Elisha Mullins Cemetery
Jepp Hill, Rockcastle County, Kentucky Start in Livingston, Ky., at Route #25 and bridge over L&N roadroad tracks and Roundstone Creek. Take Route #1955 northeastward 5.5 miles to Jepp Hill, turn due east (right) on gravel road (do NOT take Pleasant Run Road), go .4 mile to end of road. Park car, walk eastward down steep hill to White Oak Creek (about .55 mile). There is a ghost of a road that follows White Oak Creek, follow the road downstream (toward the Rockcastle River) about 300' and notice between the road and creek the remains of the Jepp Mullins Tavern and Depot, mostly rubble and land that was flattened for buildings. Continue downstream about .1 mile you will pass the Jepp Mullins Cemetery on a bank about 100' above the road on the west side. Continue following the ghost road beside White Oak Creek about 1.0 mile. When you reach a wide triangular flat field, you are getting close. The cemetery is up the bank to the west of the creek. The cemetery is well maintained, but you may need a guide to find it. Not a complete listing for this cemetery.