NOVEMBER 17, 1897
Typed as published and submitted
By Laura Frost Wright
A mild form of scarlett fever is in the schools at Frankfort.
Two negroes escaped from the Munfordsville jail a few nights ago.
CHAS. BROWN of Nicholasville, is organizing a company to go to the
BRENT CURD, a sixteen year old boy, was run over and killed by a train
at Williamsburg.
The preposition to issue bonds to build pikes in Woodford County failed.
It did not receive two thirds vote.
JESSE KIRKLAND, who waylaid and killed JACK JOHNSON for abducting his
daughter, was aquitted at Maysville.
The foundry and machine shops burned at Middlesborough last Thursday
night. Loss $500,000 insurance $100,000
DAN CURRY who murdered JOHN W. CORLEY, the well known drummer, at
Corbin, has been adjudged a lunaric and sent to the asylum.
HENRY SUMMERS, son of J.P. SUMMERS, fell from the train at Sonora, last
week, and was so badly mangled that both his legs had to be amputated.
He died from the operation.
There was an attempt to assassinate WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM, Station agent of
the Louisville & Nashville at Paris. He received a number of shots in
the face. The guilty parties are unknown.
The Court of Appeals has sustained the judgement of the lower court in
the NICK RAY case. It will be remembered that NICK RAY shot and killed
ALDERT SCOTT, a young lawyer at Edmonton, last year, and was given a
life sentence. The case was tried at Tompkinsville.
Mr. CHARLEY DICK WILLIS, who was born and reared in Adair County, but
whose home has been in Moody, Texas, for the past twenty years, died on
the 14th inst. He was afflicted with typhoid fever. He was the son of
Mr. PASCAL WILLIS and uncle of E.T. WILLIS, this city.
All persons indebted to CONOVER & COFFEY for livery are hereby notified
that they must come and pay their accounts. We need the money and must
have it.
I have moved my stock of goods to the Tutt block, and will do business
on a new plan.
1st I will not sell goods on credit to anyone.
2nd. Prices will be alike to all, and they will be very reasonable.
Good produce taken in exchange for goods. Cash paid for eggs. FRANK
Dr. McCANLAS, a Prominent Physician of Campbellsville Missing.
About ten days ago the citizens of Campbellsville made up one hundred
dollars for the purpose of sending BUSTER WILLOCK to a Keeley Cure. The
money was placed in the handss of Dr. McCLANLAS, a physician who located
in Campbellsville several months ago, to convey BUSTER to a sanitarium.
They went to Cincinnati and there the doctor disappeared with all the
money. BUSTER made dilligent enquiry as to his whereabouts and learning
nothing, dispatched to Campbellsville for money to defray his expenses
Saturday morning the wife of McCANLAS left Campbellsville, presumably to
meet her husband, just where , is clouded in mystery.
The foregoing is public chat all over the country, and for that reason
we can see no impropriety in giving the facts through the news.
In justice to the doctor we will state that there are those who are
charitably inclined to think that he is on a spree and will turn up all
Since writing the above we learn that WILLOCK has returned home, and
that all the doctor"s plunder has been attached for debts.
A saddle, near my residence on Sunday before the election. The owner can
have same by describing it and paying for this notice. DR. W.R. GRISSOM
Mrs. S.A. GANN is visiting her parents in Smith"s valley.
Miss WILL WARREN her cls , W.P. PAYNE, of Denmark
Mrs. OSCAR ROWE, accompanied by her son P.S. ROWE, left Wednesday for
Hart County, where they will apend several weeks with relatives.
Mr. SINCLAIR, of Milltown has rented property owned by Judge CRISP and
located here.
Miss ETHEL PATTERSON, who has been quite sick for the past three weeks
is improving.
Dr. A. BAUGH, of Rowena who was elected County clerk at the last
election, anticipates moving to town.
Rev. T.F. WALTON will preach at Ebenezer Sunday.
Rev. J.S. CRANDALL will preach at Tabor next Sunday.
"UNCLE SOL" TURPIN preached at Concord last Sunday.
Rev. S.J. THOMPSON will preach next Sunday at Cane Valley.
Rev. E.W. BARNETT preached at Gradyville last Monday night.
