NOVEMBER 24, 1897
Typed as published and submitted
By Laura Frost Wright
March 27, 2000


J,C. CULLINS, of Smith"s Grove
killed in a runaway last Saturday.
One of Warren county"s best know and most substantial Citizens

The following particulars of the death of Mr. J.C. CULLINS is taken from
the Park City Times, Bowling green. Mr. CULLINS was well and favorably
known to a number of people in Adair. He has attended our fairs with
strings of horses, and before the war he visited the county frequently,
purchasing mules. He was the father of young CULLINS who was in Columbia
ten days ago , buying fancy horses.
J.C. CULLINS, of the Smith"s Grove vicinity , is dead as the result of
an awful accident which occurred Saturday afternoon between 4 and 5
O"clock. He was driving from his farm to Smith"s grove a young horse to
a road cart.
The animal became frightened at the remains of a mover"s camp and dashed
down the road at a terrific rate of speed.
Mr. CULLUNS was thrown from the cart and his foot becoming fastened
between the spring and the axle of the vehicle he was dragged more than
fifty yards on a rough pike. In the cart with him was a gentleman whose
name is not known and who was likewise thrown out.
When reached Mr. CULLINS was unconscious and badly bruised and bleeding.
He was taken to his home at once where he received medical attention. He
died in about two hours  after the accident from internal injuries.
The funeral and buriel took place this morning at 10 O'clock at Smith"s
The deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn his untimely
death. He was one of the foremost citizens of Warren county and a man
who weilded an important influence in his community.
He was a  brother-in-law to Col T.J. SMITH, of this city.

Mrs. ADDIE MARTIN. widow of the late Capt. J.B. MARTIN, of Glasgow, will
be a candidate before the next Legislature for State librarian. Mrs.
MARTIN is a very deserving lady and the numerous friends of her late
husband in Adair County earnestly hope that she may make a sucessful

Col. JACK CHINN wants to represent the eighth district in Congress. He
says in all probability he will be a candidate and an easy winner. CINN
is a great horseman, and has many warm personel friends, but has been
too handy with his knife to win a Congressional fight.


Last Wednesday afternoon, at the residence of Mr. WILLIAM REYNOLDS,
three miles from Columbia, Mrs. W.H. WALKER, of this city was married to
Miss. FANNIE REYNOLDS. Mr. WALKER was a prominent merchant of Columbia
for more than thirty years, but for some time has been living a quiet
life. He has been a very successsful man, accunulating a considerable
estate. The bride is one of Adair"s most estimable ladies and has
friends all over the county. The couple are now at their home in


At the residence of the bride"s father, Mr. W.N. SMITH, who lives near
Cane valley, Thursday evening, November the 18th, Miss BETTIE SMITH to
Mr. CLAY BENNETT. The ceremony was performed by Rev. WM. DUDGEON. The
bride is one of Adair county"s most popular young women and the groom is
a worthy young man, son of Mr. TIM BENNETT.

Mr. JOHN N. CONOVER has purchased the corner lot where the burnt hotel
building stood and will commence erecting a magnificent structure at
once. It will contain twenty eight rooms and will front the square and
Greensburg sStreet. It will be built upon a modern plan. It will have a
dome and the public room will be on the corner of the square and
greensburg street. Mr. CONOVER will push the work and have the building
ready for business a s quick as possible.


I will on Friday, December 3, 1897 at the law office of GARNETT &
GARNETT in Columbia Kentucky, receive and hear proof on claims against
the estate of H.J. HENSON, assigned
Assignee of H.J. HENSON

JOHN DUGAN who killed JOHN C. COLSON, who was the sheriff of bell
county, and was given twenty-one years in the penitentiary , will have
to serve out his time unless the governor intefers. The case was
appealed from the Knox Circuit Court and last week the Court of Appeals
affirmed the judgement of the lower court. DUGAN has a brother who is
very wealthy, who has used both means and energy trying to get a


OLIVER BROWN was arrested by deputy sheriff MONT YARBERRY last Saturday
on a basterddday warrent. He was turned over to Judge HANCOCK, who did
not suspect that BROWN would attempt to escape the clutches of the law,
but while the Judge was not watching he took leg bail , and has not been
heard of since.
Later--BROWN has been caught, and is now in jail.


