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CADIZ PRECINCT is irregular in shape and occupies the central part of the county. It is drained by Little River and its tributaries, the most important of which are Muddy Fork and Bird's Creek. The bank of the river are composed of masses of limestone, which, in places, rise to great heights presenting many romantic and picturesque views. Caney Creek is a small stream fed by springs flowing into Little River near Cadiz. Springs of clear, cold water abound in many parts of the precinct, the most noted of which is the large one at Cadiz and Caney Spring. The country is broken, contains forests of very valuable timber and embraces a goodly area of fine farming lands. Agriculture and stock-raising are the chief occupations of the people, and within the precinct are some of the best improved plantations in the county. "One of the oldest settlers of Trigg County, whose descendants still retain a residence here, was Thomas Wadlington, the grandfather of Ferdinand, Thomas and William Wadlington. He moved from North Carolina and settled on the east bank of Little River, at a place now known as Kent's Bridge as early as 1792. He had two eons when he settled here-Ferdinand and Thomas the former sixteen and the latter twelve years of age. His nearest neighbors were a few families at Eddy Grove, near Princeton. Benjamin McCulloch who made a small settlement not far from the old Dry Fork meeting-house and the Goodwins who lived in the neighborhood of Cerulean Springs." Like the majority of Kentucky pioneers, Mr. Wadlington was skilled in the use of the rifle, and many stories are told of his adventures with wild animals and wild men during the first few years of his residence in the wilderness. We have space for but one incident, which is told as follows: Happening in one of his hunting excursions to pass Caney Spring, near the site of Cadiz, he found sitting around it a number of Indians, who sprang suspiciously to their feet upon perceiving his approach and beckoned him to come near. They were armed only with tomahawks, and seeing that Wadlington carried a long heavy rifle they were desirous of securing it without exciting his suspicion, knowing full well that if they attacked him while he had the gun one of their number at least must die. Wadlington did not fear them, but walked into their midst, and with his finger on the trigger of his trusty weapon asked them what they wanted. One of the red skins stepped to a sapling near by, and blazing a white spot upon it with his tomahawk, replied that he would like to see " white man try skill and shoot at mark." Wadlington knew very well that this was only a ruse to get him to discharge his gun, but he was not to be deceived in any such manner. Stepping back a few paces and bringing his gun to bear he applied several epithets to them, and told them that unless they were gone in five minutes he would send every dirty devil of them to h-l where they belonged. This had the desired effect, and the savages left without further ceremony, leaving Wadlington in peaceable possession of the spring. Mr. Wadlington died on the farm he settled as early perhaps as the year 1803 or 1804. His son Ferdinand fell heir to the old place but did not retain it many years. He sold out in an early day and moved to Caldwell County. Thomas, the younger son, remained in the county all his life. He settled the place where his son William Wadlington now lives in Caledonia Precinct, and was one of the oldest men in the county at the time of his death.
Another early settler was Isaac McCullom, who located in the eastern part of the precinct prior to 1814. "He had a fight at a gathering of some kind on Little River, and met with the misfortune of having one of his eyes put out in the encounter. Having been a considerable fighter in his day and being very boastful of his manhood, this defeat so mortified him that he left the country. He went from here to Illinois and has no descendants in Trigg County. Thomas Young, John Young and Thomas Howard settled on Bird's Creek, near the Old Bethel meeting-house, about the year 1813. They earned the reputation of being reputable citizens, and acquired a handsome property during the period of their sojourn. About this time or perhaps a year later came Benjamin Wallis, and settled near the mouth of Bird's Creek. John Gore settled in the same locality some time during the year 1814. John Stacy settled on the river where Joel McKinney now lives, a short distance below the Street Mill, prior to 1816. John Davenport came about the same year, and made a small improvement on the farm now owned by L. Freeman, near Bird's Creek. Levi Harland settled about three miles from Cadiz, where Moses Thompson's tanyard now is, but the date of his arrival could not be ascertained. Marauder Ingram came as early as 1813 and cleared a small farm between the two bridges over Little River. David Randolph and his father settled near the mouth of Sinking Fork a few years later, where several of their descendants are still living.
Absalom Seavills settled the old Wimberly place in an early day, but prior to his arrival the Husk farm was settled by Sevier Tadlock This was long before the first cabin was erected within a mile of the town of Cadiz. William Husk afterward bought this tract of land, and can be classed with the early pioneers of Trigg County. Ferman Smith and William Redd were both living within the present boundaries of the precinct as early as 1816, and one year later John Wharton settled near the toll gate on the Canton pike, where his son-George Wharton-lives at the present time. John Langley came as early as 1817 also, and settled near Cadiz on the bottom lands now owned by Robert Wilford. This place was purchased a little later by Thomas Bryant, who in turn disposed of it to Robert Baker about the time the county seat was established.
Prominent among those who secured homes in the vicinity of Cadiz was James Thompson, whose first improvements were made where Robert Wilford lives, within the town limits. He came about the year 1813. An early settlement was made on Caney Creek by Joseph Jones, who opened the farm now owned by Ed Baker; John Williams, a Methodist preacher who settled in the same locality, and Uriah Gordon, who settled near the head of the creek on the place occupied at the present time by William Wallis. The old Carson place was owned by Samuel Orr at the time of the county's formation, and it was at his dwelling that the first courts were held. The place was then known as Warrington. and competed with Cadiz for the seat of justice. An old German by name of French lived at the place now owned by Joel McKinney in 1822. There were a number of other families around him, so many indeed that it was regarded as a kind of Dutch settlement. They and their descendants have all moved away from the county. They were regarded as a thrifty, harmless and industrious class of citizens.
William Roberts came to the county as early as 1804, and settled in the neighborhood of Cerulean Springs, where he lived until 1811, when he removed to what is now Cadiz Precinct and opened up a farm on Little River. Other early corners were: Jesse Adams, Wesley Adams, John P. Wilkinson, James Curran, Z. Thomas, Mr. Cook, Mr. McNichols, 'Iliam Jones, Mr. Minton, Thomas Bryant, William Young, Ferdinand 'young and Mr. McCain. It was on the place where the last named lived that one of the first settlements in the precinct was made, but the name of the family could not be learned. "George Harland, son, of Levi Harland, owned the old Jackson Mill property in an early day. In attempting to cross the river to visit some sick member of old man French's family in a fiat-boat, it was drawn over the mill-dam and himself and wife, two daughter8 and a son were drowned. One of his sons -Levi Harland-lived for a number of years at the old tan-yard place. He removed to Illinois, and his family have become prominent among the brightest and most cultured people of that State." Several other prominent settlers came in an early day and located within the limits of Cadiz, appropriate mention of whom may be found in the history of the town.