Rev. W.B. CAVE is engaged in a meeting at Pleasant ridge, green county.
Rev. W. B. CAVE preached last Saturday and Sunday at 2nd freedom this
Rev. S.J. THOMPSON preached at Carmel last Sunday. One baptized and
received into the church.
Elds. Z.T. WILLIAMS and J. Q. MONTGOMERY will begin a meeting at the
Chrisitian Church next Sunday.
Rev. J. W. CRAWLEY has been engaged the last week in holding revival
meetings at the Baptist Church Cane Valley.
There will be union services Thanksgiving day at the Presbyterian
church, Rev. T.F. WALTON has been chosen to preach the Thanksgiving
Rev. T.F. WALTON, pastor preached at the Presbyterian church last
Sunday. Morning subject"Total Abstinence" Evening subject "Cross
Rev. J.L. MURRELL, Presiding Elder, preached at mt. Pleasant last
Sunday. he will preach in Russell and wayne counties during the
remainder of the week.
There will be preaching at the baptist church next Sunday by the pastor
Rev. E.W. BARNETT. Subject: Morning "Soul Winning" Evening "the
Rev. J.S. CRANDALL preached last Sunday morning at Antioch and in the
afternoon at concord . He will preach at Concord in the morning and
Antioch at night the second Sunday in December.
The many friends of rev. W.W. LAMBUTH, formerly pastor of the Methodist
church of this city, will be glad to know that his health is rapidly
improving and he feels that he is able to do sucessful work.
Mr. G.T. HERRIFORD and family will remove to Columbia about the first of
the year and engage in the hotel business. Mr. HERRIFORD is a good hotel
man, having been in the business here for several years.
Circuit Court will open in the morning . The docket is light-- but few
important cases ready for trial. the Grand jury, I undertand , is
composed of good men, who will use their uutmost endeavor to break up
the "Blind tigers" that are scattered over the county.
BOB YOUNG, who was recently elected assessor, will be in town to-morrow.
BOB is very much elated over his election. He is a staunch Democrat and
defeated his Republican opponent by a good majority. Cumberland usually
gives from 250 to 300 Republican.
The first day of Circuit Court always brings a large crowd to town. The
patent medicine vender will be here with a pretty speech, and will
doubtless succeed in humbugging a number of our farmers. It seems very
strange to your correspondent that an honest farmer will walk up to a
patent medicine fakir and pay him a dollar for a bottle of stuff that is
perfectly useless when he gets releif at a neighboring drugstore for ten
With kind wishes for the success of the your paper, we ask space in your
columns for some Green County news.
Circuit Court begins at this place next Monday.
The farmers are still buying fertilizer and sowing "dollar" wheat.
R.L DURHAM has just returned from Pulaski and casey counties where he
delivered some nursery stock.
JOHN A. HOBSON, one of our leading merchants is erecting a very elegant
and spacious business house adjoining the bank lot.
The election is over and the democrats can hardly beleive they are yet
in Green county, and from the deportment of the Republicans they think
they have changed counties. The thinking men of this county at first
thought maybe there was some virtue in McKINLEYS "dollar Wheat" boom,
but when they seen it topple from that price they decided that there was
a trick in McKINLEY, or else he had nothing to do with the price of
wheat. The colored man got balky in this county. He could neither be led
nor pushed. He reasoned that if the Republicans freed him away back in
the sixties, as they claimed, he was free now and that he would vote as
he pleased, and did vote as he pleased.
A great many chestnuts have been shipped from Adair this fall.
All the common schools of Adair will close in about three weeks.
The attention of the public is called to the adverstisement of the male
and female high school.
Our School superintendent Mr. L.L. MURRELL was kept busy during the
whole of last Saturday paying teachers.
There was a "new coon in town" the other night. It was cooked, and
highley enjoyed by those who sat around the festival board.
The new home of mr. and Mrs. HENRY R. TURNER, of Campellsville, was
gladdened Friday morning Nov 12 by the arrival of a son.
