Creekmur Cemetery - Adjoining Mitchell)
- Creekmur+ Malaci, 1779--April 9, 1811
- Creekmur wife
- Creekmur George, born 1778,(War of 1812)
- Creekmur Nancy Cunningham,'Wife of George, no date
- Creekmur George Owen, son of A & N, Oct. 18, 1845--1850
- Creekmur Spunk, 1882-1968
- Creekmur Mary Jane, 1852-1857
- Stone Mildred A., wife of WA, Nov. 2, 1880--March 6, 1916
- Smith Eunice, dau. of FA & Sarah, Dec. 16, 1872--July 27, 1911
- Peal Waymon G., April 1, 1848--March 21, 1871
- King Mary Ann, May 2, 1819--Aug. 16, 1869
- Creekmur children of George & Nancy--Mark Mary, Malinda, Tommie, Ambie, Grasty, Nancy, Lina & Ell@n (no dates, just names)
- Peal Harvey, born July 11, 1820, no stone
- Peal Emily Creekmur, no stone
- Peal Harvey, born Nov. 19, 1849, no stone
- Peal William M., died Nov. 13, 1857, no stone
- Peal Sarah Creekmur, wife of W., no stone