Mills were among the earliest industries of the country, and Cadiz Precinct has been blessed with quite a number. Little River affords splendid water power, and as early as 1819 Levi Harland and John P. Wilkinson erected a small combination saw and grist-mill on the spot occupied at the present time by the large flouring-mill of Jefferson & Jones. The first mill, which was composed of logs, stood for several years and did a good business during the time it was in operation. The property was purchased by a Mr. Stewart, who afterward erected a good frame flouring-mill, which was operated until replaced by the present building belonging to Messrs. Jefferson & Jones. One of the earliest mills in the precinct was erected by William Jones on his place near Caney Creek. It was constructed on the most primitive plan and was operated by horse-power. It ceased operations about the time the first water-mills were erected. An early mill was built by Presley Slaughter, on Muddy Fork of Little River, and was in operation until about the year 1858. It was a combination mill, and did a very good business for a number of years. William C. Martin was the last proprietor. In about the year 1821-22 Robert Baker built a saw and grist-mill on Little River, where the Wilford Mill now stands. It stood until the year 1869, at which time the site was purchased by Messrs. Jones & Gatewood, who tore down the old structure and commenced the erection of the large one now standing. They were unable to complete the work begun, and in 1870 Robert Wilford and brother purchased the property, which by a generous outlay of capital they have made the largest and best mill in the county. The mill is a frame structure 40x50 feet in size, four stories high, and has a capacity of eighty barrels of flour per day, and represents a capital of about $30,000. A small mill was built on Muddy Fork as early as 1842 by Messrs. Alexander & Wimberly, who did a thriving business in grinding grain and sawing lumber. It was in operation until about the year 1866. M. A. Smith was the last owner.
Among the early industries of Trigg County were distilleries, several of which were in operation in Cadiz Precinct shortly after the settlement of the country. William Jones operated a small still-house on Caney Creek prior to 1820. Z. Thomas had a distillery on his farm two and a half miles from Cadiz about the same time, but all traces of it have long since disappeared. In 1819-20 Spotswood Wilkinson started a tannery in the town of Cadiz which was in operation ten or twelve years. Another tannery was started by Levi Harland on the Thompson place, near the head of Caney Creek, a few years later. Harland operated it for several years and was succeeded by Moses Thompson, who continued the business very successfully until his death in 1884.
Religious-The highest social progress rests in the church and school. Whatever success the individual lacking these influences may achieve, a community can never prosper without them. The early settlers were considerably scattered and it was for some time a difficult matter to get more than two or three families together for religious services. The pioneer preachers were men of limited education and homely address, but were wonderfully effective in their self-denying earnestness. They visited from cabin to cabin, exhorting, counseling, reproving, as occasion might demand. They became in every home welcome guests. Among the names most familiar here were: Dudley Williams, Fielding Wolfe, Samuel Ross, Reuben Ross, Jesse Cox and Peyton Nance, of the Baptists, and Robert McCullom, Thomas Humphries and John Butcher, of the Methodist Church.
The earliest religious society was the old Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, organized near the site of Jefferson & Jones' Mill in 1810. Later the organization was moved to the southwest part of the precinct, near the Liberty Point Church, where a little log building was erected some time prior to 1820. This building was torn down within a few years and replaced by another log structure built on the ground occupied at the present time by the Liberty Point Church. The second house was known throughout the country as the old "Wolf Pen" Church, so named from the fact that Elder Fielding Wolfe was for many years the pastor of the little flock that met for worship within its diminutive walls. In about the year 1832 a third edifice was erected which is still in use, being occupied at the present time by the Baptist society known as Liberty Point Church. Mount Pleasant was one of the first societies of the Little River Association. It was not materially affected by the rupture of 1833 between the Old School and Progressive wings, but continued in harmony until 1846, when an unfortunate division occurred resulting in a complete dismemberment of the church, the former faction moving to Canton Precinct, where they effected a re-organization which still meets under the original name, while the non-Progressives remained in possession of the building. The Old School society maintained an existence until 1868, when it was abandoned. Among the pastors during that interval were Elders Reuben Ross, Peyton Nance, Joseph Barnes, John Gammon, Samuel Ross and others.
An early Methodist class was organized by Rev. John Butcher in the Young settlement on Bird's Creek several years before the formation of the county. A log house of worship was erected on the bank of Little River, near where the Clarksville road crosses the stream, as early as 1818-19, and stood until some time in the thirties. Among the old families connected with the society were the Youngs and Wallises, and among the earliest preachers are remembered Revs. John Ashley, William Young, Thomas Humphries and - Corwine. The organization was kept up for a number of years. It was the parent church of the (2adiz society, a history of which will be found further along in this chapter.
Rocky Ridge Baptist Church. This society was established at the village of Wallonia on the 24th day of September, 1840, by a Presbytery composed of Elders Jesse Cox, William Morrison and Joel E. Grace. At the first meeting the following brethren and sisters presented their letters of dismission from Harmony Church Caldwell County) to wit: Benjamin Faulkner, William Boyd, William A. Faulkner, William Snelling, James T. Snelling, Sallie Blanks, Marium Barton, Sarah Barton and Winfrey Bond; all of whom were given the right hand of fellowship and received into the new organization. William A. Faulkner is the only one of the original members now living. The society was constituted as the Wallonia Baptist Church, and continued to meet as such until April, 1848, when the organization was transferred to a new building erected on the line dividing Cadiz and Wallonia Precincts, and the name changed to Rocky Ridge. This house of worship is a frame building and still used as a meeting place. It has been remodeled at different times, and now has a seating capacity of about 300 persons. John H. Stamps was elected first Church Clerk, and William A. Faulkner, Deacon. The first Pastor was Rev. Joel E. Grace, a man of much more than ordinary natural abilities and an orator of eloquence and power. He preached for the congregation until some time in 1842, when Elder J. F. White became Pastor. With the exception of an interval of three years Elder White has served the church from 1842 to the present time. The interval alluded to was filled by Elder R. W. Moorhead. At the present time there are eighty-six members belonging to the church. The officers are: James H. Blakeley, J. J. Roach and W. Wharton, Deacons: John H. Caldwell, Clerk. Soon after the close of the war letters of dismission were granted to fifty-two colored members, who organized a church of their own in the Wallonia Precinct. They erected a good frame building, which was destroyed by fire in the year 1882, since which time services have been held in a neighboring schoolhouse. They have a strong organization and a very flourishing Sunday-school Elder E. Ladd is their Pastor.