Thanksgiving services will be held at the presbyterian Church on
Thursday the 25inst. and the sermon will be preached by Rev. T.F. WALTON
Circuit Court is in session at Burksville . Judge W.W. Jones is on the
bench. The docket for this term is light, and court will adjourn
We are receiving a second shipment of Ladies underwear and furnishing
goods--awful cheap RUSSELL and MURRELL
A gentleman who is in a position to know informed the news last Sunday
that a hotel builing would be erected on the square and be in operation
in less than six months.
The fire alarm sounded at 10"O"clock last Saturday morning came from
residence occupied by MARK FRAZURE and Mrs. ALLEN. The ceiling in an
upper room caught from a defective flue, but the fire was extinguished
before any damage was done.
JAMES T. QUARLES, of this city just accepted a position with Britchford
& Co. wholesale dealers in stoves and tinware, Louisville, and is now on
the road. Jim is polite , industrious and perfectly reliable, and the
merchants could not give their orders to a more deserving young man.
MR. ROBERT BLAIR, the sheriff of Adair county, has been in very feeble
health for several months past. not able to attend to the business of
his office. At this writing he is better and his friends hope to see him
a bout soon. During his illness the business is being conducted
satisfactorially by his faithful deputies. FRED HANCOCK , MONT YARBERRY
There was a report in circulation during the county canvas to the effect
that S.H. MITCHELL, the jailer of the county, had received in fees
during his term largely more than was due him. Of course this report was
erroneous, as the statetes fixes the fees of this county officers, and
they cannot draw more than is allowed them by law.
A man named NORRIS, hailing from Cumberland county, charged with horse
stealing was arrested in the western portion of this county last week by
WILLIAM ENGLAND of metcalf. He is charged with having stolen a horse,
bridle and saddle from A.G. THOMPSON, of Barren County, all of which
were recoveered. NORRIS is now in the Glasgow jsil.
MONT YARBERRY , deputy sheriff, had a lively chase after SAM POLLARD
Monday morning. POLLARD was in town, and seeing YARBERRY who had a bench
warrant for him, took up Greensburg street at a rapid gait, followed by
the officer who caught him in the suburbs, of the city and served his
papers. A small bond was required which POLLARD gave.
It is very annoying to a minister while speaking to a congregation, to
hear whispering going on all over the church, and it is passing strange
that some young people in this community will engage in this conduct. No
one likes to be publicly reproved and charitably disposed. The news
advises those who have acted unbecoming in church to quit such conduct
and grow to be good men and women.
The New paper is a sucess. Everybody is well pleased with it.
Rev. ROBERT ENGLISH preached for us Sunday morning.
Mr. FRANK FIRQUIN will take charge of the post office soon. Mrs. R.G.
BREEDING will be his assistant.
Mr. G.W. DILLION made a business trip to Edmonton Saturday.
Rev. T.J. WINFREY has not called to see his friends since before the
Messrs. BREEDING & SIMPSON have lost their shop. They have been
searching for it throughout the neighborhood.
We have an interesting Sunday-school every Sunday.
Dr. G.T. SIMPSON and wife were in Columbia Saturday.
Rev. GEO BREEDING filled his appointment at providence Sunday.
Mr. R.P. BREEDING has been on the sick list for several days, but we are
glad to report his condition improved.
M.A. TRAYLOR"S school will close in tow weeks.
Rev. GEO BREEDING is erecting a new feed barn.
Mr. JOHNNIE DUDGEON and his beautiful little daughter , Miss EFFIE, of
washington county, were visiting relatives here last week.
Uncle RICHARD MASSIE, an old colored man of respectability, died here
last Monday evening at 7 O"clock. He was 60 years old.
Mr. JOHN CHAPMAN bought of S.G. BANKS last week the lot known as the
Chrisitie lot for $210. He will build a new residence soon.
Dr. E.B. ATKINSON, our popular physician is visiting his home people in
Barren County this week.
We are glad to state that the little daughter of DESOTO BEARD, who was
accidentally shot by him last week, is improving nicely.
Mr. A.R.. FEESE returned home from Louisville last Saturday night, where
he had been attending Federal Court,
CREED HASKINS, one of the oldest traveling salesmen on the road was here
last week.
Mr. FRANK STRANGE , of Crocus, will move to our vicinity at an early
date. He will occupy the JESSE V. WHITE farm.