Mr. MONT CRAVENS was quite sick several days last week.
Born, to the wife of L.L. MURRELL, Sunday, Nov. 21, a daughter.
Mr. W.L. WALKER, Sr. called and subscribed for the News today.
Jo, a little son of Mr. BUCK BARBEE, has been very sick for the past
The wife of Mr. Wm. CORNEAL, who resides near Pellyton, is lying
dangerously ill.
Mr. W.A. MASON , representing the McMinnville, Tennessee Woolen Mills
was in town yesterday.
Mr. W.R. WILLIAMS, who lives a few miles from Columbia, has just
completed a large two-story residence.
Mr. W.C. MURRELL, who was dangerously ill last week is out of danger and

in a fair way to recover his health.
Davidson & Winfrey have just received a fresh stock of all kinds of
groceries and invite their friends to call and see them.
Mr. ASURE DAMRON has bought the stock of groceries owned by Mr. BRAM
VAUGHAN, and will continue the business at the same stand.
We are receiving a second shipment of Ladie"s underwear and furnishings
goods-awful cheap Russell and Russell
When in town call on Wm. F. JEFFRIES and get prices on saddles, bridles,

collars, harness, etc. He has just received a new line of the above
Sporting men have put in all the time for a week past, hunting Quail but

very few birds have been killed, though they are said to be very
obesequiess of JAS. HANDCOCK, which took place at bethel Cemetery last
Remember that Thanksgiving services will be held at the presbyterian
church to-morrow. We understand all the business houses will be closed
during the hour of service.
The News was in error last week when it stated that SAM POLLARD was
arrested on a bench warrant. The officer only had a summons for him, and
no bond was required.
WILLIAMS are having fine sport in the Montpeleir section. They killed
one hundred and twenty birds Monday.
Mr. T.A. MURRELL, deputy county court clerk, will erect a residence on
Burksville street, the work to commence at an early date. The site
adjoins the residence of Mr. T.R. STULTS
Circuit Court closed at Burksville last Thursday. We are informed that
the grand jury returned several election indictments and that the
whiskey men were caught "agoing and acoming"
Mr. JOHN HANCOCK, a young man who was favorably known in Columbia
dropped dead at his home a few miles from campbellsville last sunday
morning. he was a deputy collector of taxes for taylor county.
Mr. ED CHEATHAM, who is the overseer for Mr. J.R. TUTT, of Milltown, is
one of the best farmers in Adair county. As evidence of this fact he
gathered 150 barrells of corn that grew on twelve acres of ground.
Circuit Court opens at Liberty next Monday, the last court in the
circuit. At the close of the casey Court judge JONES will be given a
rest until the third Monday in January, at which time the adair term
will commence.

Mr. and mrs. SAMUEL B. ROYSE have the sympathy of the news in their late
bereavement. Last thursday membranous croup carried off their little
four year old son. he was a bright child, and the idol of loving

We understand that there was another fight at Shiloh last Sunday
afternoon. The good people who worship there are getting tired of such
conduct, and are thinking about swearing out warrants for the guilty

Sunday night, near Dunville, Casey county, H.C. PELLY shot and killed a
man named RODGERS. We have been unable to learn the particulars. Our
information is that PELLY is on the run, and that officers are in hot
pursuit after him.

JAYBUCK WILLIS, got into a scrap Saturday night, and received several
wounds upon the hand inflicted with a knife. he refuses to tell who did
the cutting. it is supposed he was in a little game in which the
expression " Come seven or eleven " is frequently made.

BUCK McNEELY, a well known character who lived in the Glenville
neighborhood, was found dead in his bed a few mornings ago. His life is
known to a great many people of Adair, hence it is needless to speak of
his imperfections now that he has passed from the stage of action.

Mr. SAM LESTER and wife and their daughter, Miss ANNIE, of bell Plains,
Kan who have been visiting in Russell County, were in Columbia Sunday
enroute home. They were accompanied on their return trip by Miss EMMA
DUNBAR, of Horseshoe Bottom and mr. THOMAS HIGGINBOTTOM, of creelsboro.

Mr. WM HOBSON has been appointed post-master at campbellsville and will
take charge as soon as his bond is accepted and commission received. Mr.
A.B. GOWDY who has filled the position for the past five years, made a
very acceptable post-master , and many of the citizens of campbellsville
regret his removal.

