Typed as published and submitted
By Laura Frost Wright                                  


Mrs. JO KEMP an estimable lady who resided near Gradyville, died of
consumption yesterday morning. She was about 48 years old.

Mr. HOWARD MURRELL brought to this office a well developed ear of corn
with 3 other small ears connected with it. In otherwords it is 3 to 1
and all good corn. Adair county dirt is all right.

A party of young people impromptuly assembled at the residence of Mrs.
R.L. HATCHER Monday evening and pleasantly whiled away several hours in
innocent amusement.

G.W. TOWLES, of Greensburg, is attending the Adair, Circuit Court.
Meeting him upon the street we asked: "How is the race for the Appellate
Judge in your county?" "Every body is for Judge GARNETT" was the

It is said that the  bridge across Russell"s creek has not been
inspected for several years, and that many of the taps are loose. The
president of the pike company ought to look after this matter.

The wife of SQUIRE HUNDLEY , who was born and reared near Elroy this
county, died at Moody, Texas on the 30th of last month.

Judge JUNIUS HANCOCK has removed his office to the old hotel building
and is occupying the first room to the left at the top of the stairway.

W.D. JONES, Adair"s Superintendent requests us to state that he has
received all the money due the common school teachers of this county and
that he is ready to pay out.

S.W. and JO RICE, formerly citizens of Adair county, who were in the
mercantile business at Moody Texas were burned out about ten days ago.

A protracted meeting will commence at the baptist church, in this city,
the second Sunday in February. The pastor is in correspondence with rev.
R.C. HUBBARD, of Cynthiana, Ky who will likely assist him in the

"Uncle" BOB ALLEN was in town Monday with his Chautauqua Roller organ.
he called and favored this office with several selections, but the tune
that reminded us of the days of "Auld Lang Sind" was " Don"t be angry
with me darling".

H.P. WILLIS exhibited at this office last Monday, a watermelon that
would weigh about 15 pounds. It was ripe and in a fine state of
preservation, and will keep until spring. It is the second growth from
1897 seed.

DACOTAH RAY, a patent medicine vender, scooped in a number of hard
earned dollars from the farmers last Monday. He wears long hair and is a
ventriloquist. He had punch and Judy along and after giving an
exhibition, he proceeded to rob the people. It is passing strange that
some folks will never learn that these street fakirs are swindlers and
that the stuff they palm off on the people has no curative powers
whatever. Hickory bark will cure your ailments just as quick as the so
called medicine they sell.

Mr. HENRY LOGAN , who was a well known citizen of Adair county, died at
his late residence, three miles from Columbia last Sunday morning. He
was about 73 years old, and was confined to his bed for several weeks.
he leaves a large family, all grown.

N.H.W. AARON, the newly elected Commonwealth"s Attorney, is here looking
after the interest of the State in prosecuting offenders. Mr. AARON is a
good lawyer, a high gentleman, and will fearlessly prosecute those who
persist in violating the laws of the county.

All persons having claims against the estate of OLEVIA S. BUTLER or
ELIZA J. SMITH are requested to present the same properly proven at the
office of J.F. MONTGOMERY at Columbia, Ky, on or before the 1st day of
february, 1898.--J.W. SWEENEY, Adm'r

Mr. GOODEN, of Lebanon, was here last week for the purpose of
contracting with Judge W.W. JONES, MONT CRAVENS and others to make the
brick and put them in the walls of the new buildings that are to be
erected on the public square. A proposition was submitted which has not
yet been accepted. It will cost a great deal of money to erect the
contemplated buildings, hence the ones who are directly interested want
the lowest figures possible.

Commander JOHN C. BRAIN delivered his celebrated (?) lecture. "The Sea
Yarn " to a small audience last Monday night at the court house. It was
a historical narrativ, recounting his own experience of narrow escapes
and daring deeds while commanding a war vessel during the late war. The
narrative demonstrated that the speaker is well versed in war history
and those who were entertained (?) with his recital speak of it in
commendable terms.

