NOVEMBER 3, 1897
Typed as published and submitted                
By Laura frost Wright


Miss MARY BURNS, daughter of EDWARD BURNS, a respected citizen of
Jarrison County, suicided by hanging herself in her father"s stable. For
some time there had been a love affair between her and young lover LONN
TAYLOR, but parental objection had prevented the marriage. These
objections were removed a short time ago and the wedding set for
All preparations had been made and the guests were assembling when word
was received that young TAYLOR had boarded the North-bound train at
Cynthiana and left for parts unknown. The intended bride"s grief was
very pathtic. Friends did everything possible to console her, but she
slipped away on pretense of wanting to be alone. She went straight to
the stable and hanged herself.
For several years LONN TAYLOR had been paying assiduous attentions to
Miss Burns, once or twice they had planned elopement, but in each case
the young lady"s sense of the propriety interposed, she beleiving that
her father would finally give his consent. Mr. BURNS was prevailed upon
last week to aquiesce in the marriage, and TAYLOR came to Cynthiana and
procured a license. The date was first set for Saturday, the 23rd ult.
but TAYLOR had the event posponed until Tuesday. the wedding was set for
10 o"clock Tuesday morning. The guests, as is the custom in the country,
began to arrive early, and a in good number had assembled by 9 o"clock.
The bride had retired to her room and with her maids was dressing for
the ceremony, beaming with happiness. Then came the awful blow. A
messenger from Cynthiana brought the news that TAYLOR had fled.

The first issue of the News has been gotten out under difficulties, and
doubtless there are some mistakes in the paper. A part of the outfit was
purchased at Bowling green, and in shipping to this palce a great deal
of the display type was knocked into pieces. The body type is all new
having been purchased in the last two weeks. next week we will receive a
new Gordon 10 by 15 Jobber and a paper cutter. We also have several
orders out for fancy type and other necessary material, and when the
office is completed the news will be as well equiped as any print shop
in southern kentucky.



A quiet but beautiful home wedding took place Thursday afternoon at 3
o"clock at the home of the bride"s father, Mr. W. B. ROWE, about three
miles from Columbia. At that time , Miss JOSIE ROWE, the second daughter
was married to Mr. CHAPMAN BROWNING, the ceremony being performed by
ELD. Z.T. WILLIAMS of the Christian Church. --The rest is missing--


Mrs. G.F. JONES, who has been confined with serious illness for some
time is at present no better.'Mrs. W.C. ADAMS, one of Jamestown"s former
fair maidens, is visiting her mother at this place.
Mr. LOUIS PARMLEY and daughter, of Burksville are visiting the family of
S.A. GANN, near this place.
Miss LILLIAN PHILLIPS is here with a stock of millinery goods--doing a
very good business in that line: and has succeeded in captivating the
heart of one of jamestown"s prominent young phycicians.
E.O. STONE and wife of Monticello, are visiting his father and mother at
this place.
S.A. SIMPSON and wife of Kimble are visiting the family of judge A.P.
Hon. L. EASTHAM and family of Monticello, were visiting W.A. EASTHAM
during the past week.
Rev. TABOR, the lately appointed circuit rider on this work died at the
parsonage at Esto on the 28th ult. of pneumonia.
Miss ETHEL PATTERSON is on the sick list.
Rev. BASH, a Mormon preacher died near this place on the 27th ult.
Mrs. M.M. SCHOOL is numbered with the sick of the past week.
Mr. G SELF was thrown from a horse this past week and badly hurt, but is
at present able to be up and about his business.
L.C. WEBB and wife were in town Saturday.
Miss HELENA KIMBLE, of Russell Springs will spend the winter in
Washington City with the family of R.J. AUSTIN
Our distinguished County Attorney N.H. W. AARON, has the gratification
of knowing that he will be our next Commonwealth Attorney.


In a difficulty at Jamestown last Thursday, MERRILL TARTER cut WILLIAM
REDMON"S throat from ear to ear, He died instantly. REDMON was formerly
a citizen of Adair county and was in Columbia a few days ago. there are
two reports about the killing. One is that TARTER was justifiable, and
the other that it was an unprovoked murder.


JOHN ELI BURTON made a speech at Allen"s School-house just a few night"s
before the election. His speech was as follow"s: " Gentlemen, I went to
town the other day, and while there met several Democratic candidates
who pled with me with tears in their eyes to do nothing against them.
Now, Gentlemen , when MILLER came to this county, he came selling purty
things to go in the school-houses. Now gentlemen, I warn you against
voting for such a man. If he is elected our taxes will be increased. he
will make laws which will force us to sell those purty things for our
I suppose this is what caused MILLER"S defeat in Littlecake.

Stray Notes??

