"Familiar Faces" at T.C.H.S.

"Well", where have I seen that old beat up face before?" "Ane who is this unseemly creature?" "Could that be one of those old broken down teachers of mine?" "Sure, I have to look at that slave driver forty-five minutes of every day."
Yes, that's what T.C.H.S. students, will be saying as soon as they receive this issue of "The Wildcat" and find themselves confronted with the familiar faces of the Trigg High faculty. But mark their reporter's word, underneat those rather "snazzy" and youthfully sophisticated words will be a warm and strong current of genuine affection.
Taking them as a group, trigg High students think their faculty of fourteen just can't be beat. They know -- and are proud of the fact --- that their teachers rank with the best in western Kentucky when it comes to training and teacher ability.
The faculty this year, listed with subjects taught and clubs sponsored , are as follows:
Roy McDonald, biology and aeronautics; J. N. Holland, economics and U.S. history; Mrs. James Tuggle, civics, world history, and knitting club; Mrs. Frances Lovell, Home Ec., and Hone Economics Club; Lee Redden, agriculture, F.F.A. Club, and basketball coach; Mrs. bruce Lane, English III and IV, journalism, and Beta Club; Miss Bernice Flora , algebra I and II, basic math, and Geology Club; Miss Hilda Hooks, librarian and student Government sponsor; Miss Mildred Kolb, music; Mrs. Clay Hough, science, geometry, and Spotters Club; Miss Charlene Martin, typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, algebra 1, and Socializing Club; Mrs. Robert Wallace, geography, junior high subjects, and junior Red Cross Club; Mrs. Lonnie Watkins, English 1 and 11 and debating, and Scrapbook Club; Mrs. Edward Martin junior high subjects and Audubon Club.