There was a enthusiastic temperance mass meeting at the court house
Monday afternoon. Quite a number of ladies were present, and speeches
were made by Judge W.W. JONES, Gov. J.R. HINDMAN, Mr. M.E. WILMORE and
Judge JUNIUS HANCOCK. The meeting was called by the Women"s Christian
Temperance Union, who are using their utmost endeavors to stop the
illegal sale of whiskey in this community.

Rev. S. J. THOMPSON, assisted by Rev. A.L. MELL is conducting an
interesting meeting at the Methodist Church at Cane Valley. Large
congregations are in attendence and it is said that a number of
professions have been made. This Church was dedicated by Rev. MELL and
at the time the dedicatory sermon was delivered the speaker announced
that he would return every three years and hold a series of meetings,
and so far he has kept his promise.

TOM CARTER, son of Mrs. MARY CARTER, of Gradyville, this county, who is
in the Agricultural and Mechanical departments in an institution of
learning at College Station Texas, will graduate this year. He is an
excellent young man, and is determined to make a mark for usefulness in
the world. The President of the College, Gov. ROSS, in which young
CARTER is a student, died a few days since, and the subject of the
notice had the honor of being one of the cadets appointed to accompany
the remains to their last resting place in Waco.


JOHN F. NEAT was in town Monday.
Prof. N. W. MILLER was in Campbellsville Monday.
W.R. LYON, Campbellsville, was in town, Monday.
JOHN EUBANK has been quite sick for the past week.
ELMORE STRANGE, of Burksville was in town Monday.
C.R. CABELL, of Camp Knox, was in this city Monday.
W.E. MORGAN, of Albany Landing was here Monday.
LOUIS CABELL, of Haskinsville was in this city Monday.
GEO. R. MILLER was here taking orders last Saturday.
Mrs. J,M. FRAZURE left for Clinton Mo. last Thursday.
HENRY MILLER returned from Middlesboro last Wednesday.
G.W. DILLON, of Elroy, is spending a few days in Columbia.
JAS. GARNETT, Jr. was in Frankfort last week on legal business.
Dr. C.B. MOORE, of taylor county was upon our streets Monday.
Mrs. JO RUSSELL, Louisville, is visiting her son, Dr. C.M. RUSSELL.
BRACK MASSIE, who lives near campbellsville, was in town Monday.
Miss HATTIE MURRELL, Campbellsville, is visiting relatives in Columbia.
P.H. BRIDGEWATERS, of cane valley was in town Monday attending court.
JOHN D. SHARP, of Amandaville, was in attendance on the first day of
J.M. KELTNER, of Sulpher Springs, Tex. is visiting his father, J.W.
ED GRISSOM, of Syracuse, Kansas, has been visiting the family of Dr. W.
Miss ELLIE BRADSHAW returned from a visit to Lebanon and Springfield
Saturday night.
N.W. MILLER will leave for Hodgensville next Saturday in the interest of
the Johnston Combination Tools.
Miss SALLIE MILLER, of Crocus, who has been visiting in Evansville,
Indiana, and Louisville for several weeks, returned to Columbia last
R.L. MURRELL and PORTER STRANGE of texas, who have been visiting here
for several weeks, started on their homeward trip yesterday morning.
J.M. LOGAN who was called to this county on account of the sickness of
his father returned home to Illinois this morning. Mr. LOGAN called and
subscribed for the News.


J.T. PHILLIPS, of Bardstown, visited his sister, Mrs. A.R. FEESE,
several days last week.
Mrs. J.P. DOHONEY is confined to her bed again.
Dr. N.M. HANCOCK and J.P. DOHONEY left last Monday for millspring, Ala,
with a carload of fine mules.
On last Tuesday evening Mr. WAYNE H. CAFFEY, of Colburg, was married to
Miss KATE WATKINS, of this place.

End of January 19, 1898


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