Mr. W. DILLION is erecting a new barn.
Rev. T.J. WINFREY of Jamestown spoke at the Negro school-house last
Friday night.
Mr. JNO. EARLS will move to Burkesville soon.
TOM DILLION is on the sick list.
Mr. M.A. TRAYLOR made a business trip to Burkesville Saturday.
Miss LIDA and Mr. BOB SIMPSON attended the quarterly meeting at
Provodence, Cumberland, county saturday night.
Mrs. G.W. DILLION returned Monday from nashville.


Miss MAMIE BAKER is visiting in Monticello.
Mr. M.H. MARCUM was quite sick last Sunday.
Mr. J.C. STRANGE was on the sick list several days last week.
Mr. H.M. KEMP is on a six week's trip through tenneessee.
Mr. M.W. HANDCOCK returned to Lexington last week.
Mr. JOHN Q ALEXANDER was in Columbia a few days ago.
Mr. ED HILL, of campbellsville was in Columbia last friday.
Mr. HENRY ROACH, of gradyville, was in Columbia Monday.
Mrs. NONA CABELL, being sick did not teach Monday afternoon.
Mr. N.B. MILLER of nevada, Mo is visiting at his old home this week.
Mrs. G.F. JONES, Jamestown, is lying very low with pulmonary trouble.
Mrs. GEO E. STONE, of liberty has been very sick for the past two weeks.

Messrs. T.A. BAKER and A.A. STRANGE have returned to Washington
Messrs. J. R TUTT and J.T. MERCER Milltown were in Columbia Monday.
Mr. J.N. MEADOWS and sisiter of denmark were in town last saturday.
Messrs. ROLLIN HURT and JAMES GARNETT JR. attended the metcalf circuit
Mr. C.H. MURRELL and wife are attending the bedside of Mrs. G.F. JONES,
Miss LORA GRANT, who has  been visiting in Columbia, returned to her
home in Louisville last week.
Miss GERTRUDE GRADY returned from Campbellsville Monday accompanied by
It is reported here that LUTHER SQUIRES was the second man killed by the
mule that killed him.
Mr. J. P. BEARD has accepted a position with a Monticello lumber man and
left for that point yesterday.
Mr. GROVER ROWE and his sister Miss HAIDEE, passed through Columbia
Monday, en route for red Lick
Judge J.W. ADKINS and wife visited in Jamestown last week. They reported
that mrs. JONES was in critical condition.
Mr. W. RAY SIMPSON, of battle creek, Michigan was in Columbia last
saturday, en route to Jamestown-to see one of his little daughters, who
is down with typhoid fever.
The whooping cough in town has about run its course
HUDSON and PAGE left for the Louisville market Monday with one hundred
head of hogs.
WASH WHITEHEAD, who was shot in Russell County by ALONZO HUMBLE a few
weeks ago is about well.
Mr. ANDERSON HOLLADAY writes home from the southern markets that he is
doing fairly well with his mules.
The official count did not make but one change in the vote of Adair
county. Mr. YERKES gained one vote.
A protracted meeting will be held at the Presbyterian church, beginning
some time in the near future.
Mr. W.L. GRADY, who recently embarked in the mercantile business at
gradyville, advertises his prices in todays news.( Note from
laura-Picture included of W.L GRADY, dont know if it would scan well
It is said that Dr. W.T. GRISSOM will remove to Columbia in a few days
and will occupy the residence owned by Mr. M.H. MARCUM
Tell my friends to smoke the Gov. J.C. W. BECKHAM 5 cent cigar, made for
" the great common people" by V.M. GOWDY, Campbellsville , Ky
If you want a life insurance policy to protect your family, thats the
best policy that can be written for the money, call on W.D. JONES
A black male hog weighing about 60 pounds strayed from my premises. Will
pay for trouble of finding
I have a stray hog, barrow, weight about 200 pounds. The owner will
please come and prove property and pay charges. W.S. SALLEE
I have all kinds of shot guns double and single barrell at all prices.
All kinds of ammunition will exchange guns for corn. W.L. WALKER
Mr. ANDREW FOLY, who is in the lumber business, was in columbia last
saturday and reported that the typhoid fever epidemic at Russell Springs
had about run its course.
Lost-- A large black shepard dog named "Teller" with white spot in face.
Finder will please inform, W.W. JONES Columbia Ky
STOLEN-- from my premises, a New Baker double barrel shot-gun. The no.
is 6,412 length of barrell 30 inches, no. 12 gauge. Will pay ten dollars
for the gun. SAM SHERVE
Mr. M. CRAVENS and Mr. FRANK WAGGENER will leave this week for Atlanta ,
GA with a car-load of mules. Mr. C.G. JEFFRIES, it is said, will
accompany them with four head of stock.
The members of the Columbia band are requested to meet next Friday night
in the news office. Dont fell to bring in every instrument belonging to
the band.
There was a spelling match between Pleasant Hill and Zion schools last
thursday night, resulting in a victory for the former. H. J. CONOVER and
J.V. DUDLEY are the teachers respectively.
The election in Green county passed off quietly and the Democrats are
well pleased with the result. McKINLEY"S majority was 156, YERKES, 161
and JOLLY for Congress, 158. A Democratic gain of 91

Paid subscribers since our last issue, W.P. WATSON, HOWARD A MURRELL,

Capt. J.S. CHAPMAN and family return in about 10 days to Adair county.
BASIL writes that barren county is a nice section in which to live, but
he prefers Gods own domain.