Farmers are gathering corn with a rush. Some report their crops are
better than expected.
Mr. ELDRIDGE BLAIR is very feeble with thyroid fever.
Miss HESTER THOMAS, daughter of Mr. TANDY THOMAS, has been quite sick,
but is better now. Mr. LAFAYETTE BRYANT is also very sick.
Mr. MONT YARBERRY was home to-day He says he will not be a citizen of
Adair County during Judge BUTLER"S incumbency.
Since the election is a thing of the past we have a great calm. The boys
have blown in their boodle and all is quite.
Mr. W. B. YATES is drilling a well for Mr. DOCK CONOVER on Glenn"s Fork.
Mr. FRANK SANDERS well is still dry, we understand, not withstanding a
good shaking up with dynamite.
Squirrels and quail are plentiful.
The grape crop is an utter failure this year, but we have walnuts in
J.G. and F. H. BRYANT are on the sick list this week.
JAMES GADBERRY who has been very low with fever for the past four or
five weeks is slowly improving.
J.G.TURNER is erecting a new dwelling.
Farmers are filling their corn cribs.
Mr. W. B. YATES and wife were visiting the family of ROBT. YATES of
Glensfork last Sunday.
WM. GRIDER and family, who have been on the road from Texas to old
kentucky for eight to ten weeks landed at M.B. GRIDER"S Saturday night.
J.O. McCLISTER and wife, PINER HARVEY JR. and wife attended the marriage
of ALBERT TURNER to Miss SURHINA BLOYD at the bride"s home in Russell
County last Sunday. Immediately after the happy pair were joined
together the crowd repaired to the house of the groom"s father, Mr. J.M.
TURNER, where they partook of the bountiful repast prepared for the
Farmers are about done sowing wheat. The crop sown is larger than usual.
Corn gathering is the next work crop not so good as last year.
W.H. McCAFFREE"S school at this place is getting on nicely.
TAYLOR SANDER"S son was buried at the Dice graveyard last Saturday.
JAMES FLOYD, son of A.M. FLOYD is sick with typhoid fever.
W.H. PATTERSON, who has been confined to his room for a long time is no
W.S. HURT is building a nice dwelling house.
Rev. BALLEW is holding a series of meetings at Plesant Hill this week.
Uncle SOL TURPIN preached at Shilol church last Sunday.
Whiskey got the best of some of the boys at Shilol church last sunday
and a fight was the result.
ED CABBELL, of Bosworth , Mo we understand wants to buy a carload of
sheep while he is in our midst.
T.I. SMITH says Uncle BOB GRAVES raised a pumpkin that weighed 18
pounds. Who can beat it?
Mr. JAMES MONDAY is on the sick list.
Master LEONARD WALKER, who was bitten by a mad dog a few days ago is
almost well.
Messrs. B. and S.R. WALKER sold a fine lot of hogs last week at a low
Mrs. KATE PULLIAM, of Cumberland county is visiting at this place.
LUTHER and JAMES BELL made a business trip to Edmonton last saturday.
The school at this place will be out on the 26th inst. The attendance
this year has been very good.
SCOTT HUGHES has completed his " Mitchell song" Hurrah for SCOTT
Nell has a new blacksmith--JAMES COOMER.
Dr. TAYLOR has been very sick (politically) since the election.
Mr. F.R. STAPP of this place went to Texas some three months ago. Last
Wednesday he returned saying the "Prosperity" had actually struck
and it is now possible to sell cotton at 4 1/2 cents. Dingley
Elder Z.T. WILLIAMS is in cave city this week.
LAWRENCE WILLIAMS, who has been spending a few days at home, has
returned to Monticello, Ky
Master SAM WHEAT visited relatives in Taylor County last week.
JOHN L. HURT, the oldest son of ? HURT of this city has gone to Mac,
Ill. he expects to make that his home for awhile.
It is reported that Prof, HORACE FRIES will open a new school in
WILL WADE, a colored , was carelessly handling a pistol, fired the ball
passing through his hand making a painful wound,
Miss VENA ROYSE, the teacher of Plesant Hill school is preparing a small
entertainment at the closing of her school, which will be in December.