Oakland Methodist Episcopal Church, in southern part of the precinct, was organized in 1859 by Rev. Dr. William Alexander. Among the original members were the following, to wit: David Randolph, Mahion Belford. Penina Belford, Thomas D. Malone, William Roberts, Nancy Roberts, Thomas Flood, Catherine Flood, J. J. Randolph, J. R. Randolph and T. J. Randolph. The first officers were: Daniel Randolph, Thomas D. Malone and William Roberts, Trustees, they acted as Stewards also ; Mahlon Belford, Class-leader. A house was built about the time the organization was effected on land donated by David Randolph, and is still used as a place of worship. The following pastors have ministered to the church since its organization: Dr. Alexander, John Randolph, Gideon Gooch, James Petrie, J. H. Redford, T. C. Peters, L. B. Davidson, J. R. Randolph, Thomas J. Richardson, W. C. Brandon, James .Brandon, J. Dowel1, Isaac Shelley and John Frayser. Pastor in charge at the present time is Rev. J. L. Reid. Present membership about twenty. The church officers are: J. J. Randolph, Steward and Class-leader, and Drury Sholar, Hawkins Meadow and J. J. Randolph, Trustees.
Dyer's Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church was established in the year 1877 by Rev. Thomas Richardson with a membership of about fifty persons. The organization took place in the Guier Schoolhouse, which was used as a meeting-house until 1881, when a substantial frame house of worship costing $900 was erected on ground donated by J. H. Lawrence. Since its organization the society has been ministered to by the following pastors in the order named:. Thomas Richardson, John D. Frayser, S. G. Shelley, Joseph Love, James Brannon and J. L. Reid, the last-named being preacher in charge at the present time. Present church officers are: J. N. Richardson and James Guier, Stewards; James Battoe, Class-leader; Rufus Dyer, William McAlister, Edwin Guier and James Battoe, Trustees. The organization is in flourishing condition al the present time, and numbers about sixty communicants.
Siloam Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1880 by Rev James W. Bigham, at that time pastor in charge of the Wallonia Circuit. A frame house of worship was erected the same year at a cost 0 $1,000. Rev. Bigham preached one year and was succeeded by Rev. P A. Edwards, who remained two years. The next pastor was Rev. J. L Edrington, after whom came the present Pastor, Rev. E. E. Pate Church officers are: W. H. H. Alexander and W. A. Shannon, Stewards ; - Banister, Class-leader. At the present time there are the names of eighty-three members on the record. A good Sunday-school is maintained under the superintendence of C. L. Russell.
Liberty Point Baptist Church was organized on the 21st day of August, 1871, by Revs. S. R. McLean and D. S. Hanberry. The names of the original members are as follows: John F. Barnes, W. S. Dismuke, L. B. Edwards, M. N. Mershon, Sarah Edwards, Kittie Hall, Ellen Boyd, Susan Pallard and Isabell Hendrick. The first officers elected were: G. P. Dismuke and Perry Thomas, Jr., Deacons, and James Cunningham, Clerk. The organization was effected in the old Mount Pleasant Meeting-house, which is still used as a place of worship. The following preachers have ministered to the congregation at different times, to wit: D. S. Hanberry seven years; J W. Oliver two years; C. H. Greystone two years, and J. L. Atwood, present Pastor, who is on his second year's labor. The church has a membership of forty persons, and is reported in good condition. Perry Thomas, Jr., and E. W. Lanieve are Deacons, the former is Clerk also.
Oak Grove Baptist Church was constituted August, 1875, by Revs. George A. Patterson, L. H. Averitt and Daniel Hanberry, with a membership of thirty-nine persons. A house of worship was built the same year on ground deeded by Stanley Thomas and Humphrey Lawrence, and is one of the most comfortable and commodious country church edifices in the precinct. The first pastor of the church was Rev. E. C. Faulkner, who served from 1875 to 1876. Rev. J. H. Spurlin was called the latter year, and has been the regular supply ever since. Under his pastorate the society has increased very largely in numbers and influence, and now has an active membership of ] 30 persons. The officers at the present time are as follows, to wit : J. J. Thomas, Clerk ; W. B. Thomas, Peter Light and J. J. Thomas, Trustees.
In addition to the churches enumerated the Methodists have a society known as the Bethel congregation, which is one of the oldest religious organizations in the precinct. The early records not being accessible its history was not learned, although it is reported in excellent condition at the present time, and is one of the aggressive churches of the county. The Town of Cadiz. - On the 15th day of May, 1820. Mr. Dion, Mr. Givens, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Sharp and Mr. Vance, five Commissioners appointed by law to locate permanently the seat of justice for Trigg County, made their report, from which the following extract is taken:
"After mature and deliberate examination of the many different places proposed as sites for the administration of justice in Trigg County, we are of the opinion that the seat of justice be fixed on the lands of Robert Baker, where he now lives on Main Little River on the top of the eminence above the spring, to include the lot whereon his stable now stands, it being the most central, convenient and eligible site for that purpose." Whereupon the said Robert Baker proceeded to make a deed of transfer of the said stable lot, together with fifty acres of land adjoining, to the newly-organized county.
The first court held in the county was held at Warrington, a place known as the old Carson farm, situated on the Canton & Cadiz turnpike about three miles from Cadiz, and owned at present by Alfred Thomas. By reference to the order books we find at this court the following order, to wit: " It is ordered that the books, papers, etc., of this county be moved to the dwelling of Mr. Robert Baker, and that this court be adjourned until court in course, and then to be held at the dwelling house of the said Baker, afore. said." The next term of the court, on the 19th day of June, 1820, was held as directed at Baker's residence, and the order books show that it was continued at that place up to the October term. At that term on the 17th day of October we find the following order made: "It is ordered that the said fifty-two acres of land shall comprise and constitute a town, and the same is hereby established as such, to be known and called by the name of Cadiz, which shall be contained within the following metes and bounds, to wit: Beginning at a white oak standing south of Baker's stable lot, from thence north 52, west 17 poles 14 feet and inches to a stake marked with two notches, thence north 38, east 17 poles 14 feet and 8 inches to a stake marked with three notches, thence south 52, east 17 poles 14 feet 8 inches to a stake standing in Baker's yard northeast of his dwelling-house, thence south 38, west 17 poles 14 feet 8 inches to the place of beginning, containing the public square of 52 acres and 50 acres besides, which are bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning on the northwest corner of the public square, thence south 38, west 46 1/2 poles to a gum bush and the black stump on Baker's line, thence with said line south 21, east 103 poles to a sugar tree on the south bank of the river, thence north 388, east 117 poles to an ash and two elms, thence north 52, west 70 poles to the east corner of the public square, crossing Little River at 20 poles, thence south 38, west with a line of said public square, thence north 52, west with another of its lines 17 poles 14 feet and 8 inches to the beginning. The whole town of Cadiz aforesaid containing according to the foregoing metes and bounds the quantity of 52 acres and the part besides the said public square that by former order of this court has been laid off into lots of one-fourth of an acre square, being four in a block, and the main and cross streets of the width of sixty feet each, crossing each other at right angles." With the foregoing plat begins the history of the town.