The Tazwell (Tenn) Times is now edited by JAMES T. CULTON, a young man
who received his newspaper knowledge from the temporary editor of the
news. JIM is a young man of fine intellect and a good writer and if the
business men of tazwell will give him substantial encouragment he will
make the Times a success. " here"s looking at you JIM"

Miss MARY JUDD, daughter of Mr. MILTON JUDD, who lives in the suburbs of
Columbia , had a narrow escape last Sunday. She was standing in front of
an open fire place when her clothing caught fire. She ran out of the
house followed by her sister, Miss DOLLIE, who succeeded in smothering
the flames. Miss MARY was not burned, but Miss DOLLIE"S hands were
severely blistered.


W.L. WALKER is in Cincinnati, purchasing goods.
JAMES P. CLAYTON, of creelsboro, was in town Sunday.
JAKE REDFORD called upon our merchants a few days ago.
J.W. SWEENEY, of lancaster, was in Columbia a few days ago.
Mrs. J.W. ATKINS and Mrs. G.A. KEMP returned from Marion County
Mr. A. LOY and capt. J.C. CHAPMAN patrons of the news were in the office
JOHN D. LOWE returned from an extended trip through his territory last
Mr. JO RUSSELL was in town the first of the week taking orders from our
Dr. G.T. SIMPSON and daughter Miss LIDA, of breedings, were in Columbia
Mrs. MARY CRAVENS, mother of MONT CRAVENS returned from Middlesboro last
friday night.
W.T. ELDER, representing the Monarch Book Company, of chicago was in
Columbia last week.
Dr. W.B. MONTGOMERY is spending a few days in town, stopping with his
W.H. SMITH, representing the washington Life Insurance Company was here
several days last week.
Messrs W.I. MEADER, J.Q. ALEXANDER and McC. GODDE of campellsville, were
in Columbia Saturday.
Dr. B.T. WOOD of Perryville and JNO C. WOOD of lebanon are spending a
few days in Adair hunting birds.
Misses HAIDEE ROWE, of jamestown, and Miss SALLIE MONTGOMERY, of this
city, paid their respects to the news office last thursday.
Mr. R.H. PRICE returned from Somerset last week accompanied by his
mother, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. SCALF for several



The home of FRANK GRIDER was made happy last week by the arrival of a
J.E. MORGAN, of the firm of Morgan & Ham , returned from Cincinnati
Sunday where he has been with stock.
Misses MOLLIE and PARKER COFFER, who have been visiting relatives in
Wayne county have returned home.
E.CAMPBELL started with the Str. city of creelsboro Monday for Burnside.
He will bring the telephone wire that is to run from this place to
Greasy Creek.
Deeton & Irvine, the stave men of texas, are hustlers. They have twenty
men at work in the Black Fish Hills, getting out staves. They are paying
$20 a thousand.
THOS. L. HIGGINBOTTOM, one of Creelsboro"s young business boys, and also
ladie"s boy, has gone to kansas to enter the Bell Plains High school.
Mr. S.T. Lester, wife and daughter, who have been visiting relatives and
friends at this place have returned home. Miss ANNIE is a very beautiful
and accomplished young lady. She made many friends while here and her
two cousins are still grieving over her departure. Come again ANNIE


Wheat sowing is over with.
Corn gathering is in full blast.
The health of this section is good.
B.STEPHENS, who has been quite sick, is on gaining ground .
J.T. COLEMAN, of Elkhorn, a grocery drummer is at home.
Quite a number of hogs were butcheredd here last week.
J.W. WHITE passed through this place Monday, enroute for Campbellsville.


Mrs. BELLE JONES, who has been seriously ill for the past two months, is
much better. She is now able to sit up in bed, and the doctors have
hopes of her recovery.
Mr. HANIBAL JONES is slowly regaining his health, and says that he
believes in a short time he will be himself again.
Vaughan & Crisp are closing out their stock of goods, but it is
generally beleived that they will continue in business, and will open up
a fresh stock in a short time.
The citizens of Kimble, in a quite way, are clamoring for the removal of
the county seat to their place, but we are not the least uneasy. People
dread taxes, and the citizens of Russell will stir clear of building
another courthouse for many years to come.

There is one thing that Russell county does need very badly--a new jail,
and so far as your correspondent is concerned, notwithstanding it will
require a levy to get it, he will be ready to pay as soon as the Court
makes the order.


Circuit Court has been in session for one week. The only case of
importance was that of the commonwealth against JAMES DOWELL for rape.
SALLIE ROSE was the victim. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
The court will probaly adjpurn Wednesday.