The nimrods of this section are cleaning the rust out of their guns and
putting in a full supply of amunition. Quail was never more plentiful,
we are anticipating some fine sport.
We understand that there will be a telephone line built from Creelsboro
via Kindall, Rowena and Greasy Creek, and also one from Creelsboro to
Lick branch. . This will be a lonf felt want, by connecting the upper
part of the river with the lower. This will make almost a solid line
from Burnside to nashville.touching the important towns and landings
along the Cumberland river.
One of the cleanest and prettiest farms in Adair county is owned by Mr.
Z.M. Staples, three quarters of a mile from Columbia. Mr. STAPLES
recently purchased the land , and the improvements he has put upon it
evidently has enhanced its value seven or eight hundred dollars. A
handsome two-story front is yet to be erected, and when completed there
will not be a more desirable home in Adair county.
S. LESLIE POWELL was in Campbellsville Monday.
W.C. MURRELL has been sick for the past week.
Mrs. E.G. ATKINS was on the sick list last week.
W.R. LYON, of campbellsville was in Columbia Monday.
Judge JAS. GARNETT is attending the Green Circuit Court
Messrs. L.B. HURT and T.C. DAVIDSON are in Burksville.
Miss ROSA ELLIS was seriously ill several days ago.
Miss LORA WEST who was quite sick last week is about well.
Hon. H.C. BAKER is attending the Cumberland circuit Court.
Mr. CHARLEY McGEE, of Burksville was in Columbia Saturday.
Miss---ROWE , of Jamestown, is visiting Miss SALLIE MONTGOMERY
Mrs. RUE, of Park Rapid, Mich is visiting relatives near Montpelier.
Mr. ED CABBELL and family, of carrollton Mo. are visiting relatives in
Mr. J.B. PIERCE, of somerset is here this week, looking after Knoxville
nurseery stock.
Miss IDA KINNAIRD, of red Lick is in Columbia, taking music lessons from
Misses IVY SMITH and MONT WALFORD were visiting in Campbellsville the
first of the week.
Hon. H.C. BAKER and wife visited their son, W.L. BAKER and wife of
monticello, last week.
Mrs. JENNIE HARDIN, of Harrodsburg, Ky is visiting the family of mr. and
Mr. BOB WILLIS who lives near Glenville, is in a very critical
condition, his flesh is sloughing from the bone.
Mrs. C.H. YATESm J.N. COFFEY and wife and TOM FLOWERS of Gradyville
returned from Louisville Saturday night.
Mr. C.W. DORSEY, representing the United states Life Insurance Company
visited Mr. J.G. EUBANK and family last week.
Mr. C.B. EPPERSON of the firm of Epperson & Willis of Joppa, is in
Louisville this wek purchasing a general line of dry goods, groceries
GEORGE AKIN, J,J. BIGGS, and W.A. GARNETT who have been serving as
federal jurors Louisville returned home last night.
"Shoot you like a dog if you move a muscle. " said the Lient to
The Reckless and daring man given his worst scare at Danville, Ky
Current stories regarding the career of Quantrell, the noted guerilla
who harassed the union soldier, have resulted in bringing to light the
fact, that his most thrilling and probaly his most narrow escape from
death occurred in Danville. Quantrell made but one excursion through
this part of Kentucky, but it was a bold dash and he left a trail of
blood behind him,more than one federal soldier or sympathizer being
found with the Quantrell mark-- the bullet hole in the forehead just
between the eyebrows.
On the day of Quantrell"s close call he had arrived in Danville from
Hustonville, Lincoln County. At Hustonville he had halted to lay in a
fresh stock of horseflesh, and there some of his band had murdered a
union officer. A woman who had been at Hustonville preceded the
guerillas to Danville, and when Quantrell reached the city, she
recognized him and spoke to him, calling him by name. Quantrell simply
smiled and said to her: "Why , madam, you were never more mistaken in
your life. I am Capt.---of the Federal Army."