The early inhabitants of the place were the two brothers Robert and Alexander Baker, James Thompson, their stepfather, and his sons, Frederick Holland his son Austin W. Holland, Wayman Crow, Spotawood Wilkinson, Richard Poston, W. P. M. Scott, M. Mayes and Collins D. Bradley. W. P. M. Scott and Robert Baker were the first merchants. The former occupied a small house not far from the present location of Rash's drug store, and the latter sold goods from the corner house on Main Street just opposite the grocery house of G. W. Lindsay. These stores were stocked with miscellaneous assortments of merchandise, and seem to have been extensively patronized by the early inhabitants of the village and surrounding country. James Thompson kept the first hotel in a two-story log-house situated on the lot where John L. Street's large brick storehouse now stands, and if he failed to accumulate a fortune by plying the occupation of "mine host" we may find a partial elucidation of the mystery in mentioning the fact that law only allowed him to charge 124 cents for a pint of whisky, 25 cents for a quart of porter, lodging per night 12 1/2 cents, and furnishing a stable for a horse twenty-four hours with three feeds, including corn, oats or fodder; 50 cents. We may mention too as a singular fact that Sevier Tadlock, William Redd, Charles Jones, Absalom Seavills, David Cooper, Levi Harland and James Harland comprised the first Board of Trustees, and none of them living at the time resided within less than four miles of the town. The second board was composed of the following gentlemen: James Thompson, John A. Caudle, B. Alexander and Richard Guynn, all residing within the corporate limits of the town. This board continued in office until May, 1523, when the third board was elected, composed of Richard Guynn, James Thompson, Robert Baker, William MeWaters and George Venable, who continued in office until 1830. The members comprising the fourth board were the following gentlemen, to wit: Philip Fray8er, Robert Baker, Henry W. Crow and William Cannon. We have been thus particular in mentioning these early boards, not because their official actions connect them with any great public enterprise, but merely to recall and aid in perpetuating the names of respectable bodies of old citizens that few of the present population will remember at all.
No positive material improvement of the town was attempted until about 1850, and the entire duty of the Boards of Trustees seemed to be confined to a few town ordinances, such for example as imposing a fine of $3 on all shows or exhibitions of any kind that should charge an admission fee within corporate limits of the village; $3 for showing a horse within 100 yards of the court house; $5 for delivering a load of tobacco on Sunday, or if it be a negro, twenty stripes in lieu of money, and $1 for all violations of the ordinance that forbade the washing of clothes within sixty feet of the spring lot.
In 1833 the Town Assessor was instructed to make out a full list of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the town and report the same to the Board of Trustees. This he did, the whole amounting to $375.90. No tax, however, was imposed on this amount, and the only object in taking the list was doubtless an ambition to make some official record of the immense wealth of the growing city. A town tax, however, was levied the same year, at the rate of $1 on each white tithe.
In October, 1820, on application and motion of Robert Baker, a part of his land adjoining the town, containing eighteen acres, was added to the original plat. In January, 1821, John G. Reynolds platted an addition to the town, containing twenty-six acres.
The first blacksmithing in the town was carried on by Mr. James Wallis, whose shop was situated where the dwelling house of Mr. M. S. Thompson now stands, and the first cabinet shop was that of Pursley & Cofer, situated on the lot on which the residence of John C. Dabney has been recently erected.
Early Business Men.-As already stated, the first merchants who offered goods for sale in Cadiz were W. P. M. Scott and Robert Baker, the latter of whom was identified with the busines8 interests of the town for a period of about five or six years. The third merchant was one John Hill, who opened a store in a little house where the Cadiz House now stands, and sold goods for about five years, when he disposed of his stock to Hiram Thompson, who continued merchandising some years later. James E. Thompson was another early merchant, as was also Wayman Crow, who conducted a successful business in a house which stood on Main Street. Mr. Crow was one of the most successful business men ever identified with Cadiz, and acquired during the period of his residence here a handsome fortune, and is now one of the leading wholesale merchants of St. Louis. Another prominent merchant was Josiah Miller, who also became wealthy during the early days of the town. Among the tradesmen of the town deserving special notice may be mentioned, John Roach, now in Evansville; Josiah Gardner, F. H. Ragon, Q. Miller, Robert D. Baker, Jr., and E. G. Ragon, all of whom were successful business men and added character to the village. The oldest merchants at the present time are John L. Street and J. W. Chappell.
The second hotel was kept by Robert Baker. Alexander Baker opened a public house for the entertainment of the traveling public in an early day also, and followed the occupation of " mine host" for a period of about twenty-five years. His house was a frame structure and stood on the corner where the new Cadiz Hotel now stands. James 0. Cooper succeeded Baker, and was in turn succeeded by L. Barnes. The present hotel was built in the year 1880 by Thomas H. Grinter, and is one of the largest and most commodious structures of the kind in southern Kentucky. The present proprietor is Abe Quick, Jr., who has achieved an enviable reputation as a successful hotel man.
Physicians and Lawyers.-The first doctors, and they were all gentlemen of a considerable degree of eminence, were W. B. Dozier, Abram Venable, Thomas B. Jefferson, Isaac Burnett and W. C. Russell. The first resident members of the bar were Major M. Mays, Judge C. D. Bradley and Esq. T. W. Hammond.
