Dock Adkins/ Day Cemetery

Located at the top of the hill overlooking the middle fork of Elkfork, Morgan County, Kenutcky

Transcribed by Joan Skilbred June 2003

In early May of 2003 Joan Skilbred, William Fannin, and Paul Lyons Sr. went to the Dock Adkins Cemetery and photographed every stone there.

The following is a rough reconstruction of the layout of this cemetery.

Blank Stones are bricks that were placed as markers. Paul Lyons told me when he was a boy he helped to place many of those bricks.

Empty spaces are just that, but many have depressions indicating a used space.


This cemetery was transcribed in 1978 by J. Wendell Nickell and Joe Nickell. On their transcription the following persons are listed that there were no markers for when I was there:

J. E. Skaggs b. November __________, d. December 1918 Mason Insignia on marker

David Shawn Fannin b. Feb. 2, 1976, d. March 5, 1976

One grave has a different name now. I have no idea how this happened but the marker is a new one.

The marker is a double one for Dock Adkins and his wife Analize.

In the Nickell transcription, Dock Adkins wife is shown as Anjeline Day 1884-1960.

The marker for their daughter is an old one and it says daughter of D. M. and Analiza Adkins

There is also a discrepency in dates, the dates from the Nickell transcription are given in green.

Notes that I have made are in red.

In row 5 there are seven graves that had brick markers with names and dates painted on them.

Because of how the dates look I am guessing that someone tried to copy from an earlier faded date and possibly made a couple of errors.

This cemetery is at the top of a very steep hill and is evidently still cared for. There is an old iron gate with a cutout of Jesus and it say �Enter my Pastures� in one corner of the cemetery.

A new entrance has been made to the right of this old gate and the gate is partially hidden by brush.

If you would like a digital photo of any stones listed below, email


Empty Space

Sandra Lee Burke

August 31, 1969-June 19, 1972

Empty Space

Empty Space

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Eula B. Burke

1922- still living May 03

wife of Walter Burke

Steven Lynn Adkins

May 15, 1950-May 15, 1950

Son of Bonnie and Vencil Adkins

Empty Space

Empty Space

Empty Space

Walter Burke


husband of Eula B. Burke

June 9, 1910-December 1970

Empty Space

Empty Space

Empty Space

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Empty Space

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Blank Stone

Roscoe T. Fannin

January 28, 1944-January 28, 1944

Empty Space

Jackie David Williams

August 29, 1955 - May 3, 1956

Blank Stone

Empty Space

Andrew J. Burks

December 17, 1879-August 17, 1963

Empty Space

Charles Ray Williams

May 19, 1949 - September 27, 1949

Empty Space

Rissie Keeton Davis

September 17, 1911-June 17, 1988

Empty Space

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Empty Space

Nebbie Keeton


Nebbie A. Keeton

Nov. 6, 1887-March 26, 1973

wife of Cleve Keeton

Eady E. Burks


1884- Oct. 19, 1960

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Empty Space

Cleve Keeton


1885- May 16, 1955

Empty Space

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Blank Stone

Empty Space

Johnny W. Nickila

October 31, 1944-October 31, 1944

Empty Space

Frank R. Day


Husband of Bessie, son of Ben F. Day

Blank Stone

Elizybeth Keeton

November 16, 1908-June 14, 1912

Nov. 16, 1908-June 14, 1913

Hubert S. Burk

September 2, 1901-November 29, 1925

Mavis Adkins

Decmeber 21, 1927

Bessie B. Day


Wife of Frank, maiden name is Burks

d. September 7, 1971

Empty Space

Bonnie L. Adkins

1916-still living May 03

wife of Vencil Adkins

Empty Space

Avis Adkins

May 21, 1936

Empty Space

Jimmy Hutchinson

September 12, 1950

Vencil Adkins


husband of Bonnie Adkins

Geneva Adkins

October 13, 1932-October 1932

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Adkins

Marie Adkins

May 17, 1933

Roberta Day Boothe

December 19, 1928-June 5, 1992

daughter of Frank Day and Vera Fraley Day

Nancy Margaret Skaggs

November 21, 1885-April 28, 1904

Daughter of Amos and Mary Skaggs

Nov. 21,1885-April 23, 1904

D. M. Adkins


husband of Analize Adkins

Doctor M. Adkins

April 26, 1875-Nov. 1973

husband of Anjeline Day Adkins

m. August 22, 1899 in Morgan County

Chester Adkins

December 29, 1924-February 23, 1925

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Adkins

Clifford Adkins

February, 18, 1936

Martha L. Day

May 14, 1895-July 3, 1985

daughter of Ben F. and Sarah Day

Mary M. Skaggs

July 28, 1852-December 14, 1936

wife of Amos F. Skaggs

daughter of George Fannin and Mary Mumpower

Analize Adkins


wife of Dock M. Adkins

Anjeline Day Adkins


wife of Doctor M. Adkins

m. Augist 22, 1899 in Morgan County

Empty Space

Bobby Adkins

May 22, 1937

Joseph Day

January 11, 1890- October 31, 1949

Kentucky PVT 3rd Infantry WW1

son of Ben F. and Sarah Day

A. F. Skaggs

April 17, 1854-December 28, 1936

husband of Mary Fannin Skaggs

Mason Insignia

Earon Adkins

March 10, 1913-April 25, 1943

Empty Space

James Adkins

April 22, 1938

Rachel Day


daughter of Ben F. and Sarah Day

August 30, 1884-April 15, 1928

Blank Stone

Adie Adkins

September 18, 1902-September 26, 1923

daughter of D. M. and Analiza Adkins

Empty Space

Dale Adkins

May 22, 1939

Sarah C. Day


wife of Ben F. Day

dau. of Ambrose Williams and Anna Hill

Dec. 2, 1855-Feb. 19, 1925

Empty Space

Mary Jane Adkins

April 1, 1909-December 6, 1918

Empty space

Empty Space

Ben F. Day


husband of Sarah Williams Day

son of Alfred Stone Day and Matilda Howerton

May 6, 1850-May 9, 1937

Clayton B. Skaggs

February 24, 1905-November 23, 1907

Son of J. F. and Sarah J.

Blank Stone

Emerson Keeton

January 18, 1912-October 12, 1912


Empty Space

Empty Space

Empty Space

Jane Day

April 19, 1844-August 6, 1903

Wife of William Craig Day who was the

son of Peter Day

April 19, 1844-August 6, 1908

R. J. Keeton

November 3, 1921-May 5, 1923

Empty Space

Empty Space

Francie Ferguson

August 21, 1953-September 10, 1953

Blank Stone

Virgie Keeton

February 14, 1890-May 13, 1950

Empty Space

Blank Stone

Empty Space

Blank Stone

John M. Keeton

December 17, 1885-July 26, 1975Empty Space

Empty Space