1/2 mile below mouth of Mordecai-near Pomp, KY.

Go west from West Liberty on 519, turn right on 7,
take 1st blacktop road right and go approximately 3 miles.
Go past the houses and trailer homes. As you go around a gentle curve
there will be the old McKinzie home and barn. Almost directly behind
is the McKinzie Cemetery.

Submitted by Norma Snell
Transcribed in October 1999
The Cemetery is overgrown. There may be other stones buried beneath the growth.

No Last Name Mary November 19, 1848-June 6, 1911

No Last Name Frank April 27, 1844-Mary 29, 1933 One stone for both and then separate stones.
Fannin Mary 1873-1956 On small metal plate
McKenzie W.A. July 12, 1868-June 27, 1898

Lewis Eliza A. March 26, 1840-Feb. 14, 1912 Rest Mother in Quiet Sleep while ___ is ___ over Heaven. Wife of O.J. McKenzie.
Caskey Francis Ann McKenzie July 5, 1866 or 1867 - July 10, 1900 1st marriage to E.F.Lemaster, 2nd marriage to Tom Caskey. Stone is broken in half.
McKenzie O.J. July 30, 1840-June 30, 1822
McKenzie Infant August 1903 Son of Mr. & Mrs. Clay McKenzie
McKenzie Maggie ____ 01, 1872-July 13, 1909 Wife of O.W. McKenzie; Small stone on the ground
McKenzie O.J. No Dates Marker

Deanna Levito

Ann Lemaster-Applegate