Tobacco .Interest.-A very heavy tobacco trade was always done here and at an early day the great bulk of the crop of the county was shipped from this place. Mr. Robert Baker had a rudely constructed warehouse which he kept for storing tobacco, and himself and brother and Silas Alexander usually shipped the entire lot in fiat-boats up to about 1837 to 1841, their principal market being New Orleans. About this time the tobacco business attracted the attention of gentlemen possessed of means, better credit and a more comprehensive business capacity. and the old shipping system was compelled to give way to the buyers and professional tobacconists.
The first legitimate operators in this branch of business were the firms of Messrs. Joseph McAlister & Sons, Messrs. Kinson & Street and Mr. Barrett of Henderson, whose business was conducted through his agent Mr. George Robertson, and at his death continued by his son Edmund. Various other firms followed who did for a time a very heavy and successful business. The Dupuys, Wesley Gunn, J. S. and J. P. Thompson were of Louisville and Cincinnati. But the gentlemen of the longest continuation in the business and by far the most successful are the Messrs. White, the present operators. Few men have ever been so successful in any branch of hazardous operation as these gentlemen. They have paid the highest prices, outlived every formidable opposition, gone contrary to the advice of all other well-informed men in the business, and have never met with a reverse.
The first pretentious business houses that were ever erected in the place were: the old house built for the dry goods business that is still standing on the old Poston corner, the one room of which is now used for a shoe store, and the other for a butcher shop; and the others the dry goods and grocery houses built by Messrs. Terry & Wilkinson, and which have been so completely surpassed by those of more recent construction, and which for the last three or four years they have not been able to find an occupant for either.
During the last ten years most of the old business houses of the town have been torn away, and in their stead have been erected fine brick blocks which will compare favorably with the buildings of any other town in southern Kentucky.
Business Register.-The present business of Cadiz is represented by the following men and firms: John L. Street & Son, dry goods; J. W. Chappell & Son, dry goods and general merchandise; J. J. Garton, dry goods; M. S. Thompson, dry goods; Wilford and Jagoe, dry goods; G. Willis Lindsay, groceries; G. T. McClain, groceries; P. S. Jefferson, groceries; Hancock & Bro., groceries; H. M. Garton & Son, hardware; W. F. Hamilton, hardware and saddlery; - Wallace, confectionery; - Newton, confectionery; Mrs. Rawlins, millinery; W. L. human, boots and shoes; Theobald & Son, boot and shoe manufacturers; J. S. Malone & Son, carriage makers and blacksmiths; T. K. Torian, livery stable; Walter Gray, livery stable; Abe Quick, proprietor of the Cadiz House.
Methodist Episcopal Church South of Cadiz. - In making up the history of this church we meet with difficulties hard to surmount, yet by patient inquiry and diligent research we have reached something near the requisite information, as to details not what we desired, but as to general facts sufficient for all ordinary purposes.
The territory including the present site of Cadiz was originally embraced in Christian Circuit. As early as 1811 we note the appointment of Peter Cartwright, Presiding Elder of the above circuit, which at that time was included in the Nashville District of the Western Conference. But there is no indication of the formation of a class at Cadiz as early as that date. Indeed, Cadiz was not then in existence, nor have we any authentic account of the organization of a society at or near the present site of the town for several years afterward.
In 1812, the notable Peter Cartwright was returned as Presiding Elder, with Jacob Turner as Preacher in charge.
Peter Cartwright served until 1816, the Preachers during that time being S. H. Thompson, John Johnson and Claiborne Duval. In 1816 James Axley was .Presiding Elder, and Peter Cartwright Preacher in charge. Axley served the following year, with Benjamin Malone and John Davar, Preachers.
Marcus Lindsey was Presiding Elder from 1818 to 1820 inclusive, the preachers being John Cragg for the former year, Peter Cartwright and Martin Flint for 1819, and Cartwright and William McReynolds for 1820.
This was about the time of the organization of Trigg County, and the location of its seat of justice at Cadiz. The place was visited soon afterward by circuit riders who held public worship in the little log court house. Tracing the succession of preachers we find from the records the district was regularly supplied as follows: 1821, Charles Holliday was appointed Presiding Elder, and served until the year 1825; T. A. Morris and Philip Kenesly were the Preachers for 1821. In 1822, Morris and Major Stanfield were Preachers in charge; the following year George McNelly and A. Long had charge of the circuit. Revs. McNelly and N. G. Berryman were the Preachers during 1824. In 1825, T. A. Morris was Presiding Elder, William Peter and B. Ogden Preachers in charge; T. A. Moris served as Presiding Elder in 1826 also, with William Peter and D. Tunnell, Preachers. G. MeNelly was appointed Presiding Elder in 1827, B. C. Wood and Samuel Kenyon serving as Preachers during that year; 1828, G. McNelly, Presiding Elder, John Sinclair and T. Warren, Preachers; 1829, McNelly, Presiding Elder_G. W. Robbins and William Philips, Preachers in charge; 1830, MeNelly, Presiding Elder, I. Denham and C. L. Clifton, Preachers; 1831, John Johnson, Presiding Elder, John Redman and W. S. Evans, Preachers; 1832, Johnson, Presiding Elder, N. 0. Berryman and John Redman, Preachers; 1833, Isaac Callard, Presiding Elder, W. S. McMurray and B. Fans, Preachers ; 1834, I. Callard, Presiding Elder, L. Campbell and A. Kelly, Preachers; 1835, I. Callard, Presiding Elder, L. Campbell and R. W. Landrum, Preachers; 1836, at this time Cadiz was embraced in the Lafayette Circuit, Isaac Callard being the Presiding Elder, and E. Sutton, Preacher in charge; R. Corwin was Presiding Elder in 1837, and R. F. Turner, Preacher. About this time the class at Cadiz took permanent form, and a house of worship was built on the ground occupied by the present brick edifice, the title to the property not being secured until some two years later. The Rev. R. F. Turner is still living, and is a local Elder residing near Cerulean Springs in Christian County. Coming on down we have the following line of succession: 1838 and 1839, R. Carmine, Presiding Elder, and A. Long, Preacher; 1840, B. Carmine, Presiding Elder, and J. J. Ferree, Preacher; 1841, E. Stevenson, Presiding Elder, A. Long and J. J. Ferree, Preachers; 1842, E. Stevenson, Presiding Elder, and J. E. Nix, Preacher; Stevenson served as Presiding Elder in 1843, with Z. M. Taylor, Preacher. In 1844 the name of the circuit was changed to Cadiz, E. Stevenson still serving as Presiding Elder, with 3. H. Bristow, Preacher in charge; N. B. Lewis was appointed Presiding Elder in 1845, and served until 1847, the Preachers in the meantime being R. Fisk and J. W. Rhodes. In 1847 T. Bottomly was appointed Presiding Elder; he served until 1850, with the following preachers, to wit: J. W. Rhodes, J. H. Bristow and W. H. Morris; 1851, N. H. Lee was appointed Presiding Elder this year, and served until 1854, the Preacher in charge during that time being A. Quick, who is still living in Trigg County within two miles of Cadiz on the Hopkinsville turnpike. In 1853 the circuit was known as Lafayette and Cadiz. Circuit, the preachers Durizig that year being William Neikirk and J. C. Petree; 1854, Z. M. Taylor, Presiding Elder, William Neikirk and 0. G. Boggess, Preachers; 1855, William Randolph, Preacher; 1856, John Randolph; 1857, William Randolph; 1858, A. Aikin, Presiding Elder, A. Quick, Preacher; R. C. Alexander was Preacher from 1859 to 1861; J. C. Petree served from 1861-62 till 1864; W. H. Morrison succeeded Aiken as Presiding Elder in 1862, and served until 1867; J. F. Redford and H. 0. Settle were Preachers in charge from 1864 to 1867; T. 0. Frogge was appointed Presiding Elder the latter year, and L. B. Davison, Preacher in 1867-68; F. C. Peters preached for the circuit. The following list comprises the Presiding Elders from the years 1869-70 to 1883-84, the names being in the order they served: L. B. Davison, H. M. Ford, J. A. Lewis, T. 0. Bosley, R. C. Alexander and E. M. Crowe. The preachers during that time were T. 0. Peters, P. T. Hardison, T. J. Randolph, 3. A. Lewis, J. W. Shelton, 3. M. Crows and E. Pate, the last named being Pastor in charge at the present time.
