Those early pioneers in the field of the first struggles for mental and moral emancipation were more concerned and enraptured with the work in which they were engaged than any probable record or notice which might be made of it in the years to come. The degrading and demoralizing after-effects of slavery and how to successfully combat and eradicate them, constituted a problem which engaged their time and called for sacrifices of the most unselfish souls of both races. These sacrifices they willingly made, laying the foundation for the present system of education in Hopkinsville and Christian County.The first officer to have the responsibility of directing the educational interests of Christian County, including Hopkinsville, was Enoch A. Brown, white, who was appointed in 1845 and served until October 6, 1856, during which forty school districts were laid off, including the town of Hopkinsville, which was District 37. His position was called County School Commissioner. In October, 1856, John P. Ritter was elected to the position of school commissioner, about five years before the Civil War, and little was accomplished because of a lack of interest in common schools. In 1861, James Moore became school commissioner, serving in that capacity till 1870, when G. A. Champlin became the commissioner and at once proceeded to district the balance of the county, raising it from forty to eighty-four districts and the school census from 2,100 to 5,000 in two years.
The indifference to common schools was now disappearing. Beginning in 1881 the school houses which were, with two or three exceptions, log and not good at that, were improved or replaced by better structures. There were then forty-one colored school districts with twenty-three school houses, sixteen of which were log excuses. There were in all the county only 4,542 children of school age and the state appropriation to the county was $2,234.36, less than 50 cents per capita and all the school property was officially placed at $2,070 in value. It is readily seen that the amount appropriated was far too inadequate for the purpose; as a result the schools were taught on subscription from the patrons at $1.00 per month per pupil and, in some instances, $1.00 per family; this, in addition to the sum appropriated, constituted the pay for the teacher. This was known as the Pay School Period of the schools, while the schools were frequently called government schools because of the assistance received from the State. For the greater part of this period the city had no fixed or permanent place for a school. Any part of the city where an available house or room could be used was the school house. Sometimes this was a residence, a church or business house.
About 1882, through the foresight and enterprise of our colored leaders, assisted by a warm spirit of sympathy on the part of white friends. the lot whereon the Booker T. Washington building now stands was acquired. A large two-story frame structure was erected to which extensive additions have since been made, including an annex a few years ago, to which another story was added this year. This structure is on East Second Street and furnishes rooms for the employment of eighteen teachers. Among those who have presided over this school as principals are names of A. H. Payne, Adam Green, J. M. Maxwell, J. P. Jetton, J. W. Bell, Mrs. H. B. Laprade, Mrs. Julius L. Pool, Mrs. Fannie M. Postell, and L. W. Gee.
In 1916, through a bond issue, promoted primarily for the white high school, but in the vote for which our colored citizens participated, calling for an issue of $100,000, the Attucks High School Building was erected, a fine two-story red brick with a rough limestone base and trimmed with dressed building stone and beautifully designed. Surmounting a beautiful terrace, it occupies a commanding position at the intersection of First and Vine Streets, is one of the most handsome and commodious high school buiMings in the State, with every modern convenience and equipment of a first-class high school. The opening of this school was the beginning of the high school department of the colored schools here, and over which the following named superintending principals have presided: L. R. Posey, J. W. Bell, P. Moore and B. E. Perkins, and now engages the services of ten teachers.
The property for school purposes is valued at more than $80,000. There are twenty-eight teachers in the force and a census report of 1,103 pupil children, under the control of a Board of Education composed of nine colored members who are elected biennially.It is a long distance from the one-teacher school in a log house to our modern buildings today with their twenty-eight teachers, yet this distance has been traveled by our schools, and the people are proud of the progress they have made, a pride inspiring the hope for better and more extensive buildings and facilities.