Quantrell and all of his men were attired in Federal uniforms, and were
posing as federal scouts. They halted in Danville, and as federal
soilders were in the habit of passing in and out of towns in small
squads, no particular attention was paid to the guerrillas untill they
had been in town five or six hours. The woman who had accosted Quantrell
upon his arrival beleived he had deceived her, and she told a young
federal lieutenant then in town, what she thought about the men who had
arrived that morning. Quantrell and his men were going about town pretty
much as they pleased , lounging around the hotels and salons, feeling
perfect security. The lieutenant, from the description furnished by the
woman and from what he had heard of Quantrell was convinced that the
fine looking fellow masqueradling in federal clothing was none other
than the guerrilla and determined to kill or capture him.
The lieutenant procured a carbine and started upon a hunt for this man.
He finally caught sight of him walking down the main street of the town,
Quantrell was alone. He walked the length of several squares down one
side of the street and started up the other side, the lieutenant with
the carbine in his wake all the time, waiting for an opportunity to
corner his man. About the middle of the main square Quantrell entered a
saloon, and called for a drink.
Just as Quantrell reached over the bar railing to take up a glass, he
glanced into the big mirror against the wall and noticed the federal
lieutenant entering with carbine ready to fire.Quantrell very cooly set
the glass down, turned about and faced his pursurer. The carbine had by
this time been brought to the lieutenant"s shoulder, its muzzle was
within three feet of the guerrilla"s breast, and the eye which looked
down the shining barrel was keen and cool. Quantrell dared not make a
false move, and he was powerless to protect himself by force. His heavy
overcoat was buttoned up to his chin, making the pistols at his waist
useless. He gazed at the lieutenant, very complacently for a brief
period, smiled and said,
" How now, comrade, what are you going to do with that gun?"
" Shoot you like a dog if you move a muscle, " was the reply. "
You aree
Quantrell. You have played it for a long time, but now you are my
prisoner, march into that room over there."
Quantrell glanced to an open door at the end of the bar, but didn"t obey
the command. It was not his intention to do so. His nerve was superb and
his self possession complete.
"Ah, I see, he remarked quietly, " You take me for Quantrell, but you
are wrong I assure you. My resemblance to that scoundrel has been most
provoking. Permit me to call my orderly sergeant and I will show you
that I am as true to the union as you are. He has my papers.
The lieutenant looked surprised as well as somewhat confused, and
Quantrell noticed his discomfort. This was a signal for the deception to
be redoubled, and so he continued.
" I have also heard about the guerrilla being in this section. to my
certain knowledge he is not in Kentucky, and you are simply making a
fool of yourself. Put down your gun and as long as we are in the same
cause let us be friends.
The lieutenant was completely nonplused at Quantrell"s cool effrontry
and considerably abashed told him to call his orderly, but kept the
carbine ready to fire. On the street not far away Quantrell saw some of
his men talking and he called to one of them to enter. The man went into
the saloon and as soon as he saw his chief covered with a carbine drew a
heavy weapon.
"Stop," shouted Quantrell. " Not so fast. Put up your pistol. Our
here has heard that I am Quantrell. It"s amusing. Show him our papers
from the secretary of war. In order that this embarrassment may be
" All right, captain," was the reply, the man began feeling in an
pocket for the papers, still holding his revolver, how ever in his right
hand. He approached the lieutenant as he started to withdraw his hand
from his coat, but instead of bringing out the papers he suddenly and
with the ferocity of a wildcat, sprang upon the young federal, felled
him to the floor and held him fast, with the muzzle of his gun against
his head, as he cried.
"These are the papers you are looking for. We always have them on hand
for such as you. Must I give him the old mark Captain?"
"No, let the gentleman up, " replied Quantrell.
The lieutenant arose and was disarmed, and expressed himself as very
well satisfied with the papers. Then the trio took a drink together. As
Quantrell and the lieutenant continued the conversation the other
guerrilla quietly slipped out, passed the word, and in ten minutes more
Quantrell's horse was standing in front of the bar-room ready for him to
mount. He shook hands with the man who had given him the worst scare of
his life, left the saloon and rode away. Before the lieutenant could
collect his thought Quantrell and his band were far on their road to
Please, If you would like to add resources, if you know of something that should be linked here or if you have any problems using this website contact us.
Coordinator - Randy Cummings
State Coordinator: Jeff Kemp
Assistant State Coordinator: Tricia Aanderud