As before stated, the first house of worship was built where the present one stands, on Washington between Montgomery and Franklin Streets, the ground being deeded to Robert Baker, W. C. Russell, A. H. Poston, Thomas B. Jefferson and 3. E. Thompson, Trustees. The church continued to worship in this house until the year 1870, when the present edifice was erected at a cost of $4,500. It is a neat brick structure, 4Cx 60 feet in size, and will comfortably seat 350 or 400 persons. A parsonage was built in 1855 and used five years, at the end of which time it was sold, and other property lying on Little River purchased. The latter house was used until 1872, when it was exchanged for the present parsonage by the payment of $800 difference.
The number of members belonging to the church at the present time is 130, among whom are many of the leading citizens of the town and surrounding country. From 1813 to 1821, inclusive, this section was embraced in the Tennessee Conference and Green River District. In 1822 it was changed to the Kentucky Conference in which it has remained ever since.
Cadiz Christian Church.*_The Church of Christ in Cadiz was organized between the years 1838 and 1840, and was composed of a few scattered members in the town and vicinity. Spotawood Wilkinson, a resident merchant and tobacconist of the town, being an earnest, devout and cultivated Christian, gathered these scattered members in the court house, and taught and exhorted them from Lord's day to Lord's day. Elders George P. Street and other transient preachers occasionally visited and preached to this congregation in the court house from its organization until 1842, when Elder Henry T. Anderson was employed as pastor for some years. He being a man of decided ability and culture, and more recently the author of "Anderson's New Testament" (a translation from the original Greek) with the aid of Elder U. P. Street, largely built up and increased the membership of the church. The membership during this period and more recent years was composed in part of the following persons
Spotswood Wilkinson and wife, Margaret N. Moore, Mary B. Moore, Maj. M. Mayes and wife and family, James Q. Miller and wife, Dr. Isaac Burnett and wife, Albert S. Dabney, John L. Street, Thomas C. Dabney, Dr. B. A. Amastead and wife, Sydney Hopson and wife, Alexander Baker and wife, Dr. Lunsford Lindsay and wife and family, John S. Fisher and wife, Judge 3. J. Harrison, John Cameron and wife, S.W. Van Culin (now of Philadelphia), William Redd and wife and family, Peterfeld Jefferson, Albert Jefferson, John Mabry (the old surveyor), Henry C. Burnett, Robert A. Burnett, Capt. R. L. Nance and wife, John H. Boyd, Mrs. Lina Boyd, George L. Torian and wife, and many others. Of these original members many have died, and many have moved away.
The first church edifice was erected in the fall of 1844, on a lot now owned by Moses Thompson, and donated to the church by M. Mayes, in which this congregation continued to meet and worship until the completion of their present brick edifice in the rear of the court house in the fall of 1854. The Pastors of this congregation have been Henry T. Anderson, G. P. Street, W. E. Mobley, W. C. Rogers, B.. M. Giddons, Bela Metcalf, B. B. Tremble, J. W. Higbee, Prof. B. C. Deweese, H. C. Waddell, and from time to time they have enjoyed the visits and protracted meetings held by many distinguished preachers, such as John T. Johnson, the Fergusons, George W. Elley, Jacob Croath, Brown, Howard John J. Rogers, G. B. Flower, Prof. R. C. Cave, Prof. T. A. Crenshaw, 3. T. Hawkins, W. L. Butler, Lipscomb, etc. The Local Elders of the congregation at this time are T. C. Dabney, J. L. Street and J. W. Crenshaw. The Deacons are Robert Crenshaw, Henry C. Wilkinson and J. J. Garton.
From the organization of the church to the present time, with exceptions of short intervals before and during the war, the church has kept up in addition to its regular Lord's day meeting for worship, a Bible Class or Sunday school, and prayer meeting. Dr. J. W. Crenshaw is the present Superintendent of the Sunday-school, numbering some forty pupils and six teachers. Various members of the congregation have given much of their time and means in promoting domestic and foreign missions, and the Spread of the Gospel of Christ.
Baptist Church.*_April 15, 1842, the members of the Baptist denomination living in the town and vicinity of Cadiz, according to previous appointment, met at the house of brother C. A. Jackson, when, in accordance with their request, they were examined by a presbytery composed of Elders William Morrison, John Hubbard, R. W. Nixon and T. U. Keen, who believed them to be orthodox, and were upon their adopting a declaration of faith and church covenant constituted into a church under the name of the Cadiz United Baptist Church. Elder Morrison acted as Moderator.
Church Covenant.-Having been, as we trust, brought by Divine Grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, and to give up ourselves wholly to Him, we do now solemnly and joyfully covenant with each other to walk together in Him with brotherly love to ills glory as our common Lord. We do, therefore, in His strength engage.
