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Summary of William Taylor
Revolutionary War Pension File |
Submitted by Joe W. Hardiman
October 26, 1832 - Rockcastle County, Kentucky
TAYLOR, William appeared before the Justices of the Court of Rockcastle County,
age 74, this fall requests to benefit under the Act of Congress June 1832. He
entered the service first in 1777 in Rockbridge State of Virginia where he
joined the in the month of October as a private for three months in the company
commanded by Capt Gray in the regiment of Col Bowyer. In this enlistment there
was no regular battles but only some scrimmages. He marched in Virginia from
Petersburg to Suffolk, then Jamestown thence to Richmond where he was
discharged in 1778 by Captain Gray after serving out his time and has long
since lost his discharge. He does not remember any regular officers except
General CullenBrough under whose orders his regiment served.
In the year 1781 he was drafted in Rockbridge County, state of Virginia in the
command of Capt Elliott in the line of Virginia in the regiment commanded by
Col Fleming and Col Mafinit. He remembers that Mafinit lived in Augusta, VA and
Fleming in Bolitoul Saimi state(?). William was marched from Rockbridge to
Williamsburg and in to the siege of York and remained there until Lord
Cornwallis was taken. After serving out his term of service for three months he
was discharged by Capt Elliott at Williamsburg. He does remember General G
Washington, General Lincoln and many others. He has no documentation that he
knows of or person who can testify to his service.
William was born in Augusta County. He lived in Rockbridge County VA when he
entered the service. He then lived in Augusta County again, back to Rockbridge,
and then to Kentucky where has lived in Rockcastle County.
QUINN, John (An ordained preacher of the Gospel)
FISH, James - SMITH, William - COLYIN, John
All residents of Rockcastle County certify that we are well acquainted with
William TAYLOR who has subscribed and sworn to the above declarations, that we
believe him to be 74 year of age, and from his general good character as a man
of truth we have no doubt he has been a solder of the Revolution and that his
statement is true.
December 7, 1832 - Rockcastle County, Kentucky
TERRILL, James clerk of court of Rockcastle County certifies that court
appearance for the pension request of William Taylor.
January 16, 1833 - Rockcastle County, Kentucky
TAYLOR, William certificate #4238 declaring him eligible for a pension of $20
per annum.
Arrears to 4 Sept 1830 $30 allowance ending 4 Mar 1833 $10
Total $40