Judge JAMES GARNETT, of your city, is attending court here. The
Democrats of this county are very anxious for the judge to enter the
race for Appellate Judge in this district. If he decides to do so, you
may place Green county in his column in the convention

We noticed in your last issue some person writing from this place stated
that B.W. PENICK, cashier of the Greensburg Bank, is in bad health. The
person is misinformed of mistaken. Mr. PENICK smiled when he read it and
said it was news to him. Mr. PENICK , in fact, loses less days from
business than most any other man in town. With the assistance of L.W.
COAKLEY he runs the bank, and besides has a lucrative practice in this
court. He is in as good state of health now as he has been for years.


A day or so ago a copy of the Adair County news fell into our hand, and
pretty soon the thought came to me to write a communication for the
columns of the new paper--this young child of ourr native county. For go
where we may in the wanderings of this life, we are always proud to
think that old Adair was our first home, abd my memory clusters about
the cliffs, the fields, the hills, the magnificent woods, which make up
the scenery along the banks of that rugged stream,--Big creek

At present there seems to be a " wave of prosperity, " " a boom," or
some such force, agitating the usual calm of edmonton life.

A great deal of property is changing hands. two hotels, the England
House and the Pendleton House, radiant new paint, invite the weary
traveller to rest and refreshment. The bank building is nearing
completion, the brick work is completed and the other work is
progressing nicely.

Some Adairites were in our midst last sunday . Mr. JAMES BROWNING and
wife, of milltown, JOHN DHHONEY and wife , of near columbia, and Mrs.
MARY D. CARTER, of gradyville, were some of those who visited friends
and relatives.

On Saturday evening , in the hour befroe church service, the children of
the town gave a temperance entertainment at the church. After the
entertainment the children were addressed by Mrs. MARY D. CARTER and
Rev, MEUZIE, of the C.P. church, both ardent temperance workers. The
music of the occasion was conducted by Miss ALICE THOMAS, one of our
most capable young musicians.
With greetings of metcalf to Adair we are respectfully yours ,


Master JIM STAPP son of WILLIAM STAPP, is very sick with Typhoid fever
MILTON JONES lost a mare a few days since, that was bitten by a snake in
the summer.
J.D.WALKER and wife of gradyville, visited the family of ROY WALKER last
Dr. E.B. ATKINSON, of Cane valley, visited here last week.
JAMES GOSSER is cleaning a piece of new ground at A.C. PULLIAM"S
preparing for a tobacco crop.
Mr. JOSIAH SPARK"S, who is 72 years old, has  been in feeble health for
some days.
There are several cases of typhoid fever in our midst.


Rev. J.D. WALSH of Lexington, filled the pulpit at the methodist Church
last friday night and preached one of the ablest discourses that was
ever delivered here. His sermon was from the last chapter of proverbs.
We have often heard sermons preached to men only., but never heard of
one before preached to "women only"


Mr. GEORGE CARTER SR. who lives near Stanton is visiting here.
The wife of Capt. B.F. POWELL and his daughter Miss. CAPPIE, of Lincoln
County are visiting here.
Mr. T.P. JEFFRIES visited the family Mr. JOHN LAPSLEY, of Russell County
last sunday.
Misses MARY and BURSH HOLLADAY were the guests of Miss NONA JEFFRIES
last Sunday.
Rev. BALLOP:S meeting closed at Pleasant Hill Sunday. he is an
entertaining speaker and had good congregations to hear him.


Mr. JOHN WILLIS and wife passed through here Saturday enroute to Mr.
RICHARD MAUPIN"S in leatherwood
Mr. JOEL DARNOLD had singing at concord church last sunday evening. A
large crowd was in attendence and some good music rendered.
Mr. THOS PULLIAM has moved his saw mill to Powell"s Creek. He is cutting
cedar into boards for the new york market.
Mr. BASIL CHAPMAN , of cane valley was with us sunday.
Mr. W.B. YATES has finished boring Mr. CONOVER:S well. An inexhautible
stream of water was struck.
Mr. C.H. BENNETT and wife have returned from a visit to relatives in
Russell County.
Mr. JAMES A. FIRQUIN and wife paid us a visit last saturday. Brother JIM
is as lively as ever.
Mr. ELDRIDGE BLAIR is improving very slowly.
Mr. ROLLIN TRIPLETT spent Saturday night with us. It seems that he has
special business in this section.


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