That we will exercise a mutual care, as members one of another, to promote the growth of the whole body in Christian knowledge, holiness and comfort; to the end that we may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.
To promote and secure this object we will uphold the public worship of God and the ordinances of His house, and hold constant communion with each other therein ; that we will cheerfully contribute of our property to the support of the poor, and for the maintenance of a faithful ministry of the Gospel among us.
That we will not omit closet and family religion at home nor allow ourselves in the too-common neglect of the great duty of religiously training up our children and those under our care, with a view to the service of Christ and the enjoyment of heaven.
That we will endeavor to walk circumspectly in the word, that we may win their souls, remembering that God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind; that we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, and that a city set on a hill cannot be hid.
That we will frequently exhort, and if occasion shall require, admonish one another according to Matt., 18th, in the spirit of meekness; considering ourselves lest we be also tempted, and that as in baptism we have been buried with Christ and raised again, so there is on us a special obligation thenceforth to walk in newness of life.
And may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make us perfect in every good work, to do His will working in us that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory f9rever and ever. Amen.
The following brethren having adopted the articles of faith and covenant were enrolled as members of this church, viz.: John Jackson, John W. Jackson, Charles A. Jackson, Daniel M. Ragon, George L. Torian, Mrs. Elmira Gilfoy, Catharine Baker, Mary Jackson, Susan E. Jackson, Misses Eliza Jane Kelly, Ann Eliza Thompson, Martha J. Jackson and Nancy Perry. C. A. Jackson was chosen Clerk and John W. Jackson was recognized as Deacon, having previously held that office. In June, the church resolved to apply for admission into Little River Association. D. M. Ragon was appointed Treasurer. At present the total membership of the church is thirty-one communicants.
Cadiz Methodist Episcopal Church (colored) was organized in the year 1873 by Rev. Christopher Humphries, assisted by Rev. D. Bagby. At the first meeting seventy names were enrolled as members and the following officers elected: Handy Wilford, Class Leader; Jones Mayze, Eli Early and Harvey Young, Stewards; and Jacob Young, Handy Wilford, Jones Mayze, Henry Carloss and Nelson Morgan, Trustees. Christopher Humphries was the first Pastor. He was succeeded by D. A. Bagby. after whom came in regular order the following ministers, viz.: Green Bibb, B. C. Tolbert, Mr. Spurlin, A. Samples, U. W. Landers and D. A. Radliff, the present incumbent. A neat, frame house of worship was built in 1874 at a cost of $900. At the present time there are 126 members belonging to the society, which is reputed in flourishing condition. The present officers of the church are the following, to wit: Jones Mayze, Handy Wilford, Joseph Poston, Nathan Martin and Jacob Young, Trustees; Henry Redd, Andrew Stubble, William Wilford and R. Ragon, Stewards; Handy Wilford, Henry Redd and Joseph Poston, Class-leaders. A fine Sunday-school is maintained under the efficient superintendence of R. Ragon.
Second Baptist Church (colored).-This church was organized in the year 1871 by Rev. Mr. Morehead, with a constitutional membership of about twenty persons, a number which has since increased to 230, being one of the strongest religious societies in the county at the present time. A frame house of worship was built shortly after the organization and used jointly by the Methodists and Baptists for a couple of years, at the end of which time the latter denomination disposed of their interest in the building and erected their present edifice, a good frame structure costing the sum of $400. The pastors of the church have been Elders Morehead, Waddell, Skinner and Ridley, the last named being the present incumbent. The officers of the church are Robert Slaughter, B. Crump and A. Alexander, Deacons; D. M. Brown, Clerk.
Second Methodist Episcopal Church (colored) was established by Revs. Christopher Humphries and D. Bogy in the year 1873. At the first meeting the names of seventy persons were enrolled as members and the following officers elected: Handy Wilford, Jacob Young, Jones Mayze, Henry Carlosa and Nelson Morgan, Trustees; Harvey Young, Jones Mayze and Eli Early, Stewards; Handy Wilford, Class Leader. The following pastors have had charge of the church since its organization, to wit: Christopher Humphries, D. A. Bogy, Green Bibb, B. C. Tolbert, - Spurlin, A. Samples and U. W. Landers. Present Pastor is Rev. D. A. Radliff. The house of worship in which the society meets was built in 1874, and cost the sum of $900.
The church officials at the present time are as follows: Jones Mayze, Nathan Martin, Handy Wilford, Jacob Young and Joseph Poston, Trustees; Henry Redd, Andrew Stubbles, William Wilford and R. Ragon, Stewards; Handy Wilford, Henry Redd and Joseph Poston, Class Leaders. Present membership 126.
Schools.*_About the year 1840 a Mr. Curlin by will left an estate consisting of land and negroes "for the benefit of a Seminary." Five Trustees were elected every four years by the legal voters of the county. Property was purchased and the school located in Cadiz, consisting of a male and female department, but in separate buildings. The land was leased for ninety-nine years. The negroes were freed by President Lincoln's proclamation. From 1860 to 1865 the annual income from this source-$300-was divided pro rata amongst the pupils who came to the school, by which the subscription was reduced to that extent. The tuition full of two female pupils was paid two years after 1860 from the Curlin fund. The last of this fund went in part payment for the present High School building. Some of the earlier teachers were Messrs. Anderson and Rumsey, also Miss Norris, and then her sister.
J. Q. A. Tyler taught eleven years in the Male Seminary, ending with the spring term, 1860. H. B. Wayland and his wife, J. S. Way-land, took charge of the Female Seminary in September, 1860, Mrs. Wayland teaching music. In the spring of 1862 they resigned in consequence of disturbances resulting from the war. Rev. Petre taught one session. In September they took charge of the Seminary and taught until 1869, when they resigned. During 1863 and 1864 the music class numbered twenty-seven; number in school about eighty, and at one time there were about forty boarders in the town. Miss Leonora Prescott and Mrs. L. B. Cook were Assistants.
