Elizabeth Catherine "Cat" (Murray) Rigsby's Dress

Rigsby Home

Submitted by Kate Rigsby Cain Bynum

The dress in this picture belonged to Elizabeth Catherine "Cat" (Murray) Rigsby. This dress is still in our family and in very good condition. We believe its close to 150 years old. It has medal buttons and a beautiful beaded color. It was a winner at a department store antique show, pioneer days at State Line Christian Church Paris, Illinois. It was worn by my sister and me in grade school class plays. Here is a little history behind the dress.


Thomas Louis "Tince” Rigbsy decided to leave Kentucky in search of work. His parents Robert Thomas and Elizabeth “Cat” Catherine (Murray) Rigsby was broken hearted at the thought of their only son leaving home. Tom’s older and only brother William Robert had been shot and killed at the age of 39 in Brindle Ridge, Kentucky in 1903. Thomas Louis “Tince” Rigsby left Crab Orchard, Kentucky on horse back searching for work leaving his wife Mary and children behind with his parents. Tucked neatly within his saddle bags was a long black dress that belonged to his mother Elizabeth “Cat” Catherine (Murray) Rigsby.


We have no idea why grandfather carried his mother’s dress to Illinois, but we're awfully glad that he did.