Mr. MELVIN HUBBARD, who lived on Green River died a few days ago. He was
35 years old and leaves a family. He had been in declining health for
several months, having received a sun stroke during the summer.

Mr. LUTHER SQUIRES, who lived in the Portland neighborhood , died last
Saturday. A few days before his death he was kicked by a mule, the
injury received being the direct cause of his demise. He was a man about
thirty years old , and leaves a family.

A horse hitched to a buggy, belonging to Mr. LESLIE BENNETT became
frightened on Water Street Monday forenoon and made his escape into the
interior of the country. Along the route he dropped the buggy and a
prtion of the harness. Damage, very light.

ORLENA TEXAS, an infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. ROWE, died at Red
Lick last Sunday morning. It was a bright little girl baby, the first
born and only child of loving parents whose hearts are bleeding for the
idol of their affections. Little ORLENA was afflicted with scarlett
fever, a disease fatal to children, and from its first symtons great
fears were entertained for the little sufferer"s safety. The best
medical attention was called, and everything  possible was done to check
the progress of the disease, but its fangs had been too deeply set, and
at the above mentioned time, the spark of life went out. The sympathy of
this community is tendered to the sorrowing parents, and this admonition
is here given. Live closer to God in order to meet your darling child in
that celestial home where angels dwell, and where separations are

Mr. PETER TRAUTMAN, of Colorado, a native of Old Adair county, who has
been visiting in this section for the last few weeks, left for his home
last week. Mr. TRAUTMAN has made his home in Colorado for the last 25
years and this was his first visit since leaving this county. He was
well pleased with the appearence of the county. He made many
complimentary mentions for the improvements that have been made since he
left this sunny clime. Mr. TRAUTMAN is delighted with the mountain state
of Colorado, with its rich and inviting mining interests. He is
interested in mining and looks forward for a rise in the products of his
mines. Before leaving Mr. TRAUTMAN called and subscribed for the news
and expressed his regrets at Bryan"s defeat. He is true, tried and still
a sticking.

COFFEY BROS, have completed their stable and it is said to be the most
conveniently arranged home for horses in all this country. they have it
chuck full of provender, and will put in a sufficient number of fancy
horses to make their place of business interesting to visitors. The
COFFEY boys inherit their fondness for the horse, While their father,
Mr. JO COFFEY cashier of the Bank, is not handling horses himself, he
can tell a saddler as quickly as any man in the county, and when a goer
is on exhibition no person will observe a defect quicker than he will.
In this his sons are like him, using the very best judgement in all
their purchases.

It is generally understood that Messrs. W.F. JEFFRIES & son and Mr.
MONT. CRAVENS will erect handsome brick business houses on the south
corner of the square this coming year. They are now figuring upon the
cost of the buildings and there is hardly a doubt but that they will be
built. The two buildings in contemplation will add greatly to the
apperance of the square, and we would be glad if the spirit of
improvement would strike more of our citizens. Columbia is growing
steadily and substantially , all the structures recently put up being a
credit to our town.

Mr. W.T. WILKINSON, a clever but unfortunate man of Liberty , Casey
county, died last thursday night. He was adicted to sprees, and being
without liquor, he drunk a quantity of wood alcohol, with the above
results. The deceased belonged to a good family and was popular with
everybody. He was a friend to all his fellowmen, and his only enemy was
that fatal destroyer of lives, homes and happiness, a foe that no man
has ever succeeded in subdueing in its march to destruction. May the
clods rest lightly upon the remains of W.T. WILKERSON.

It is said that the names of seventy-five men will be presented to the
next grand jury for illegal voting in Adair county. These men are those
who made afidavits, swearing that they had been in the couty six months.
it is a felony crime, and some interesting developements are expected.

The monument to the memory of Rev. JESSE P. MURRELL has been erected at
Hiseville Barren County, where the remains lie buried. it is fifteen
feet high and was erected by the surviving students of Mr. MURRELL. The
deceased was a double cousin of the older set of MURRELLS of this
county, and when a young man he taught in Columbia. Quite a number of
his old pupils yet live in Adair county.

Miss MATTIE TAYLOR met with a frightful accident one day last week. She
was en route to the home of one of her music pupils, who lives out of
town, and in crossing Pettit"s fork, she met a lady in a buggy. In
passing the vehicles collided, and the one Miss MATTIE was in upset. It
so happened the water was shallow, and no serious damag was the result.


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