During the war board having been raised to $5 a week, and difficult to obtain, H. B. Wayland and wife purchased land at the cost of nearly $3,000, and put on it improvements at a cost of $8,000. H. B. Wayland took charge of the Male Seminary one year in 1871. He then opened a private school on his premises, and taught until June, 1873. Mrs. Wayland was teacher of music. Her health failed and October 30,1873, she departed this life, and the Cadiz Institute closed. The assistants in the Cadiz Institute were Misses Willia Faulkner, Laura Gary, Nannie Duncan and Mary E. Guthrie. Miss Willie Elliot taught in the Female Seminary nine years, beginning with September, 1869. She was succeeded by John C. Dabney, B. C. Dewees and - Wyatt. Other teachers since 1860: Gentlemen-Randolph, Harwood, Jefferson, Boggs, Jones, Pomroy, Harvey, Hancock, Woodson, Watson. Ladies-Mrs. Dabney, Mrs. Pettis, Misses Poston, Faxon, Pursley, Terry, Pursley, Wilkinson. The present public school building, standing on the principal street of the town, is one of the most commodious and convenient school buildings in southwestern Kentucky. It is a substantial brick edifice and well adapted to school purposes. Excellent schools are taught in it each year and for the usual period by competent teachers.
.Freemasonry.-The history of Masonry is more or less familiar to all the civilized world, and, as the order claims, to many of the semi civilized, and even good Masons are to be found among barbarous peoples. Among its claimed chief merits and glories are its great age-the oldest organization in the world-antedating all sects, religions, and even all organized social life since the coming of Adam and Eve. Again, it is sometimes given as the history of its foundation that, as its name indicates, it was founded and organized among the workmen for mutual protection, at the building of that historical structure-Solomon's temple. But like everything else it has adapted itself to the inevitable that follows the workings and growth of the human mind, and now they have attached to the order well regulated benefit associations, and distribute much real and beneficial charity and aid to fellow members and the widows and orphans of deceased brethren. The cardinal ideas of Masonry have perhaps always been a high morality founded on the Bible, and a law of mutual protection of a brother toward a brother.
A lodge was chartered in Cadiz on the first day of September, 1841, under the name of Cadiz Lodge, No. 121. The first officers were William C. Grafton, W. M., Matthew Maya, S. W., and Joel Wilson, J. W. The society held meetings at different houses until 1850, at which time a large and commodious hail was built in connection with the Christian Church, the Masons occupying the upper story. The society at one time was the strongest in the county, but of recent years, owing to the establishment of other lodges in the neighboring villages, its membership has considerably diminished, until now there are only about thirty-eight names on the roll. The present officers are: A. F. Rash, W. M.; P. H. Allen, S. W.; John C. Curling, J. W.; B. W. Major, Treas.; J. F. Gentry, Sec.; J. D. Shaw, S. D.; Armstead Moody, J. D.; John W. Russell, Steward and Tyler.
Cadiz Lodge, No. 1,685, K. of H., was organized on the 19th of August, 1880, with the following charter members, to wit: John G. Jefferson, J. B. Edwards, John W. Pursley, W. T. Smoot, Thomas L. Bacon, Thomas T. Watson, C. H. Hawkins, John D. Shaw, H. B. Wilkinson, U. Willis Lindsay, F. U. Terry, W. C. White, M. S. Thompson and R. A. Burnett. The present membership is fifty-six. The present officers (1884) are: G. W. Lindsay, P. D.; John U. Jefferson, D.; W. L. Hiliman, V. D.; W. T. Smoot, Assist. D.; M. S. Thompson, Sec.; F. (1. Terry, Financial Reporter; H. B. Wilkinson, Treas.; T. T. Watson, Chaplain; Perry Thomas, Jr. Guide; John D. Shaw, Sr. Guide, and J. W. Russell, Guardians.
Ophelia Council, No. 11, Chosen Friends, was established on the 11th day of October, 1882, with thirty-eight charter members, a number in excess of the present membership, which is only thirty-five. The officers of the society at the present time are J. C. Dabney, P. C. C.; T. F. McBride, Chief Counselor; John Theobald, Vice-Counselor; John G. Jefferson, Secretary; H. B. Wilkinson, Treasurer; J. W. Crenshaw, Medical Examiner; B. S. Sumner, Prelate; Robert Crenshaw, Marshal; W. H. Timmons, Warden; L. Freeman, Guard.
Good Templars was an older society than the Knights or Chosen Friends, and so far as we can learn deserves the first place in history, but in seeking after the facts of its organization we ascertained that it ceased to exist a few years since. It was organized on the 23d of July, 1876, with twenty-eight charter members, and terminated its existence in 1879.
The Hamiltonians.-We go to school from the cradle to the grave, and this is one of the inexorable laws of our being. These schools or fountains of education are nearly infinite in variety, and have little in common save the imperfections that pervade all. A careful investigation of the influences of the mind go far to demonstrate the fact that real education comes with our joys, our pleasures and the social intercourse of congenial spirits, that is the highest mark of our civilization. The mind must be developed as in the perfect physical nature. It is not hard dull work that molds the child into beauty and strength, perfection and grace, but on the contrary, too much of this dwarfs and stunts the young into ungainliness of person and feature. But it is the happy heart, the rippling laugh, joined with agreeable mental culture, by which strong, active, graceful and well poised intellects are created. We mean that intense mental activity that comes of keen jest, of mental play work, of that social and intellectual life that is made up of the associations of congenial companions where "youth and pleasure meet" at the weekly assembling of the Hamillomans, a society of the intelligent and literary young men of Cadiz, organized on the 8th of March, 1884. As best stated by one of its members, the objects of the association are literary and social enjoyment, the promotion of a spirit of good fellowship among the members, the acquirement of the art of public debate, the attainment of a higher mental culture and a steady growth toward enlarged usefulness. The officers of the society are as follows: Webb Watkins, President; Joseph P. Gill, Vice-President; Paul A. Curling, Secretary. The following gentlemen comprise the membership, viz.: Paul A. Curling, Muscoe Burnett, Joseph P. Gill, Edwin F. Dabney, C. D. McKinney, Webb Watkins, J. W. Sawyer, James E. Burnett, J. B. Kelly, A. S. Dabney and Henry Malone.
In conclusion of our brief sketch of Cadiz, we will add that it fulfills the scriptural text; it is a "city set on a hill, and cannot be hid." It does stand on a hill, and is one of the handsomest and neatest little cities we have ever become acquainted with. And its people are as courteous as the city is handsome. Among them we have some friends we are proud to reckon as such, and when they read this it will remind them that we shall not soon forget them.
*- County of Trigg Kentucky , HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL - EDITED BY WILLIAM HENRY PERRIN - ILLUSTRATED. - F.A. BATTEY PUBLISHING CO. 1884.Return to the main page of the History of Trigg County
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